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Guest Suicide King


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Guest Suicide King

The Smartmarks wrestling Federation presents...








Tom Flesher, Ace Lezaire, Petey The Irish Penguin, Landon Maddix & Edward James vs Toxxic, Jamie Drazon, Martin “Big Country” Hunt, Mike Van Siclen & “The Icon” Max King.




Manson vs Dace Night





Sean Davis vs Munich

Davis impressed the road agents in his debut. He battles the veteran Munich in his second match... a win here could mean good things, very good things.




Alan Clark vs Todd Cortez

Alan watched his teammates lose thanks to Cortez’s cheating ways on Storm. Now he’s going to take care of business himself.




Austin Sly vs Ryan Dustin

What? Get yourself disqualified? Haha. This is what you get. A rematch from Storm, but with no rules, Austin Sly can’t take the easy way out. Ryan Dustin’s title is NOT on the line here.




Rob Gilbert vs Hollywood Spike Jenkins

Robbie G lost his match against debutee Sean Davis. Looking to regain credibility, he’s challenged veteran Spike Jenkins to our opening contest.

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Guest Suicide King

“And did you see his face?” Tom Flesher asks Allison as they stroll down the corridor. “Well, not at the time obviously - more afterwards, when he got up and realised I’d used his own move to beat him.” Flesher laughs, evidently enjoying the joke. “I don’t know what Zenon thought he was doing throwing someone else into the title picture but at least it’s not like this kid is going to be a legitimate contender or anything. If it ends up being a Triple Threat I’ll just let Janus work off some of his anger on him then take my pick which of them I should get the win over...”




Suddenly Tom and Allison hear a metallic crunching noise, and the topic of conversation steps out of a side corridor to place himself in their path. Toxxic is holding a crumpled Coke can in his fist and the Straight-Edge Sensation stares at the Superior One through black-lined eyes. Flesher’s smile remains intact and takes on a slightly more gloating quality as he looks at the man whom he pinned via the Caffeine Bomb on Storm.


“Well, look who it is,” Tom says jovially. “Let me guess; you appreciated the wrestling lesson I gave you last week so much that you’re back for another session?” The Superior One laughs mockingly. “Don’t worry, rookie; you’ll get it tonight, in the main event.”


“You know, you made a mistake on Storm,” Toxxic tells him. “See, I don’t like being beaten anyway... but what you did went a bit beyond that.” The straight-edger moves a little closer, eyes boring into Flesher’s face. “Your little ‘one-upmanship’ thing pissed me off, and I suggest you ask Nathaniel Kibagami what happens when someone pisses me off.”


“Oh, really?” Flesher smirks. “So what’re you going to do, ‘Dangerlust’ me?”


“Maybe,” Toxxic replies quietly. “For the moment though, I’m gonna settle for kicking your arse.” This statement causes the Superior One to burst out laughing, although Flesher is careful to keep his eyes on the rookie in front of him.


“That’s... that’s good,” Tom says when he regains his composure. “You... k-kick my ass.” He almost starts laughing again, but restrains himself. “You and, uh... what army?”


“Funny you should ask,” Toxxic replies, a lopsided grin creasing his face.




And Allison screams as a huge fist crashes into the back of the Superior One’s head, knocking him to the floor. Flesher is back up almost immediately, turning to drive his shoulder into his assailant’s midriff, but the man in question is Sean Davis and although Tom knocks him backwards the former running back stays on his feet. Allison moves to attack the Perfect Storm but before she can take more than a step Jet materialises and locks the smaller girl in a full nelson, simply but effectively stopping her in her tracks. Meanwhile Tom tries to grab a leg, aiming to get some leverage with which to topple Davis-




-but a chairshot to the back drops him to the floor and ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins comes into view. Together he and Davis pick the stunned Superior One up, each grab an arm and-




-hurl Flesher back against a bank of lockers. Tom rebounds off, staggering forwards, but-




-only gets thrown against them again. This time Tom starts to slump forward, but Spike and Sean catch him and the Perfect Storm holds the steel chair up in front of the Superior One’s face in a perfect position for Toxxic to-




-superkick it! Allison screams again as Tom Flesher falls backwards to the floor, blood emerging from a cut on his forehead, and this time the Superior One makes no other movement. With Hollywood and the Perfect Storm standing on either side of him, Toxxic sits down on Flesher’s chest and pulls something from one of his voluminous side pockets.


“Y’see Tom, you’re not just dealing with me anymore,” Toxxic informs the motionless former World Champion. “Anyone with any sense knows to fear me in the ring... now you’re going to have to step very carefully around me outside of it as well.” The straight-edger leans forward, reaching his right hand up to Flesher’s forehead. “I’ll just give you something to remember me by, and then I’ll see you in the main event...”




Everyone except Toxxic looks round to see Alex Zenon standing a few metres away, anger almost visibly crystallising in the air around him. The interim Commissioner strides forward, his furious glare daring Davis or Jenkins to get in the way, but just before Zenon gets to him Toxxic stands up and moves away from Flesher whilst replacing something in his pocket.


“And what do you think you’re doing?” Zenon asks with all the menace of a 200lber who knows that he can fire everyone in earshot.


“Just giving Tom Flesher a lesson in manners,” Toxxic replies easily. “I thought he might need it before the main event.”


“Well, I won’t deny that,” Zenon admits grudgingly, reflecting that his working relationship with the straight-edger would be a whole lot simpler - and indeed shorter - if Toxxic didn’t always seem to be antagonising people that Zenon himself had something against. “You’re looking forward to getting your hands on Flesher in the ring again then?”


“Oh yes,” Toxxic agrees, grinning slightly. “You could say that.”


“Good,” Zenon says, “but you should have thought about that before you assaulted him back here, because I am removing you and Tom Flesher from the main event.”


“What!?” Toxxic splutters. “But-”


“But nothing!” Zenon snaps back. “I’m not going to put up with the sort of behaviour I had to endure out of you and Kibagami, Toxxic! You can either get your stuff and head home, or Tom Flesher will be the only contender to Janus’ title again because, so help me, I will fire your ass!”


Toxxic takes a deep breath... then releases it. “Well, when you put it like that,” he says, and turns to the others. “C’mon guys - looks like we’ve got the night off from here on out.” Jet reluctantly releases Allison who darts forward to kneel down by Flesher, and she, Davis and Jenkins all follow the Straight-Edge Sensation away.


“And what the hell’s up with you lot hanging around together?” Zenon yells after them. “Is this some kind of party?”


“Get used to it, Zenon” Toxxic calls back over his shoulder. “The balance of power just shifted.”


“Great,” Alex mutters, then looks down at Tom Flesher. There is a mark visible through the blood on the Superior One’s forehead, a mark that appears to have been made with a black marker pen.




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Guest Suicide King

SWF Lockdown returns live from the previous promo, on this warm summer night in the Hardcore Capital of the Eastern United States, Bean Town! The fans in the Fleet Center rise to their feet, as excited as they can be. Signs are waved, nachos are bought, and Johnny the little crippled boy is in the front row, waving his “Johnny Dangerous” foam finger.


“Welcome back, fans.” Says The Masked Man. “I am CYCLOOOOOOOOOOONE COMET! Alongside here with…”




“Well, you are no fun. Senior Party Pooper.”


“I take great offense to that. I throw great parties! I serve FANTASTIC pineapple martinis.”


“Well…. I…. umm…. ANYWAY! After that interesting look into the life of Jamie Drazon to start the show up, it is now time for our first match!” adds Comet.


“This match will go down in history as the first meeting EVER between Robzilla and the newly-turned-Straight-Edger, ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins.”


“Why will it go down in history? And where has Spike been lately?” questions Comet.


“It will go down in history as the biggest cheater in the world goes one on one with the no cheat, no breaking the rules Straight Edger.”




“And!” says Riley as he interrupts his partner’s answer. “Spike has been training under the watchful eye of Toxxic in the past two weeks. That’s why we haven’t seen him around.”


“Okay…. let’s go to the ring!” says a now excited Comet.


“Serial Thrilla” by Prodigy starts playing over the PA system. As soon as it starts up, Robert Gilbert makes his way out onto the entrance ramp. His dark jacket unzipped, showing off his white polo shirt underneath. Behind him is his mentor-slash-trainer “The Terrific One” Timothy Valentine. They both begin to make their way down to the ring, Gilbert refusing to slap fans hands.


“The following contest is scheduled for one fall,” booms Funyon. “And has a twenty minute time limit. First making his way to the ring…”


As this is said, Gilbert climbs up the steel steps and onto the apron where the awaiting Timothy Valentine sits, holding the ropes open. Gilbert steps through the ropes, takes his jacket off and hands it over to Valentine. Valentine follows Gilbert into the ring.


“Accompanied to the ring by ‘The Terrific One’ Timothy Valentine. He weighs in at a total of One Hundred and Sixty Five pounds. He hails from Chappaqua, New York! He is ‘Robzilla…The Lady Thrilla’! He is Robert Gilbert!”




