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Art Sandusky

Who Would Win in a Fight?

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Sex Kylie a.k.a. Little Miss Chevious.






Indie Kylie






Cute Kylie






Dance Kylie


Stay tuned for this exciting encounter~!



Bets will be taken before the fight starts.

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Nah, this is about my 6th or 7th time. I've just never had access to a computer before whilst high.


I think Indie Kylie will win, and even if she doesn't she's still the sexiest by far.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Little Miss Chevious would kick ass.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I don't act like this when I'm baked, do I?


Little Miss Chevious, by a mile.

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Indie, she has the most serious look to her while the others just look confused or out of it.

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Guest croweater

Indie Kylie is gonna KICK SOME ASS!!!!!


Easily defeating Corpse Kylie, teeny bopper Kylie and SPANDEX KYLIE!


Although, If this were an orgy they'd MAKE MILLIONS!

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I hate to bring you guys this news tidbit, but this is a hoax! That's right, I've figured it out too. It's a TRICK QUESTION!!!!! It doesn't matter which Kylie it is......it's still Kylie. She cannot defeat the different forms of Kylie, it's an old myth.


I've figured you out this time Kotz.........your really high.

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Guest FrigidSoul

A new competitor has entered the ring




Too Much Botox Kylie!

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Cute Kylie preps the camera.



Some quick promo shots before the fight begins.



Sex Kylie tries the dreaded Coat Whip on Cute Kylie.



Cute Kylie responds with a hair pulling.



Sex Kylie takes out her aggressions on Dance Kylie, who is embroiled in an argument with Indie Kylie over the merits of dance music.



But Cute Kylie has a bat...



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Guest Anglesault
Wow, I'm really high. Dude.

Well, we're all proud of something.


kyliearrivesbrits300x400.jpgIs that Botox Kylie or Fucked Up Eyes Kylie? Why are her eyes all uneven in that picture?

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For the record, I was drunk, not high.


AS is added to the growing list of people I don't want in Kylie-related threads.


EDIT: And no run-in. Anyone trying to do a run-in on this is like Kaientai trying to run-in on the 2000 Royal Rumble. They get humiliated and their faces busted.


... Dannii can watch the fight and declare the winner by virtue of having Minogue genes.

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Guest FrigidSoul

Botox Kylie already looks like she took a brutal bump where she landed face first on the concrete. I think she'll risk further humiliation for the run-in.

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I believe that Botox Kylie would kick all of their asses, if only because she doesn't seem afraid to get hit in the face. Sex Kylie is used to taking shots in the face, though, but Cute Kylie? Doesn't stand a chance. Indie Kylie would take the bat away and beam her off the head, eliminating her after the 1-2-3.


Yes. I'm putting my money on Botox Kylie.

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