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McMahon Again Considering Bringing Back WCW

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McMahon Again Considering Bringing Back WCW


But will he actually do it this time?


Some backstage indicate that Vince McMahon has once again given some thought to bringing back the WCW brand name. However, it seems that when Vince starts to think about bringing the name back again, he ends up deciding not to bring back a "failed brand."


Credit: Torch Newsletter


HAHAHA like it will ever happen.

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When he's having trouble with WWE (or Raw/SD if you want to think of it that way), he doesn't need WCW and ECW to deal with as well


That would be 3 (or 4) brands to deal with at once... I don't care if the rosters are basically the same and just shuffled around...Fix what is broken FIRST...then expand on it.



*sigh* will he ever learn...

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Guest Krazy Karter

Easiest way to do this would be to make Smackdown WCW, Raw WWE and give ECW Saturday nights.


Vince runs RAW

Bischoff runs Smackdown/whatever it's changed to

Heyman runs ECW


The belts are already in place, except for the WWE Title would have to come to RAW and the World Title would have to go to Smackdown/whatever it's changed to. ECW would name it's own champion.


That, or unify the WWE/World title and have one floating champion among the three brands.

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Easiest way to do this would be to make Smackdown WCW, Raw WWE and give ECW Saturday nights.


Vince runs RAW

Bischoff runs Smackdown/whatever it's changed to

Heyman runs ECW

I'm perfectly ok with that. If you ask me, WCW and ECW never should have shut down in the first place though.


By allowing both groups to close, Vince lost a good many mainstream wrestling fans.


The question though, is if those ECW/WCW fans that are no longer around, are willing to return. If they do it, they should never mention any of the other shows. The stars on each show should be familier to each brand, like Steiner/Booker on WCW, the usual guys on WWE, and RVD/Dudleyz in ECW.


Then, slowly, add stars to each brand by having them "leave" WWE in order to work for the other organazations.

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Great idea,WWE,WCW and ECW, 3 different brands, same WWE wrestling style.

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