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Anyone have a site for WWE Contracts?

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I was wondering if there was a site that released information on current WWE Talent and how much they make, their contract length, etc. I never seem to hear much about the specific detail on contracts...but they maybe closed for whatever reasons. I've seen McMahon's income released to the public, but I'm more intrested in the wrestlers. Thanks.

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Guest slacklet

There is a binded report released every year to investors with financial breakdowns, including who's on the payroll and how much they receive.


I saw one on eBay a few months back but didn't pick it up.

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Guest Hot Ticket

Unless youre doing some sort of contract amount vs. amount they bring in analysis, thats awfully nosey

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Unless youre doing some sort of contract amount vs. amount they bring in analysis, thats awfully nosey

What are you talking about? All Professional sports release information on their players contracts in Football, Basketball, Baseball, etc.


Why can't you have an intrest in the contracts for Wrestling?

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Guest CronoT
Unless youre doing some sort of contract amount vs. amount they bring in analysis, thats awfully nosey

What are you talking about? All Professional sports release information on their players contracts in Football, Basketball, Baseball, etc.


Why can't you have an intrest in the contracts for Wrestling?

Because it's "Sports Entertainment."

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame
There is a binded report released every year to investors with financial breakdowns, including who's on the payroll and how much they receive.


I saw one on eBay a few months back but didn't pick it up.


Incorrect - I am a shareholder and get that report. That only applies to Directors (including Vince and Linda) and other people actually responsible / liable for the company. Any other labour costs (including contractors such as wrestlers) is bundled under one cost heading with no breakdown.


In addition, it is written into the contracts of WWE wrestlers that they are not allowed to discuss how much they earn as a basic with anyone - including other wrestlers. They may do and snippets come out onto the net as a result, but its going to be hard to find an accurate list.

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Guest Choken One

Last I heard Mysterio only makes 75k and Benoit and Eddy signed a very low salary contract when they came in(something tells me with the recent title runs, they received raises)…But don’t they still make money of merch and of course they get PPV share of the gates…I believe brock got 900,000 for the WMXIX main…Im sure Benoit rolled in a sweet deal this year.

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I heard the $75,000 dowside figure for Mysterio as well but after Merch and how well he got over(i.e, the higher you are on the card, the more money you make), I'd say he could realistically makes 4 or 5 times his downside per year.


I heard Eddie, Dean, and Perry all got semi-decent downsides but Benoit's I heard was very good(very good for a guy that just burned a bridge), somewhere around $400,000 in 2000.


Jericho's downside was around $500,000 when he signed in 99. He got a significantly better downside when he resigned last year.


I think Big Show has the largest downside in the company at around 1 million. No one has any idea what HHH makes but does it really matter at this point? Taker has a very large downside as well, probably on the level of Show. Goldberg had the largest downside at 1.5 million.


No way Lesnar made $900,000 for the Mania 19 match. Very few workers get the famous $1,000,000 WM main event PPV check and the ones that do/did are the ones on the huge drawing shows. Mania 19 only did 550,000 buys, very low for a recent Mania. And remember Hulk Hogan quitting the company over his "low" $250,000 paycheck for the show. All of the main eventers on that show got the same PPV payoff I believe.


I'm sure Hogan and Andre got a million dollar pay day for Mania 3. Ditto for Hogan and Savage at Mania 5 and maybe Hogan and Warrior at Mania 6.


Based on business figures, the next million dollar one was Mike Tyson at Mania 14. I'm sure Austin and HBK made out for that show as well.


Austin and Rock had 2 huge paydays for Mania 15 and 17. I'm highly confident both received 7 figures for the Mania 17 show.


I know Mick Foley got $500,000 for the Mania 16 4 way because that is what convinced him to do the match. It is a safe bet the other 3 received the same.


Hogan and Rock along with Jericho and HHH surely made out for Mania 18.


This year's payoffs should be interesting.


They had 5 top matches but the HHH vs HBK vs Benoit match along with the Angle vs Guerrero match were positioned and advertised as the main events(with it actually going to the 3 way). I'd say Benoit made double his 2000 downside in one night here. I'm sure Eddie and Angle made out as well.


This is where it gets interesting. Since Austin, Goldberg, and Lesnar are all done with the company, their payoffs will be way down as opposed to if they were still WWE workers.


I expect the big paydays to go to HHH, HBK, Benoit, Angle, Eddy, and Taker with Kane, Rock, Foley, Orton, Batista, Flair, Goldberg, Austin, and Lesnar below them slightly.

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Guest sanyo

Who cares! Surely they all make more than you. HHH probably owns some of the company now- and with Steph I'm sure he's all fine.


Also I remember hearing these guys have to pay for their hotel, food and transportation- which when you think about it, 250 nights a year racks up. Plus I would think besides Wrestlemania, the paydays aren't all that great anymore...low ratings, low house shows, low ppv buyrate, margainal merch sales and you have a much lower payday...surely if Rock was being paid the big bucks he would have stayed in wrestling. I'm only guessing 5 or so wrestlers today pull in a million bucks after expenses.

