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Guest Black Tiger

Lyger vs Kikuchi set for 5/27

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Guest Black Tiger

Lyger's next GHC Jr Title match is set for 5/27 against Tsuyoshi Kikuchi. I'm personally looking forward to this as it invovles two of my all time favorites, and two of the best.


If Kikuchi can bring to the table, what he was doing in those 2002 NOAH vs NJPW tag matches, then this should be an easy candidate for MOTY. As long as Kikuchi does no sell the top rope brain buster again :)

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I have to say that this actually excites me. But lets face it, if both men don't have their working boots on this has potential to be disasterous.......

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Guest Black Tiger
I have to say that this actually excites me. But lets face it, if both men don't have their working boots on this has potential to be disasterous.......


Lyger?........NOT bringing the working boots? When did we go back to 2000? Lyger vs Momota was supposedly awesome (tape is on the way)

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I have to say that this actually excites me. But lets face it, if both men don't have their working boots on this has potential to be disasterous.......


Lyger?........NOT bringing the working boots? When did we go back to 2000? Lyger vs Momota was supposedly awesome (tape is on the way)

I actually HAVE heard a lot of good stuff about Lyger/Mamota, but I haven't seen it. I'd be curious about it though, that's for sure. I still think that Lyger is defiantely still a shadow of his former self, but he's still better than most of the Jr's in Japan today. It would be kickass though if Lyger could string together a run of awesome matches.........now THAT would REALLY interest me.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I haven't read any reviews or anything that had star ratings for the Lyger/Momota match, what's it been recieving?

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Guest Black Tiger

Lyger retained the title, he did do the brainbuster and didn't get the win, but we can hope it was something cool like a rope break, or Lyger not wanting the pinfall.

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Guest Shuriken

Liger/Momota was indeed a pretty good match, and I'd put it in the *** range too. Liger/Kikuchi should be ALL that much better though, because Kikuchi brings the kind of pure hatred that Momota does not bring. Momota is always fun as the ''never say die grandpa'', but Kikuchi's hateful rage will mix up alot better with Liger's own personality. Really looking forward to seeing that one on tape (or IWTV maybe?).

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