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Guest glennsoe


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Guest glennsoe

credit; pwi.com



Results from Smackdown Tour Show- Sheffield


The Hallam FM arena was sold out for this Wrestlemania Revenge Tour show. At the start of the show they played Edge’s music and everyone popped thinking he was coming out, but alas, Tony Chimel made his way to the ring. This was a bad start to my first ever WWE show, but it did get much better.


Kidman beat Chuck Palumbo with a roll-up at 10 minutes. Kidman was first out to a huge ovation. Chuck was using his power to overcome the speedy Kidman, but ultimately came up short. Kidman was on top form. A great match, although it would have been nice to see the SSP.


Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly beat The Bashams via Famouser. The crowd were surprisingly into Billy and Holly, but soon fell asleep due to repeated restholds. At one point Billy kicked out of a pin late and the bell sounded, only for the referee to wave the match on. Billy pinned one of the Bashams with the Fameouser. Dull match. The Bashams are too generic.


Rhyno beat Orlando Jordan with the Gore at 12 mins.. Rhyno came out to a mixed reception, and some noticeable ECW chants. He got on the mic and told us ‘England sucks’ to get the crowd to turn on him. Orland Jordan was actually really good, pulling off some surprisingly agile moves. Although the crowd didn’t really care about him at the start, he left to an ovation. Rhyno looked rusty here, blowing a spot in the corner and generally being one step behind the younger man.


Nidia beat Jamie Noble in a blindfold match by roll-up. By the sounds of things, this was exactly the same match as in Newcastle the night before. Noble cut a promo, telling Nidia he was glad he was wearing the Blindfold so he didn’t have to see her face. After a few minutes of the standard blindfold match, Noble took off the blindfold, but Nidia low blowed him and rolled him up for the win.


Chavo beat Rey Mysterio and Nunzio to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. Chavo took an age to come out, followed by Nunzio to a mized respone. Rey came out to the biggest pop of the night. Chavo and Nunzio double teamed Rey for a while, until Nunzio accidentally clotheslined Chavo. There were ‘Eddie’ chants whenever Chavo was on the offensive, and ‘619’ chants the rest of the match. Rey pinned Nunzio at 8 minutes with a headscissors into a pin. Later in the match, Rey had Chavo set for a 619, but Nunzio ran down and tripped him. Chavo rolled him up to retain. After the match, Rey hit both men with the 619 to a huge pop. This was an amazing match, with Rey on top form.


Tony Chimel tried to thank us on behalf of all of all WWE, but was interupted when Paul Heyman came down to ringside. He told us the following match would be on TV next Smackdown, but only if John Cena lost his US Title to an opponent of Heyman’s choosing. Cena came to ringside and hit a promo on Heyman, claiming he was lacking in the testicle department and was a transvestite. Cena approached Heyman but was told the remainder of the show would be cancelled if he laid a finger on him. Bradshaw came down to ringside to a babyface pop, but then cheap-shotted Cena. Heyman announced his pick for a challenger was Bradshaw.


John Cena beat Bradshaw via the F.U. to retain the US title. This was a basic match, nothing much of note. The crowd wasn’t really into it after the great match before. After the match, Tony Chimel announced an intermission.


Scotty and Rikishi beat WGTT by Rikishi's Sit Down Drop to retain the Tag Titles. Scotty was dominated for nearly all the match, until tagging in Rikishi to finish it with some right hands to each man followed by a pin. The match never really got going, and Rikishi looked gassed out from the short walk to the ring. Quite a disappointing match, although WGTT looked impressive.


Torrie Wilson beat Dawn Marie with a roll-up in a Diva’s match. Both girls got a great response coming out. The match was quite short, which was expected, as it was just a bit of eye candy and a break between title matches.


Eddie beat Big Show with a Frog Splash to retain the WWE Championship. Big Show came out to a respectful silence, followed by Eddie who was absolutely adored by the fans at ringside. The two standing next to each other in the ring brings really showed the freakishly massive size difference between the two. After a slow start the match really got going, with Show kicking out of a Frog Splash. Show had Eddie beaten at one point following a Choke Slam, but the ref had been knocked out. Eddie hit Show with the Championship belt while the referee wasn’t looking, then hit a second Frog Splash for the win.


After the main even had finished, all the faces hit the ring to dance and bask in the crowd’s admiration. Rey hit a mean Worm, Cena proved white men can’t dance, and Scotty was unpredictably unpopular with the bulk of the fans. Eddie and John Cena thanked the audience and said how much fun they’d had tonight, before Tony Chimel closed the show.


Overall, it was a really good show, but not for the quality of wrestling on display. Orlando Jordan showed potential, Cena was on form on the mic, and Eddie put on a hell of a show. Rhyno looked off key, and the Tag Team title match lacked energy, but the opening match and end segment made up for that. WWE are coming back to UK in May, and I hope I’ll be there.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Oh, that Chimel...


He's always pushed as a heel off-camera.

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After the main even had finished, all the faces hit the ring to dance and bask in the crowd’s admiration. Rey hit a mean Worm, Cena proved white men can’t dance, and Scotty was unpredictably unpopular with the bulk of the fans. Eddie and John Cena thanked the audience and said how much fun they’d had tonight, before Tony Chimel closed the show.


*getting misty eyed* Makes me feel proud to be British. Kinda wish I'd gone to this one, but I'll have to wait for the RAW show in Birmingham instead.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I didn't know that Raw were also doing House Shows in England.


Well, it's WrestleMania Revenge, so it's pretty much a given.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Man, I wish WWE did more shows down here...


Brisbane soon? This year? We can only hope...

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