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What the hell?

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Jesus Christ, just when my mother was cleared of all her breast cancer, bad news hits my family with a double whammy.


My grandpa's nursing home called to tell us that he is sick (gangrenous toe, his legs are turning blue, and he's not eating), and when my mom tried to call my grandma about him, she answered the phone and told us she fell on the floor and couldn't get up. It looks like she might have fractured her hip.


I can't fucking believe it.

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Guest FrigidSoul

I'm sorry but I laughed at the fractured hip thing. Old people actually breaking their hip with the stereotype is always hilarious to me.


How did your grandfather get so far in that regard before they notified you? Its certainly not something that happens overnight. Two words "Law" and "Suit"...actually that may be a compound word but I've never been good at spelling.

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I'm sorry but I laughed at the fractured hip thing. Old people actually breaking their hip with the stereotype is always hilarious to me.


That was the first thing that came to mind for us too. At least she took the news about my grandpa well (surprisingly).


How did your grandfather get so far in that regard before they notified you? Its certainly not something that happens overnight. Two words "Law" and "Suit"...actually that may be a compound word but I've never been good at spelling.

He only developed this particular leg problem sometime Monday (or later? I'm not quite sure). He was fine on Sunday, as my grandma and dad visited him then. He has always had leg problems like this, as he is wheelchair-bound, but it was only recently that he took a turn for the worse.

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Guest Dids

As my grandparents can attest to- no good comes of old people trying to walk.


I lost two grandparents in 6 months- and the other two are both in bad shape. Watching people you love grow old sucks. Just reminds me that I shouldn't waste any more of the time that I've got than I already have.

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My dad called 911 for my grandma, and she does indeed have a broken hip. She's on morphine, and her reply to that was:


"Will that interfere with the cocaine?"


She's going to have hip replacement surgery, and will be back home in about a month.


As for my grandpa, he's being put on hospice care. Surgery to help the leg would probably end up killing him. My grandma is at peace with what's happened (with her and Grandpa), which really surprised the hell out of me. He's lived a long life (88 years), and survived two cancers (colon and prostate).

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Guest FrigidSoul

Tell her yes since Cocaine is speed while Morphine is a pain killer. She'll be awfully fucked up though. If you go to visit grandma cut her morphine patch a tad, take a smiggen of the gel and put it on your tongue, then rub it up against the roof of your mouth. You'll get fucked up

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Guest Bottled Black

How in the hell would you even think to try something like that?

Hermit, I'm sorry to hear about the Grandparents. My best wishes. After all I was a member of the Hermit Era

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Guest FrigidSoul

I use to do it myself. Me and my friend would visit his mom in...it wasn't a nursing home but it was like inbetween that and a hospital. She would have us cut open the patch and take a smiggen of the gel to give her(it was that or she would beg us to bring her cocaine which I refused to do). So we would take a bit too.


Only take a little bit though, if you take too much you'll just pass out. I was also a part of the DerangedHermit era and never got my brownies or bitches.

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