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Guest gearhead

Randy Orton/Triple H

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Guest gearhead

Ok, well for a lot of months people been asking the question of will Evolution break up, and what will happen after?? Well how and when do you think they will/should or shouldnt break up??


IMO, Triple H will turn face. He shall leave his feud with HBK, Shawn Michaels at Bad Blood, at least for a while. He should lose that match due to interference by Randy Orton. This could spark a few things. It could go like Nation of Domination, and Trips, the leader, could get thrown out of the group, ala Farooq, or they could all go there seperate ways that night.


If Evolution were to stay a group as Randy as the leader, it will not be as strong, as organised and definately not the same. With Orton in the driving seat, he will be more cocky, especially if he keeps his IC title, which will either cause the reason for his turn and not keep Evolution. If Shelton wins the IC belt at Bad Blood, then expect Orton to be pissed at somebody, more than likely Shelton, but he may want to go after big and better things. With gold on his mind, he sets his site on the biggest, near-legend there is in WWE today, Triple H.


At the end of the HIAC match, we see Orton come in, Trips, expecting to be saved, is betrayed by his friend, causeing him to drop everything and turn Face. This will be big for both guys, as we will see Trips in a lighter side, and we will see if Randy is the Legend he says he is. So after that feud has had its day, what next? With Benoit as the champion, or possibly a Heel HBK, We bring Orton in as a Face. How we do that i hear you say, well here it is.


First of all we bring in a new legend. None other than the Legend-Killers father, 'Cowboy' Bob Orton. Orton will not want to fight his father, thus being shown the way to good, giving him a shot at the big gold, with a Face Triple H either gone to do movies, or against a Heel Kane, or yet again, a Heel Shawn Michaels. What is to happen to the rest of Evolution??


Ric Flair has got to retire from the ring one day, and with the good relationship he has with Batista, expect him to manage batista, and bring him into big time statis, with another big man, Kane. Kane will be a perfect choice for a feud with another big man, although they are both heels, this probably wont happen. We also could possibly see a title defence from Randy Orton against Batista in the not so distant future, which belt will have to be up to WWE.


That was my thoughts, tell me yours??

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Orton will turn face. HHH's character is just not sympathetic, and Orton's already getting face pops.

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Triple H could never ever ever turn face at this point. It would make absolutely no sense and would effectively reverse a good three years of progress. Orton would need a face turn to advance his career, but I expect that by the time he gets ready to turn, he'll be more over (and less green) than he is now, and the turn will only make him more popular. A Triple H face turn would be a step backward and would likely not get the right kind of reaction from any kind of fan, be it smark or otherwise.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

The WWF/WWE (HHH, nonwithstanding) is a company ruled by faces. If they want Orton to be an impact player NOW, they turn him face.

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Guest JMA

I think WWE will ATTEMPT to turn Hunter face for this feud. Y'know, playing up the whole "cocky young punk vs. established wrestler" thing. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, just that I think it'll happen that way.

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Im pretty sure they would turn Triple H face, which sucks cause Trips dosent work well as a face since his DX days. Unless of corse he has been out injured for nearly a year and even then it dosent last to long before people get bored with him being a face. The WWE should just face the music Triple H is a guy that people love to hate.

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I still remember his audience pandering when he first returned from the injury. Anyone else remember the MUSCLE MAN POSE~ before he'd do the Pedigree?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I still remember his audience pandering when he first returned from the injury. Anyone else remember the MUSCLE MAN POSE~ before he'd do the Pedigree?

Thanks for reminding me. The first time (or two) he did it, I spat something all over the television screen because it looked so fucking stupid.

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I think WWE will ATTEMPT to turn Hunter face for this feud. Y'know, playing up the whole "cocky young punk vs. established wrestler" thing. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, just that I think it'll happen that way.

I agree. They'll try to make HHH face, but Orton will get the cheers between the two.


It's the same thing behind Brock's face turn. The audience cheers a guy who hasn't been around 400 years.

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I still remember his audience pandering when he first returned from the injury. Anyone else remember the MUSCLE MAN POSE~ before he'd do the Pedigree?

Thanks for reminding me. The first time (or two) he did it, I spat something all over the television screen because it looked so fucking stupid.

