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Guest The Last Free Voice

H2 Pro Wrestling

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Miss me? Didn't think so. But now that school's out for the summer I have some time on my hands and I thought I'd start up another one of these. This time our Fed is H2 Pro Wrestling. It's an indy about to start up in real life, so I thought I'd get the jump on it. I'll be using the real roster, and the three matches that have already been announced.






You wanted it, and you got it. The first ever Opera House cup match, where YOU pick the men in the match came out with Jack Evans and Ted Hart. Two of the most innovateive athletes today square off live from Boston!



Taiji Ishimori Vs. Minnamino

Two of Japans brightest young stars make thier way to H2 to dazzle the American crowds with their own exiting brand of action!




Chris Hero, one of the most heralded wrestlers on the independant circut today will take on another of Japans bright young stars. Will teh Master of Heronetics be able to defeat the Japanese Daredevil?


Plus more matches TBA!!

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Guest The Last Free Voice



H2 Pro Wrestling is proud to announce a new 24/7 newswire, to update you on all the goings on in H2! Our first update is a bombshell, as H2 have signed two major stars!


The first is one of the most innovative high flyers in the business. H2 is proud to announce that The Amazing Red will be on the H2 Debut Show! (Date TBA shortly)


EDIT: Okay, this was where I annoucned Bryan Danielson, but for some reason he won't stay on my roster... Uh, If he's there, he'll work, but if not, sorry.


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Guest The Last Free Voice



The H2 Debut show will be held on 7.17 LIVE from teh Roxy in Boston Mass!


New talent has been signed to H2, as Mexico's Most Wanted of Damien 666 and Halloween have agreed to compete! It is not know if they will be on the Debut card or not, but they say they are poised to take the Tag Divsion by storm!

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EDIT: Okay, this was where I annoucned Bryan Danielson, but for some reason he won't stay on my roster... Uh, If he's there, he'll work, but if not, sorry.


It's most likely the EWR "he's there, but not" syndrome. The only way you can actually sign him is a written contract. Nothing you can do about it, and there is no fix for it.


And neat diary. I didn't even think of doing an H2 diary. I'm expecting big things outta ya.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

::snifle:: it's nice to see my fan(s?) havent forgoten me. And damn my jackass litle brother for putting in his own little Uber fed. Just another fed I have to overtake.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Put a whole bunch of great workers on a new fed. Plus he created himself and stacked himself. (granted so did I, but I don't use me in diary feds...)

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Guest Real F'n Show

Cool stuff man, I'll be reading...


PS: Now you have more than one fan.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Swank. uh...


NEWSWIRE: Los Maximos have signed to face MMW at teh Roxy.

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Guest The Last Free Voice



The Stampede Bulldogs (TJ Wilson and Harry Smith) have been added to the Los Maximos vs. MMW match. Another "Mystery" team will be added day of the show.


Ted Hart has PROMISED victory in the Opera House Cup.


Chris Hero, the leader of Heronetics, has said he will "show all the misguided fans of H2 the light". He said he starts on the 17th.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

BLAST MY STUPID BROTHER. His uber fed signed Trent Acid and Damien 666 not two minutes after my above post. Bah.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

And wave goodbye to Harry Smith. Or Wilson, one of the two.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Well, outside of the Original Three matches I announced, the entire card has been re booked, more or less.

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Guest The Last Free Voice


Live from the Roxy in Boston MA


Your Hosts for the Show are Eric Gargulio and Doug Prazak


Recapped for TSM by THE VOICE~! (Yes, I can do this as me now, because I write the RUSH. READ IT!)


We open with a nice little pyro display (at least for a large sized show given by a cult company)


MATCH 1: Jonny Storm vs. The Amazing Red vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. NOSAWA.


Well, H2 wanted to get the ball rolling with fast action, and it did. To bad the crowd was dead, as it was for pretty much the ENTIRE show. This was pretty much a spotfest, but the effort was there, it’s just the guys don’t quite have the skill to hold it together.


Red and Sonjay started it off, with MAJOR fast flip-flop. Sonjay hit his double revolution arm drag and Red replied with a full revolution Tornado DDT! Both tagged out and NOSAWA kneecapped Storm before hitting a (Botched) shining wizard! Storm got right back up and nailed a SWANK spin kick, and NOSAWA rolled out and tagged Red.


They launched into another “Lucha” sequence, before Red hit a Hurricane Kick and the RED STAR PRESS~! Sonjay comes in and makes the save, and he nails Red with the Kal-Kut-Kut! (A stunner) NOSAWA saves! It’s back to NOSAWA and Storm in the ring, and Storm hits the Super Rewind Storminstiener! (Dragon’s Ray) NOSAWA kicks out at two!


Sonjay comes in and hits an enziguri and a standing Shooting Star! Red saves! Red with the CODE RED! It gets two! He climbs the corner! INFRA-RED! 1….2….3!!! Red wins it!


