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Wrestlers NOT Making WrestleMania XX

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OK...going by the bio pages on WWE.com's Raw and Smackdown superstar sites respectively, I'm going to list all the WRESTLERS (not managers, announcers, authority figures, or valets) not going to be on WrestleMania this year...either by injury or something else.


First, from Raw:


Christopher Nowinski

Gail Kim




Johnny Blaze/Spade (whatever it is)

Jon Heidenreich

Lance Storm


Mark Henry

Matt Hardy



Rodney Mack


Scott Steiner

Spike Dudley

Steven Richards

Sylvan Grenier


Trish Stratus

The Hurricane

Tommy Dreamer

Val Venis

William Regal



Now, the Smackdown Side:



Billy Gunn

Chuck Palumbo


Hardcore Holly

Johnny Stamboli

Matt Morgan


Orlando Jordan

Paul London



Sean O'Haire

Shaniqua (?)


And there you have it.

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Realistically speaking, the only guys on that list that I am disappointed about are:


Matt Hardy (Obviously choice)


All others have only wrestled barely ONCE at Wrestlemania:

Lance Storm (X8 and XIX HeATs)

Scott Steiner (IX)

The Hurricane (X8 Hardcore segment)

Rhyno (XIX)

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Why does Hardy deserve to be on Mania?


When's the last time he did anything remotely important storyline wise?


A full year ago when he was cruiser champ?


Matt Hardy may have been someone BEFORE...but they've gone to great lengths to make sure that he isn't anything NOW.

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I want you to take a good luck at those lists and ask yourself something...Are any of those people doing really anything right now? The answer is no. Spade will most likely be there is Bischoff if shown in any backstage segments.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Brian, I agree with you about what WWE have done to Matt Hardy... But look at, say, Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade - they were taken off of television after what looked like a push for them and thrown in backstage segments to hype a Playboy Evening Gown match for two Divas that can't even wrestle and to look like potential battering rams when forced to jump out of the way of an ATV.


But that doesn't warrant a Hardy appearance on the card unless he was put into the Intercontinental Championship Division, a title that isn't even fucking being defended this WrestleMania.


No, a last minute filler match for Matt Hardy would just be more bad planning from WWE - something that they don't need any more of, especially for the biggest show of all time, and making a 13th match.


Oh, and I almost forgot... BifEverChad, Lance Storm is a guy that does deserve a spot on the 'Mania card - but Scott Steiner?


And Mankinnd, if Lance Storm doesn't deserve a spot, then I'll watch Goldberg VS Hulk Hogan from WCW Nitro.


Him and Shane Helms have been plugging away in WWE for a while, seemingly for nothing - after Storm's awesome run with the Un-Americans finished up, and he was branded with his "Boring!" gimmick by Steve fucking Austin (which didn't work for him, and wouldn't've even had he had the chance to put their second plan into action), he was taken off Raw for a while before a half-ass pair-up with Val Venis where his overall credibility was negated.


As for The Hurricane, I'm constantly amazed at how over he is, but Raw is evidently doing nothing for him right now - if he was shifted to SmackDown! and put into the Cruiserweight Division, he would remain over while actually getting something for it, other than trying to make a fat, untalented piece of shit look good.

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Guest ManKinnd

Storm, as a worker, has degenerated into a generic, predictable, and boring man. He's not super-over or anything, so he doesn't really do anything for me.

And I'm warning you, because I read this a lot on here,

"He's generic but so-and-so isn't? He's on the card!"

is a logical fallacy that I'll go into deeper if necessary.

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Guest Korgath

I'm still convinced that Trish will be in a wrestling role somehow. She's still the top women's wrestler.

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Trish is more likely to put in an appearance in the Y2J/Christian match.


Be funny if Trish came out and hit Jericho with a bulldog allowing Christian to lock on the Walls and make Chris tap to his own move.


Then she can feud with Victoria for the belt only as a heel since Molly would win by DQ at Mania thus keeping the belt on Vickie and keeping the hair on Molly.

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