Gilbert holds his arms in the air to the dismay of the fans. His trainer simply stands behind him, rubbing his shoulders and whispering pointers into his ear.


“Citizen Valentine really trying to prove his worth around here. Remember what happened to Mitch Duncan? Robert lost a match, and Duncan was fired! Can the same fate happen to Citizen Valentine if Spike Jenkins comes up with a win?” questions Comet.


“Who is to say Spike will win? We all know Spike’s win-loss record. Even with Toxxic, Jet, Sean Davis, and to a lesser extent, Marcus Washington behind him; can he still pull off a win?” Adds Riley.


The techno beats of Darude’s “Sandstorm” begins playing over the announce system, as…




…White pyro goes off on each side of the stage. “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins appears out from the backstage area, followed by his fellow stable mate, Jet. Spike stops at the entrance ramp, the hood of his jacket covering his head, while he stares at the ground. Spike flips the hood off his head, throwing his arms out in a cocky manner for the whole world to see. Spike and Jet begin to make their way down to the ring.


“And his opponent!” booms Funyon. “He is accompanied to the ring by Jet. He weighs in at a total of Two Hundred and Twenty-five pounds. He hails from Hollywood, California. He is ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins!!!!”




“Why are they chanting Toxxic sucks? That’s Spike Jenkins! Stupid Boston fans!”


“Well, Robert. I am guessing the fans don’t see Spike Jenkins as evil. They just see Toxxic corrupting his mind.”


Spike mocks the fans in the front row, as he climbs up the steel steps onto the ring apron. He walks across the ring apron, proclaiming his ignorance to the fans with his arms in the air. Spike steps through the ring ropes, and peels his jacket off. He tosses it to Jet at ringside, as he waits for the match to begin.




“Spike seems to have a new entrance to go with his new attitude.”


“I like it a lot, Comet!” squeals Riley.


“I’m sure it took him some time to perfect it. He must have had a lot of help from Toxxic and Jet.”


Both men stand in their corner, allowing Referee Soapdish to check them. After he finds they are clean, he signals for the bell.



*Ding Ding Ding*


Both men walk out of their corner, and begin to circle around the ring. Spike heads into the center of the ring for a lock up, but Gilbert has other plans. He heads back into his corner. Waiting for him is Valentine on the ring apron, water bottle in hand. Valentine hands the bottle to Gilbert. He enters the center of the ring, taking a few sips from the bottle.


“WHHHHHY does he need water now?” says Comet in his deep superhero voice.


“He’s thirsty, obviously.”


Spike looks at his opponent, waiting for him to put the bottle away and to start the match. But to a surprise to him, Gilbert holds the water bottle out.


“He is offering Spike a drink of water?” asks Comet.


“He respect’s Spike Straight Edge life style and he just wants to offer him some water. What’s wrong with that?”


Spike looks around the arena, as the fans jeer for him to not take the bottle. Spike, of course doesn’t think with his head anymore and will do anything against the fan’s wishes, takes the bottle of water. He chugs back a few sips…





…Allowing Gilbert time to kick him square in the midsection!





“Poor Spike. It seems he hasn’t regained all his brain cells that he lost over the years from the drugs.”


“You can’t regain brain cells, Robert.” Comet corrects.


“I…ummm….LOOK! ACTION!”


Back in the ring, Spike stumbles back with the water bottle still in hand. Robzilla unleashes a right hand to the jaw of Spike. Spike stumbles back, catching himself in the ropes. Rob grabs him by the wrist, and attempts an Irish whip across the ring. Spike holds onto Rob though, stopping himself from heading across the ring. Rob tries to quickly react, but is caught off guard by a spray of water into the eyes!




“Spike spits the water in Rob’s eyes! Rob’s plan backfired!” cries Comet.


“I’m really enjoying the Boston crowd today. They seem to know what they want.” Says Riley.


“That’s creepy. Very, very creepy.”


As Gilbert tries to run the water out of his eyes, Spike chucks the water bottle towards Gilbert. The bottle hits him on top of the head, bouncing off towards the outside of the ring and ends up knocking Gilbert onto his ass! Valentine quickly runs around the ring towards Gilbert, who holds his head in pain. The referee warns Spike about the use of the water bottle, but lets it go due to it not being a giant weapon. A call that Gilbert quickly argues with.


“Spike using that water bottle as a weapon. How does a simple water bottle knock Robert down?”


“It was a full bottle. You know the water in the bottle adds fifteen-twenty pounds.”


“Fifteen-twenty pounds?”


“It’s a big bottle!” Says Riley.


Robert quickly gets to his feet, his face completely red from freckles and anger. He charges towards Spike, ready to attack like a tiger in the jungle. Rob lets out an animalistic “ROAR”…








…As Spike stops him short with an open palm uppercut straight to the throat! Robert’s legs give out under him, as he collapses back first to the mat.


“Open palm uppercut! Straight to the windpipe!” notes Comet.


Robert rolls around on the mat, clutching at his throat. Valentine quickly jumps up onto the apron, pulling the referee aside.


“Citizen Valentine is trying to do anything to buy Robert Gilbert some free time. How about he let Citizen Gilbert TRY to wrestle?”


“He is letting Robzilla wrestle. That’s why Rob is in the ring. DUH!”


With Soapdish distracted, Spike walks over and tries to separate the two. With this time, Rob crawls up to his feet. Seeing his opening, he crawls up behind the distracted Spike Jenkins and…







…Low blow uppercut! Spike grabs at his groin, as Robert pulls him down onto his back with a schoolboy! Valentine jumps off the apron, as Soapdish drops down to make the count. With Soapdish not looking, Robert puts both of his feet onto the middle rope for added leverage, while also grabbing a handful of Spike’s pants!




“A low blow, holding the tights and feet on the ropes? How much can this man cheat?”










“A lot, Comet. I think he just proved that.”



















TWO ½!













TWO ¾!











THR….NO! Spike Jenkins kicks out!


Half of the crowd cheer, while the other half boo. Robert stands on his knees, yelling at the referee for what he thinks should have been a three count.


“Spike Jenkins just kicking out of that school boy! Robert Gilbert, not the most technically sound athlete. But even with all that cheating, he can’t keep the New Straight Edge Sensation down!” chimes Riley.


“Now he is using Toxxic’s nicknames?” questions Comet.


“No. I said NEW Straight Edge Sensation!”


Robert gets to his feet, and walks over to the ropes. On the outside of the ring, Valentine whispers words of advice to his trainee. Spike makes his way up to his feet, holding his groin in pain.


“Both men now up to their feet after that close fall by Citizen Gilbert.” Notes Comet.


Spike is obviously still shaken up from the low blow and schoolboy as he stumbles around to regain his footing. He turns towards the awaiting Robzilla, who leaps into the air and catches Spike in the chest with a standing dropkick! Both men drop to the mat, with Rob quickly getting back up to his feet. Rob begins to strut around the ring, opening the eyes of the now jeering fans in Bean Town. As Rob struts around the ring, his manager-slash-trainer “The Terrific One” Timothy Valentine begins to put his and his trainee’s plan into affect as he hops up onto the ring apron. Referee Soapdish quickly gets into Timothy’s face, allowing Robert enough time to strut into the corner. Once there, he takes his time as he unties the turnbuckle pad. It falls to the mat exposing the once hidden steel.


“What is this? MORE CHEATING? Robert Gilbert can certainly not last more than five seconds before he must show is Cheatingful ways!” cries the Masked Crusader.


“I personally think it’s a smart thing to do. Do you honestly think Robzilla can out wrestle Spike Jenkins? Do you think Robzilla can out-anything Spike Jenkins?” questions Riley.


“He can certainly out cheat him!”


“We’ll have to see about that.”


As this is going on, Jet stands on the outside of the ring yelling for Spike to get to his feet. Spike finally does, clutching his chest from the previous dropkick. As he turns around, Gilbert meets him with a grab of the wrist. Rob uses all the strength he can muster, and Irish whips Spike towards the exposed turnbuckle!


“Spike better watch out! That steel turnbuckle can be rusty. He might get Tetanus!” squeals Riley.


Spike charges into the corner, but sees the exposed steel. Using his veteran brainpower, Spike puts his boot up, catching the middle turnbuckle and stopping himself from what could have been his rusty fate.


“Phew. Either way, I’m sure Spike got all his shots.”


“Do you think about things before you say them?” questions Comet.


Spike turns back around. As he turns, he faces the now fuming Robert Gilbert.


“He looks really mad…I don’t think he likes Spike blocking everything he throws at him…”


“Maybe he is in the wrong profession then. He’s in the ring with a veteran compared to him. He has to expect Spike to protect himself in there.”


Gilbert charges towards Spike, willing to do anything to keep the new Straight Edger down. As he gets closer, he suddenly feels himself launched into the air…








…By Spike Jenkins of course! Spike wraps his arms around Rob’s waist, hoisting him into the air and dropping him neck/face first over the exposed turnbuckle!!



