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Kilometres WWE booking.

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Hi my name is Myles Walkington and inspired by Ernie Rowe I have decided to give this a go. My original EWR game is now in 2009 so I thought I would start again and try and make it more lifelike. This fantasy booking will be similar to Ernie Rowe's using EWR but I will script backstage stuff and change some things to make it more realistic.


Hopefully I will be able to update fairly regularly and include Raw Previews and important announcements. I live in Australia and unfortunatley don't have pay-tv so I only get to watch PPV's occasionally so forgive me if some of my mannerisms and catch phrases are a bit old. Feedback is very much appreciated.


Also the EWR uses the WWE roster from about a year ago but starts in August this year. Lets just assume the WWE stood still for that time.


On to the set up for my first show!!!


Sunday 1st August 2004


World Wrestling Entertainment Inc announces a major creative reshuffling of the company due to a lacklustre recent performance in this area of the business. Due to the importance the creative aspect of the television programs produced by WWE on the rest of the company it has been decided that the problems can no longer be ignored.


Effective immediately the current booking team has been fired and replaced by Myles Walkington who has been given un paralleled authority to improve the creative processes of the company. Myles has been a long-time fan of our company who has decided now is the right time to attempt a resurrection of the sports entertainment side of the business. It is expected a full review will be carried out and the results of this will be a streamlining of the sports entertainment division. Unfortunately there may be some loss of personnel due to this change both on-screen and off. World Wrestling Entertainment hopes this change will spark a recovery in the television storylines, which will mean a return to the glory days of the company. As a result of this change Heat on Spike TV will be cancelled tonight but will return the following Sunday. Don’t forget to watch Raw tomorrow night to see the initial impact of this change.

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And seeing as I have already prepared them the Raw Preview and then the first Raw of the new era.


Raw Preview- 2nd August 2004


After Heat was cancelled last night this can only mean dramatic events will occur on RAW. It is rumoured the CEO of the WWE, Vince McMahon will be present to make an announcement that will change the dynamics of both RAW and SMACKDOWN. The possible appearance will apparently have the most impact for the World and WWE champions Triple H and Kurt Angle but all the WWE superstars will be affected in some way.


The Women’s title will be on the line as Molly Holly defends against an as yet unknown opponent. As always RAW will present amazing live action as WWE superstars such as Kane, Trish Stratus, Ric Flair and Booker T plus more will be in the house. Raw comes to you live in primetime on Spike TV!

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And here is the first Raw tell me what you think!


WWE RAW 2nd August 2004


The pyro strikes and we are live at WWE RAW on Monday the 2nd August 2004.


Jim Ross: Welcome to WWE RAW the first for August in the year 2004. I’m Jim Ross and along side me is Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler, King,


Jerry Lawler: Thanks JR. We have a jam-packed edition of RAW for you tonight as Molly Holly defends her Women’s Title against Trish Stratus.


Jim Ross: Yes what a match that promises to be and I can confirm that the rumours are true, Vince. K McMahon is in the building and will make a very special announcement


No Chance that’s what you got..


JR: here he comes now!!


Vince McMahon makes his way out to the ring and is handed a microphone.


Vince: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to WWE Raw. Tonight promises to be a very historic night because as the CEO of WWE I am announcing that the roster split is no more. Yes, that’s right this means the WWE superstars are no longer confined to one show they may compete on either show, to a certain extent.


JR: by gawd King that’s a huge announcement


Vince: On the 29th of August Summerslam will take place on PPV. The next night, the RAW after this event, which promises to showcase all the best talent WWE has to offer, a new talent draft will take place where the General Managers of RAW and Smackdown will take turns until all the WWE superstars are chosen. But the general managers will not be Eric Bischoff and Stephanie McMahon as they will be replaced by two individuals who will be named in the coming weeks.


There have also been some changes to the talent roster with several pieces of shall we say wasted space being removed. Zach Gowan, Goldust, Terri Runnels, Shaniqua, Scott Steiner, Rosey, Sable, Rico, Orlando Jones, Nathan Jones, Kevin Nash, Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Bill DeMott, Miss Jackie, Hardcore Holly, Chris Nowinski and A-Train have had their employment terminated and it is unlikely they will be returning to the company.


Jerry Lawler: there’s some big names in that list JR, Kevin Nash is a former World champion and more sadly Miss Jackie has huge…


JR: potential, that’s right King. I don’t think Mr McMahon is finished yet either.


