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Guest glennsoe

Smackdown House show results(15/05)

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Guest glennsoe

From my friends at pwinsider.com






Lately wwe have been "trying out" matches and angles right before theire ppv's, so expect SOME of the judgement day matches to end like they ended here...


And Mordecai squashed Funaki.....so my money's on Funaki as his mysteri opponent today....




James Criswell sent the following...


I just got back from the 5/15 Smackdown house show at Cal State University, San Bernardino. I had a great time; it's the first time i've been ringside in many years. Here are some quick results (I didn't write anything down, so this is just what I remember).


Rico (with Miss Jackie) and Charlie Haas d. Hardcore Holly and Billy Gunn. Decent match. The fans wanted to cheer everyone but Rico, who's gay gimmick drew heel heat. Holly and Gunn were both pretty over in front of the Cali crowd.


Mark Jindrak (with Teddy Long) d. Orlando Jordan. This match was pretty boring; they're both really green, IMO. At least Long's antics at ringside made it watchable.


Mordecai d. Funaki. Squash match. Mordecai comes across as a an 80's character. I don't think he's gonna get over at all, unless he can cut a really good promo (or have someone to do it for him).


Angle came out to a huge pop, even though he tried to get heat. He hyped the PPV and the rest of the show.


Billy Kidman and Paul London d. The Bashams. This match was boring. I'm definitely not a fan of the Bashams, and Kidman needs to learn to work the apron while his partner is getting beat up. Ending was exciting as London hit a tope on one Bashams while Kidman hit the Shooting Star Press for the pin.


Jacqueline d. Chavo Classic to retain Cruiserweight Championship. Chavo Jr. called Jacqueline a thief, yadda yadda yadda. The match was actually Chavo Jr. vs. Jacqueline. Chavo Classic was pretty funny throughout the whole thing. Jacqueline bumped hard for Chavo, getting thrown out of the ring and into the guardrail a couple times. Chavo was distraced outside the ring when Jacqueline hit a lowblow onto Chavo Classic and pinned him.


Booker T d. Johnny Stamboli (with Nunzio). Booker got a huge pop. He talked some trash, saying he didn't want to be there and just needed a tune-up for the Undertaker. Another squash match, with Stamoli and Nunio still selling their injuries from the Undertaker. Stamboli was tossed over the guardrail and practically into my lap, pretty cool.


John Cena d. Renee Dupree. This was a pretty good match. Crowd was into Cena's stuff, as usual. Though I enjoyed the match and each guy's schtick, I don't think either one is really ready to carry a main event match (then again, neither is Bradshaw, but I digress).


Dawn Marie d. Sable in teddy contest thingy. Sable's hot, but Dawn Marie is just as sexy as can be.


Rob Van Damn d. the Dudleys. Great match, heads above the others. All four guys busted it in the ring. The Dudleys worked the fans great and had tons of heat. I was hoping Heyman would show up, but unfortunately no. RVD was waaaaaayyyyy over. The crowd just went nuts for everything he did. RVD hit the 5 star to send the crowd home happy.


Chris sent the following report....


I attended the 5/15 smackdown house show in San Bernardino CA, here's a rundown of what happened.


The show was scheduled to start at 7:30, after a moderate wait outside, we got in and were sitting down by 7:25, the slights dimmed around 7:50, the arena, if not a sellout, was very close.


The first match was a tag title bout between Bob Holly and Billy Gunn vs Champions Haas and Rico, with Jackie. The crowd was VERY hot, and at points in the match treated both teams as faces, though the champs also got heel heat(mostly on Haas). After a few minutes of Rico doing his antics, which the crowd was very into, the match got good, quite fast paced, and at one point, Gunn did the DX crotch chop to a HUGE pop over a fallen Haas. The finish saw Jackie distract Holly and Haas roll up Gunn for the win. After the match, Gunn and Holly played up the crowd(lots of "Holly!" chants, surprisingly), Gunn sat on the corner ropes like they were a couch, and Holly mooned one side of the arena(not mine, fortunately!). Winners: Haas and Rico.


Next, Theodore R. Long came out, and got cheap heat with insults on California. He announced Jindrak for his match with Orlando Jordan. Crowd was LOUDLY behind Jordan, and Jindrak had a ton of heat. standard fare match, it wad decent, finish saw Jindrak getting a clean win over Jordan. Winner: Jindrak.


Funaki vs Mordecai. Funaki got a decent pop, Mordecai got nearly no reaction, not much of note happened, and the crowd cooled off tremendously for this match. Mordecai got the win with what appeared to be a last ride. Commentary, Mordecai's repertoire looks very very similar to undertaker's, it was actually a good match, but having one guy no one cared about vs another that no one knew created no heat. Winner: Mordecai.


At this point, Angle's music played and the roof nearly blew off the arena. Massive "You Suck!" chants followed, and Angle did his classic "you people are worthless" act. he Ran down the card for Judgement Day, and announced "Three of those matches will take place here, tonight!" which prompted an "Angle!" chant, to which he responded "don't you people even dare chant my name after saying 'you suck!' at me!" which of course we all ate up. Angle was the perfect thing needed to re-awaken the crowd after the previous match.