“Did…Spike Jenkins just cheat?” Questions a now stunned Comet.


“Well…not really. Robert was the one who removed the turnbuckle pad. So technically, it’s Spike just taking advantage of the rookie’s mistake.”


“But even so. Toxxic relies on not cheating, and beating his opponents clean. How will this affect the match?”


Robert bounces out of the corner. He clutches at his throat, his whole face turning red, as he can’t get oxygen through his body. Out from the corner comes Spike as he grabs Rob around the neck with one arm, floats through the air and drops down, driving Rob face first into the mat with The Bad Beat! Rob’s face bounces off the mat, allowing Spike to turn him over onto his back and hook the leg!




“The Bad Beat straight after that Hot Shot onto the exposed turnbuckle! All that damage Rob has taken to the throat has now been put into full effect!” says Comet.


On the ring apron, Timothy Valentine still stands on the apron. Instead of distracting the referee to let Robert take the offense, he is distracting him to not let Robert take the loss. After seeing what has happened in the ring, Jet quickly puts herself to use. She runs around the ring, hops up onto the apron next to Valentine. She slams her arm into Valentine’s groin with an uppercut! Valentine grabs at his groin and falls off the apron to the floor. Jet hops back down to the floor, as Referee Soapdish turns around and jumps into place for the cover.




“Jet really making herself useful in the corner of Spike Jenkins. Lucky girl. She hangs with all the cool cats.” Says Riley with a hint of jealousy in his speech.





























Spike rolls off of Gilbert, and straight out of the ring as Soapdish signals for the bell.



*Ding Ding Ding*




"Sandstorm” starts playing again. Spike holds his arms in the air in victory, with Jet now by his side. The crowd responds with “Toxxic Sucks” and “Slut” chants directed at Jet.


“See, Comet? Aligning yourself with Toxxic only helps a person out...”


“Does it? He needed all that cheating and then dropping Gilbert onto the exposed corner. Why would he do this?” Sighs The Crusader of Good Stuff.


“Maybe cause he wants to win a couple of matches?”


“Is that really more important then the love and support of the people that got him here? Is that really more important then the virtues that we all carry?”




“Sometimes, I question the people in this world.”


“Question yourself. You’re the one wearing the mask.” Quips Bobby.


Spike and Jet make their way backstage, the fans continuing their chants of “Slut” and “Toxxic Sucks”. The screen fades to black as SWF Lockdown goes to its second commercial break of the night!

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Guest Suicide King

Austin breaks the pin once again, causing the crowd to let out a heart-felt moan. "Citizen Dustin, was this close to ending the match, Robert." Ryan looks to Long, as Austin signals NTD over trying to get the belt. Ryan asks to check if it’s three, while Austin grabs the title belt from his mentor. "Look at this, Robert. After a wave of near pins, it's clear that citizen Sly is going to take the low road out of this match. Citizen Dustin brought the fight right back to him, so he's going to steal this match with a cheap belt attack."



NTD runs around to the other side and jumps up onto the ring apron to distract the ref, but Eddy Long kicks him out to a loud cheer from the crowd. As they begin to sing him away from ringside, the crowd lets loose a loud boo at Austin Sly stalking Ryan Dustin, title belt in hand! Ryan turns...






...And gets plastered with the Hardcore title!!



Just as Eddy Long turns around from kicking NTD out of the arena...




Ryan hits the mat like a ton of bricks, while Sly just grins, not caring in the least that he was caught in the act by referee Eddy Long. He yells at his mentor to bring him the Cruiserweight title, as he stands talk over the Real deal.


"The winner of this match by disqualification... RYAN DUSSSSST--IN!"


NTD makes his way back to the ring, as Sly stands over his fallen opponent, holding the Hardcore title and giving Eddy Long the brush off, as he beckons for his title. Dustin stirs on the mat slightly, as NTD brings the Cruiserweight belt into the ring. "What's Sly going to do?" asks Comet. "He's already lost the match. What does he have to gain from staying in the ring?"


"Respect, Comet. He's going to show Dustin that he should respect, a true wrestler, and a true division. The Cruiserweight Division!" Ryan pushes himself up to his hands and knees, while Eddy Long signals for the bell again. Sly doesn't care and neither does NTD as he takes the Hardcore title from his student and gives him the Cruiserweight belt. The Real Deal, never one to lie down, struggles to his feet...




And promptly gets put back down!! In ring, the battle is over, but a war may have possibly begun. The crowd rains down boos, irate at NTD and Sly, who now holds both belts and smiles at the camera, his mentor at his side, over a fallen Ryan Dustin. And the last image we see before fading to black is that of Austin Sly, grinning like the evil bastard he is, holding two belts, like both belong in his hands.



(Fade to the announcer’s table.)



"Welcome back citizens to SWF Lockdown!" The familiar voice of Cyclone Comet booms out, "What you've just seen was a video recap of the events that unfolded on the last episode of Storm in a match where Citizen Sly took on Citizen Dustin."


"Yes, Comet, and what a great match it was! We got to see a vicious streak come out of Austin that we've only had the privilege to witness a few times before." Bobby Riley boasts, "Austin showed the SWF Locker room and the world that he is not someone to be messed with; and the message went through Ryan Dustin!"


"Privilege? I wouldn't consider it a privilege to see a man beat another man by using his own title as a weapon, only to continue the assault after the match was officially declared over. I would consider that a heinous act of selfishness!" Comet responds, disgusted with Riley's overzealous attitude. "Like a true champion, though, Citizen Dustin is taking the fight right back to Citizen Sly by facing him in a non-title Hardcore bout! We'll just have to see what happens tonight when both men are allowed to have weapons inside the ring!"


"Just because Ryan happens to be the Hardcore Gamers Champion, I wouldn't give him an edge in this match tonight. Remember that Austin is no foreigner to the hardcore environment himself."


"Well we're about to find out! Funyon is in the ring so our match is just about ready to begin!"


The arena lights turn a dark cooling shade of blue to signal the immanent arrival of the Austin Sly. The sound of an acoustic guitar playing a hard, driving riff floats out over the arena but it is almost drowned out by the fans showing their loathe for the Cruiserweight Champion. Austin emerges from behind the curtains with his title belt strapped around his waste. He makes his way to the edge of the stage to do his pre-match stretches before NTD ever appears from the curtains behind him. They both begin to make their way towards the ring as Funyon makes his first announcement.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is a Hardcore match! Count-out and disqualification rules do not apply, and falls will count anywhere! Making his way to the ring first from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds and accompanied to the ring by Smarks Wrestling Federation legend NTD, he is YOUR REIGNING Cruiserweight Champion... Auuuustiiiiiiiin Slyyyyyy!"


Austin and NTD stop at ringside to share a few words before the Cruiserweight Champ points back up the ramp to direct NTD to stay away from ringside. Out of respect for each other, NTD turns and makes his exit before the match ever starts. Austin the proceeds to jump onto the ring apron side and continue with his regular pre-match ceremony.


"NTD is heading to the back? Austin must be concerned that Ryan, being the unstable alcoholic that he is, might snap and take a shot at his mentor. He's not such a bad guy now is he?"


"... hardly..." Comet replies, unimpressed.


The house lights drop, causing a small mummer to escape from the crowd. The low key, but upbeat beginning of "Lapdance" by N.E.R.D. starts to fill the arena. Brilliant strobes of white, yellow, blue and red, flash about the arena, bathing the crowd in a multicolored hue in time with the beat, whose moderate base line begins to kick up, until, the vocals drop...


I'm an Ouuuuut-law!


A bullet flies through the picture suddenly causing the image to shatter like glass. A single spotlight flashes across the stage, waving back and forth in time with the hip-hop beat...


Quick on the draw -- Quick on the draw...

Something you never seen before -- never seen...


Centering on a lone spot...


And I dare a muthafucker to come in my face!


As N.E.R.D’S “Lap-dance” continues, it draws Ryan Dustin to the stage, through the curtain to face the crowd – arms folded across his chest – while in a casual lean; his red cameo jacket fluttering from an unknown undercurrent. After a pause, Dustin makes his way to the ring, interacting with various fans by placing them in his 'picture frame'...


"And his opponent," adds Funyon, "Making his way to ring from Carson City, Nevada, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-eight pounds, he is YOUR REIGNING Smarks Wrestling Federation Hardcore Gamers champion, he is 'the Real Deal'... Ryaaaaaan Duuustiiiiiiiiin!"


Ryan reaches the ring and climbs up the outside of the turnbuckle to pose once again, sizing up the Cruiserweight champ by placing his hands in the form of a 'picture frame' again. Then Ryan, as if waiting for a cue, turns to the near side crowd while nodding his head to the beat...


It's so real!

How I feel!




... while Dustin has his back turned from the ring, Sly runs over and shoves him off the ring post to the mat below. He hits the mat with a thud but is lucky enough to catch himself without much pain. Unfortunately for him, though, Austin comes flying over the top and smacks into him knocking both men down. Austin quickly climbs back to his feet, but Ryan is a little slow to get up with shock still grasping him and birds flying around his head. Sly immediately goes searching underneath the ring looking for anything substantial to hit the Hardcore Gamers Champion with.


