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OAO NWA-TNA PPV Thread - 03/24/04

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I think the X-Division Contendership can be good. Just keep Petey Williams out for most of it.

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From The Torch




NWA-TNA PPV review

March 24, 2004

Live from Nashville, Tenn.


-The show opened with recaps of the major storylines. Then Mike Tenay introduced the show and bracketing was shown for the NWA Tag Team Title tournament.




Shane Douglas said nobody makes noise like he does. He said a lot of people want to see he and M.S. fight, but he said they’d be sorry to hear that things are great between them. Don West told Tenay he "couldn't contain himself" over the fact that Daniels and Ki were back together. Tenay said the NWA Tag Titles are so important, they are back together. Tenay said Douglas and Shane must have be shaken up having found out about their mystery opponents just then. Tenay also announced that Vince Russo suspended James Storm and Raven for one week without pay due to their actions last week. Tenay wondered if Elix Skipper knew about the reunion of Ki and Daniels. He looked surprised. He was shaking his head. Tenay and West wondered who reunited them. West said maybe it was Russo because he originally put Triple H together. Russo's name has now been mentioned more than twice as often as any wrestler on the show. M.S. worked over Daniels in the ring at 3:00. Douglas illegally choked Daniels, then Shane tagged him in legally. Douglas and Daniels each made hot tags at 6:30. Ki went to work on Shane with rapid-fire chops. Daniels tagged in and hit his BME for a near fall. Douglas made the save. Daniels threw him to ringside and then dove onto him. Ki, meanwhile, worked over M.S. in the ring. He set up the Key Krusher, but Tracy climbed to the top rope. That distracted Ki and Daniels finished off M.S. with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combination.


WINNERS: Ki & Daniels at 9:15 to advance in the tournament.


STAR RATING: **1/4 -- Good tag match.


-After the match, M.S. yelled at Tracy. Douglas stepped between them. West said even when they argue, they always find a way to get back on the same page. M.S., though, stormed out of the ring and walked to the back shaking his head.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Glad xXx is back together...for now at least. I bet this was a sigh of relief to anyone who was dumb enough to think it was gonna be STING & LUGER.

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-Scott Hudson interviewed Glenn Gilberti and David Young. Kid Kash entered the picture and said he realized he needed to go to his roots to find someone he can trust to be his partner this week. He said Johnny Swinger was at home. He said he looked forward to meeting Gilberti & Young in the next round.




Slash and Synn took early control with a double team move on Young. Slash and Synn soon took over offense. Gilberti made a comeback at 2:15 and then tagged in Young. Good, rapid pace in the early minutes. Tenay said Abyss vs. The Truth tonight would lead to a match against Harris eventually and then the winner of that match would face Jeff Jarrett in a cage for the NWA World Hvt. Title down the line. Synn moved out of the path of Young as he went for a moonsault. Young, though, did catch Synn with a spinebuster at 4:30. Slash made the save to stop the three count. Gilberti tagged in and missed with an elbow. He sold an elbow injury afterward. He tagged out to young right away. Synn tagged in Slash, who worked over both Young and Gilberti. He gave Gilberti a big boot and Young another big boot. Slash gave Young the Whirly Bird for the win.


WINNERS: Slash & Synn at 7:08.


STAR RATING: *1/4 -- A bit sloppy and awkward in the final minute. Surprising finish with regulars Gilberti & Young getting knocked out of the tourney before Kid Kash could get at them.


-Backstage Raven complained to Russo about finding out about being suspended on the internet. Russo told him he didn't belong in the arena. Raven said he is better than everyone else in the room. Sonny Siaki, Sabu, Road Dogg, and Simon Diamond gave a collective eye roll at that comment. Russo said he would talk to him next week. He said it was just business. Raven said that's what everyone says when they're politicking. Raven told Sabu to leave with him. Russo told him that Sabu had a match and he should stay. Sabu's non-speaking roll really makes him out to be just an idiot, especally when there's no character development for newer viewers to explain why he doesn't talk. Raven told Russo he is playing a dangerous game.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Glad to see Slash is back. Hwe's probably one of the most improved wrestlers I've seen since TNA started.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Good to see tonight's thread is more lively than it's been the past couple of weeks.

You're serious? This board has been lacking since a poster who shall-not-be-named pissed everyone off and forcing a lot of people to quit posting here.



Edie: I mean Folder, not board. Stupid me.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
When did this happen?  I just thought it was non-interest that led to the downturn in the folder.

It's been on and off until he was banned.


Edit: Too be more accurate, I believe there were a few fights last December, or maybe November. I have a hard time remembering. He was registered a lot earlier, so he may have fought a lot more, but eh, it's water on the bridge now.