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Guest Choken One

I think he was just trying to get a gauge on how the individual performers were paid and see if there was an pattern.


We know Mark Henry is the most overpaid worker on the roster hands down...


Here's what I find funny...Of all the workers in wrestling...Apprently Kevin Nash is the smartest about his money at least according to him because he claims to have saved most of it and still drives the same truck he got with his 1994 summerslam pay check.


I really like to know who is the most frivilous with their money...besides Brock of course. Clearly Brock was making a GREAT deal of money that he was able to buy a Airplane for himself.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Wow, Misterio's way underpaid (if that's true), especially for some of the stuff he's done (i.e. when Show swung him like a bat at the ringpost).

They can't pay Rey much more or Cruiserweight Champion Jacqueline might have to be cut.

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Guest sanyo
I really like to know who is the most frivilous with their money...besides Brock of course. Clearly Brock was making a GREAT deal of money that he was able to buy a Airplane for himself.

I'm sure Vince chipped in. And it wasn't a Gulfstream or anything. Probably one of those planes you can buy for half a mil. Sure he probably was making good money but not anywhere near movie star money.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame
I'm sure Vince chipped in. And it wasn't a Gulfstream or anything. Probably one of those planes you can buy for half a mil. Sure he probably was making good money but not anywhere near movie star money.


The plane was leased - he didn't buy it.

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Guest sanyo

That's what I thought. Someone said he brought it so if he did, it wasn't a plane Tom Cruise can afford. More so Pee Wee Herman.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Go here - damn interesting site.


'Sault, Test is probably making around $250,000-$499,999 per annum, just so that you know. :P

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Guest Choken One

i remember when Bischoff said to Barbarian on thunder once


"You want to keep your half a million salary?"


I choked on my god damn pretzel.


No wonder the place went bankrupt.

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Guest Hot Ticket
Intresting information. I can't believe Lesnar made that much money for one match that while it was monumental, wasn't really earth shattering like Hogan/Andre.

he made money because of all his hype....think of 50 cent...did the guy make any money off bein talented? nah he made it off of hype, an excellent owner of the label he works for, and looks


it'd be really sad if someone like brock or lex luger had more money than someone like benoit or guerrero

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Guest Anglesault
Go here - damn interesting site.


'Sault, Test is probably making around $250,000-$499,999 per annum, just so that you know. :P

TEST is making at least a quarter mil?


Test and Trish REALLY have to trade salaries like in the Game of Life.


And Angle is in the top bracket? That caught me off guard.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I found it interesting the distinguishment between the top two highest-paid sections.


Wouldn't you have thought that then at least Mick Foley, Kane, Chris Jericho and Ric Flair... hell, the lot of them except Chris Benoit would've been up there with Triple H, The Undertaker, etc.?


There needs to be an upper-midcard section there.


And yes, the Intercontinental Championship history section there hasn't been updated since Jericho held the belt in September of '02, so take the information for what you will.

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Guest Anglesault
Wouldn't you have thought that then at least Mick Foley, Kane, Chris Jericho and Ric Flair... hell, the lot of them except Chris Benoit would've been up there with Triple H, The Undertaker, etc.?

Flair and Foley, yes.


Kane and Jericho, no.

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Guest sanyo

Hell anyone of us could have made that up. Trish probably makes 250,000+ now. HHH should be in another category- sucking on the McMahon fortune. I kinda wonder how Hunter gets paid now. Kinda odd having to make out a cheque to your son-in-law...and even more weird during contract negotations. I wonder how the next one will go.


Vince- What do you want?

HHH- Your son's half of the company

Vince- I can't do that

HHH- I was the champ, damn it, during the company's highest rating period. And I'm fucking your daughter.

Vince- Did you say... high ratings? SOLD!

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Intresting information. I can't believe Lesnar made that much money for one match that while it was monumental, wasn't really earth shattering like Hogan/Andre.

he made money because of all his hype....think of 50 cent...did the guy make any money off bein talented? nah he made it off of hype, an excellent owner of the label he works for, and looks


it'd be really sad if someone like brock or lex luger had more money than someone like benoit or guerrero

That's *EXACTLY* it...except Lesnar has/had talent. Comparing Brock to Lex is ludicrous.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Intresting information. I can't believe Lesnar made that much money for one match that while it was monumental, wasn't really earth shattering like Hogan/Andre.

he made money because of all his hype....think of 50 cent...did the guy make any money off bein talented? nah he made it off of hype, an excellent owner of the label he works for, and looks


it'd be really sad if someone like brock or lex luger had more money than someone like benoit or guerrero

That's *EXACTLY* it...except Lesnar has/had talent. Comparing Brock to Lex is ludicrous.

It would be sad if Brock or Luger did, but who writes the paycheques and shows favouritism? Heading towards the end of 2003, Brock would have been on huge money.


And Spaceman Spiff, I believe that Brock still has talent.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame
Go here - damn interesting site.


'Sault, Test is probably making around $250,000-$499,999 per annum, just so that you know. 


I'd say that website was last updated in 2001.

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