"Citizen Sly shows his true colors early by attacking his opponent from behind! I can't believe you can support this man, Riley." Comet remarks with bitterness in his voice.


"What do you mean Comet? I would have knocked Ryan off the side of the ring if he were doing that dumb head-bobbing thing in a match with me too! It's really rather ridiculous... just get in the ring and wrestle! No one wants to see you dance your way down here."


Ding ding ding!


"That was quite a late starting bell, wasn't it Riley?"


"It's better than forgetting it all together..." Riley murmurs while shooting his eyes from side to side suspiciously.


Austin re-emerges from beneath the ring with a trash can full of street signs in his hands. He wastes no time to pull out a handicapped parking sign from inside the can before tossing the rest inside the ring. He turns to face his opponent ready to take his head off with the newly acquired sign, but Ryan has already climbed back to his feet and is more than prepared for Austin's attack. The Hardcore Champion latches onto the other end of the metal object only to rip it from Sly's hands. Ryan reels the sign back preparing to clock Austin in the side of the head...




... the sign cuts through the air as Austin narrowly ducks out from under it's swinging path to safety!




He's unable to duck under the second swing though as Dustin connects squarely with the back of his head. Austin staggers forward a few steps before falling onto the mat. He braces himself up slightly with one elbow while using his other hand to check and make sure the back of his head hasn't been broken open. However, Ryan doesn't want to waste any time while he has even a slight bit of control over the match and keeps applying pressure to his opponent. The Hardcore Gamers Champion pulls Austin up to his feet by the hair attached to the back of his head. Having had his lights dimmed by the shot to the back of his head, it appears as if Austin only has a vague recognition as to what is going on around him. Ryan keeps one hand firm on top of Austin's head while the other one creeps back behind his head in order to get full force behind his punch.





The force of the punch causes Austin to yell out as he stumbles backward towards the ring steps and falls down to one knee to catch his balance. Ryan quickly latches his hand back onto the top of Austin's head as if to steady it while he sends right hand after right hand towards his opponent’s face. The assault works as Austin collapses backwards giving "the Real Deal" an early sense of victory. Ryan turns to acknowledge the fans just to receive a round of cheers for his effort.


"What a complete goof... playing to the fans for their approval. I can't wait until Austin puts him in his place here tonight!" Riley remarks, showing his obvious support for the Cruiserweight Champion.


"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Bobbo; it looks like the only person getting put in their place to me is Citizen Sly. The match has hardly started and he's already being beat down by Citizen Dustin."


Dustin sizes his opponent up by putting his hands up to form a picture frame again. It's a hard shot to frame though because Austin has begun to climb back to his feet. Ryan eventually gives up on his quest and just comes charging in to clothesline his opponent.




... only to be dropped onto the ring steps with a drop toe hold! Austin stumbles around ringside trying to quickly gather his bearings while Ryan just tries to nurse himself off of the steps and back to his feet. Austin uses this chance to go back under the ring and pull out a few more items. He pulls a steel folding chair and a table out from under the ring only to slide them both in under the bottom rope. He looks to check and make sure Ryan is still struggling to his feet before going back under the ring for even more hardcore goodies. He reappears from under the ring with a plastic bucket full of... Super Balls?


"Are those Super Balls, Comet?" Riley inquires.


"Yes, I believe those are Wham-O Original Super Balls. You know, they say that Super Balls have a ninety- percent recovery bounce from the energy stored inside the spheres. Now I'm no genius when it comes to science..."


"Science, among other things," Riley interrupts his partner.


"... but it seems to me that if someone were to, say, be pelted with one of those, it'd probably hurt quite a bit. Citizen Dustin might be in for some trouble here. Fun trouble, but none-the-less, still trouble."


Austin slides the bucket into the ring before rolling under the bottom rope himself. By this time, Ryan has made it back to his feet is ready to fight... if he realized where Austin has gone.





Austin sends a Super Ball flying into Ryan, pelting him in the ribs. The sting of the ball causes him to grab his side with one arm, but it also clues him in to where Austin is. Ryan climbs up onto the ring apron to re-enter the ring, but he is knocked off once again after Austin blasts him with a few more Super Balls.














Austin walks over to the ropes to get a clear shot before he continues to send the Super Balls hurling into Ryan. Some of the balls bounce into the audience giving lucky fans both a fun and historical souvenir, but he soon reaches the bottom of his bucket. Ryan seizes the opportunity to react, grabbing Austin's foot and yanking it out from under him causing him to crash onto the mat back first. Ryan quickly rolls into the ring before his opponent has the opportunity to make it back to his feet. He is, however, squatting by the ropes trying to intimidate Ryan by sending obscenities flying his way. Something sparks inside of "the Real Deal's" head before he comes charging in after Austin. No ones home though, as the Cruiserweight Champion rolls out of the way and shoots back to his feet. Dustin realizes that he's comes up with nothing in his grasps and turns to see Sly doing a little bob and weave dance in the center of the ring. Dustin charges his opponent again and this time connects with his shoulder to Austin's midsection. He doesn't stop there though, he uses his speed and body strength to pick Austin up off of the mat and drive him into the corner.


"Well that puts an end to this foolishness. Maybe Citizen Dustin can drag a real wrestling match out of this mess yet!"


"Oh shut up, Comet! You know you were enjoying watching Austin make a fool out of the wino of a man Ryan Dustin! It was fun and entertaining for the whole family!" Riley shoots back at Comet; "besides, this is a hardcore match! Everything Austin has done has been very legal within the rules of the match."


Ryan places one hand on the middle ropes coming out of each side of the turnbuckle and latches onto them tight before driving his shoulder into Austin's midsection. Ryan pulls back again, making sure to get as much space between himself and Austin in order to get the most force behind his shoulder before driving it into his opponent’s midsection once again. Dustin pulls back again, but this time he's greeted promptly with a thumb to the eye that causes him to release his hold on the ropes and grasp at his face. The shock wares off quickly though and Ryan turns to come charging back in at his opponent. Austin jumps up and out of the way onto the middle ropes, though, causing Ryan's right shoulder to crash into the corner post. The Cruiserweight Champion comes down off the middle ropes by grabbing Ryan into a Sunset Flip that yanks him out of the corner and into the first pin attempt of the match. Referee Mark Hebner slides in for the count.









Kick out~! Ryan kicks out before the three count, and the match continues!


"Aw crap, he kicked out! I was hoping the match would be over there," Riley sulks.


"You should know that Citizen Dustin doesn't go down that easy, Bobbo." Comet snickers.


Ryan tries to climb back to his feet quickly, but he's immediately taken back to the mat with an Arm Bar. Austin bends his opponent's hurting arm back in an attempt to torque it out of place and end the match in submission. With Ryan's arm held tightly within his own two, Austin leans his body across Ryan's back, using it as leverage in order to pull at the arm more. A small sadistic smile spreads across Austin's face showing he enjoys the pain he's putting Ryan through. The look on Ryan's face, however, is one of desperation. Desperately searching for a way out of this predicament, Mark Hebner offers Ryan a chance to quit, and it looks like he might as his left hand comes up off the mat but the Hardcore Gamers champ waves his chance off. He gasps for air one more time before he shoots his elbow back towards Austin's head, connecting with his target only enough to aggravate his opponent and not cause the hold to be released. Austin torques back on the arm even further causing Ryan to yell out in pain.


"Heeeee's gooooing to taaaaaap. Heeeee's gooooing to taaaaaap." Riley uses this opportunity to mock Ryan. The fans, however, begin to get behind their choice wrestler in the ring, Ryan Dustin.






The fans support seems to help Ryan regain his composure in the ring as he sends elbow after elbow flying into the back of Austin's head causing him to release the hold. Ryan uses his left arm to help push himself back up to his feet, but by the time he's made it back up, Austin is already up and grabbed another handicapped parking sign out of the trash can.






Ryan lunges after his opponent, but he's met with a cold piece of metal slapped against his knee. The crowd goes quiet again before letting Austin know that they do still loathe him by trying to boo him out of the ring. Dustin falls back to the mat from the force of the blow knocking his legs out from under him. Austin uses this opportunity to dump the remainder of the items out of the trashcan. Several street signs fall out onto the mat, but nothing seems to be of worth to Austin except the trash can itself. Ryan pulls himself up again using his left arm and the ropes to make it onto his feet again. Sly keeps the pace of the match under control by coming to Ryan and kicking him in the midsection as soon as he's up off the ropes. The force of the kick causes Ryan to bend at the waist and pull his left arm in to try and protect himself. This, however, gives Austin an easy opportunity to shove the trash can over Ryan's head. The Hardcore Gamers Champion tries to get himself out of the trash can quickly...




