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Lightning Flik

An EWR Diary - Where It All Begins ... Again!

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An EWR Diary – Where It All Begins Again!


Wrestlemania XX really was “Where It All Begins Again”.


Vince McMahon had worked out this storyline in which he would revive the old ECW franchise by ‘firing’ Paul Heyman and having his dear Stephanie take over Smackdown. Stephanie would then become an even worse GM than Paul Heyman, so that Heyman could then turn around and have his wrestlers that were loyal to him, join with him to create a totally separate entity called Extreme Championship Wrestling.


Convinced that there would be nothing standing in his way, Mr. McMahon carried it out this plan. Finally on March 25th, 2004, at the end of Smackdown, Mr. McMahon would agree to sign a ‘contract’ that would allow Paul Heyman to have ECW become a brand of the WWE entertainment, but only a brand. Everything else would be under Paul Heyman’s control and advisement.


After Vince McMahon signed the contract, Paul Heyman took the contract and revealed that Vince had indeed signed a contract, it is just that this contract null and voided his authority over any of the ECW copyrights and everything to that and gave control to someone else. That someone was Paul Heyman’s new partner in the newly reformed Extreme Championship Wrestling. That man was a simple business man of non-celebrity, Rick Staven.


Together, Rick Staven and Paul Heyman have begun to rebuild Extreme Championship Wrestling and make it their mission to destroy World Wrestling Entertainment. And with wrestling superstars, Rob Van Dam, Goldberg, and Brock Lesnar available for the picking, this could very well be the day that the war begins again.

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Info On This Diary:


WWE Starts Off At 10PI Global due to the latest blunders that happened. Namely, WrestleMania XX sucking, Brock Lesnar really leaving, Goldberg as well, along with not being able to sign Rob Van Dam.


NWATNA starts off at 40 PI due to they just get rated way to freaking high by RaveX, I believe.


ECW starts off with just a $1,000,000 and 15PI at National. Why are we behind NWATNA? Because frankly I want to crush them first, then worry about WWE. Paul Heyman has been automatically signed to ECW.


RoH dropped to 60PI Cult because of the RF scandal.



Info On Why I'm Doing This Diary:

My computer crashed and burned a couple of days ago, and I lost all my diary infos. Instead of redoing them up, I just decided to do another one. I hope you enjoy this one.

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April 1st, 2004


Wrestling News

The newly reformed Extreme Championship Wrestling has been on a mission to redefine itself and has done so in stunning fashion.


They gone out and hired some of the most talented free agents out there today. The biggest names being Sting, Brock Lesnar, and Rob Van Dam. They’ve also signed on some pretty fancy talent in AJ Styles, Steve Corino, Devon Storm, and even Ken Shamrock.

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April 1st, 2004


The Revival!


Welcome to ECW!


Now that Paul Heyman and I have officially screwed Vincent McMahon, I felt it was necessary to let you in on who I am.


My name is Rick Staven. I’m a small time business man who saw an opportunity to dream and I took it. I saw the opportunity to give the true wrestling fans out there a wrestling show that has great matches, excellent characters and above all else: a wrestling federation that listens to its fans!


Sadly, we have no television deal, but that doesn’t stop you from watching us every week! Our very first show, LockDown, will be this coming Wednesday, April 7th, live on PPV from the Viking’s Hall! We will have a World Title Tourney started at this very first show!


Participants in this tourney will be:


Sting vs. Chance Beckett


Adam Windsor vs. Kevin Martel


Ken Shamrock vs. Sonny Siaki


Devon Storm vs. Steve Corino


The Messiah vs. AJ Styles


Rob Van Dam vs. Big Vito


Christopher Daniels vs. D’Lo Brown


Brock Lesnar to face an undetermined opponent.



Also a point scoring system so everyone knows who is next to have a ECW World Title shot! This system will also be used for other titles as well.


Scoring System

2 = Win

-1 = Loss

4 = Title win

3 = Title retention

-3 = Title loss

-2 = Title shot loss

-5 = Draws, No Contests


I hope to see everyone out there for our very first edition of LOCKDOWN~!


~ Rick Staven

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Why is a loss only -1 and a draw is -5? :huh:

Draws or no contests or anything where the match is undecided are to make sure there is a winner or loser in a contest. [/kayfabe]


Seriously, it is so that if I do have that happen, then there is an absolute reason for it and it becomes determental to the standings.


Why is it that a loss is -1 yet a win +2? Just because a win should matter much more than a loss, as wins are more important.


And no, a person cannot have negative points.


If a person moves from one division to another divison, they will start at 0 points. Every April (since that's when I started this diary) the points will be reset to 0.

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April 2nd, 2004


Wrestling News


One half of the Backseat Boys, Trent Acid has agreed to work with 3PW. This is quite interesting, since both members of Backseat Boys prefer working together, so this is probably just a set up so as to get Johnny Kashmere to join at a later date.


And Samoa Joe has decided to work for HCW rather than PWG! This is quite a shocker, since HCW is based in Hawaii, and makes traveling out to Hawaii and back to the rest of the States a major deal. Might be more than Joe can chew, but we’ll find out soon enough.

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April 3rd, 2004


Wrestling News


Shocking but true, Alexis Laree was let go by the WWE. This is quite a shocker to many wrestling fans as it was sure that Alexis would finally get the big break, but apparently not. Also Johnny Blaze was recently fired as well. This was stunning to see, since he had gotten air time and was definitely looked like the WWE would push him.


NWATNA shocked us with the release of Michael Shane. Since he was the former X Champion and prominent figure as of late, it is stunning to see him leave. Although, the same cannot be said for Julio Dinero and Sonjay Dutt, whom NWATNA weren’t recently using as of late.

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April 4th, 2004


Wrestling News


Once again, WWE has fired some talent that namely we didn’t think they would. John Hennigan, Nick Dinsmore, Nova, Sean O’Haire, Al Snow and Jerry Lawler were all given their walking papers. Probably Al Snow and Jerry Lawler are the two most stunning names to see as they were well liked by the WWE and no one could actually see them not be apart of the WWE.


Because of seeming conflicts of scheduling, Samoa Joe sadly couldn’t work for HCW and has instead agreed to some bookings with ACW.


UPDATE: Apparently, WWE’s loss is ECW’s gain as Nick Dinsmore, Sean O’Haire and Nova were all given open contracts with ECW. Low-Ki was also signed to an open contract as well.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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