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WWE Notes from the 3/15 Observer

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To many, the biggest match at this year's Wrestlemania is Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg with Steve Austin as ref. It's been largely expected for months that it will be Goldberg's last match. What wasn't expected is that Lesnar's future looks to be tenuous as well.


Goldberg has committed to doing the judging at the upcoming Hockey Gladiators PPV, something he couldn't do while under WWE contract, which means there is no work as far as the idea he's got as of press time that he's done. He's been telling friends that for months, and WWE has been under that assumption as well. Over the past week, Lesnar and Vince McMahon have had issues, and all post-Mania plans for Lesnar are off the boards. Exactly how the Lesnar issues with the company will play out are uncertain at this point. There were unconfirmed reports at press time that Lesnar had quit the company at the 3/9 tapings in Atlantic City and that Wrestlemania would be his final match. There were also reports he was interested in trying out for an NFL team for this coming season. Lesnar has said many times that if he hadn't signed to be a pro wrestler, he would be playing in the NFL. He has the size, power, and athletic ability to play in the NFL, but never even played college football, so without the technique, would be a long shot. Still, Stephen Neal, who beat Lesnar for the NCAA title in 1999, also never played college football and is now with the New England Patriots.


Goldberg has also talked for years about doing a PPV match, promoted on his own, against Austin. He and Austin are friends and the idea of Austin getting major points in the show would be a probable. But it doesn't seem viable for Austin to leave what at this point looks to be a long term job with WWE if he wants it, for a theoretical quick score that would be high risk in the current environment. Nobody knows for sure in life, but unless Austin leaves on his own or has a blow-out with McMahon, I can't see him being dropped at any point in the next wrestling lifetime since McMahon himself recognizes Austin was the most important component in the rebuilding of the current brand. The value of that match is probably five plus years past its peak. Even though there is strong marquee value in that match if handled correctly by WWE at the right time, it is questionable what kind of business it could do without WWE promoting it and without weekly television building it up.


There are a lot of issues that involve Lesnar, some having to do with his personal life and others having to do with being tired of the grueling schedule. Unlike Kurt Angle, who mentally did not have the athlete's mentality when it comes to winning and losing as a wrestler, and just believes in doing anything to entertain people (which has often worked against him becoming a top draw), Lesnar has been protected from the start. In four years of college, he was a wrestling stud, both in JC and at the University of Minnesota. He got a big contract to start wrestling, and the minute he was brought to the main roster, it was with the idea of being groomed to be world champion. So from the spring of 2002 until winning the title at SummerSlam, it was all upwards. Even when he lost the title on several occasions, the losses were always temporary since the idea was he would get the title back shortly. The loss to Guerrero was different, because there was no long-term plan for him to get it back, as there are no plans on the book for Guerrero to be taken out of his current position on top. Lesnar's post Wrestlemania program was scheduled to be with Undertaker, starting on the post-Mania European tour. It's been said for months that Undertaker, in his old gimmick where he's not selling much and is largely going over strong on everyone, was something Lesnar didn't want to be feeding. Ultimately, with the possible exception of OVW, he's had largely the preferential treatment that comes from being a college sports superstar, and a wrestler on the rise. That treatment is now going to Guerrero. He hasn't been given long-term programs because so much of the booking for months has been geared toward Mania, and there is very little decided for just about anyone for post-Mania. There are those who think this is what happens nine times out often when someone is given the monster push in wrestling without a lot of time in the business. He felt when going to South Africa and mainly wrestling Bob Holly two weeks ago that it was a long trip and it showed they had no ideas for fresh programs for him. Others think his complaint that he's working a full-time schedule while wanting time off, while others on top are working less dates, is a reasonable issue. The feeling is that a few years ago it wouldn't have been, but when the rules were changed for Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Undertaker, HHH, Scott Hall, Bill Goldberg, Ric Flair, and would be no doubt changed if requested for Kurt Angle, that Lesnar has a valid point. Of course the others are all a lot older, and more physically banged up, but Lesnar's style at his size also leads to plenty of injuries.


