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Top 10 AJ/NJ matches

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Guest Ray

AJ? The usual suspects, mostly...


Kawada/Tenryu vs. Hansen/Gordy - 12/16/88

Misawa vs. Tsuruta - 6/8/90

Kawada vs. Tsuruta - 10/24/91

Kawada vs. Hansen - 2/28/93

Kobashi vs. Hansen - 7/29/93

Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Kobashi - 12/3/93

Kawada vs. Misawa - 6/3/94

Kawada vs. Kobashi - 4/13/95

Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Kobashi - 6/9/95

Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Akiyama - 12/6/96


NJ? Keep in mind I've not seen many NJ heavyweight matches...


Maeda vs. Fujinami - 6/12/86

Liger vs. Samurai - 4/30/92

Benoit vs. Sasuke - 4/16/94

Benoit/Ohtani vs. Guerrero/Sasuke - 10/9/94

Samurai vs. Ohtani - 1/21/96

Benoit vs. Ohtani - 3/20/96

Benoit vs. Guerrero - 6/11/96

Ultimo vs. Ohtani - 8/4/96

Liger vs. Ohtani - 2/9/97

Kanemoto vs. Samurai - 6/5/97


Probably forgot something...

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All Japan top 10s have been done to death, so I'll just throw out a New Japan top 10. I would really like to see more of the heavies when I get the money.



Top 5 Heavies:


1. Mutoh/Chono vs. Hase/Sasaki 7/4/91 ****1/4

-This match represents the peak of the awesome early 90s New Japan heavyweight tags, it's also a rare point in history where they were clearly better than their peers in All Japan. While this style of tag matches usually climaxed with a brief sprint of nearfalls, they just keep going and going here not unlike Baba's boys would be doing a little ways down the road. Knowing what he would become, it's almost tragic to watch Mutoh performing like the great wrestler he always had the potential to be. Really fun match with monster crowd heat.


2. Mutoh/Chono vs. Hase/Sasaki 11/1/90 ****1/4

-While they didn't have the personality and intensity of their All Japan peers, they were no doubt working the more advanced matches at this point. Unlike in the above match, Sasaki and Chono play a much bigger role, showing the potential that they would never live up to.


3. Mutoh vs. Chono 8/11/91 ****1/4

-If it wasn't for all the goofy poorly executed dropkick counters at the end, this match would most likely be regarded as highly as Jumbo's great matches that year. The smart build to the signature moves has much more in common with King's Road style than New Japan's Strong Style. As others have commented, the lay out is similar to the type of matches that Misawa and Kawada would be working in the following years.


4. Mutoh vs. Hashimoto 8/15/95 ****-****1/4

-The mat work is kind of meh, and the big transition at the end doesn't really make any sense. Still, this match has so many wonderful moments it's easy to see why it's regarded as the last great New Japan heavyweight match. And get this, Mutoh actually sells inbetween transitions. As usual, Hash is great. Sadly, when compared to what Taue and Misawa were doing that year....


5. Vader vs. Inoki 1/4/96 ****

-This match is all Vader, and it's damn good. One of the big guy's finest performances, better than any of the supposed Flair broom stick matches.


Top 5 Juniors:


1. Liger vs. Samurai 4/30/92 ****3/4

-Some of the finest storytelling I've ever seen. Absoultely compelling to watch, a match that drew me in like no other. If only the outcome wasn't so obvious, this match could find itself mentioned amongst 6/3/94 and Hokuto/Kandori as one of the best singles matches of all time.


2. Samurai vs. Ohtani 1/21/96 ****3/4

-Probably the best usage of limb working and submissions I've ever seen. Watch Ohtani go from "ouch that kind of hurts my arm" to "Oh god, this is the worse pain ever" throughout the course of the match. Very stiff and bloody too.


3. Liger vs. Ohtani 3/17/96****1/2

-Great selling for a junior match or any match. Excellent near falls and story telling.


4. Ultimo vs. Ohtani - 8/4/96 ****1/2

-One of Ohtani's funest performances. His body language, selling, reactions to nearfalls, and mannerisms are such a blast to watch. Probably Ultimo Dragon's best match as well.


5. Benoit vs. Guerrero 6/11/96 ****1/2

-A unique junior match where Beniot and Eddy control a crowd like few can.

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Guest Monday Night Jericho

I'll do a quick top 10 (90s at least) AJ.


Misawa vs. Kawada 6/3/94 *****

Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 6/9/95 *****

Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 12/3/93 *****

Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 12/6/96 *****

Misawa vs. Tsuruta 6/8/90 *****

Hansen vs. Kobashi 7/29/93 *****

Misawa vs. Kobashi 1/20/97 *****

Williams vs. Kawada 4/16/94 ****3/4

Kawada vs. Kobashi 6/12/98 ****3/4

Hansen vs. Kawada 2/28/93 ****3/4

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Keep in mind these are only matches that I've seen:


All Japan


1. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 12/3/95

2. Misawa vs. Kobashi 1/20/97

3. Misawa vs. Kawada 6/3/94

4. Kawada/Taue vs. Misawa/Akiyama - 12/6/96

5. Misawa vs. Tsuruta 6/8/90

6. Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 6/9/95

7. Kobashi vs. Hansen 7/29/93

8. Kobashi vs. Williams 4/16/94

9. Hansen vs. Kawada 2/28/93

10. Kawada vs. Tsuruta - 10/24/91


New Japan (I did everything together as I didn't wanna split the Jr's and the Heavies)

1. Mutoh/Chono vs. Hase/Sasaki - 7/4/91

2. Lyger vs. El Samurai - 4/30/92

3. Pegasus vs. Sasuke - 4/16/94

4. Ultimo vs. Ohtani - 8/4/96

5. Mutoh vs. Hashimoto - 8/15/95

6. Vader vs. Inoki - 1/4/96

7. Samurai vs. Ohtani - 1/21/96

8. Pegasus vs. Black Tiger - 6/11/96

9. Pegasus/Ohtani vs. Black Tiger/Sasuke - 10/9/94

10. Lyger vs. Ohtani - 2/9/97

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