Guest crandamaniac Report post Posted April 24, 2002 Mine was from WWF Attitude. It was a 4-way cage match for the IC title. It was me as D'Lo against Edge, X-pac and my created Jericho. The match was just awesome, don't remember much of it, but i remember D'Lo hitting the Lo' Down off the top of the cage on everybody, then winning. Anybody else have any great 5* matches from there video game experiences? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 25, 2002 All from "No Mercy" Jason vs. Earthquake Big Bossman vs. Akeem Me vs. Hulk Hogan Hogan vs. Earthquake Hogan vs. jason Hogan vs. Freddy krueger Jason & Michael Myers vs. Natural Disasters Jason vs. Cactus jack Hogan vs. FatBastard Freddy krueger vs. Mankind Frankenstien's Monster vs. Big Show Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 25, 2002 I had a few really incredible matches with Smackdown 2. Probably the best was a season mode p.p.v tag title match with the champs my team - The Incredible Hulk and Bret Hart vs. Benoit and Jericho. It played out like a real match, lots of close finishes, cool offense etc. Before Hulk ends it with a Tortule Rack on Jericho. (Hulk makes an awesome power wrestler) Second choice would be an iron man ic tital match, Hart vs Benoit, won at the last minute by Benoit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Wonderboy Report post Posted April 25, 2002 I think my best ever was on WWF No Mercy. I have my own storylines and champs and all that stuff, and the main event at Wrestlemania 11(yes, i made it to 11) was The Rock vs. Steve Austin, in a 2 outta 3 falls match. Of course, they don't have that on the game, so I had one match, it ended, then started another. It was awesome though. It actually told a story, which I think is IMPRESSIVE for a video game. First fall: Went about 13 minutes, Rock wins with a Stunner. Second fall: Went about 20 minutes. Rock kicked out of TWO BY GAWD STONE COLD STUNNERS, so Austin gave him 6 DEADLY PILEDRIVERS, including one through the announce table. It actually worked out great. On the piledriver through the announce table, Rock's meter said "Losing It", which means he's dead. So I just rolled him in the ring, then gave him another DEADLY piledriver. Third Fall: Went about 15 minutes, Rock kicked out of a Rock Bottom, and another Stunner, even though his neck was nothing but chalk now. Rock wins with the Rock Bottom. Yes I have too much free time. Also, whenever I run a Rock-Taker match, it turns out to ALWAYS be a classic. I dunno why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 25, 2002 In Fire Pro D, I had a decent Benoit/Jericho vs. The Outsiders (believe it or not) match. It had a ton of near falls, and until the end, where I won with the crossface in about 26 minutes, I had no idea who was going to win. I kept getting powerbombed by that bastard Nash, and there was a ton of interference. Good times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted April 25, 2002 The first one that springs to mind is one form Smackdown for the PS1. My brother and I were competing in a guset referee match for the World Title. He was the Rock, I was Austin and the ref was Vince McMahon. The match was a back and forth affair which eventually turned into us beating up on Vince. My brother went for the People's Elbow and Vince and I caught him with the Thesz Press right before he was about to drop the elbow. Kick, wham stunner and it was over with a fast count from the referee. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted April 25, 2002 Chris Jericho (me) vs The Rock, TLC It was odd, because I never had to defend my title in Season mode, so I set this up just to be nice. And when the match got underway, I found myself actually getting challenged. Went on for damn near twenty-five minutes, with lots of me mashing the buttons yelling "GET UP! GET UP!" I did finally win it, after I moonsaulted him through the announce table with the ladder already set up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Renegade Report post Posted April 25, 2002 WWF No Mercy: 3 Way ladder match for the world title, with me as Rock, and my bro and his friend as HHH and Y2J, it was the first time I played a 3 way ladder match. The match started with some double teaming, and in the first five min, everyone was busted open with the ladder. I dragged HHH to the announcers table and put him through it, as at the same time Y2J climbed the ladder. It was a race against time as I barely managed to knock him off it. After he got stunned from the fall, he regained and handed my ass to me till I fell onto the apron. As I wearily got up, so did HHH on the outside. The next thing was total fluke but it looked cool: Y2J did a plancha off the ropes to the outside, first knocking