Vince McMahon did an interview for the 3/9 Hollywood Reporter’s special section on Wrestlemania. When asked, in hindsight, about the folding of WCW, he said, "Hindsight being 20/20, I don't know that it may have been just a matter of time before we killed each other off. I don't know. Our understanding of the business on a long-range basis really gave us an advantage. We were overmatched in terms of assets, but they were overmatched in terms of work ethic and in terms of understanding how to build a brand. And in the end, our formula worked. Quite frankly, though, I was surprised when (they) threw in the towel. I didn't think that would ever happen." He complained about the World Wildlife Fund, claiming the agreement ten years ago not to use the WWF initials for promoting outside of North America was an agreement they were strong-armed into signing. He claimed they signed because they were threatened with a lawsuit, but signed it under duress (which I guess, in McMahon's world, means that's an excuse for signing an agreement and then ignoring it). He again claimed that 70% of the viewers of Raw and Smackdown were specific to the brand. How come when I go to Raw and Smackdown house shows, I see the exact same 2,500 people? It was noted that the WWE's deal with InDemand is coming up soon. He said he wouldn't settle for any less than the current deal (45% of the total takes). He also said he doesn't believe that pro wrestling is cyclical (which is nice since his wife seemingly does, based on the investors' conferences). He did note that even though they weren't on fire, the company was still profitable, whereas Hollywood studios lose millions in between hits. When asked about usage of the company tape library, he said they could do a digital TV channel, or an analog channel (although he noted that would be expensive). He also talked about video-on-demand. He said he didn't think the company had done a very good job of taking advantage of its international popularity, and its goals were to do more licensing and merchandising overseas. When asked if he was working or shooting when he lost his cool with Bob Costas and Armen Keteyian, he said the TV character is a performance, but when he was on those HBO shows, that was him. He said they were looking for him to be the bad guy, and if they make him out to be one, "sometimes I don't disappoint them." Upcoming movie projects from the company, besides "Jornada del Muerte," the HHH vehicle, will be two movies starring Glen Jacobs (Kane), a horror movie, as yet unnamed in a Freddy Kruger mode, and an action movie called "The Anvil." They also have another film, called "The Marine," similar to the movie "First Blood," as a vehicle for Austin. McMahon also claimed once again that Mr. McMahon's days as a TV character are numbered, citing his age as the reason.


The plan for the Benoit vs. Michaels vs. HHH Mania match to be a ladder match was changed. At this point, the plan is for HHH vs. Benoit on 4/18 in Edmonton at the Backlash PPV to be a ladder match. I'm guessing the feeling was it would be stronger for the world title match at Mania to end with a 1-2-3. Based on the interview on Raw calling the match the main event, the presumption is it will go on last and will go 30-35 minutes. They did try out matches as Michaels was sent to the house shows in Syracuse, Elmira, and Baltimore this weekend to work it out. The basics of the match look to be that there will be one guy injured and the other two will work spots with each other until someone (most likely HHH as the heel) is just about done, and the other face will stagger and recover just in time to make the save and keep the match going. Pat Patterson and Michael Hayes came to the Baltimore show to give input to all three for how to help the Mania match.


Besides the Hall of Fame inductees, there will be other 80s/90s WWF names that will be at Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame banquet who were asked to be there to present the awards. Harley Race asked Ric Flair to present his award and I believe Jim Ross will be presenting Bobby Heenan with his.


When The Rock was on the "Richard & Judy" prime time talk show in the U.K. plugging "Welcome to the Jungle," (as "The Rundown" is being called internationally), he noted that his WWE contract expires next year.


Bob Backlund turned down the WWE Hall of Fame induction after at first agreeing. He said he didn't think the time was right when he declined. No word on whether the Pete Rose thing had anything to do with it but there were people who were really into the honor and now feel a little different about it.


The 10 people in the cruiserweight match at Mania are Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Jamie Noble, Nunzio, Funaki, Tajiri, Akio, Billy Kidman, Shannon Moore, and Ultimo Dragon. Well, Dragon did get to achieve his career long goal of wrestling at Wrestlemania. Also added to the show is Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty defending the Smackdown tag titles in a four-way against APA, Bashams and Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas.


With Edge and Benoit moving from Smackdown to Raw, there is a good chance, although it's not finalized, that Rob Van Dam would be moving in the other direction. At this point there are no plans for either Undertaker or Kane to switch sides, and the program at last word was scheduled to end at Mania.


A correction from last week's story on Wrestlemania regarding the Michaels rundown: Michaels' first Wrestlemania match was in 1989 at Trump Plaza, with the Rockers vs. The Twin Towers (Akeem & Big Bossman). So he's done ten matches, not nine going into this weekend. As I recall, that match was pretty good for a match with the sound off when you consider One Man Gang was involved, but with the sound on, it was the same match. Also, in the Monday Night War piece, the Mick Foley first WWF title win over Rock was in Worcester, not Providence.


Randy Orton suffered yet another concussion last weekend. He was throwing up and everything but still worked the Raw in Atlanta because it was the advertised main event with Michaels & Benoit and it was important for their Mania angle, as well as he had to be there for the big Mania angle. It was announced publicly that he had suffered a virus. He was pulled from his OVW main event mid-week as well as the weekend house shows.


