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Patty O'Green

Feedback for the 3/25 HD~!

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Just tell me that my segment with Bryte and Panther made some sense. I threw that one together (Bryte's logic and everything) at the very last minute

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Man, that 10-man was PPV quality. Great build to the big event on Sunday.


Yeah, Papa, that promo made pretty good sense to me.


And the banter between the commentators was great as always:



Standing together as one, they are team HeldDOWN~! Caboose, how can you not swell with pride?



Easy. None of these creeps, are dotting the i's on my paycheck.



There's no I in Caboose.



And there's no U in intelligent, either.

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I laughed hard at a lot of the commentary during the ten-man. The match itself was BOSS, also. The Axel/Crystal promo also had me pretty into it. Good show all around. And Papa, Bryte's rationale made perfect sense to me. The interplay between Panther and Bryte is always enjoyable, too.


"Stay outta your business?" "DAMN RIGHT!"

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As long as it came off well, I'm happy.


I really liked this show. The 10-man was great (the Northstar/Jenna stuff has played out nicely), the Axel/Crystal face-to-face was pretty cool, Hoff's match was pretty good, and I really liked Sly's promo and the PK confrontation.


Solid show.

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Dama's become one of the more confusing characters on the show, but in a good way. Some days he's cocky, some dayd he's sinister, we neevr really know what we're gonna see. But I think it adds a cool element of surprise. I guess what I'm trying to say is, good job. :)

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Dama's become one of the more confusing characters on the show, but in a good way. Some days he's cocky, some dayd he's sinister, we neevr really know what we're gonna see. But I think it adds a cool element of surprise. I guess what I'm trying to say is, good job. :)

Well thank you.

He's not a good person but he has an even darker side to him that we've seen come out at times. Sometimes he'll be just a cocky jerk then the sinister side that Ryan Smith warns about let's itself show. And it's ready to show at AMIII.

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Thanks for all the compliments on the ten man. I'm partial to it because I wrote part of it, Zack wrote the other part.


As for the rest of the show, Bryte's logic made sense to moi. I think he and Panther should form a tag team at some point. The little exchange between Axel and Crystal was nicely done as well. Also, I got a lot more matches then I expected. I assumed that people would take it easy this week due to finishing up their AM matches. I was wrong!

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