... but he's knocked off his feet suddenly when Austin introduces a steel folding chair to the side of the trashcan. Ryan hits the mat with a thump; the metal still wrapped around his head.


"By Zeus! That was an absolutely heinous attack by Citizen Sly!" Comet yells, forever the caring announcer, "we'll be lucky if Ryan doesn't suffer from permanent damage from the echo that he must have experienced inside that trash can!"


"Relax, Comet," Riley pauses, "that's all I've got! Ah-hahaha!"


Sly drops his chair aside and walks over to his fallen opponent, only to put his foot onto Dustin's chest and order Hebner to make the count.










Ryan rolls over, breaking the count. Austin gets down onto the mat to pin his opponent’s shoulders down to the mat. Hebner slides in again to make the count.










Ryan kicks out this time! Austin, frustrated by the Hardcore Gamers Champion's resistance, sends his foot crashing into the side of the trash can one last time before turning his attention to the table he sent into the ring earlier. He takes his time and sets the table up in the corner of the ring, being careful not to let Ryan remove the can from the top of his head or make it to his feet by sending his foot into his side.


"This doesn't look good for your Ryan, Comet; you've got to admit that!" Riley tries to provoke his announcing partner.


"I will admit it, Robert. Citizen Dustin could very well be in trouble right now."


Sly doesn't waste any time trying to put his opponent away. He quickly pulls Ryan back to his feet. The defenseless Dustin is forced to lie on top of the table as Austin climbs the corner turnbuckle. Austin looks to make sure that Ryan is still indeed on top of the table before turning his back on the Hardcore Gamers Champion. Casting his fear to the wind, Austin stands on the corner turnbuckle before flipping himself backward towards the table.




Ryan, in a brief moment of luck, rolls himself off the top of the table without ever knowing what Austin's plans were. This time, the Cruiserweight Champion's risk has backfired on him causing him to crash through the table. A gasp rises from the crowd only to be replaced by cheers and more chanting for "The Real Deal".






"Perhaps we spoke too soon, Robert! From my point of view, a whole new match has just started!" Comet notes.


Both men lay on the mat showing little movement. Ryan looks as if he’ll be able to continue competing first as he struggles to get the trash can off of his head still. He struggles to his feet, trying to shake himself free from his confinement. He slowly gets his left arm free enough to where he can shove the can up and off of his head. Gasping for air, Ryan looks around the ring desperately trying to find his opponent.


"It looks like Ryan doesn't know where he is. Maybe he thinks Austin already beat him? GET OUT OF THE RING! THE MATCH IS OVER!" Riley shouts at the confused wrestler.


"Shush Robert! He can't hear you anyways!"


Ryan finally notices Austin lying in the strewn about remaining pieces of what was once a table. Deciding that this is an opportunity, Dustin quickly makes his way to Austin's side, but when he tries to hook his opponent's leg back for a pin with his right arm he discovers he is unable to with the pain. The ever-resourceful Hardcore Gamers Champion decides it's best to roll onto his back and use his left arm to hook Austin's leg back even if it does make for a weaker pin. Mark Hebner slides down to count the pin.















Three-nooooo! Austin gets his shoulder up at the last second! An audible "awww" comes from the crowd as they were hoping for the match to end here. Ryan pulls himself back to his feet before using his good left arm to help Austin back to his feet by pulling him up by his hair. With a sudden burst of energy, the Cruiserweight Champion grabs Ryan's arm and torques it back behind him. Austin wants to end the match soon though and releases Dustin's arm in favor of a drop kicking him back down to the mat. Sly drops down to the mat and rolls out of the ring before making his way across the arena towards the announcer’s table. Austin passes up Comet and Riley in favor of the timekeeper's table where both the Hardcore Gamers and Cruiserweight titles sit. He snatches up the Hardcore Gamers title and heads back towards the ring.


"How did those get over there, Riley? I don't remember that." Comet questions his partner, confused as to the events unfolding.


"I'm not quite sure that I remember the titles ever coming our way either, Comet." Riley remarks before shooting his eyes from side to side again.


Austin slides in beneath the bottom rope, carefully stalking his opponent as he watches him slowly climb his way back to his feet. The Cruiserweight Champion watches with the title belt held to his side as Ryan makes it to his. Both men lock glares before charging at one another...




... Dustin gets leveled with his own title belt. Austin shoots around to check and make sure Ryan went down, but he instead finds him already back to his knees. Ryan turns to face Austin again only to be rewarded with another shot from the Hardcore Gamers title. This time, though, Ryan goes down on his back. Austin rushes in for the pin.

















Ding ding ding!


"Ladies and gentlemen," Funyon tries his hardest to speak over the booing, "your winner by pin fall, Auuuustiiiiiiiin Slyyyyyy!"


"Austin Sly picks up the win!" Riley practically orgasms at the sound of the ring bell.


"This makes for an interesting title scene, Robert. The Cruiserweight Champion just pinned the Hardcore Gamers Champion in a hardcore match, none the less. I don't think this is the end for these two."


It looks like Austin stands up to celebrate his victory, but he instead just lays the Hardcore Gamers title on top of Ryan's chest and exits to ring to pick up his belt. Austin walks away from ringside and up the ramp with his belt simply slung across his shoulder... as we fade out...

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Guest Suicide King

Our cameras cut from the arena to the backstage area, and in particular the inner workings of Commisioner Zenon's office. Zenon is leaning back in his chair, a cordless telephone pressed against his ear. Before we can discover who he's talking to, or what about, the door to his office swings open, and in walks one half of the reigning SWF World Tag Team Champions, Todd Cortez. Zenon is startled, and then just stares at Cortez, who stands in front of his desk.


"Hey, let me give you a call after the show."


Zenon puts the phone down on it's console, folds his hands in front of him, and looks up at The Urban Legend.


"I'm guessing they don't have etiquette classes in your neighborhood, Todd?"


"Look, I didn't come here for you to play funnyman, Zenon. I just came to talk to you about the Boulevard."


"What about you guys?" inquires the commisioner.


"What about us? How about, right now, there IS no us. Mike's going on vay-kay, leaving me with a belt in both hands, but there's no one holding the tag rope."


"Oh...Oooohhhhh..." mutters Commisioner Alex.


"Yeah, so, tonight, I've got Clark, and that's cool. Throw me in all the solo action you can. Toss a few three way dances or Fatal Four Ways in there too for all I care. Just let the belts take a rest until Mike gets back."


"It's a lovely thought, Todd, but I can't do that, and you know that."


"Say what?"


Todd leans over Zenon's desk, his eyes gleaming in an angered fashion.


"Todd, let me tell YOU something, k? I'm running a company here, and while it's noble of you to want as much glory in singles as you've gotten in the tag division, I'm trying to rejuvenate the tag scene. You two have done a hell of a job making those belts mean something...every time I turn around I'm reminded of the Casino Brawl. Truth is, you guys are on a hot streak, and I can't let it just die out."


"Are you thick? There is no 'we' right now, just ME!"


"Well, then YOU have a problem, because YOU are scheduled to defend those belts come Storm this week!"


Todd backsteps, as Zenon's authoritative tone seems to have an effect.


"Great, just great. So what've you got in store, Alex, huh? All three Wayward Sons at once? Four team elimination?"


"Sean Davis and Spike Jenkins, actually."


Cortez snickers.


"Davis and Jenkins?"


"Do I need to repeat myself?"


"Not at all."


"Think you can handle that?"


Cortez rolls his eyes at the commisioner.


"Well well, letting your ego get the best of you, Todd? Good for you. Now, just to show you I'm a fair guy, I'm going to give you a break."


"Oh yeah, what's that?" asks the Urban Legend.


"Mike's gone, and I know that. I also know the kind of competitor you are, and you're trying to make something of yourself, as well as those titles. You may not be in the best company, but I can appreciate your talents, so, I'm granting you the opportunity, until Mike gets back, to find yourself a substitute to defend those belts."


Cortez seems shocked by Zenon's generosity. He just looks at him, unsure of how to react.


"I can ask anyone, anyone at all?"


"Anyone under SWF contract is yours for the taking. All they have to do is agree to it."


"I have your word on this?"


"You have my word on this."


Zenon extends his hand, and Cortez does the same. The two men seal the deal the old fashioned way, with a handshake.


"OK, that's appreciated. Thank you."


Cortez turns and opens the door, heading out, until Zenon's voice stops him.


"Not a problem. It's the least I could have done after scheduling the defense before Mike left."


Time stands still, and Todd turns his head, again staring at Alex Zenon.


"What did you just say?"


"I said, it's the least I could do, given the fact that I couldn't cancel the match, despite Mike begging me to."


"He...he KNEW we had a defense coming up?"


"Sure did. Someone's got a big mouth around here. He probably did some snooping before he took off."


Cortez is fuming, and Zenon realizes what's going on, and chuckles.


"Are you telling me that Mike never told you this?"


Cortez shakes his head no. Zenon mutters an "Oh boy."


"Look," says Zenon, "the deal stands. Find yourself a partner if you want to...if you need to. That choice is yours. Come hell or high water though, those belts will be defended, get me?"