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-"Alpha Male" Monte Brown attacked "Heavy D" Don Harris at ringside. He demanded they ring the bell, but they wouldn't. Brown left Harris writhing at ringside, then entered the ring and said he came to TNA, not to beat up Harris and Chris Vaughn, he came to TNA to face real competition. That drew Sabu to the ring. Brown at first took control, but within seconds Sabu escaped a powermove by Brown and then flipped onto him. He was about to hit Brown with a chair when Brown bailed out. Nice, basic set-up for a match between those two down the line. The push of Brown has been really basic, but also well done thanks to Brown's intensity and the selling of his intensity by the announcers.


-Hector Garza was introduced as the new captain of Team AAA because Juventud Guererra was no longer in AAA due to disciplinary reasons.




When Kash's partner came to the ring, Tenay and West said they didn't know who he was. Jeremy Borash made those ridiculously exaggerated facial expressions in the background that left no mystery that he didn't know who the new guy was. But his facials would suggest that he was looking at a man with four heads juggling kittens who had been set on fire. Tenay and West talked about how big Kash's partner was, guessing that he was 6-4 or 6-5, around 275. Kash as usual was one of the highlights of the show in the ring with good early exchanges with both Diamond and Siaki. Kash would be "money" in WWE in the cruiserweight division because he's different from anyone else's character. His style is also very WWE-oriented rather than indy-style or primarily highspot-oriented. Kash tagged in his mystery family member, who sported long, dark hair and tattoos and long black trunks. The guy grinded his knee and boot into Diamond's face. Kash then went for a moonsault off the top of his partner's shoudlers who was sitting on the top rope. Diamond moved and hot-tagged Siaki at 8:00. Four-way action broke out (of course) with Siaki clotheslining both heels and then scoring a two count on Kash. His partner made the save. The heels double-clotheslined Siaki. Diamond recovered and superkicked Kash's partner over the top rope. He then dove onto the guy at ringside. Kash, meanwhile, scored a two count on Siaki in the ring. Kash and Siaki exchanged slaps in the ring. Kash's partner grabbed a pipe and hit Siaki. Kash rolled up Siaki and with a yank of the tights scored the pin.


WINNERS: Kash & partner at 10:14.




-A.J. Styles complained to Hudson about not being booked on the show. Russo walked into the picture and said he wanted to talk to him. Styles said the last time they talked, Russo let him down and went against his advice. Russo said the past is the past, and now it's time for them to get on the same page again. Styles asked how that helps him. He said he wanted to be in the no. 1 contender's match. Russo said he made a decision and he's sticking with it. Styles asked for a match against Raven. Russo said he couldn't do that, but asked him to trust him. Styles said he had done that before and he won't make that mistake again.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Edit: Whoops, just beat me to it.


Was gonna update incase anyone else did it.

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"Kash tagged in his mystery family member, who sported long, dark hair and tattoos and long black trunks."


Anybody have an idea of who Kash's partner was?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
"Kash tagged in his mystery family member, who sported long, dark hair and tattoos and long black trunks."


Anybody have an idea of who Kash's partner was?

Nevermind. I skipped that sentence.



Maybe its Northcutt.....but it BETTER not be Sting.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It can't be Luger, did you see that there were tattoos?

<----Not watching until 10pm replay.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It's probably Brian Lee anyway. Don't get your hopes up.

That might be him...he's about 6'5-6'6" and 260-270 lbs. Plus he has lnog black hair, wears long black leather tights and has tattoos on his arms.



But I thought TNA had no interest in bringing him back

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God, I pity those who ordered this. It sounds like one of the worst PPVs in weeks...DOUGLAS in the same ring as Ki and Daniels? They don't even name Kash's partner? Monte Brown is given a segment? Yuck.

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If Brian Lee returns to TNA, they should have him take Sinn's place.


No offense to Sinn but Slash and the Killdozer were awesome champs.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
God, I pity those who ordered this. It sounds like one of the worst PPVs in weeks...DOUGLAS in the same ring as Ki and Daniels? They don't even name Kash's partner? Monte Brown is given a segment? Yuck.

Damn that WWE outcast Shane Douglas for drawing heat from the crowd.


And damn him again for tagging with Michael Shane, who since he started teaming with, has improved a lot in TNA.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

What the hecks with Kellers TNA recap? Has nothing happend in the last half hour that can't be reported?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

4 -- B.G. JAMES & KONNAN vs. THE NATURALS (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas)


James came to the ring without Konnan, who hadn't arrived at the arena yet. James controlled the opening minutes, but eventually The Naturals took control. Konnan came to the ring wearing jeans and a Kobe Bryant L.A. Lakers jersey. (He's a big NBA fan.) He hot-tagged Konnan at 5:30. After a flurry by Konnan, Douglas threw powder at Konnan and then Stevens KO'd him with a chair to win.