Edge's injury wasn't as bad as first feared. He was running the ropes in OVW trying to get his cardio back when he messed up his foot. At first they feared it was torn tendons, but that wasn't the case. He's still wearing a protective boot at this point.


Molly Holly has a neck injury, but worked all weekend on it. She's been in Louisville training and watching 80s and Japanese videotapes for ideas for her Mania match. The injury’s why she did only a 2:00 match with Victoria in Baltimore.


WWE Originals sold 10,044 copies last week to fall to No. 143 on the Billboard charts.


Howard Stem on 3/9 was asked about doing Wrestlemania. He said he was asked by Vince again this year (he's been asked many times by Vince to do big shows) but that the WWE writers couldn't come up with anything entertaining for him to do. He said he asked Vince what he wanted for him to do and Vince said, "Well, what do you want to do?" He said he doesn't exactly spend his days thinking about ideas he can do on a wrestling show. He also said that he was looking for $1 million to do the show and Vince was talking about $5,000 or $10,000, so they were far apart. He said he'd need a lot more than $5,000 to "lower himself to do a wrestling event."


Charlie Haas had his tooth cracked while in South Africa from Bradshaw's clothesline, I think on the 2/26 show in Cape Town. It was apparently painful as hell because the crack went into a nerve.


There was a minor injury when somebody as a rib poured a bucket of water on Richards, and he slipped on the floor, but he worked the show and also worked the next night.


At Raw in Bridgeport, Kenzo Suzuki debuted, beating Nick Dinsmore in a dark match. Suzuki has been in OVW for the past several weeks, but hasn't been used on any of their shows. He looked terrible. What a shock. Tokimitsu Ishizawa (Kendo Ka Shin) was at the show looking for work.


Nicole Fink (Nikita) was cut by WWE developmental more than a week ago. She's remained in OVW working out her notice. This came as a surprise to a lot of people. Nikita had become something of an OVW fixture, as the manager of Doug Basham, and more recently of Mark Magnus. There had been ideas to use her as Torrie Wilson's evil stepsister in the aftermath of the death of Al Wilson angle, as well as in a Smackdown role to feud with Dawn Marie, but they never got off the drawing board. On the decision, and I hate to write this but this is the reality of the business, she had a WWE body but not a WWE face (not that she's unattractive, but Alexis Laree, who is there, is a prettier woman) and that's the only answer I can come up with for what ultimately kept her from being called up. There has been frustration with her injuries that haven't kept her from performing on television as a manager, but have kept her from training in the ring to wrestle. Her bikini contest last year with Jackie Gayda drew the highest quarter hour OVW has ever done (2.8 locally). I can't evaluate her wrestling because they rarely used her in that role on TV. As a manager, she understood how to walk to the ring, position herself, and had the body language of appearing to be someone important, which sounds easier than it is. I saw her & Magnus in OVW as a ready for major league act except that Magnus' work is a long way from ready. WWE developmental is not there to provide OVW with good workers, but to train people for WWE, and I guess the feeling was, after two years in the system (the old Steve Bradley/Flash Flanagan decision making), they weren't going to bring her up. At the same time, with the clueless stripper looking women they've signed of late, and Jillian Hall, who is the company's best prospect as a worker but who doesn't have the WWE body (i.e., hasn't starved down and no implants) not having a contract, it just tells you the reality of women in wrestling.


No definitive word on when Scott Steiner will be back from his groin and hip flexor injuries, but the estimate looks to be in the six week range.


Onyx from NWA Wildside was asked to cut a promo when he did his 3/1 Heat match in Atlanta and 3/2 match in Savannah at the Smackdown tapings. He was told they were going to fly him in for Mania.


There were no Smackdown house shows over the weekend because they were letting people rest until Mania, with the exception of the TV shoot, after the exhausting South Africa trip.


There may be some unhappy wrestlers when the payoffs come in from South Africa. Wrestlers saw four sold out houses with good crowds, but the average price per ticket was way down from most international tours, probably because of the economy in that country. The grosses were a lot better than they would be in the U.S., but only a tiny percentage of the kind of money that was drawn on the Japan tour, even though this tour drew far more fans. It drew, in dollars, less than half of what the gates would have been had they been in places like Europe or Australia, and the wrestlers are paid on the gates. The four dates totaled roughly $1 million at the gate, as compared to more than $3 million for a three-day swing in Japan, which didn't draw crowds as large except in Saitama. In addition, because of the tour, there were no house shows this past weekend. That's usually not an issue because there is so much more money earned on overseas events and the long trips are tiring so people welcome getting the next weekend off. Even with the weekend off, there is probably more that would end up being earned by going to South Africa for four dates than in two weekends domestically.