Cortez silently nods yes. For the second time, he turns and heads for the door, only to again hesitate at the sound of Zenon speaking.




Cortez turns.


"...good luck."


Cortez glares back at the commisoner before grabbing the door handle and pulling it shut, leaving Zenon by his lonesome to roll his eyes at the apparent dissension in Hollywood Boulevard. Zenon leans back in his chair, taking a deep breath, as the scene fades to black.

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Guest Suicide King

As SWF Lockdown returns from commercial break, the screen shows images from the past Storm, as Edward James is caught off guard by a stiff superkick from Todd Cortez that eventually leads to the Wayward Sons being defeated by the Tag Team Champions.


“What you are seeing, Citizens, was unjustice personified as Cortez was not even the legal man, attacking Edward James and leaving him to lose the match for his team!” The Cyclone Comet narrates the scene as the kick is repeatedly played a few times before Riley steps in to offer his two cents.


“When you are in there fighting two guys you always have to be watching over your shoulder! Guys can come from any direction and Edward James deserves no sympathy for losing!”


“Well either way, Edward was in Commissioner Zenon’s office right after the match, DEMANDING to face Todd Cortez tonight on Lockdown for some revenge, but Zenon would have none of that…and instead Cortez is going to face the former USJL Champion here tonight…”




“No, Robert…Alan Clark!”




“I heard that!” Comet snidely remarks before the arena suddenly drops into darkness. The SmarkTron bursts to life as the opening of “Tres Delinquentes” erupts all around the arena, signalling the arrival of Todd Cortez, who appears through the curtain along with his tag team partner!


“He’s got Citizen Van Siclen with him!” Comet screeches as Todd throws his arms in a large symbolic X across his chest before looking toward the sky, his tag team championship belt glowing around his waist as he holds his ever-present cross in his right hand.


“Of course he does, they’re partners!”


“Ladies and Gentlemen…the following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL…introducing first, being accompanied by Mike Van Siclen…weighing in at two hundred and twenty six pounds…he is one half of the SWF World Tag Team Champions… THE URBAN LEGEND…TOOOOOODD CORTEEEEEEEZ!!”




The crowd shows their disapproval of the duo as they make their way to the ring, Mike taking his time to mock a few fans before taking his place around the side of the ring as Cortez slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. Todd smiles as he pulls his championship off of his waist, holding it high in the air to another loud chorus of boos before handing it off to Van Siclen on the outside.


“There is no love lost for this team, Robert, and you can only hope Alan Clark is prepared to deal with both of these men…”


“I’m sure he’s NOT…” Robert interjects, only to be cut off in mid-sentence…



There’ll be peace when you are done

Lay you’re weary head to rest

Don’t you cry no more…




The sold-out crowd is rocked as large pyrotechnics explode around the curtain, leaving the smoke to clear to show Alan Clark standing alone at the top of the ramp, his head looking down toward his feet.


“…and introducing his opponent…weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds…representing the Wayward Sons… ALAAAAAAAAAN CLAAAAARK!”




The crowd begins to chant as Clark finally steps from his spot, his walk filled with determination as he makes his way to the ring, but just before he can make it to the ring, Edward James appears from backstage, huffing and puffing and jogging toward Clark.


“It looks like Edward is showing up after all…”


“What is HE doing out here?”


“Maybe since it was James that cost the Sons the tag titles last show, he should be out here to lend some support and keep Van Siclen in check too!” Comet responds as Clark finally realizes he is standing in Eddy’s shadow. The two share a quick look and a few words before Clark makes his way to the ring steps and climbs up and into the ring, standing across from Cortez. Todd looks on, passing his gaze between Alan on the inside and Edward on the outside as Clark pulls his jacket from his shoulders and slowly removes his hat, keeping a cold stare on Todd.


“When Alan Clark is focused, you can definitely see it in his eyes!” The Comet exclaims as Edward James can do nothing from the outside but glare across the ring, where Van Siclen does nothing but return a cocky smile to the rookie.


“This is supposed to be one on one! This isn’t fair!”


“Well hopefully Edward James will make sure it stays that way, Robert!” Riley does not like this assurance by his partner, but he has to accept it as referee Anthony Michael Hall calls for the bell to the start the match!




Clark quickly disposes of his jacket and hat to the outside before moving in towards Cortez, and the two immediately go in to a lock-up. Cortez is first on the attack, sending his knee straight up and into Alan’s chest, causing the tie-up to break as Clark stumbles forward and into Todd’s arms as he hooks in a front facelock on the Wayward Leader.


Cortez tries for a quick suplex, but Clark throws his right foot between Todd’s legs and wraps it around his ankle, blocking the move. Cortez hurries to try again, but with a lift, Alan reverses the momentum and soon has the Urban Legend off his feet and in the air! Cortez wastes no time in dropping all of his weight into his feet, trying to pull his body back down, but Clark runs forward toward the corner, causing Todd to rethink his strategy and lift his legs up and over the top rope! Cortez lands on his feet as Alan snakes free from the facelock, only to catch a forearm straight to the temple that sends Alan head lashing back and forth. Todd continues, grabbing Alan by the head and jarring it straight into the top turnbuckle, putting Clark down on the canvas. Springing up, Cortez hops over the top rope, using all of his agility and quickness to position his body for a legdrop…






…but Alan Clark moves! The feisty Clark rolls up to his feet and sends his right foot searing through the air…





…and going straight over Cortez’s head as he ducks out of way of the kick! The momentum of the kick puts Alan’s leg through the ropes, draping it across the second! Todd quickly sends his arms up and clutches at the leg, pulling it back into the ring under the middle rope, causing Alan’s body to flail before he falls down to his back once more!


“These two are just keeping up shot after shot with each other…”


“…but the genius of Todd Cortez shows right there, Comet…and the former ‘champion’ as you called him is now down and looking dazed!” Riley is right in his comment, as Cortez crawls up to his feet and drags Alan by the arms into the center of the ring before once again looking for a legdrop…


…and he connects!


“Quick Cover!”










“This match has barely started and already Todd Cortez is looking to put it away. I’m not sure if that is simply his desire to win or his underestimation of Alan Clark right there…”


“You can underestimate Alan Clark…he sucks!”


“Robert! Being a commentator means being impartial!” Comet tries to regain order, but it’s all for naught.


“Fine, he does the deed like a Hoover!” The comment is even worse than the first one, but alas Comet can only shake his head, as Live TV has its drawbacks. In the ring, Alan is once again on his feet, though not in any way he would like to be, as Cortez shoves him back into the corner and begins his assualt, unleashing a flurry of palm strikes into Clark’s chest! Alan tries to cover up as Edward and Mike watch on from their respective positions on the outside, but it’s to no avail as he just can’t seem to get his hands in any position in time to stop the attack from the Urban Legend!


“The speed and grace of Cortez’s hands makes me long for being a sailor on shore leave, Comet…” Riley says somberly, causing an agast look from his superhero partner and leaving him with only one reply.




The strikes continue, finally causing Hall to move in and pull Cortez away from Clark, who looks a little worse for wear in the face after the barrage of stiff shots from his opponents. Cortez backs off and moves to Van Siclen, who has made his way to the side of the ring. The two men exchange pleasantries as Edward attends to Alan, who has dropped down to his knees by the apron.


“Meeting Time!” Riley calls out, but Cortez and Van Siclen seem to have a plan in mind as they break from their discussion, with Todd heading for Alan as Van Siclen returns to the other side of the ring trying to stay as far from the action as seemingly possible.


Todd grabs Alan by the back of the head, taking a moment to look down at Edward on the outside of the ring and give him a quick wink before pulling Clark up and whipping him across the ring and into the far corner. Cortez does not immediately go after Clark, but instead leans over toward James, speaking inaudibly toward the big man. Whatever he said must have been quite the aural nugget, as James’ face turns red with rage and he tries to climb to the apron, immediately causing referee Hall to intervene. Hall yells for James to stay out of the match as a loud chorus of boos emanates from all around the arena and, after a moment of arguing, Eddy finally does drop back down to the floor, his expression disgruntled as he shakes his head.


“Edward James knows better than to get involved or he’ll get his partner disqualified!” Speaking of partners, Cortez turns back to find James’ partner face down in the middle of the ring, a good six feet from where he was only seconds before.


“What in Poseidon’s Attic happened to Alan Clark!” Comet calls, as a replay shows a camera just over Edward’s shoulder catching Mike Van Siclen rushing across the apron and driving one of the tag team championship belts square into Alan’s forehead. The force gave Clark a good stumble, and he fell to the middle of the ring where he now lies. “That was simply uncalled for, unjustice at its not-so-finest being perpetrated by Hollywood Boulevard!”


“Oh calm down, Comet, it’s not like Clark is busted open or something…” Riley is quickly shut up, however, as Cortez pulls Alan off the mat to reveal a miniscule puddle of blood on the canvas and a small smear across Clark’s face. Hall immediately turns to Van Siclen, who jumps back in shock, then simply walks toward the corner, completely and utterly appalled that the referee would ever accuse him of such actions.