Vince: I am also announcing that effective immediately the World Heavyweight and the WWE World titles held by Triple H and Kurt Angle respectively are to be vacated. The World Heavyweight titleholder will be decided in a 24-man tournament comprising the best of the WWE superstars with the finals to be held at Summerslam. Triple H being the last champion will receive a bye to the matches to be held at Summerslam. The situation with the WWE World title will be clarified on Smackdown on Thursday.


JR: Triple H has been stripped of his title! He is not going to be a happy man.


Jerry Lawler: That’s a travesty JR, Triple H is the best in the business he deserves the title!


Vince: And there is no time like the present to start the World Heavyweight title tournament so tonight 4 of the tournament matches will take place. In the main event two men with an epic history with each other will compete when Kane takes on the Undertaker.


JR: A former Smackdown superstar vs a former RAW heavyweight. Wow what a main event.


Vince: And also tonight Randy Orton will take on the Intercontinental champion Booker T in a first round match, of course the title will not be on the line. Two other young lions with a storied history in Rhyno and Tommy Dreamer will face off. The last match pitting an up and coming star against the self proclaimed great one will take place after the break when The Rock takes on John Cena! Thank you very much for your attention and I hope you enjoy the show.


JR: They sure were some big announcements King, they will shake up the WWE no end.


Jerry Lawler: I still can’t believe Vince had the balls to take the title off Triple H. he had better watch out!



Commercial Break


John Cena’s music hits and he comes down to the ring to thunderous boos from the crowd. Then the Brahma Bull’s music plays and the roof is almost blown off the building.


The Rock vs John Cena.


Match Background: This is a first round match in the tournament to decide the World Heavyweight Champion.


The Match: Rock scoops and slams John Cena. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Cena is a glutton for punishment and just continues to take it during this match. The Rock hits some punches. How generic. There's a two count on the pin. Flying shoulder tackle by Rock sends Cena CRASHING to the mat. Hooks the leg for a two count. John Cena powers out of a The Rock headlock. John Cena connects with rights and lefts and The Rock is down! There's a two count on the pin. John Cena hits a bulldog off the ropes. The Rock comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. The Rock scores with a big spinebuster. The Rock has John Cena down on the canvas. Sharpshooter!!! John Cena taps out! The Rock remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: **1/4 rating for this one. Scott Keith may say that it's 'Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling', but not for me, buddy. Got to work harder to impress me.


JR: The Rock showed why he is the most recognizable WWE superstar in the world today. He has the talent and with the crowd backing him he may be unstoppable in his quest for the Heavyweight title.


Jerry Lawler: The Rock was lucky JR, lucky that’s all. Cena was one move away from victory.






Evolution are all backstage in their locker room, hanging out.


Triple H: Who does Vince think he is? I was the most dominating champion in years and he just strips my title from me.


Ric Flair: Don’t worry champ no one can touch you, you’re the greatest, except for me obviously.


Randy Orton gets up to leave.


Triple H: Where are you going Randy?


Randy Orton: You heard Vince Hunter, I am entered in the tournament and my match against Booker is next.


Triple H: Yeah well don’t think you have a chance of winning the title because it’s going right back around my waist at Summerslam.



Commercial Break


Booker T vs Randy Orton.


Match Background: Booker T is the reigning WWE Intercontinental champion. This is a non-title match. This is a first round match in the tournament to decide the World Heavyweight Champion.


The Match: Orton takes a headbutt from Booker T. Running knee lift from Booker T. Hooks the leg for a two count. Orton reverses a Booker T hammerlock. Fallaway slam by Randy Orton puts down Booker T. Booker gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Flying shoulder tackle by Orton sends Booker CRASHING to the mat. Booker ducks a wild right hand. Booker hits a piledriver on Randy Orton. That used to end matches, you know. Randy Orton gets knocked to the ground by Booker, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Houston Hangover!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Ric Flair comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Ric Flair drops Booker to the canvas. Ric Flair quickly locks on the Figure Four Leglock! Booker T has been left down on the canvas.


My Opinion: Usually, this is designated for good matches that were usually way too short for some reason. What's your excuse? *3/4


Jerry Lawler: Booker T somehow found a way to beat the third-generation superstar Randy Orton so Ric Flair came out to show him not to mess with his fellow Evolution member.


JR: It was a sneaky move King, Booker had already won the match.





JR: Now we go backstage where Josh Matthews is with another third generation superstar, The Rock.


Matthews: Rock you beat John Cena tonight to progress in the World Heavyweight Tournament. What do you think about Mr McMahon’s announcements tonight?


