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XPLOSION recap for 6/2-6/9

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I was bored last night, and Xplosion came on, so I'm recapping it. Those of you who can't see it can now get an idea of what it's like.


We start off with the usual video package. First we see THE TRUTH’s title win, and we then skip to the World X Cup finals. This package makes it look really good; probably better than it actually was. Great, now I want to watch it, and I don’t have the means.


The Package raps up and we see MEAN Mike Tenay (If you watch Xplosion, you’ll know what I mean. He looks like he’s got quite the attitude sometimes) and Don West pimping TNA Wrestling and the Debut of Impact, which, I assume, this was supposed to be before.


WE GO TO THE ASYLUM for tag team action. We have Jason Pocaro and J-Rocc vs the Naturals. I must say that I like Tenay’s acknowledgement of where the “jobbers” usually work. Tenay Pimps AMW’s Title victory and defense, and now I’m confused about when this show is supposed to air. Arm wrench by Jason Pocaro with a nice reversal by Chase Stevens. Stevens throws Pocaro over his back in something that resembles a back suplex. While Stevens taunts, Pocaro no sells and then throws a few punches. He then tosses Stevens into the ropes. Pocaro tags in J-Rocc on the run and then gets caught by Stevens while attempting a cross body. It’s ok, though because J-Rocc comes off the top with a dropkick, and then goes for the cover. 1…2... And NO!. They’re up and running as Stevens reverses a J-Rocc Irish Whip. J-Rocc ducks a Stevens clothesline and turns it into a Russian Legsweep with some fancy footwork. He goes for the cover and Andy Douglas saves Stevens for the second time. Douglas’ interference allows J-Rocc Stevens to get a Clothesline from Hell before tagging in Douglas. J-Rocc is thrown to the corner where he gets a headbutt by Douglas, who then tries stretching J-Rocc’s arms and back.


J-Rocc tries some offense, but Douglas reverses it into a kick to the head after coming off the ropes. Some basic heel working, including taunting Pocaro and the blind tag is made followed by some good teamwork. Stevens covers J-Rocc. We may have a winner and…NO! Stevens with a European uppercut, I miss those. Tag to Douglas, some double-teaming, and J-Rocc sneaks in some offense. J-Rocc comes off the ropes, ducks a high knee, and then it looks like they botch a spot, but I can’t really tell. Both men sell, and it looks like we’re heading to the hot tag…and THERE IT IS!! Pocaro and Stevens in the ring, and Pocaro hits Stevens with the dropkick. Douglas comes in and says hello to a spinning heel kick. Powerslam on Stevens by Pocaro for a two count, and Douglas drops the elbow on his own partner while trying to break up the count. This is QUICKLY ignored, as the Naturals catch Pocaro in their patented double team move, the Natural Disaster. Three count and the Naturals pick up their victory.


What do I Think? Glad you asked: Fairly good match up. Stevens and Douglas work well as a team, though I think they do need to concoct something of a gimmick. Pocaro seems eager to work, and had a fairly strong outing. J-Rocc showed some skill, but botched one spot, and his reversal to Russian Legsweep wasn’t exactly pretty. The psychology was decent, but I’m not a fan of the “dropkick to the back of your teammate to damage your opponent.” Also, the ending kind of lost some touch with Douglas’ no selling of the Powerslam and the elbow drop to hit their finisher. I give the match *1/4 as I was pleased with it.


COMMERCIALS that again lead me to believe that this is supposed to be shown before IMPACT! And may I just say that showing Toby Keith suplexing Jeff Jarrett isn’t necessarily a good idea as now everyone will think that a country music “star” can beat up the NWA Champion. (don’t get me started on Toby “JBL without stocks” Keith)


We’re back and West pimps the website. We go back to Wednesday to discuss the Lynn vs Canada feud. They show some pics from the website, which is nice, but it’s not video. A match signed for Wednesday: Jerry Lynn, Hector Garza and Heavy Metal vs. Team Canada. Reminds me of the opening match of IMPACT! Anyone else?