THE RATING: Eh, all spots. It seemed like the guys just wanted to hit all their signature spots. Plus the crowd sat on their hands. *


And we head backstage where Julius Smokes is with Jack Evans! He puts Evans over as the most innovative high flyer today and says he’s gonna win in the main event. Evans caps the spot off with “WORD!”


MATCH 2: Takeshi Minnamono vs Taiji Ishimori.


Well, this was pretty good. It was basically an exhibition of the Japanese Jr. Style. And the crowd didn’t know what to do with it. And honestly, I can’t blame them. My experience is limited to the 94 and 95 J-CUPS.


They basically trade off moves until Minnamono wins with the “superstar” elbow.

THE RATING: Uhh. None. I got hogtied into having this match on the card. The crowd reaction was piss poor, and I don’t think these two will be back…



The SAT (Los Maximos) come out and say that all three tag teams they were scheduled to face (Backseats, Stampede bulldogs and MMW) bailed, so they are issuing an OPEN CHALLENGE! And then Youthanazia of Mdogg20 and Josh Prohibition hit the ring and say THEY are taking the challenge!


MATCH 3: Youthanazia vs. Los Maximos


Match of the night for sure. Both teams clicked here as they put on a good match. Both teams hit their flashy double team spots early, before it settled down and Josh became face in peril. Yes, the SAT were working heel here.


The SAT kept control with the Tapping Machine and a top rope legdrop by Joel. They used the typical heel tactics to keep Josh in the ring. Josh finally got the Hot Tag and M-Dogg was on FIRE! He came in nailing all of his flippy moves (If I have YNAs move sets totally off tell me, cause I have never seen them.) Jose hit a low blow before Josh snuck back in and hit him with the TBONE PROHIBITIONPLEX! JOEL SAVES! BACK…. DROP…. DRIVER~! M-DOGG SAVES!


A few contrived spots later, MDOGG is set up for the SPANISH FLY~! 1…2…3! SAT WIN!


The Rating: ***1/2 Best match thus far, do to the fact even THESE fans could get behind the face in peril formula.


INTERMISSION: Jack Evans is chillin’ with the fans at the H2 Merchandise stand. Then out of nowhere Ted Hart jumps out of the line (~!) and attacks! BRAWL IN THE CROWD! HA! Some dude tosses a foam finger at Hart! I love it! Julius Smokes and some ref’s break it up… Apparently this is part of the H2 Experience where anything can happen at anytime, anywhere. I’m sure this came off great for those who saw it live.


MATCH 4: Chris Hero vs Kaz Miyamoto.


Bear with me here, as I haven’t seen any of Hero’s stuff and only one Miyamoto match. (If anyone wants to hook me up with stuff from any of these guys, or of anyone really, PM me. I’ll plug you in the RUSH~! Or here, or whatever…)


Story of the match is Hero wants to keep Miyamoto’s leg as a trophy. We start on the mat with Hero working the leg and Miyamoto trying to keep from getting his leg torn off. Hero manages to keep one move ahead, and he busts out some phat submissions. Miyamoto ends up making the ropes and he powders.


Hero makes the mistake of following him, and Miyamoto takes control with a dropkick on the floor. He hits a scoop slam and goes up and hits a CANNONBALL SENTON OFF THE TOP TO THE OUTSIDE! (That’s the first thing to get a pop in this match.) Back in that gets two. Miyamoto hits a clothesline, and then bounces off the ropes, but Hero pops up and hits the KNEECAP DROPKICK to take control back over. He goes back to some CRAZY knee submissions before using a Flair knee-breaker. FIGURE FOUR (WHOO~!) and the crowd pops again!


Miyamoto reverses! Hero makes the ropes! Miyamoto hits an elbow strike! Another! ROARING ELBOWWWWW~! He heads up top! SENTON BOMB! 1…2…NO! What the hell? Alexis Laree (fresh off being released by the WWE) is distracting the ref! And some young kid runs in and CREAMS Miyamoto with a chair, drawing a blade-job and a HOLY SHIT chant. Hero picks up the fallen Miyamoto (Who is already bleeding buckets) as the mystery kid (he looks to be about 16, so I ain’t calling him a man…) and Hero hits the HERO’S WELCOME! (Last Rites/Roll the Dice/Test Drive) 1….2….3~!!!!


THE RATING: **. Crowd didn’t know what to do with the legwork. Good match, killed by a dead crowd.



We throw to the back where Lethal Jamar Cunningham has the mic. He says he’s the top young athlete in H2, and he doesn’t need a gimmick to get himself over. Obviously he thinks he doesn’t need mic skills either, because he can’t cut a promo to save his life…





Teddy Hart vs Jack Evans.