Rock: Well you piece of monkey poo the Great One says this, John Cena was but the first person in a line that the Rock will defeat on his way to the Heavyweight title at Summerslam. But make no mistake the Rock would have been winning the title no matter what McMahon announced tonight.


Matthews: That’s big talk Rock with the calibre of other performers in the tournament even with only 4 matches announced. What about the Undertaker, Kane and the other participants including the former champion Triple H?


Rock: Obviously you have not been watching the Rock throughout his career jabroni. The Rock is the Great One he will go to Summerslam and win the WWE World Heavyweight title and of that there is now doubt, if you smeeeeellll what the Rock is cookin.



JR: The Rock is very confident of his chances King.


Jerry Lawler: He was indeed JR but I think he is discrediting his possible opponents especially Triple H the former champion.


Commercial Break


Backstage Josh Matthews catches up with the CEO of WWE Vince McMahon


Matthews: Mr McMahon, Mr McMahon, can you shed any further details on the possible new general managers, WWE World Title or the roster split?


Vince: Josh, all those details will be released in the future. What you should be more interested in is the new talent that has been signed by the company. It is my pleasure to announce that former NWA-TNA heavyweight and X-title holder AJ Styles will be appearing on next weeks RAW and he is entered in the Heavyweight title tournament. He is just one of the up and coming superstars who have been signed.


With this Vince’s limo pulls up and he gets inside and drives off.



Jerry Lawler: AJ Styles on Raw next week! He is one of the most talented young stars in the wrestling business today.


JR: Yeah but some of his methods of capturing titles are very questionable. Now we move on to our next tournament match Rhyno takes on Tommy Dreamer.


Rhyno vs Tommy Dreamer.


Match Background: This is a first round match in the tournament to decide the World Heavyweight Champion.


The Match: Rhyno slams Tommy Dreamer. Rhyno hits a right hand. Rhyno hits a right hand. Hooks the leg for a two count. Fallaway slam by Rhyno puts down Tommy Dreamer. Hooks the leg for a two count. Rhyno goes for a splash but Dreamer puts the knees up. Dreamer scoops and slams Rhyno. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Covers for a quick two count. Nice piledriver on Rhyno. Rhyno flips out of a Tommy Dreamer bodyslam attempt. Rhyno scores with a standing spinebuster. Tommy Dreamer slugs Rhyno, sending him down into the corner.


JR: What’s he doing King that’s not legal!


Jerry Lawler: He’s a smart competitor JR there is a lot at stake in this tournament.


While Dreamer fires up the crowd, Rhyno is removing the turnbuckle pad! Tommy Dreamer comes over...but Rhyno grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Tommy Dreamer face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Rhyno rolls up the stunned Tommy Dreamer: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? Tommy Dreamer looks furious. The referee walks over...and gets blasted with a clothesline! Dreamer has lost it!


My Opinion: These guys worked SO HARD...for a ** rating. Something went wrong somewhere, didn't it?





JR: Rhyno has the win but not without some heavy cheating. Tommy Dreamer rightfully wasn’t happy about it either.


Jerry Lawler: Dreamer is just a bad sport. Rhyno won the match fair and square JR!


JR: Next Molly Holly defends her Women’s title but not just against Trish Stratus but also against Lita and Jazz by order of Mr McMahon. The cream of the WWE’s female talent will be on display after this break!


Commercial Break


Molly Holly vs Lita vs Trish Stratus vs Jazz.


Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. This match is for the WWE Womens title.


The Match: Running clothesline from Jazz was actually MIGHTY sloppy. Wack kick from Jazz. There's a two count on the pin. Jazz tags out to Lita. Face crusher from Lita on Molly sets up for an elbowdrop. Swan dive headbutt from Lita but without much elevation on the move. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Lita tags out to Trish Stratus. Trish Stratus with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Molly. One more performed that badly and this match will end on a bad note, if you get my drift. Tag between Molly Holly and Jazz. Jazz strikes away at Trish Stratus, not doing much damage at all. Trish counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Trish Stratus scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Could have been done a hell of a lot better though. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Trish Stratus pins Jazz. Molly hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Flying elbow off the top rope by Molly Holly, getting as close to zero air as possible. Hooks the leg for a two count. Molly hits a spinning back kick. All those spinning kicks look alike, don't they. Tag between Trish Stratus and Lita. Molly walks into a spinning heel kick which almost causes a decapitation! Flying elbow from Lita, grazing the target slightly. Molly Holly reverses a hip toss. Lita takes a knee lift from Molly. *sigh* Running knee lifts always remind me of the late Curt Hennig. Molly Holly with an enziguri. The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Molly Holly pins Lita. Molly Holly hits a shitty missile dropkick on Trish. Molly Holly blasts Trish with a superkick. Pin, but Trish is out just before the three count. Trish ducks a wild right hand. Trish Stratus sets Molly Holly up in the corner. Stratusfaction!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.


