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Angel Best of 32 Tourney...

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Just like I did with Buffy, this is the Angel Best of 32 Tournament. Each person gets, I don't know, 4 episodes each to nominate. If it doesn't fill up by Monday, then I will fill the rest out.


Apacolypse Nowish

You're Welcome

Spin the Bottle

A New World

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Guest Brian


Waiting in the Wings

Guise will be Guise

What's the name of the episode where Holtz shows up

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I've Got You Under My Skin





I think you mean "Heroes", Ravenbomb.


By the way, I don't know what the Buffy thread entailed, but when the time comes to actually do this, quick summaries for each episode couldn't hurt. That way everyone can know what they're voting for, without disregarding the choice they don't remember or having to look it up online. Either include them in the brackets post or right after that (so you can copy and paste the brackets without summaries).

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In The Dark

The Ring

Happy Anniversary

The Shroud Of Rahmon




This is really hard. Angel eps just don't stand out like Buffy. Trying to do this reminds me of how much better Buffy is.

Edited by Anyanka

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Lullaby - [As Darla violently begins childbirth, Angel faces the responsibility of becoming a father and the possibilities of what miracle or destruction this new being may bring to the world.]


Couplet - [Exacerbating the tension caused by the office's two latest couplings, Cordy asks Angel to help her achieve the next level of intimacy with Groosalugg. Meanwhile, Fred and Gunn discuss the new wrinkle in their relationship and track an alleged cheating fiancé, whom they promptly lose during a brief make-out session.]


The Girl in Question - [Angel and Spike travel to Rome with plans to rescue Buffy from their old nemesis The Immortal. While in Italy, they also attempt to retrieve the head of a fallen demon leader to prevent a perilous power struggle between several warring demon clans. Julie Benz, Tom Lenk, and Juliet Landau guest star.]


Lineage - [The offices of Wolfram & Hart are under attack by cyborg assassins who are seeking a magical device that will give them control over Angel. Meanwhile, Wesley is surprised by the unannounced arrival of his estranged father who has come to evaluate Wesley for possible reacceptance to the Watcher's Council.]


Damage - [When an emotionally unstable woman, Dana, escapes from a psychiatric ward, Angel learns that she was tortured as a child and is now searching for her tormentor. Andrew, a watcher-in-training, arrives from England with surprising information about Buffy and to inform the group about Dana. Meanwhile, Spike believes that if he can save Dana, he will prove that he is destined to be the vampire champion.]


(yes, I am picking 5)

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I had to get more familiar with the episodes, so I looked at em all and found...


Rudo's Recommendations:


Season 5:


Episode 1: "Conviction" - Gunn gets all lawyery, Harmony becomes Angels secretary, and a bunch of other fun stuff.


Episode 4: "Hell Bound" - Spike gets tormented by WR&H's resident soul seeker. Good clean fun.


Episode 5: "LIfe of the Party" - Lornes psychic ability fucks everyone up. Good Clean Dirty Fun. Gunn pisses all over the place, Wes and Fred get drunk ~! GREAT episode.


Episode 8: "Destiny" - HOLY SHIT IS THAT LINDSEY!!??!!!


Episode 10: "Soul Purpose" - Spike takes over for Angel while Angel has bad dreams. Those dreams... are awesome.


Episode 12: "You're Welcome" - Cordy returns and she and Eve and Harmony go at it. Just a really fucking good episode.


Episode 15: "Hole in the World" - Stunning episode. The peak of Angels emotional core. Awesome. Angel and Spike argue over Cavemen and Astronauts.


Episode 16: "Shells" - Really FUCKING good episode where Amy Acker starts to OWN Illyria. Great work all around.


Episode 17: "Underneath" - HAMILTON~!!!! Angel saves Lindsey from his eternal punishment... and Gunn takes his place.


Episode 18: "Origin" - Connor comes back to kill Sahjahn wrapping up a storyline that started in Season 3. Wes gets back all of his memories.


Episode 19: "Time Bomb" - Innovative episode that has Angels Avengers get slaughtered by Illyria. Angel turns bad.


Episode 20: "The Girl in Question" - a wonderful, funny, homage to the universe and some great stuff from Angel and Spike. Illyria turning into Fred and Wes' reactions, IMO, makes Wes and Fred the best love story in the 'verse.


Episode 21: "Power Play" - it brings everything together and then throws it all out the window cause in one more episode IT'S ON~!


Episode 22: "Not Fade Away" - best episode ever.


Season 4


Episode 22: "Home" - WR&H offers Angel a chance to run their LA offices. Angel ends Connors pain. FANTASTIC episode.


Episode 18: "Shiny Happy People" - Jasmine comes into being, everyone falls in love with her. Fred sees the true Jasmine.


Episode 17: "Inside Out" - Angel tries to find out why Cordy is evil, Darla tries to stop Connor from killing an innocent.


Episode 13: "Salvage" - THE BEAST dies in a horrible fashion, LILAH haunts Wes, FAITH returns, THE BEAST beats the shit out of her, ANGELUS is fun, CORDY is THE BEASTmaster. Very eventful episode.