Basham's vs Kidman and Paul London. match started off slow, Basham's had no heat, and London seemed to miss a couple spots, killed much of the heat created by Angle, and prompted my co-attendee to check the Lakers score(34-34, 2nd qtr). Things turned hot towards the end though, when London did a flip over the ropes onto a Basham outside, and Kidman hit a Shooting Star Press for the win, which created the 2nd biggest "flash bulb" moment of the night. Winners: Kidman and London


Booker T came out, did his "I don't want to be here" routinee before his opponent, Johnny Stamboli, came out. Crowd chanted "Taker" much of the match, and booed both men. I tried to get a "Full Blooded F****ts" chant going, but failed. Booker got the win cleanly after a scissor kick, teased a Spinarooni, but when the crowd popped for it, he shook his head and covered Stamboli. Taker never showed. Winner: Booker T


Cruiserweight title match: Chavo with Chavo Classic came out, this prompted me to raise my sign which read "hey! Lt. Loco! where's Pepe?!" with a drawing of pepe the horse below the words. I was too far away to tell for sure if he saw it, but during a GREAT promo where he tore down the crowd beautifully, he did point in my direction and shake his head. he called out jacqueline, and she said "I'll beat either one of you, right now!" and she got a fast clean win over Chavo Classic. I attempted to move to a better position with my sign, but was shoed away by security(note: look for that sign at Judgement Day, it'll be bright green, I won't be there, but a friend is taking it for me). Winner: Jacqueline


US Title Match: Dupree came out first, did his typical Anti-US promo, then called out Cena. Cena did his standard rap, for what seemed like forever, played to the crowd, and the crowd was massively hot for this match. The two had a good match, with Cena getting the win on the FU. During the match, Cena took a sign out of the crowd that said "Rene, choke on these!" and held it up to the crowd, but kept Rene from seeing it. Winner: Cena


Tiny Teddy Competition: Sable vs Dawn Marie. Sable teased that she was not going to remove her robe, the 2 had a catfight with Dawn ripping Sable's robe off. Sable left the ring and Dawn was about to be declared winner, but Dawn said no, not until I "Show what I have!" while she stripped in the ring, Sable signed autographs half naked by the entrance. Winner: The Whole Arena.


Main event, RVD and Rey Mysterio vs The Dudley Boys. the crowd was still hot, Rey and RVD got the biggest pop of the night. before the match, Angle came out and declared this was a no DQ match, which prompted me to start a shortlived ECW chant. Most of the match was Rey getting picked apart by the Duds, and keeping him away from RVD, they attempted a hot tag, but the ref sold it as though he missed both tags, Bubba then grabbed a mic and got in Rey's face and called him a "dumb mexican" which prompted massive heat, and then furthered it with "come on! hit me you chihuahua!" leading to a "bubba sucks!" chant. When RVD finally hit the ring, the crowd popped huge, but the Duds pulled off a quick 3d, then went for a chair(no tables to be seen, sadly). Rey stole the chair and hit both duds with it, and did a stereo 619 on them, at the same time, RVD then hit the 5-star for the win. RVD and Rey celebrated in the ring, the Duds came back out after a few minutes, but were 619ed again, and then RVD seemed to shake everyone's hand on his way out, signed a few things, and grabbed a small boy and threw him into the air a couple times at ringside. Paul London also came out to ringside to sign autographs.


overall, a great show, only one real clunker match, with the 2nd not so great match improving tremendously at the finish. Some dissappointment at no Taker, no one seemed to notice that eddie wasn't there, he wasn't on the card and neither was JBL, so there was no reason to expect it. Hopefully the hot crowd and great attendance will bring WWE back soon.

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These two reports both seemed to give a very different outlook on the event, though.


Either way, this PPV is dead.


And if the main event was No DQ, why did they waste time going through the whole FIP process? Surely RVD could have just got in the ring and the ref could do nothing to stop him. One of the reasons why I hate No DQ Tag matches.


When Dudleyz vs RVD and Rey is the only promising match on a pay per view, you know its gonna suck. Come to think of it, the pre-ppv match may be the best of the lot. They have to have some combination of Noble/London/Kidman/Akio in there, right? Maybe the Bashams vs London and Kidman. Or they could just have Jindrak vs Jordan, which would be just as good as any of them, right?


The sooner JD is out of the way, the better. At least next week on SD allows them to start over AGAIN. And how does this show actually contain spoilers? I wasnt spoiled on anything in here. Oh, Funaki might be Mordecai's opponent. HUGE NEWS there.

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Guest Edgehead

The debut of Mordecai reminds me of the debut of Goldust at In your house 5. I feel that the match at JD will be heatless and he will get no reaction till he treads in the Dead Mans... uh... Grave.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The debut of Mordecai reminds me of the debut of Goldust at In your house 5. I feel that the match at JD will be heatless and he will get no reaction till he treads in the Dead Mans... uh... Grave.

Correction: IYH 4, another PPV I think that BOMBED in the buyrate department. (thank you Diesel, World Champion for a year)



I wouldn't know how to compare Goldust to Mordecai though. Completely different gimmicks in my opinion.

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Hm, hopefully they make the tag match No-DQ between Rey & RVD/Dudleys at JD. Sure, it wouldn't be much better, but at least it'll be a match where to crowd could get into. And it's always fun to see Rob and Rey take sick bumps.

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Guest sanyo

It would be funny if Morcedi was the second coming of Goldust. Fool everyone to think he's some religious freak then he becomes this gay Ravishing Rick Rude/Goldust guy.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
It would be funny if Morcedi was the second coming of Goldust. Fool everyone to think he's some religious freak then he becomes this gay Ravishing Rick Rude/Goldust guy.

No, I think a better gimmick is he's a gay minister and he touches little boys...OK, that would be WORSE.

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Guest Anglesault
Billy Kidman and Paul London d. The Bashams. This match was boring.


Basham's had no heat,




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