As Cortez whips Alan into the ropes, Eddy J seems ready to do more than simply accuse Van Siclen, as he races around to the other side of the ring, looking to wrap his hands around the Spectacle’s throat. Hall turns his attention to the big man just as Cortez leaps into the air, sending his right foot straight into Clark’s forehead, putting him flat on his back in the center of the ring. Todd quickly goes for a cover, but referee Hall is too busy trying to call Edward off a retreating Van Siclen.


“Ref! COUNT!” Bobby screams, nearly leaving his seat as Cortez jumps up and turns the referee around, slapping his hands together and barking orders at Hall before going back to Clark, covering him…














Clark kicks out before the three, leaving Todd looking mighty perturbed as he gets to his feet.


“I can not BELIEVE Edward James would stoop to such levels to keep Alan Clark from being pinned!”


“Robert…you never cease to amaze me.” is all The Comet can say, leaving Riley to smile widely as Cortez stays vigilant at the task at hand, lifting Clark up and hooking his body in the desired position before picking up him up off the ground. With a spin, Cortez drives him straight down into the canvas with a vicious STO!


Cortez stays on top of Clark and tries for another cover…
















Clark’s shoulder barely gets off the canvas before the three, as it instinctively goes straight to the back of his head. Cortez seems to be enjoying putting Alan through all kinds of pain, but as he pulls him up to his feet and hooks him around the waist.


With a good lift, Alan finds himself in the air once more, his back parallel to the canvas in preparation for a backdrop driver! As Cortez falls backwards toward the mat, Alan begins to kick his legs back, putting Cortez off balance and sending Clark crashing onto his feet and then back into the ropes, where he catches his body and tries to stay on his feet as Cortez turns to face him. Clark rushes off the ropes and…







…drops straight to the canvas?


“That stupid Clark, he tripped!”


“He did nothing of the sort! Citizen Van Siclen tripped him up and I saw it with my super-vision!” The Comet yells, and sure enough…a replay shows the Spectacle reaching into the ring, nonchalantly tripping up Alan and putting him face-first into the mat. Edward seems to have finally have had enough as he lumbers around the ring and goes after Van Siclen, who becomes aware a moment too late that the big man is gunning for him. As Mike turns, he sees the behemoth rushing toward him and quickly ducks out of the way, avoiding a possible head-removing clothesline by mere inches.


Referee Hall sees the fight on the outside just as James turns back and catches Mike in his grasp this time, his hands wrapping around the throat of Van Siclen. Hall calls for the two to break it up, but a recovered Cortez breaks it up for him as he rushes past the referee and slides under the bottom rope, giving Edward a good kick to his side, causing him to fall straight into the barricade!


“Ha! That’s what he gets for trying to interfere!”


“Let’s just hope he doesn’t hear you cutting him down like that, Robert…or he’ll come after you! You know, you kinda look like Blanka…”


“Maybe, if he was a sex machine...” is Riley’s response, causing a few people right behind the announcer’s table, as well as many watching around the world, to head to their nearest rest room.


Hollywood Boulevard celebrate a bit as they stand over Edward James, but both are shown cast in the shadow of a figure above them, as Alan Clark comes from inside the ring, springing over the top rope and falling toward the floor.







…and taking out both members of the Boulevard in one high-risk dive!





The crowd shows their approval and Hall nearly collapses in the ring as all four men lay in a heap on the outside of the ring, Clark and James slowly moving to get back to their feet. As the Sons finally get back up, the cheering turns to chanting, and the two take a second to revel in the sounds of the sold-out arena crowd…




“Alan Clark might have been slipping in the ring as of late, Robert, but the fans are still showing him true respect.”


“That’s not true respect! True respect is getting your money back when it’s over!”




“…Oh…nevermind.” Riley drops his head sheepishly as Hall begins to count-out the two men, only for Clark to simply pull Cortez up to his feet and throw him into the ring, following closely behind and rolling on top of him for a cover…



















“Todd Cortez kicks out just before the three, and Alan Clark can barely believe it!” The Comet exclaims as Alan wonders what else he would need to do to finish off the Urban Legend, but a look to the corner quickly gives him his idea.


With a gleam in his eye, Clark whips Cortez toward the corner and goes in with him, lifting him off his feet and setting him on the top rope. With the crowd beginning to get to their feet all around the building, Alan climbs up and hooks in a facelock on Cortez, preparing himself for the fall he’s about to take back to the canvas.


“Superplex!!” Comet calls, but Cortez begins to fight out, throwing his forearms into Clark’s chest, causing the Wayward Son to drop his prey back onto the top turnbuckle. After a series of kicks from Todd, Alan’s balance goes out the window as he drops to his feet on the canvas, his body doubled over from the hard kicks. Cortez wastes no time in prepping himself on the second rope before diving off, soaring over Clark’s body and falling to the canvas, rolling Alan up in a sunset flip!






“Cover for Cortez!”








“Unbelievable counter!”
















Clark is able to kick out, and it seems the move took a bit out of Cortez, as he rubs the back of his head on his way back up to his feet.


“These two men are going to have massive headaches tonight…” Comet remarks as the two men move into another lock-up, but Cortez moves out of it quickly, looking to whip Alan across the ring. Clark reverses however, and Todd finds himself bouncing off the ropes and coming right back into a waiting Alan Clark, who sends his right foot into the air…



















The crowd erupts as Cortez ducks out of the way of Clark’s foot, only to turn around and catch Alan in the face with the exact same kick that put Edward James out only days earlier. Alan does not hit the canvas, but instead is sent stumbling and spinning backwards, his body landing draped over the top rope.


“What a kick that was! Citizen Clark’s face was almost torn clean off!”


“Well it wouldn’t have been that clean…” Riley comments as Cortez rolls down to the mat and brings Clark off the ropes and straight into a school-boy roll-up!







As Hall begins to count, Todd kicks his legs up to the second rope, gaining extra leverage behind the referee’s back.








“Stop him! Stop him!












From outside of the ring, two large hands shove Todd’s feet off the ropes, garnering the attention of the referee. Hall stops the count and looks over his shoulder to see Edward James’ right arm snaking into the ring, grabbing Cortez by the foot and dragging him to the outside of the ring.


“Disqualification!! Do it Ref!” Riley calls out, but before Hall can do anything, Mike Van Siclen reappears on the scene, leaping up from behind Edward and clocking him in the back of the head with a stiff forearm shot! James drops to his knees as Hall yells for Cortez to get back in the ring, as well as warning Van Siclen.


“The referee saw that Todd Cortez cheated, Robert. He saw Edward James put a stop to it!”


“He was cheating!” Riley can not be swayed as easily as some think, unless he has two cocktails in him, but nonetheless Cortez slides back in the ring, only to once again be stopped by Edward James! The big man’s eyes are burning and he seems ready to forget the rules and simply separate Cortez’s legs from the rest of his body.


“Stop him ref!” This time Riley’s prayers are answered, as Hall tosses Edward out of the ringside area! “He’s kicking him out! Brilliant!”


Edward looks to be in complete shock, but does not move an inch from where he holds Cortez’s leg. Hall slides out of the ring and begins forcing James away from the ring, trying to do anything he can to move the larger superstar away from the ring and toward the backstage area. James finally gets the hint, letting Todd’s leg free and backing toward the ramp, holding up his hands and trying to explain himself.


“This can’t be happening! NO!” Comet yells…


“Yes! Edward is getting tossed out, Comet!”


“Not that you fool…THAT!” Comet points toward the ring, where Van Siclen has appeared and has Alan up on his shoulders!! The referee continues to push James toward the backstage area, even as Edward (along with the booing crowd) tries in vain to get him to turn around.






Alan is dropped forward and down into perfect position for Todd Cortez, who delivers the neckbreaker with perfect precision, leaving Alan Clark down in the middle of the ring!


“That Special Place has NO PLACE in this match whatsoever!” Comet yells out, and seemingly James agrees as he bursts past the referee and hits the ring, getting to his feet and setting his sights on both men, but they are ready, and with nearly Swiss timing…





…James is sent down to the canvas with a pair of superkicks!!


The crowd continues to boo as James hits the mat and rolls to the outside of the ring, but Hall is quick to notice something is fishy with BOTH members of Hollywood Boulevard in the ring and immediately goes toward Van Siclen, yelling quite loudly that he has also being evicted from the match.


“He can’t do that!”


“He did it, Robert!”




The crowd finally has something to cheer about and Mike seems to have a coronary in the ring, but no amount of temper tantrum will be able to reverse the refs decision. Van Siclen continues to scream at the referee as he exits the ring, but Cortez still has work to do and Clark is still down…so with the referee finally paying attention, he moves down for the cover…





























Clark’s shoulder leaves the mat just before the three, his arm staying in the air as a silent thanks to Edward James for giving him enough time to recover from the vicious double-teaming from the Boulevard. Cortez silently vents his frustrations as his tag partner continues to yell in the background, slowly making his way up the ramp.


