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A kirby tv show!

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Guest zacalex919130
You do know what a Troll means right? right?

According my Webster's Dictionary, it says "a dwarg that lives in a cave and only exists in fantasy stories.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



That's it.


You have deteriorated a thread into flaming for the final time.


You were given warnings...and I'm done with you now.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

This day should be a national holiday. We'll call it 'Silly dumbass gay faggot retard' day.

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Guest Nezbyte

"As for my real turn-off of anime...the storylines. It seems every storyline revolves around an alien, a robot, or a big mechanical suit. Do they know how to do anything else in Japan?"


Ah, no sir. These, and other violent anime types, are the only ones who've become widely popular in america. Many, most actually, more female non-action (shou-jo, i belive), never gets brought to America because it has some deeply homoerotic overtones and rape. Then again, anime usch as Beserk and Fist of The North Star are so bloody, when Sci-Fi inquired about having Beserk on TV, the original creater said "If you cut out all of the violence from Beserk, you wouldnt have enough footage for a 10 minute program."


Kirby 4 life, foolz.

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Guest Essa_Angelico

I must say i don't mind Anime that much, especially when it's style is well thought out and the stories are cool like Hellsing, Ninja Scrolls or Cowboy Bebop.


I used to and still do watch Dragonball Z mainly cos I used to watch it when i was a child. I was lucky though since my cousin was a fan of the series at the time so he had subbed tape so i got to see all the gore and swearing etc. The American version is a really butchered version imo.


Hasn't disney shut down it's 2D animation departments? Thought i read that a while ago.

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