We see the Chris Harris promo from before the “King of the Mountain” match. Simple mic work, which isn’t always bad. Simple strategy for a complicated gimmick match, and Dusty Rhodes is a member of AMW? Ok…


MORE COMMERCIALS!! I must say, the more I see the X-Cup commercial, the more I wish I could buy PPV. That one ladder bump looks just plain sick.


More King of the Mountain promos, this one is the one with the Phenomenal AJ Styles and RAVEN! It’s funny how AJ Styles’ promos remind me of High School Theater class…… (on a side note, shouldn't AJ Styles in some way act phenomenal outside of the ring as well? Just me? Ok.)


More of Tenay and West. This time they discuss Kazarian vs. Red on the PPV. More pics from the match, and they discuss Styles victory on IMPACT! Which again leaves me confused…


Xplosion exclusive promos with Kazarian and Styles. Kazarian puts over Styles and then warns Styles that he’s coming back to “his (Kazarian’s)” X-division. Kazarian tells Styles that he’s coming to “Planet Cool” (Which I assume is in the same galaxy as “Planet Stasiak”) and that he’s still cooler than A.J. Styles. Styles emphasizes that his return to the X-Division was his choice, and that he will take it to another level again.


A Commercial for the Ultimate X Collection on DVD, with the entire 2003 Super X-Cup tournament.


WE GO BACK TO THE ASYLUM for a match between Dirk Ciglar, who’s working with NWA East and in Pennsylvania, and Primetime Elix Skipper, who does a backflip into the ring. I wonder if he was an Ozzie Smith fan? Ciglar walks into an armbar, and he and Skipper hit the mat. Ciglar grabs rope and Primetime breaks the hold. Ciglar walks into an armlock, and PrimeTime turns it into a submission move, and then into a suplex which has a name I can’t remember. Skipper goes for the cover and NO! More armwork by Primetime, which is reversed by Ciglar in a series of moves which includes a springboard backflip. Ciglar misses a punch, and Primetime has him in a waistlock. Skipper tries to get a roll-up off the ropes, but Ciglar holds on. It doesn’t matter, though, because Ciglar’s attempt at offense is reversed and he’s suddenly outside the ring. Some offense on the apron, and Primetime delivers a not so great belly to belly suplex to get Ciglar back in the ring.

Primetime kicks Ciglar in the back and goes for the cover. He gets 2. Ciglar reverses an Irish whip and decks Skipper. Powerslam and cover by Ciglar, but Skipper “Matrixes” out of it. (Can’t we get a better name than that? Maybe the Neo?) Skipper tries a spinning heel kick, and takes some basic punch-kick offense. Skipper’s thrown into the corner and Ciglar does the running lariat and then chokes Skipper. More choking by Ciglar and then a back suplex and pin for 2. Another pin for 2. Irish whip by Ciglar, who goes for the crossbody and ends up getting racked on the ropes. Skipper hits the Tight-Rope-Rana and gets the pin. BUT NO! Ciglar kicks out at 2. Primetime tries for the overdrive, but it’s reversed, and then the reversal is reversed into a JUDO THROW! Skipper then locks Ciglar into a headlock with the arm locked Crossface style and Ciglar taps.


What do I think? It was ok, but nothing special. Primetime hits his spots and Ciglar gets on TV. Primetime's finish didn’t work as well as it should, as his back was to the camera. I thought Ciglar tapped to a headlock for a minute. ½* as neither guy impressed me.


Tenay and West pimp the Sabin vs. Shane matchup this coming Wednesday and again pimp Lynn, Garza & Heavy Metal vs. Canada, Styles vs, Kazarian, and AMW vs, whoever the “Fans” choose. Some pics from Storm/Rhodes vs. Kash/Dallas match. We then hear from AMW. It’s mostly Harris, and it’s mostly simple. Storm talks and he seems to be better than Harris, at least in this promo.


Yet another King of the Mountain promo, this time with 3LK. There’s some decent talk from Killings about Russo holding him down. Konnan says something, but his long floppy ears prevent me from listening. B.G. James talks, and all I hear is “OH, YOU DIDN’T KNOW?!?!