WINNERS: The Naturals at 6:38.




-A recap aired of last week's Chris Harris title match against Jarrett. A pretaped promo then aired where Jarrett said he proved last week that Harris wasn't ready.


-Mike Tenay stood center ring and gave a detailed introduction to Sting, talking about his history in wrestling in the '80s and '90s and his feuds with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair over the years. Sting then came out in his black Crow get-up and shouted to the crowd. Sting took the mic from Tenay (he asked nicely) and said there is a movie being made about his life. They are filming footage in Nashville this week and next week for the movie. He thanked Jerry Jarrett and the city of Nashville for letting him use the facility. Tenay asked Sting for his thoughts on the new direction of NWA-TNA and Russo's return. Sting said it's about time that wrestlers started wrestling. He said the fans in the South wanted to see some "awesome grappling like we used to do." Tired, empty, hallow cliches from Sting, who really doesn't come across as knowing what he's talking about or feeling it. How is Sting no better at promos today than he was in 1989. He's not terrible because his energy and charisma carries him, but he just seems to be on auto-pilot and can't believably communicate passion. Sting said time is not on Russo's side if he's lying. He said it felt great to win the most important title in pro wrestling. He bounced all over the place for a minute, then Tenay asked him about Jarrett. Sting said he is present to film a movie, but he's also there to wrestle. He said he wasn't born to be a movie star, he was born to be wrestler. Not exactly. He said he'd be there next Wednesday night and he would poke his face into something, somehow, someway because "it's showtime!" Then he returned to the back.


-Hudson interviewed Ron "The Truth" Killings about his match against Abyss. He said he's on the path back to the top. He said Abyss can't handle the truth. Nice catchphraes. Goldy Locks walked into the picture and told Truth that Abyss is ready for him.




Truth took early control, including ducking an Abyss boot and yanking his crotch into the ringpost three times. Truth took Abyss down with a flying headscissors off the apron onto the floor, drawing some "holy sh--" chants. Abyss caught Truth when he dove at him and then dropped him crotch-first over the railing. They brawled into the bleachers for some punch and bend over, punch and bend over boring sequences. Abyss rammed Truth face-first into the announcers' table at ringside. Then he tosseed Truth into the stairs at ringside.

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Truth took early control, including ducking an Abyss boot and yanking his crotch into the ringpost three times. Truth took Abyss down with a flying headscissors off the apron onto the floor, drawing some "holy sh--" chants. Abyss caught Truth when he dove at him and then dropped him crotch-first over the railing. They brawled into the bleachers for some punch and bend over, punch and bend over boring sequences. Abyss rammed Truth face-first into the announcers' table at ringside. Then he tosseed Truth into the stairs at ringside. Back in the ring at 6:00, Killings came back with an axe kick to Abyss who landed on a chair he brought into the ring. Killings hit Abyss with a flying clothesline, then launched off of a chair with a flying kick into the corner. He punched Abyss in the corner as the crowd counted to ten. Truth flipped out of the corner and nailed Abyss with another kick. He followed with a diving headbutt to Abyss's crotch. After a front suplex he went for the cover, but Raven yanked the ref out of the ring during his count. Abyss then lifted a distracted Truth and gave him his finisher for a near fall. Raven stood at ringside. Truth caught a charging Abyss with a boot to the face. When he came off the ropes, Abyss caught him and slammed him to the mat. Raven then entered the ring and nailed Abyss with a chair, showing he didn't care which wrestler won, he just wanted to make his mark. The ref called for the bell. Raven then hit Truth with a chair.


WINNER: No contest at 9:35.


STAR RATING: *1/2 - Disappointing. Too much crowd brawling and no real finish.


-Styles ran to the ring for the save. He went after Raven. Meanwhile, Konnan and James ran out to help the Truth fend off Abyss. The locker rooms emptied to try to keep everyone separated. Abyss broke loose and went after Truth again. Styles broke loose and dove over the top rope onto Raven at ringside. The crowd chanted "Holy sh--." Truth grabbed the house mic and said he hasn't had a lot to say lately, but he has been biting his tongue. He said things are going to change and things are about to happen. He asked Russo to allow him to take care of Raven the old fashioned way. He demanded a match with Abyss vs. Raven vs. Styles vs. Truth. West said that will be Russo's call. Sabu helped get Raven to the back.


-Hudson interviewed Jerry Lynn and Elix Skipper backstage.

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