me off the apron then HHH on the floor. Later on steel chairs were brought on and thrown at the ladder to knock us off. It ended with Rock and Y2J at the top of the ladder, rock punched him off, but at that time HHH was on special and knocked Rock off the ladder. Then both Y2J and Rock got pedigrees and HHH went up the ladder and won the belt. I didnt win, but man it was one hell of a match Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BATMANvsJESUS Report post Posted April 26, 2002 On WCW Revenge I used to always be Beniot and Saturn vs. Yuji Nagata and Stevie Ray. I me and 3 friends go stoned and did the match with me and Daniel being Beniot and Saturn and I got Flapjacked by Stevie Ray for the pin. I don't miss being 16 all that much. Now that I'm 19 I usually get drunk and play something for about 5 minutes and get too mad. Sweet Jesus....NAGATA AND FUCKING STEVIE RAY?!?!!?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted April 26, 2002 I had one match in No Mercy that was an Iron Man match. I believe I was Triple H and my opponent was the Rock. The match was close and things were tied up because my opponent won by countout and he was gaining momentum. I picked up the steel steps and baited him into taking it away from me and earning a disqualification. He was on a roll until that point which was kind of cool because at the time, you could have seen Triple H doing some rat bastard shit like that. The guy was none too pleased. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted April 28, 2002 My most recent was on Smackdown:Just Bring It. It was a four-way elimination match with Rob Van Dam (me), Jerry Lynn, Tajiri and Jeff Hardy. The match lasted about 15-20 minutes, and in the end came down to RVD and Jeff Hardy. RVD had Jeff set up for the 5-Star Frog Splash, but when I went over towards the turnbuckle, Jerry Lynn jumped up on the apron and gave me a hotshot/stungun/whatever you call it off the ropes. The Jeff Hardy pinned me. I was pissed, but that ending was so cool, especially since it was Lynn screwing over RVD. A while ago I was The Dudleys in a tag team title defense against Kane and Undertaker. It lasted about 12 minutes, and after hella near-falls, I finally got the pin with D-Von after a powerslam on Kane (funny how he even does the job in video games for the B.O.D.) But my best match ever was on WCW Mayhem, where I had Ric Flair up against Goldberg. Classic speed vs. power, experience vs. intensity matchup. It actually reminded me of the Vader-Flair match from Starrcade 1993, as Goldberg beat my ass for a long time, but I recovered and worked him over enough to score a roll-up for the pin after about 20 minutes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted April 28, 2002 The original Smackdown provided a lot of tense moments because of the KO rule. I remember waiting to see if someone would be knocked out plenty of times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coolclint Report post Posted April 28, 2002 I just had one today, actually. It was in Virtual Pro Wrestling 2, and I was playing the King's Road/Victory Road mode as a CAW RVD and CAW Matt Hardy. I came upon a tag match pitting us against Jun Akiyama/Kenta Kobashi, since this game was made pre-NOAH split and all that jazz. So I went in expecting an easy victory, as I just had against Misawa/Yoshinari Ogawa. Boy...Was I wrong. Akiyama was in there for nearly 10 minutes, and no matter what RVD and Matt threw at him, he wouldn't stay down! RVD was kicking him left and right, and Matt had an arsenal of spinning heel kicks and planchas. Akiyama got Special, and just DROPPED MATT ON HIS HEAD with the Wrist Clutch Exploder('98). One...two...I'm desperately pushing the R button, and Matt kicks out just in time! Fifteen minutes in, all hell has broken loose, as Kobashi finally got tagged back in and completely broke RVD down. Matt ended up back in the ring as RVD and Akiyama were brawling on the outside. Matt runs off the ropes and dives through with a Tope...only to miss everyone and go right into the railing. Kobashi gets his Special...LARIATO~! on the outside! That's not all...He picks Matt up again....LARIATO~! AGAIN~! They get back in the ring, and Matt Hardy is somehow avoiding pinfalls, nearly 19 minutes, one Exploder '98, and TWO Kobashi Lariats into the match! Matt gets Kobashi in the corner, TORNADO DDT! He had just beaten Misawa senseless with that move, and Kobashi...KICKS OUT AT TWO! Matt sends him in again, gathers great FIGHTING SPIRIT~! to hit a SECOND Tornado DDT! Another cover....2.99999~! Kobashi will not stay down either! Into the ropes both go...AKIYAMA OUT OF NOWHERE WITH THE LEAPING KNEE~! RVD is taken out by Akiyama as Kobashi makes the pin...One...Two...COUNTTOTHREE~! Burning wins! A total beatdown for Matt Hardy, who shows great spirit in not giving up. The same for Akiyama, who played Ricky Morton in there, and then made the tag to Kobashi, who completely destroyed RVD and finished off Matt...atleast, he THOUGHT he did. Matt almost won until Akiyama came out of nowhere with his leaping knee, and a bodyslam that kept RVD out long enough for the three. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted April 28, 2002 Last week. Tag Team Match Chris Beniot and Perry Saturn Vs Tazz and Steve Austin an incredible match. It went 33 minutes and ended with Saturn hitting the DVD on Austin as Beniot scaled the ropes and missed the Swan head dive as Tazz moved austin Away. Saturn grabbed Tazz went for the DVD but Tazz counters it and hits a powerbomb, goes for the 3 count. Beniot saves it. Austin awakes. goes for Stunner on Beniot but he counters and drops Austin to mat...turns him around for a sharpshooter (This is a modified Beniot)...Tazz saves him...Hits the Tazzplex on Beniot and Saturn tosses Tazz out of the room and walks into the Stunner but Beniot stops the count whips Austin to the turnbuckle. Charges. Austin gets the boots up. Tazz crawls in and hits the Tazzmission and Austin stunners Saturn. Beniot taps out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted April 29, 2002 In No Mercy my created character who goes by my real first name was involved in a series of matches with Chris Benoit for the WWF Title. 30 Min Iron Man - Me 60 Min Iron Man - Benoit Hardcore Match - Me Ladder Match - Benoit and then it came down to a 60 Min Submission Match - Benoit so my guy did the job but the matches are all ***** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted April 30, 2002 Had an Ironman between Jericho and Benoit on No Mercy with a friend that was better than most of the real life stuff ive seen... Another good one was a 40 man rumble between 5 people, no ring out.. that was a long mofo (when someone got eliminated the 5th guy would jump in) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 30, 2002 WWF No Mercy: After my CAW Ric Flair won the title, I had him defend it in a submission match against Chris Benoit (as played by me). 23 minutes and many close calls later, Flair finally tapped to the Crossface. Awesome match that happened about a year ago, so I cannot remember too much about it. One of Benoit's title defenses would prove to be less than memorable, however. I decided to put him in an Iron Man match against Shawn Michaels. After 35 minutes of grueling action, I (Benoit) was up 6-5. I mention the 35 minute mark because it was at that point that Micheals lost his smile. Rather than cry about his hurt knee, he just stood there and let me dish out an unbelievable amount of punishment. It was awful: at the end of the sixty minutes, I had successfully retained the title, 22-7. It was so bad, Michaels even tapped to a headlock. A friggin' headlock! Even though it was only a video game, one might say that his wussy performance more than made up for the times H-B-K wouldn't J-O-B. ...actually, it doesn't. What a bastard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 30, 2002 And yes, I am aware of the irony of saying that Benoit's Iron Man match with HBK was "less than memorable," while recalling more about it than the supposedly awesome submission match w/ Flair. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest areacode212 Report post Posted April 30, 2002 I had a pretty good Fire Pro A match featuring none other than RVD and Hulk Hogan. Of course, Hogan's offense was nothing more than the usual punches, bodyslams, atomic drops, and no-selling, but what made it cool was that all of RVD's usual tactics drew nothing more than 2 counts. Yes, all the frog splashes and split-legged moonsaults in the world couldn't put Hogan away. So, the psychology of the match was that RVD had to change up and start doing transitional moves to destroy Hogan. I finally killed Hogan with a german suplex (I think). ****1/4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted May 1, 2002 This wasn't a 5* match or anything, but Sunday night I was playing No Mercy as Panther (my character in e-feds and stuff like that) defending the World Title against Chris Jericho in a 30-min Iron Man match. It started off pretty even, then I pulled ahead and got my special, when HHH ran out from the back and interfered. We got into it, the fight spilled out to the floor, where he and Jericho tried to double team me. It got to a 18 count and Jericho jumped into the ring, and I tried to do the same by Chyna (my valet) was in the way, allowing HHH to hit me with some move and get me counted out. So naturally, I get pissed off, grabbed a chair from the crowd, beat the hell