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Kurt Angle on TSN's Off The Record

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Awesome stories by Angle about the XIX match with Lesnar.


- Micheal Landsberg plays the footage as Angle talks about what's going through his mind.


- Says he only had 20% strength in his left arm before the match.


- Says he was nervous about going into such a big match with such health risks, against a man like Lesnar, who was virtually a 'rookie'. He wouldn't have been so nervous if it was against guys like, HHH, Benoit, Eddie or Edge.


- The SSP was the original finish, and was supposed to be the greatest Wrestlemania moment fo all-time.



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- hopes to return for Summerslam 2004.


- says he's worried that the company won't push him the same, because of his injury, but doesnt blame them.


- mentions how Eddie pulled himself together after all his problems, and now the company is behind him and trust him 100%


- talks about drugs in wrestling. Doesnt deny using them himself, because of his injuries. Although he mentions about using drugs responsibly.


- Landsberg asks him about the Olympics, and wonders does he "have the itch?", and Kurts says he did at one time, but "not anymore".



Commerical Break 2.

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Guest Anglesault
- hopes to return for Summerslam 2004.


- says he's worried that the company won't push him the same, because of his injury, but doesnt blame them.

Le sigh.

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- talks about amateur wrestling compared to the WWE.


- says there probably wouldn't have been a Brock Lesnar, without a Kurt Angle paving the way.


- says its good for amateur wrestlers to consider a career in the WWE, because its a good place to showcase your talents while mixing it up with other aspects such as acting.


- considered the Olympic games in 2000 and 2004, but hasn't considered it since. He says he would never hold up with the guys today, because he's now 35 and not the same as he once was.



Commercial 3.

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- Kurt answers some fan mail question about who Kurt Angle really is. Says he plays himself on TV, but with some added twists. Says, he is the real Kurt Angle on TV.


- Landsberg asks how much he's changed since his last appearance on the show 3 years ago. Kurt says, "I'm bald", jokingly. But then confesses he's a different person, he's more humble and content with his family, and not as driven as he once was.


- They hype the Toronto SmackDown! show coming up.


- Landsberg says he had almost everyone on the WWE roster on since the debut of OTR 7 years ago, and there's nobody he has enjoyed more than, Kurt Angle.


End of Show.

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Guest Anglesault
then confesses he's a different person, he's more humble

Christ, what was he like for his last appearance? John Franco?

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