Episode 10: "Awakening" - Before Angelus can be released, ANGEL goes through the day that will cause his moment of happiness.


Episode 8: "Habeas Corpses" - THE BEAST wrecks WR&H's office. NUFF SAYED.


Episode 7: "Apocalypse Nowish" - THE BEAST kicks the shit out of Team Angel in an unprecidented way, lights the sky on fire, BADASSWES whips out THE GUNS, and Lilah dresses up like Fred. YOWZA!


Episode 6: "Spin the Bottle" - oh the hilARity. Angel as Liam fucking owns shit down hard. THE BEAST makes his debut.


Episode 1: "Deep Down" - Angel returns from the sea (rescued by BADASSWES -RECOGNIZE~!), Wes is fucking Lilah, Justine is hidden in his closet... BADASS!!


(to be continued - I'll make my official picks once I get them all down)

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Season 3


Episode 22: "Tomorrow" - Connor betrays Angel, Cordy ascends. At the time, I really loved this episode because of what Connor did to Angel. I need to see it again, though.


Episode 21: "Benediction" - The series gets summed up at this point, a really great episode that tends to get overlooked. Holtz dies as he gives his final "fuck you" to Angel.


Episode 20: "A New World" - Connor goes all slow motiony on Angel and its a mindblowing scene. He discovers "a new world" and Angel tries to make a connection.


Episode 17: "Forgiving:" - Angel tries to kill Wesley in one of the most haunting scenes in Buffyverse history.


Episode 16: "Sleep Tight" - Wesley betrays Angel after a series of events which led him to believe that "The Father will Kill the son"; he gives the child to Holtz who takes him in to a hell dimension and gets cut for his actions.


Episode 15: "Loyalty" - Wes becomes distraught when the prophecy begins to come true. This starts a FANTASTIC series of episodes.


Episode 10: "Dad" - The Hotel gets surrounded by various demons who want Connor. Holtz recruits Justine.


Episode 09: "Lullaby" - Darla sacrifices herself for Connor, Holtz lets Angel and the child live. Really great episode.


Episode 6: "Billy" - A very powerful episode that basically kills any chance of Wes getting with Fred for a couple of seasons and has Gunn saving the day. Awesome, awesome stuff.


Episode 5: "Fredless" - not an overly great episode, but it has some great stuff in it and legits messes you up on where Mr. and Mrs. Burkles intentions lie.


Episode 3: "That Vision Thing" - Skip debuts and his conversation with Angel is fantustic. Billy gets released from his firey prison.


Season 2:


Episode 1: "Judgement" - Angel sings Mandy. HOW CAN THIS NOT BE IN THE TOURNAMENT!!!?


Episode 10: "Reunion" - the first huge "holy shit" moment on the show where Angel leaves the employees of WR&H to the mercy of Darla and Dru in the basement of Hollands home.


Episode 11: "Redefinition" - Angel fucks Darla and Dru up proper~!


Episode 12: "Blood Money" - Angel screws up WR&H's donation drive; feature a great "tribute" to Holland Mathers and Angel is generally great playing bad.


Episode 13: "Happy Anniversary" - Angel and Lorne team up... and sweet jesus does it rule.


Episode 15: "Reprise" - this is the episode you HAVE TO see before seeing "Not Fade Away". A Senior Partners visit is impending and Angel wants to go to the "Home Office" on a suicide mission. Relevant? Just a little.


Episode 16: "Epiphany" - after fucking Darla, Angel gets set straight and tries to make amends with the crew. I really enjoy this episode and you might notices there was a string of really solid shows here. It really foreshadowned a lot of the greatness in Season 3, 4 and 5. And buh bye Kate, you were really, really, hot.


Episode 20-22: "Over the Rainbow", "Through the looking glass", "There's No place like Plrtz Glrb" - Cordy ends up in Pylea and meets Fred, Angel and Co go to save her, a bunch of fun stuff happens... all episodes are fun and "wipes the slate clean" for Season 3.

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Guest Brian

I forgot Reprise. That has the most stunning revelation in the show. Give me fifth nomination.

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Guest reekspeak

City Of has to be nominated, it doesn't need to be anyone's favourite or be considered one of the best episodes, it's simply too important to be ignored.


Also, RRR posted a lot of nominations that might be lost in the mix but Lullaby and Calvary are musts too in terms of importance.

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Apacolypse Nowish

You're Welcome

Spin the Bottle

A New World

Hole in the World

Not Fade Away


I Will Remember You


Power Play

I Fall To Pieces

Rm W/a Vu


Harms way


Waiting in the Wings

Guise will be Guise

Life of the Party




I've Got You Under My Skin




Five By Five


Sleep Tight


In The Dark

The Ring

Happy Anniversary

The Shroud Of Rahmon



The Girl in Question




City Of


This could turn into a 64 episode tournament, because there's certainly enough episodes to do it. Ok, I'm going to pick One from every season besides season 1 (which I think has already been represented, though I'll go through it later), that hasn't been picked already, and if you decide to go with 64, I'll throw in some more...