My Opinion: You barely escaped a DUD rating. 1/4*.





JR: Trish Stratus, the most popular WWE Diva in history and now the new WWE Women’s champion. However you can count on Molly Holly doing her best to regain the title soon King.


Jerry Lawler: Trish Stratus was just lucky JR, just lucky. Molly Holly knows she can win the title back whenever she wants.


Time to play the game…


JR: Oh no! Here come the former World Heavyweight champion Triple H. He won’t be happy at all!


Triple H spits and poses and is handed a microphone.


Triple H: Tonight Vince McMahon announced that I would be stripped of my World Heavyweight title. He didn't give a reason for this but I can reveal this to everyone. He is feeling old and senile and needs to come and exert his authority in order to feel like a man. But his doings will have no effect, as I will regain my title at Summerslam. Because I am now part of his family I believe he feels threatened by me, that I will take his position at any time.


Triple H pauses…


Triple H: And I could if I so wished. But now my main goal is to regain my title. So come Summerslam when three other pretenders are pitted against me I will show that I am truly the game and return to my rightful position on top of the WWE tree because I am that damm good!!



JR: Those are powerful words King but Triple H does tend to back up what he says.


Jerry Lawler: I have no doubt that at Summerslam we will once again see Triple H as the World Heavyweight champion again!


JR: That maybe true. But Vince making the changes just to spite Triple H, that seems a bit far fetched. Coming up after the commercial break, two brothers fight again in their seemingly never ending feud. The Undertaker vs Kane is next!


Commercial Break


Kane’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring and lights the ring posts on fire! Then the Rollin by Limp Bizkit plays and here comes the Undertaker on his motorcycle to a large pop.


Undertaker vs Kane.


Match Background: This is a first round match in the tournament to decide the World Heavyweight Champion. Undertaker and Kane are brothers who have participated in many matches including the first ever inferno match.


The Match: Kane scoops and slams Undertaker. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Kane hits some punches. How generic. Kane hits some punches. How generic. Covers for a quick two count. BAAACK Body drop by Undertaker gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. There's a two count on the pin. Undertaker blocks a punch. Undertaker strikes away at Kane, not doing much damage at all. There's a two count on the pin. Undertaker hits an ugly looking bulldog off the ropes. Kane ducks a wild right hand. Brutal sit out powerbomb on Undertaker! Kane floors Undertaker near the ropes and makes the pin. Kane is using the ropes for leverage! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! The fight has started up again! Undertaker attacks Kane, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.


My Opinion: Do you know what * means? It's the equivalent of buying your favourite soft drink, looking under the cap and seeing 'Sorry, Try again.' At least you got the soft drink.





JR: Kane used the ropes King, he cheated in order to progress and even after all the battles these two men have fought the Undertaker still was not pleased at all!


Jerry Lawler: But who gets another match in the tournament and who doesn’t JR? If the referee didn’t see it then it must be legal.


JR: Well we have certainly had a jam-packed edition of RAW tonight folks. Join Michael Cole and Tazz on Thursday for Smackdown where the WWE World title picture will be revealed and much other excitement is sure to take place. From Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler and myself it’s good-bye for now.

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I'll hook you up with an update for EWR if you want.


Firstly, you said that it was going to be 'realistic'. But mass firings are not very WWE-like or realistic. That's the main problem, it isn't realistic. I know this is fantasy and everything but you did say it was going to be 'realistic', so that's what I expected. And one more thing. Don't, and I repeat DO NOT, just copy and paste the matches directly from EWR. That is the ultimae sin among anyone who has ever used EWR for their fantasy bookings/diaries. I'm not asking for anything detailed just a simple summary of the match. Your 'My Opinion' bit isn't actually your opinion. The WWE won't be signing Styles for the foreseeable future. He turned down a development a while ago, he has a thick accent which the WWE don't like, and his style is the polar opposite of the WWE way of wrestling.

I think I'll stop before I seem too negative. Sorry if it seems very negative but it's just my honest opinion having written diaries/fantasy booked before.

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