Bobby Heenan noted on Wrestling Observer Live on 3/8 that on 3/13, he'd be inducted to the Hall of Fame, and on that same date in 2002, he had surgery to remove his lymph nodes due to cancer.


Hulk Hogan did an interview with Bill Apter where he did complain about not being invited to Mania, saying he thought there was something wrong with that. I guess the whole TNA deal was most likely exactly what everyone thought it was—his attempt to get Vince off the dime and Vince didn't swallow the bait like he did with the XWF bluff.


Catching up on last week, the 2/24 Smackdown TV tapings in Kansas City drew 5,200. The 2/27 Raw in Montgomery drew 3,300. 2/28 Raw in Birmingham drew 2,100. 2/29 Raw in Chattanooga drew 2,500.


For the South Africa Smackdown tour, the 2/26 show in Cape Town did a sellout 6,700, 2/27 in Durban did a sellout 8,200, 2/28 in Johannesburg drew a sellout 14,000, and 2/29 in East Rand did a sellout of 5,700. Angle worked as a face in his match with Holly (worked as a heel against Guerrero) because the TV in South Africa isn't caught up and his turn hadn't aired.


3/5 Raw in Syracuse drew 3,900. 3/6 Raw in Elmira drew 3,000. 3/7 Raw in Baltimore drew 5,300. 3/8 Raw TV tapings in Bridgeport drew a sellout of about 7,000, once again because of The Rock.


In Syracuse, they had the Wrestlemania title match try out with HHH, Benoit and Michaels. In this one, HHH pinned Michaels with the pedigree after more than 25:00 of a very good match. Michaels was the most popular when it started, but as it went on, Benoit was the most popular. It was booked that way as Benoit was made to look the strongest. That was because the finish saw Michaels superkick Benoit, but then Michaels turned around into the pedigree. Report we got was that if the Mania match is like this, it should be good. With Orton out, RVD & Booker defended against Jindrak & Cade finishing with the ax kick on Cade. Victoria and Molly Holly also worked a singles match. Benoit did the same crossface spot on Coach. They also did the try-out Jericho vs. Christian match, with Jericho going over with the walls. Match was very fast paced.


Elmira was the same show as Syracuse, again ending with HHH giving Michaels the pedigree to win a three-way which included Benoit.


In Baltimore, both Flair and Foley were at the show. They came out for an angle which started with Stacy Keibler coming out, and they pushed her being from Baltimore. Foley came out after a while. Coach started ripping on him until Foley threatened Coach. Flair came out and said that Foley thinks he's great because he wrestled all over the world and fell on thumb tacks, but that he was the man all over the world. They went back and forth and it was apparently awesome. Flair sucker punched Foley and they worked a short brawl with Flair, broken neck and all, taking all his regular bumps all over the place. Foley finished it with a Mr. Socko on Flair, and then did another one on Coach. To practice for Mania, they did a three-way with Booker & RVD over both Cade & Jindrak and La Resistance. The Dudleys were there but didn't wrestle on the show. D-Von was flagged by the doctors for high blood pressure. I don't know why they just didn't put Bubba & Spike in, since both were at the show and neither worked. It was announced in the building that the Dudleys were wrestling Storm & Venis on Heat (Baltimore was an afternoon show) for the final Mania slot. It was said the live match would be the three teams who are already in Mania. HHH's main event over Benoit and Michaels was said to be ***1/2. Since Hardy worked the weekend with Dinsmore, and nobody knows Dinsmore, Hardy was a big-time babyface at all the shows. They may as well turn him, since after all these years of him being a heel on TV, the people still cheer him anyway.

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The basics of the match look to be that there will be one guy injured and the other two will work spots with each other until someone (most likely HHH as the heel) is just about done, and the other face will stagger and recover just in time to make the save and keep the match going.


Benoit gets injured early in the match and gets thrown outside by HHH.


HBK and HHH continue to fight for 10 minutes.


HBK goes for the pin on HHH and Benoit breaks it up.


HBK throws Benoit back out.


HBK and HHH fight for another 15 minutes.


HHH goes for the pin on HBK and Benoit breaks it up.


HBK kips up and superkicks Benoit.


HHH pedigrees HBK and pins him for the win.


Vince, HHH and Steph are happy because Benoit still looks "Strong" in their eyes for Backlash.

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