Season 2: Reunion (Redefinition, Blood Money)

Season 3: Benediction (Dad, Forgiving, Loyalty)

Season 4: Salvage (Habeas Corpses, Deep Down)

Season 5: Destiny (You're Welcome, Time Bomb, Underneath)

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Guest reekspeak

I think Waiting in the Wings deserves a nomination too.


Dammit, this is so hard and not in the way Anyanka suggests.

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By the way, I don't know what the Buffy thread entailed, but when the time comes to actually do this, quick summaries for each episode couldn't hurt. That way everyone can know what they're voting for, without disregarding the choice they don't remember or having to look it up online. Either include them in the brackets post or right after that (so you can copy and paste the brackets without summaries).

I will give summaries when the tourney startes.


Well, it looks like there is more than 32 episodes chosen. They are:


1. Apacolypse Nowish

2. You're Welcome

3. Spin the Bottle

4. A New World

5. Hole in the World

6. Not Fade Away

7. Home

8. I Will Remember You

9. Conviction

10. Power Play

11. I Fall To Pieces

12. Room With A View

13. Smile Time

14. Harms' Way

15. Soulless

16. Waiting in the Wings

17. Guise will be Guise

18. Offspring

19. Life of the Party

20. Orpheus

21. Hero

22. Reprise

23. I've Got You Under My Skin

24. Billy

25. Forgiving

26. Shells

27. Five By Five

28. Sanctuary

29. Sleep Tight

30. Origin

31. In The Dark

32. The Ring

33. Happy Anniversary

34. The Shroud Of Rahmon

35. Lullaby

36. Couplet

37. The Girl in Question

38. Lineage

39. Damage

40. Reunion

41. Benediction

42. Salvage

43. Destiny

44. City Of...


This could turn into a 64 episode tournament, because there's certainly enough episodes to do it. Ok, I'm going to pick One from every season besides season 1 (which I think has already been represented, though I'll go through it later), that hasn't been picked already, and if you decide to go with 64, I'll throw in some more...

That is a good idea seeing how I can't get rid of 12 episodes. I tried but it is too hard to. So here is the new list, including RRR's extra ones, Superstar's pick with "Darla," and 2 more from me.


1. Apacolypse Nowish

2. You're Welcome

3. Spin the Bottle

4. A New World

5. Hole in the World

6. Not Fade Away

7. Home

8. I Will Remember You

9. Conviction

10. Power Play

11. I Fall To Pieces

12. Room With A View

13. Smile Time

14. Harms' Way

15. Soulless

16. Waiting in the Wings

17. Guise will be Guise

18. Offspring

19. Life of the Party

20. Orpheus

21. Hero

22. Reprise

23. I've Got You Under My Skin

24. Billy

25. Forgiving

26. Shells

27. Five By Five

28. Sanctuary

29. Sleep Tight

30. Origin

31. In The Dark

32. The Ring

33. Happy Anniversary

34. The Shroud Of Rahmon

35. Lullaby

36. Couplet

37. The Girl in Question

38. Lineage

39. Damage

40. Reunion

41. Benediction

42. Salvage

43. Destiny

44. City Of...

45. Darla

46. Redefinition

47. Blood Money

48. Dad

49. Forgiving

50. Loyalty

51. Salvage

52. Habeas Corpses

53. Deep Down

54. Destiny

55. Time Bomb

56. Underneath

57. Soul Purpose

58. Birthday

59. Are You Now

60. Have You Ever Been


4 more episodes are needed, so vote away. Obviously it will be the episodes that are voted first, so vote quickly.


EDIT: Spiny nominated Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been. So the list is updated, only 4 more.

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I disagree with making it 64 seeing as that's going to be more than 50% of every episode ever made, but whatever.


I'll nominate Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been, because I don't think I saw that on this list.

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I disagree with making it 64 seeing as that's going to be more than 50% of every episode ever made, but whatever.


I'll nominate Are You Now Or Have You Ever Been, because I don't think I saw that on this list.

Yeah I hear ya bro, but it is VERY hard to get rid of 12 episodes. Plus I can't leave out my nigga RRR with his picks, that wouldn't be fair.

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Okay then here's the four you need:


Parting Gifts


To Shanshu in LA

The Trial


Dang...in looking for four more episodes I noticed that a lot of throwaways made it in while some good episodes didn't. Did some people just throw out the most random episode they could think of?

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Yeah, really.


11. I Fall To Pieces

12. Room With A View

32. The Ring

33. Happy Anniversary

34. The Shroud Of Rahmon


These eps are, well, really bad. What about "Judgment", "Epiphany", or "Dead End"? Oh, and "Are you now or have you ever been" is one ep, not two :)

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Those eps are not bad.


Unlike Buffy the storyarc eps of Angel all bleed together and are unmemorable on their own. The best eps, as far as picking out a single choice, are the monster of the week stuff and those are good ones.

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Those eps are not bad.


Unlike Buffy the storyarc eps of Angel all bleed together and are unmemorable on their own. The best eps, as far as picking out a single choice, are the monster of the week stuff and those are good ones.

Unmemorable? Examples.

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