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Guest Dynamite Kido


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Guest Dynamite Kido

I was reading the results to the "Generation Next" show that ROH just put on and it really seems as if they are changing the company a lot due to talent leaving because of TNA. I heard some people complaining how their shows seem lacking and I would have to agree with them at this point. I must admit that I am curious to find out though. But then it brought me to this, what should they do? What does ROH have to do to get their product on the right track. Honestly, I think they are doing the right thing by pushing the people that they are(most notably Alex Shelley) and giving people new positions on the roster(moving guys up the card that generally wouldn't be there). I think that ROH is dropping the ball by not trying to bring in some INDY talent that is out there that would help the company such as guys like B-Boy, Super Dragon, and Chris Hero(even though he apparently isn't welcome there for whatever reason). What do you guys think?

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Guest bort

The first thing they need to do is get the prophecy a new leader, i think Hero doing an evil gimmick would be perfect but it wont happen


They should get the belt of Joe soon, hes had it for a long time and there aint many contenders left......a big push for someone like Maff or Strong to the title.


Give Shelly the pure title, he is money in the bank.


Just keep puttin on shows, people will forget about the TNA and RF thing if you are putting on amazing shows month after month

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What I'd do:


1) Stop making so many damn Factions/Stables

2) If your gonna have all of these heel stables [Prophecy, Second City Saints, Embassy, Special K, Rottweilers, and now GenNext {all heel}], have at least one face stable to counter.

3) Don't have the heel stable feud with another heel stable [it's just stupid].

4) Stop having multi-feuds [Punk-Steamboat and Punk-Prophecy at the same time]

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Thank god you're not booking. Gen Next forming, and the Punk-Steamboat angle were by far the most over things on the show, got massive pops, and great reactions.


Just give them time to build this faction up and see where it goes. Last night, all of Gen Next became stars with an amazing match.


Edit: put the unnecessary part of the post in bold.

-Super J, bringing civility back to misc one edit at a time (thumbs up!) Now off to the batcave to solve the problem of global warming!

Edited by Jay Z. Hollywood

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Guest Jimbo
What I'd do:


1) Stop making so many damn Factions/Stables


Why? None were problems untill now when Daniels was forced to leave, but the rest are doing well.


2) If your gonna have all of these heel stables [Prophecy, Second City Saints, Embassy, Special K, Rottweilers, and now GenNext {all heel}], have at least one face stable to counter.


Isn't the Carnage Crew a face stable?


3) Don't have the heel stable feud with another heel stable [it's just stupid].


True, but the Prophecy isn't really a heel stahle now that Dnaiels is gone. It was Punk vs. Daniels...with a few other guys behind them. Daniels is gone and Maff and Whitmer are kind of like tweeners now. They are bad guys...but as a team, they haven't done too much....or at least not nearly as much as the Second City Saints.


4) Stop having multi-feuds [Punk-Steamboat and Punk-Prophecy at the same time]


Eh, leave it be for the moment, it's keeping RoH interesting for the time being.


Again, if Daniels was sitll around everything would be MUCH different.

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Guest OSIcon

Their "problems" are more general than any specific booking patterns. My suggestions would be:


1.) Continue what was started at Generation Next. Don't just talk about the new stars, really showcase them. Plus, showcase more than just the Generation Next stable themselves. With the TNA guys gone, there is no reason for your roster to be looked at as "the same old ROH roster.....just without Styles, Daniels, Red, ect.". By continuing to push the new guys, new stars will be created and hopefully the roster will see fresh and exciting once again (not that it was ever really stale to begin with).


2.) Stop expanding to new areas for the time being. Attendance hasn't dropped drastically or anything, but it certainly isn't at its peak of a few months ago. That doesn't mean ROH should panic or anything, rather they just should just concentrate on the half dozen or so markets they currently run.


3.) Don't panic with regards to the booking. While the style of booking for the last couple of shows was mostly necesary to establish new wrestlers and angles, I hope they can settle down into their old pattern of having long angles that take time to build. Not to mention, having most of the announced matches on cards play out. It was needed and worked out well on Saturday doing what they did, but in the once the new wrestlers/angles are established, they will be better of going back to their old style in the long run.


That's pretty much it. From what I hear (I was unable to make the show myself at the last minute), the wrestling was fine on Saturday. There really isn't a need for panic, rather just some things to keep in mind.

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There really is no panic at all, I mean, when you look at Philly attendance, there are a lot of reasons this happened:


1) Ignoring the market for 5 months. When you don't have TV, this doesn't work.

2) Running against a stacked WWE card with a "weak" ROH card with relatively few known names

3) Phillies in town

4) Fliers in Game 7 of their playoff series

5) People leaving when they saw the tent


Add all this together, and you got an attendance about 100-150 or so less than their last pure ROH Philly show in September. They would run philly more, but CZW and 3PW keep them out of the arena. I think they will start running Philly more soon though somewhere else, they should be fine.


Last night, they HAD to establish this group as a force, and it was a 100% success. Fans were wild for them by the end, and all 4 guys became stars in one night.


The other goal was setting up the Punk/Steamboat tag match probably at 7/17, the bell angle had about half the audience that got it marking out.


There are so many ways they can go with this group, it opens up so many match possibilities, I can't wait to see where it goes from here, especially with the Pitbulls as regulars after Romero gets back from Japan.

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