Crowd loved this, go figure. MAJOR amounts of flip-flop to start. About a zillion different variations of the arm drag are used. Evans hits a Hurricane kick and sends Hart out, where he follows with a corkscrew Moonsault con Hilo! (Running corkscrew Moonsault, no ropes needed) He sends Hart back in where he hits the STANDING 360 SSP! 1…2… 2 ½!


Hart takes over with a clothesline, and he tries to ground him with a gut buster. He uses some “power” stuff to control. He follows with a running somersault Senton for 2! He picks him up and delivers a powerbomb…. No! Evans with a Rana rollup! NO! We head into a pin fall reversal sequence!!! Both men back up and EVANS IS TURNED INSIDE OUT WITH A LARIAT!


Hart heads up top and MISSES THE HART ATTACK #2~! (Shooting Star Elbow drop) EVANS HEADS UP! CORKSCREW 630~! MISSES! TEDDY IS UP! TRIPLE BYPASS!!! (Spiral Tap) 1….2….3!!! TEDDY WINS IT!


Rating: *** Spotfest, but a damn good one.




Ted Hart is in the back, celebrating his win. He thinks there is no real top-level talent to compete with him in H2. (I agree, there was NO star power on this show.) He DARES H2 to find someone to fight him.


Chris Hero is in the back, with Alexis Laree and Kris Landis, the mystery man who ran in earlier. Apparently they are the first members of Heronetics. Hero calls Landis “his prodigy”. I guess Hero had a hand in training him. (They say he started training at 15, but I don’t buy it…) They say that Heronetics will run H2.


Jack Evans and Julius Smokes are in the back. Evans said he needs a crew, someone to watch his back. Smokes said he knows just the guy.


And to close we get and Add for Black Friday Management, whatever that is…

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Guest Real F'n Show

Cool show man, I like the VHS and DVD extra stuff, nice touch.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Thanks. I'm working on.... something right now. I don't know when it will be up, because I also have last night's RUSH to do...

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Guest The Last Free Voice

H2 NEWSWIRE for 7.19


After a solid debut show H2 will return to the Roxy for H2 BlackOut on 8.14. We expect a great crowd and a great show.


Already signed for the show is what is sure to be a technical clinic, as there will be a four way elimination match pitting Jamar "Lethal" Cunningham against Nigel McGuinness, Alex Shelley and Jimmy Jacobs. This should be a great match, and we are sure to see some innovative mat wrestling!


Joel and Jose, Los Maximos have been asking H2 to find them an international team to fight. H2 has done just that, but they won't be releaseing their identities! Several teams have been brought up, and we at H2 want to know what you the fans think! Will it be Dragon and Curry Man, The Havana Pitbulls, TEAM EMBLEM, or Juvi and Psycosis? Go to the H2 fourms and make your voice count!


Kaz Miyamoto has said he is very upset about the way he lost to Chris Hero. He has called in his tag partner Tomoaki Honma. They formed Tumeric Storm, and they have challenged Heronetics to a tag match. Check out h2prowrestling.com/heronetics for an answer in the upcoming days!


Also announced for the BlackOut show is Jack Evans vs. The Amazing Red! These two high flyers are sure to tear the house down. Evans needs a win after losing to Ted Hart at the last show, and Red is on a roll after wining the four way. And will J-Train deliver on his promise to find Jack Evans a crew?


Ted Hart has been running his mouth. A LOT. H2 has said they have found someone to shut him up at BlackOut.



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Guest The Last Free Voice



Hero's Update:

The H2 era of Heronetics began on 7.17, when I, your Savior and Idol, defeated Kaz Miyamoto. I pinned his shoulders to the mat, 1,2,3. But that wasn't the only historic event that night. No, that night also saw the debut of my Prodigy, Kris Landis. He made an impact, like only a member of Heronetics knows how.


But Miyamoto is complaining that my Prodigy cost him the match. He doesn't understand that Heronetics play by our own rules. He's challenged Myself and the Prodigy to a tag match. Well we here at Heronetics are afraid of nothing, NOTHING. We accept. H2 BlackOut, it's on.


And soon you all will see the light.

Chris Hero

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Guest The Last Free Voice



Hero's Update:

The H2 era of Heronetics began on 7.17, when I, your Savior and Idol, defeated Kaz Miyamoto. I pinned his shoulders to the mat, 1,2,3. But that wasn't the only historic event that night. No, that night also saw the debut of my Prodigy, Kris Landis. He made an impact, like only a member of Heronetics knows how.


But Miyamoto is complaining that my Prodigy cost him the match. He doesn't understand that Heronetics play by our own rules. He's challenged Myself and the Prodigy to a tag match. Well we here at Heronetics are afraid of nothing, NOTHING. We accept. H2 BlackOut, it's on.


And soon you all will see the light.

Chris Hero

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Show is done in the game, but my write up will have to wait, as i am working on the Rush. Should be done soon though.

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