WE RETURN TO THE ASYLUM as Conrad Kennedy III, from Detroit, Michigan/Windsor Ontario, takes on Chris Sabin. Basic lock up and arm wrenches, which change into headlocks, and a flip out of a back suplex by Sabin. Kennedy comess off the ropes and is dropkicked by Sabin, who throws Kennedy into the opposite corner and follows with a flying forearm. Kennedy reverses an Irish Whip to the corner, but Sabin jumps to the apron and gets a springboard monkey flip. Single leg takedown, followed by a cover for two by Sabin. Kennedy reverses an Irish whip into a torture rack style move, which he turns into a backbreaker. He’s creative. Kennedy goes for the cover and gets 2. Kennedy does a creative bridge submission move, and then converts it into a neckbreaker. He goes for the victory and gets 2 instead. Kennedy takes a run at Sabin, who says “No thank you” and gives him a drop toe hold as a consolation prize. Sabin with a boot to the neck, and a flip followed by a dropkick to the face.Sabin goes for the cover and gets two. Yet another Irish whip into the corner followed by the springboard DDT, OR NOT as Kennedy reverses it. Kennedy with the Double Underhook DDT, except he spins it so Sabin takes it on his back (Name please?). Conrad gets a 2 count, and Sabin is getting thrown into the corner again. Sabin kicks a charging Kennedy in the gut, and goes for the Acid Drop style DDT AND MISSES! He hits Kennedy a few times, and then he hits it. He taunts Kennedy, botches a fireman’s carry pick up, gets it right and delivers a Michinoku Driver for the win.


What do I think? CKIII is ok, but nothing to cream your pants over. Sabin tried, but they blew too many spots for me to care. ¼* for the few creative spots they didn’t botch.


Now we’re watching Jarrett’s promo before the King of the Mountain. Jarrett says he doesn’t have an ego, to which I won't say anything. Ok, I’ll say something, but not before AJ Styles runs in. It looks like Jarrett is starting to develop a “Hogan body,” where you get leathery man boobs and really ugly skin color. He’ll be there in a few years, mark my words.


More pimping of the website by West and Tenay. West is actually tolerable on Xplosion. So much so that I wish he was this calm during the shows.


Video package that rival the HHH-HBK packages in doing a great job putting over someone the fans are tired of. And then we get pics of the match, which do it absolutely NO justice as the gimmick still makes no sense to someone who hasn’t seen the PPV. West and Tenay again pimp the King of the Mountain match.


MORE COMMERCIALS! They wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t show the same two commercials throughout the ENTIRE HOUR.


We now hear from the L-A-Z’s favorite wrestler, and 3 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Jeff Jarrett. I wonder if he would be 3 time NWA champion if his dad didn’t own TNA. Hmm… A short and sweet promo by Jarrett putting himself over, and telling Russo “I told you so,” while setting up his “coronation” as King of the Mountain for this weeks PPV. I’m impressed. Of course, I’m used to HHH’s promos, so anything under 5 minutes makes me happy.


West, by himself, pimps next weeks show and WE’RE DONE!


OVERALL: I would prefer more matches and less pimping, but I can watch IMPACT! now, so no big deal. I also have a problem that we see all the promos for the King of the Mountain match, and we only get to see still pictures. Other than that, a good tag match (which WWE could use), and two okay singles matches make for ¾* overall.


Hope someone reads this.



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Guest M. Harry Smilac

I caught a little and I gotta agree the video package for UltimateX was really cool looking.The constant schilling/commercials is bad but no worse then any other small fed that gets on Sunshine.


I'm actually tempted to order the PPV tonight but am still undecided.I'm just so damn sick of the entertainment side of wrestling I can't even force myself to watch wwe now because I wanna see some damn wrestling.

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OK, guys, here's the deal. This is my first recap and I would just like to know if anyone thought it was worth reading. Throw me a frickin' bone.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Good recap. I caught the show too. Keep up the good work...

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Anyone want me to keep it up or is their general apathy towards it?

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Guest The Last Free Voice

yea keep it up. DOn't let the lack of reviewage get you down. I've had maybe three reviews in teh two weeks i've done the RUsh.

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