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The ONE and ONLY WM's 10 Greatest Matches Thread

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This thread got me thinking about some good matches I haven't seen in awhile. I went to download Austin/Rick from X-7 and couldn't find it on Kazaa. I also couldn't find Rock/HHH ironman from Judgment Day. Anyone have these?


Hit me up on AIM.


6. Austin / Hart


I still haven't seen this match, can't comment.


I would highly recommend you to go to your local video store (Hollywood Video rocks when it comes to wrestling VHSs, IMO) and rent WM 13 just for the this match. Such goodness.


Here is the list they had for the top 10 WM matches as well as honorable Hentions (from the March 2003 RAW magazine): Hart / Piper, Hart / Hart, Undertaker / Kane (WTF?), TLC II, and Angle / Benoit.


And now the Top 10 according to WWE last year:


10.) Hogan / Warrior


9.) Austin / Michaels


8.) Rock / Hogan


7.) Hart / Michaels


6.) Savage / Flair (WOO!)


5.) Hogan / Andre


4.) Austin / Rock (WM 17)


3.) Savage / Steamboat


2.) Michaels / Ramon


1.) Austin / Hart

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Guest Anglesault
And once again, I don't understand why what used to be called Flair's "crazy old man" routine is now called Flair's "drunk old man" routine.

It has something to do with Flair being blasted off his ass every other Raw.

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Wow, what great evidence.


Seriously, you aren't telling me anything that would indicate that he is.


EDIT: Rico, I'd be better off buying the Wrestlemania XIII tape, since NO video stores around here have anything in the way of wrestling videos/DVDs.

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Guest Anglesault

Were you asking why we thought he was drunk last night or why we think he's drunk on raw?


Because I thought it was pretty obvious that he has been drunk on Raws lately.

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But it isn't like he's acting any differently. I don't like to think about it, but maybe the abuse wrestling is catching up to him and that's what's making him slur words, as if he's got a permanent semi-concussion. We already know he's not very mobile, and even less so now that he's losing feeling in extremities. That would account for any stumbling. What I want to think is that he just gets so excited that he can't talk correctly. That happens when you become a more and more exaggerated version of yourself. Eventually he'll just yell random syllables and strut so gaily that he walks backwards.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Just out of curiosity where would everyone rank the ironman match if they were ranking all Wrestlemania matches. I know it probably fall in the 12-20 range on my list.....

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Depends on whether you're talking our favorites or quality-wise. I know that the two lists differ greatly with me (most notably the Gimmick Battle Royal).

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Guest Anglesault
Eventually he'll just yell random syllables


Raw, two weeks ago, as HHH is driving away.


And I guess you can write off the stumbling and the slurring by themselves, but that together, a long with the look on his face two weeks ago when he got in the ring (Where he looked totally lost) makes me think he's smashed.


I'd rather he be drinking than have some real condition.

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I am happy I got 4 of the ten from my list on. Which is a suprise for me. I would put the ladder match at number 14 on my list. I did the top ten in another thread but I would still put Hogan vs Warrior, Hogan vs Andre, hell even the Bulldogs and Tito vs Hart Foundation and Danny Davis well above it. The match was good wrestling wise, but the politics involved in it really kill it.Hell, Hogan vs Rocky will get a higher nod.

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Eventually he'll just yell random syllables


Raw, two weeks ago, as HHH is driving away.


And I guess you can write off the stumbling and the slurring by themselves, but that together, a long with the look on his face two weeks ago when he got in the ring (Where he looked totally lost) makes me think he's smashed.


I'd rather he be drinking than have some real condition.

Perhaps they're telling him to avoid overshadowing Orton or make the crowd cheer him? I mean, a few "whoo"s and the crowd is on the man's side and ready to cheer for whatever him or his buddies are doing.

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Guest Goodear

Can I just say how much I loved the Wrestlemania I tag match? Loved it! Orndorff was simply great in that match by tossing Hogan around with some good high impact moves that you normally didin't see out of Hogan matches. It was refreshing to me to see a average sized guy take Hulk down with believeable stuff like a backbreaker and belly-to-back suplex and I thought it was really effective. Mr. T was also a good part of the match since they played up the fact that he wasn't a trained wrestler. So in that way, even basic moves like a front facelock was elevated as being more dangerous because we wouldn't know if T would be able to counter out. I loved the finish too since it led to the whole Orndorff-Hogan friendship then break up and didn't go to Hogan formula.

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