Not to mention pointless and annoying, if your gonna pedigree the guy just do it and end the match already.

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HHH will turn face and for one good reason. He'll be coming off a four or five month absence when he gets done with his movie, and fans will be happy to see him. Orton will still be established as a hated heel which is pretty much all he needs to be able to do. I say that when HHH leaves, Orton takes control of Evolution and possibly even wins the World Title. Then when HHH comes back, he tries to take back control of the stable. At this point, Evolution splits in half as Flair sides with the veteran HHH, while Batista sides with Orton. Then, all they need to do to cement the face/heel status is for Orton and Batista to beat the shit out of Flair for being a HHH loyalist. In fact, if Orton doesn't have the title, Orton and Batista vs. Flair and HHH could make a pretty good PPV match.

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Guest GreatMuta

Trying to turn HHH back to a face is like trying to turn Sting back to a heel...it just does not work

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Guest Korgath

I'm trying to imagine a face Hunter VS a heel Orton... and I can't. It just doesn't work. I'd probably cheer Orton against Hunter no matter what. :headbang:

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Guest JacK

You just *know* if Triple H turns face they'd have him and Michaels team together in at least one match, and make no mention of their 2 years of feuding. No doubt.


And Randy Orton should be a face now, I mean I don't know how you can not cheer for him. They could have backstage segments where people use the word 'legend' and he runs in, gives them an RKO and leave . . . hell I'd find that entertaining. But maybe that's just me . . .

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Shit, when I said that HHH would be the face, I certainly didn't mean that the smarks on the net would be cheering for him. I just meant that if they do things right, they'll have an easier time making Trips a face with the casual mark than than they would with Orton. Oh, and if they EVER team HHH and HBK together after all the shit they've done, I would fucking flip out.

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Guest frowned
Oh, and if they EVER team HHH and HBK together after all the shit they've done, I would fucking flip out.

The only way I can see the seemingly perpetual feud ending is by one of them offering a hand at the end of a match and the other accepting. It's stupid and illogical with the only alternative being someone disappearing for a while and then reappearing later to re-ignite it. Yukkerty.

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Guest Loss

Whether it's the right approach or not, I expect HHH/Flair v Orton/Batista to be the breakup feud.

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Guest EugeneMark

Orton will not be face because he's to smug. Also the fact that he doesn't do anything that would make fans want to cheer for him is also a second strike against him. Triple H atleast has a cool enterance so he would be face. It's just that simple. Maybe wwe.com will have a poll asking the fans who would be face or heel.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

They should just keep Evolution together for a long while. The only person I'd see leaving is Flair. Personally I think he does deserve one last go in an important storyline. Have have the other three turn on him while acquiring a hot new prospect on their side. Jindrak woulda been perfect for the role, who knows who else they could chose.

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Guest JSL
They could have backstage segments where people use the word 'legend' and he runs in, gives them an RKO and leave . . . hell I'd find that entertaining. But maybe that's just me . . .

Positively Orton?

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Guest bort

I say HHH will turn face.


After his Fued with HBk he would most likly go to SummerSlam to face Benoit, during that match have Orton somehow cost Benoit the belt.


for the next 2 months slowly move Orton to the top of the card, have him fued with Benoit for awhile well HHH fueds with someone like Edge.


I would keep the title on HHH for a few months heating up the Edge fued, then have him lose the title to Edge on a PPV only to win the belt back the next night due to Randy.


You can Have a Evelution vs Babyface 8 man at SS in November and have Orton be the sole survivor.


When it comes time for the Rumble HHH's main focus is making sure someone like Benoit or Edge doesnt win it, Randy should come into the Rumble at #3 and last the whole thing lastly throwing out Benoit with the help of an angry edge who got throwen over by Benoit moments before.


Next night on Raw have Evalution jump HHH and make Randy the new leader, making HHH face. In the weeks leading up to Mania have a Tag match with Edge and HHH vs Batista and Orton and have Edge turn on HHH and become a member of the group.....

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Trip will be face. Orton is nothing without the cocky heel gimmick. Assuming Orton goes over, and he should, they are going to need him be the heel after booting HHH out of Evolution.

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