outta Trip, then ran into the ring and hit Jericho with 2 chairshots, putting him up on me 3-0. Then I went up on him 4 straight falls to pull ahead, and by this time Jericho was just done and it was still 20 mins left in the match, so I just toyed around with him, going up 23-5 with his 2 falls being DQ's cuz I hit him with the chair. Well, there was still 5 mins left, so just to make it close, I hit him a bunch of times with the chair, putting him up 26-23. I got 2 falls on him with a little under 2 minutes left when all of a sudden Jericho started coming back on me. He beat my ass for a good minute and a half, then with 50 seconds left, I hit him with a spinebuster to tie at 26. But Jericho was still tough, and wouldn't let me get the pin on him . It got down to the final 10 seconds when I locked him in the figure four and he gave up just before the bell. Match was lopsided as hell, but it was still fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly Report post Posted May 1, 2002 You guys make me want to dig up my N64 and relive the dramatic matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jericholic82 Report post Posted May 1, 2002 Hey my N64 is all I play cuz I still haven't got a next-gen system (well I am not made of money lol) I think it's time I got a job. anyways, I have had many memorable moments. I remember in WWF RAW for Genesis, I was HBK in a royal rumble. The match lasted forever with me almost getting eliminated a bunch of times. Finally, it came down to m e and owen hart. back and forth action, owen sends me into the ropes to try a backbodydrop over the ropes to end it, but I counter and hit him with a clothesline. One special move later I throw Owen out for the win. In WCW vs nWo: world tour, I used to have many great battle roaysl with the cruiserweights. Man I remember having a near ***** match with me as eddy guerrero vs dean malenko vs rey jr. vs ultimo dragon. About 35 minutes of action, that ended when I hit the frog splash on malenko for the win. Another thing i liked about the battle royal in that game (and future ones too) is that when a guy is eliminated, he stays at ringside and tries to beat you up, sometimes pulling you out the ring or off the apron. a fun thing I would do when it was down to 2 men was to weaken my opponent to the point where he is ready to be pined, then throw him outside where the elimintaed guys would kick his BUTT. when my opponent was able to get up and crawl back into the ring, he would still be facing the guys outside, and sometimes do a taunt to them, then I would come from behind and hit a german suplex bridge or a rollup and surprise him with the 1-2-3. I had a crazy match in Revenge with me as DDP vs Raven in a falls-count anywhere match aka ravens rules (turn no-dq on) at bash at the beach arena. we fought outside the ring for most of it, using weapons on each other, then it got to the point where I was kicking his BUTT bad for a good five minutes, but he kept kicking out, even after a few dimaond cutters. finayll we made our way to the wood ramp area and I diamond cutted raven on the wood for the three count. I got the number one high score for that one. i have had many great matches on no mercy, mostly3-way ladder matches (cuz in one on one the cpu hardly ever tries to climb, but 3 ways they do?) one of my favs is when i had the gs code for ladders in regular matches on and I hit a frogsplash as eddy off the ladder,thru the announce table for the win, great replay on that one. iron man macthes get realy easy after your opponent is beat up, i love running up the score so to say on them. yesterday I had undertaker vs a created hogan in a 10 min iron man match (cuz we all know these guys cant last past 10) and i beat hogan up really bad with weapons and chokeslams and last rides. I had no-dq on so I could pin him outside the ring, the best was pinning him with a legdrop. The final score was like 22-0. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ravenbomb Report post Posted May 5, 2002 on VPW2, Hayabusa vs. CAW Benoit. Hayabusa won with a 450 Press (If I remember correctLY) and it went ~26 min. During the match, I realised something... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted May 5, 2002 On No Mercy... Kage White (CAW) vs. El Tiburon (CAW) I actually did this only a few nights ago when I needed to fall asleep, but couldn't. It lasted about 40 minutes, and there was tons of high-spots in the beginning, then Tiburon took control, then Kage took control, back and forth, back and forth, etc. etc. Around the 30-minute mark, Kage let loose on Tib, busting out his 5 specials (Fire Thunder Driver, Diamond Dust, Blue Thunder, Phoenix Splash, Reverse Top-Rope Hurricanrana), and his finisher (Diamond Dust) twice in a row (all this happened within a 2-minute period). Then Kage got a little uppity, and Tiburon delivered some vicious kicks and a stiff-as-fuck German suplex. The action spilled outside, again, and this time Tiburon put Kage through the commentators' table with a Japanese Powerbomb. Back in the ring, Tiburon hit his own Diamond Dust, then sprayed mist in Kage's face and delivered a Diving Moonsault for 2. At the 39th minute, both men were weakened and in the "Danger!" zone, and Kage came out of nowhere with a running powerbomb pin for the win. If it happened in real life, guaranteed ****, bordering on ****1/2, maybe even ****3/4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bdolo Report post Posted May 6, 2002 WCW/NWO Revenge Tag Team title match myself: eddy guerro and chavo guerro brother: Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit A fuckin 50 minute match that would just not fuckin end. Every possible move was made every possible high spot was done, and in the end Eddy hit a frog splash on benoit, only about the fourth or fifth time I had done it, and I won. me and my broter were smart, we decided to actually record the match on tape, we are both close to the same level at this game, which level you ask? We both kick ass at this game, we got a bunch more classics taped also, another one we have is a tag team match, he is ddp and raven, and I am bret hart and chris jericho, another classic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Just call me Dan Report post Posted May 6, 2002 WWF Wrestlemania 2000 3 Way dance Macho Man Randy Savage vs Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett All sig moves put in, this is me, my freind and the cpu, we beat the shit out of eachother for about an hour and a half, so many near falls, we ended up both losing but not with some stupid roll up, I actually knocked him out with a guitar shot only to fall victim to Savage's piledriver and by the race of god he finished with an elbow drop! Pinned right before DDP could make the save, ended with Jarrett and Savage nearly face to face. Classic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted May 6, 2002 It was a 2 on one match. I was my created wrestler and my partner was Al Snow vs. The Rock. I was going to hit Rock with a Big Chop but Al grabbed him and hit the Snowplow! Then I did a Frog Splash, 1-2-3... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mad Dog Report post Posted May 7, 2002 The match that sticks out most to me is the old Pro Wrestling game for the NES. The match was Star Man vs. Giant Panther. The match went almost 30 minutes. The momentum was constantly changing. Panther had just slammed Star Man to the mat and went to the top rope and went for a move but Star Man rolled out of the way made the cover and got the win. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KanadianKrusty Report post Posted May 7, 2002 Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium: Tiger Mask VIII(my caw) and Jean Valjean(my friend's caw) vs Akira Taue and Kenta Kobashi It lasted only 12 minutes but it was so awesome.Kobashi and Taue were REALLY beating the the crap out of me and my friend for 5 or 6 minutes, then I got out of the ring and Kobashi came with me while my friend was holding Taue in the ring, I kicked the shit out of Kobashi and came back into the ring at the count of 17.We weakened them with dragon scews and stuff like that... and then... BANG!, I backdrop Taue on his head, Sharpshooter follows... Taue taps out. Ah!, what a classic... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ArkhamGlobe Report post Posted May 7, 2002 I remember having a phenomenal 15 minute match in SmackDown 2 between my Randy Savage CAW and Road Dogg. Both guys just got the crap pounded out of eachother but refused to stay down, only to slowly start making superman comebacks until I finally put Road Dogg away with the Flying Elbow. I also had a great match in No Mercy in championship mode, where I had gotten to the WM2000 4 way match, with me as Benoit against Triple H, Mick Foley and Steven Richards. Just a wild anarchic brawl. First elimination came after about 10 minutes as I pinned Triple H with the Pedigree (BWAHAHAHAHA). Second was Foley pinning Richards after I had suplexed him through the announce table and rolled him in. Only me and Foley left. I hit him with everything but the kitchen sink but he keeps kicking out, and then starts mounting a superman comeback, no-selling all my offense. He nearly has me beat as I knock him down on a fluke reversal. I get a chair and beat the crap out of him until I get up to special, then I finish him off with the top rope powerbomb onto two conveniently placed chairs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites