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Phoenix Fury Legdrop


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I'm trying to raise money for my trip to the Wizard Comic Convention in Chicago this summer, as well as IWA Mid-South's King of the Deathmatches in June and the big double-shot weekend coming up in a few weeks, and I'm looking to get rid of some tapes at the same time. I have every WWE PPV from Vengeance 2003 to No Way Out 2004, as well as most of the TNA PPV's from August 2003 to early-2004, and am getting more as the weeks go by. I also got a few ECW tapes from Pioneer, as well as Anarchy Rulz 2000 (Jerry Lynn's World Title win). If anyone wants that new Taker DVD, I got that too. Nothing's priced above $10, but shipping will cost $2. If anyone's interested, either PM me or e-mail me at [email protected]



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