“Alan Clark is running on fumes it seems, and it will only be a matter of time before this match is over…” Comet somberly comments as Clark tries to get back to his feet, but a renewed fervor in Cortez has his chances of survival slim.


Todd drags Clark to his feet and goes to whip him toward the corner, where Edward James is now somewhat standing, holding his body up on the apron as he tries to regain his bearings. The whip is reversed by Alan Clark, however, and Cortez hits the corner hard…





…almost too hard…





…as the Urban Legend stumbles out, holding his back. The crowd cheers as Clark moves in, catching Cortez around the waist and lifting him into the air, putting him over his shoulder before turning and falling toward the canvas, driving Todd down and jamming his back into the mat with a hard spinebuster!




















Van Siclen rushes back toward the ring, sliding under the bottom rope…











…but it’s too late.







“Ladies and Gentlemen…here is your winner…. ALAAAAAN CLAAARK!!” Funyon’s voice booms over the PA System as the sold-out crowd goes wild.


“How did he do that?” Riley asks, but a replay shows the answer, as Edward James places one of the tag team championships on the second turnbuckle as Cortez hit, then falling out of view in exhaustion, pulling the belt along with him before the referee can spot it. “HE CHEATED!”


“Turnabout is fair play, Robert. Justice was served in a big tall glass today!” Comet seems happy, but he is nearly the only one as Van Siclen drags Clark up to his feet and shoves him into the corner, putting the boots to him and knocking him down to the mat. Referee Hall tries to put a stop to the beating, but Mike simply shoves him away before going back to the matter at hand.




“Stop this! This is uncalled for!” Comet finally senses the danger as Cortez gets up and shakes off the pain in his back before joining his partner in the beating of Alan Clark, but before they get too far along…





The sounds of Niko fill the air, bringing Ced Ordonez out from backstage like wildfire, hitting the ring and brandishing a steel chair! Hollywood Boulevard are quick to retreat, sliding to the outside of the ring before Ced can exact any revenge for his team. The tag champions exit through the crowd, leaving Ordonez to help Clark to his feet as James slides into the ring as well, both men looking as if they just went through hell as the veteran Ced stands over them. All three look toward the Boulevard as “Carry On Wayward Son” replaces Niko and the crowd begins to cheer once more as Lockdown heads to commercial…


“This is definitely not over, Robert…not by a long shot…”

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Guest Suicide King

Fade in from commercial break.


The shot focuses on the announce table, where Bobby Riley and Cyclone Comet are stationed. Riley smiles bright at the camera while Comet looks on demurely. "Folks, I bring you good news!" says Bobby. Comet straightens and begins shaking his head eagerly at his partner, his eyes pleading no! Riley continues, "I, Robert Riley, have finally bested-"


"NO!" interrupts Cyclone! "Robert doesn't have his wits about him, citizens! He's been drinking too much PepsiMAX! Take nothing he says tonight to heart, dear people." Comet grins under the mask, pleased with his quick thinking. "Anyway! Welcome back to SWF Lockdown! Live from Boston!"


"Be that way, Spandex Boy," pouts Riley.


"I think I will," retorts Comet with a curt nod.


The camera cuts away from the announce team and makes a sweep around the excited Massachusetts crowd. The pan catches a few memorable signs, including "Toxxic Spike!" "DACE F'N NIGHT!!" and "Tag = Chaos". The shot focuses on a group of fans near the ring as they cheer, sporting their favorite shirts and waving foam fingers before the lights in the arena darken. A bright flash awes the fans as two pyrotechnic bolts strike the stage.




A loud thunderclap echoes through the arena as "Headstrong" by Trapt hits the speakers, eliciting a wave of booing from the crowd! A line of fire ignites, bordering the stage, as if started by the lightning. The Smarktron plays a new video package for Sean Davis, The Perfect Storm. Varying portraits, his nicknames, and football clips all display in two second intervals, each screen capture highlighted by his nicknames, "The Perfect Storm, The Tropic Terror, The Tempest, The Handsome Hurricane, The Vortex, The Tornado." A blue spotlight centers on the stage and Sean Davis steps onto the platform. Close behind is his friend and legal assistant, Marcus Washington, P.A.


"Laadies and gentlemen!! The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!" Funyon booms from the ring. The New England crowd takes a few moments to cheer for the announcer, and someone gives him a shrill whistle. Funyon can't help but smile before continuing with, "Introducing first, from Jacksonville, Florida, weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds, accompanied by Marcus Washington, he is The Perfect Storm, The Handsome Hurricane, SEEEAAAAN DAAAAVIIIISS!!"




"Why do these Bostonians boo Sean Davis? Why, Comet?" asks Bobby Riley. The camera remains focused on Sean Davis and his cohort as they make their way down the ramp.


Comet answers with his opinion, "My supersenses tell me it has a little something to do with his recent alignment with Citizen Toxxic, Bobbo."


Riley is heard harrumphing as Sean climbs onto the apron and steps into the ring from between the top and middle rope. Marcus walks around the ring and claps his hands. "Remember the leg, now, Davis. Let's go!" Sean slowly stalks around the ring, eyeing the ramp as he rolls his shoulders and rocks his head from side to side. His six foot five inch frame glows from the spotlight and the oil he uses. Davis wears his regular dark blue tights with the lightning streak down the left side. Tonight his wrists are taped, along with a few fingers on his right hand.


"Marcus reminding his client to go after Munich's leg," starts Riley. He continues, "Munich shattered his leg nearly two years ago here in the SWF. It's an obvious weak link for him, and Washington knows it."


Washington claps at his charge once again, then tugs neatly at his lapel. He wears a pinstripe suit tonight, dark grey with lighter gray stripes. His dark blue tie is tucked neatly under his jacket. Marcus adjusts his thin-rimmed glasses and begins pacing to one side of the announce table. The lights in the arena return to their normal brightness. Trapt fades from the speakers and the fans in the Fleet Center raise a cheer as "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones kicks up on the PA system! A man, nearly as tall as Sean Davis, steps onto the stage and pauses there. He reaches into his black t-shirt pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. Munich also wears his usual black pants, black boots, and elbow pads. His fists are taped. The Texan gingerly places his pack of cigarettes at the top of the stage before sauntering down to the ring. Along the way, amidst cheering from the fans, he rips at his t-shirt, pulling it off and tossing it aside.


Funyon makes his announcement as Munich quickens his step and slides into the ring. "And his challenger, from Dallas, Texas and weighing in at two hundred and sixty pounds, MUUUUNICH!!"




Munich jumps to his feet, almost oblivious to the crowd. He bounces on his toes, always a little cautious about his rehabilitated knee.


"But Citizen Munich knows, too!" blurts Comet. The camera switches views to the announce table for a moment. "Knows what?" asks a confused Riley. "That his knee is never going to be one hundred percent!" claims Comet. He nods at the ring, "Citizen Munich is a long time veteran here in the SWF. He knows what he's doing!" Bobby chuckles silently, his smile apparent as he shakes his head. "Yes, Comet, but Sean Davis knows what he's doing, too." Cyclone's eyes light up, a crazed glint showing through his mask. "Yes," he begins. "But we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." Riley deadpans, so not into the joke. "He played football for Florida State. The Seminoles! Not the Cherokee!" Comet exclaims! Bobby nearly jumps out of his chair, but manages to remain seated as he bursts into song, "Cherokee people!! Cherokee tribe!! So proud to live!! So proud to diiiiie!!"


"What have I done?"




"Oh, goodie!"


In the ring, the referee backs away as Sean Davis and Munich step in toward each other. They circle slowly, the concentration and determination clear in their faces. Munich is the first to raise an arm, inviting Sean to take part in a battle of strength. Davis can faintly hear over the crowd as Marcus advises against such an endeavor. "Go for his knee! Don't waste time!" Washington shouts! Sean ignores his lawyer and takes Munich's hand. Through his dark bangs, a slight grin can be seen on Munich's' lips. The two big men clasp hands and push! Arm muscles bulge and chest muscles tighten as the two behemoths lock up.




"And we start off this match with a test of strength!" Comet announces. "Citizen Munich is a suitable opponent for Citizen Davis. He is only an inch shorter and ten pounds lighter! We could see a pretty action packed fight tonight! Oh! I rhymed!"


"Good for you, Cyclone," responds Riley with a dry tone. He voice changes as he comments on the match, "For about fifteen seconds now, neither Munich nor Davis has gotten an edge in on this test of strength. Boy, do they have some good looking game faces, though."


The two wrestlers finally break the hold. Munich smirks at the rookie, Davis, while he stands back. Sean rolls his shoulders forward and claps his fist into his palm. He then steps back up to Munich and raises his arm again. The Texan eagerly accepts, but as soon as they interlock fingers, Munich rams his boot into Sean's stomach. The bigger man doubles over slightly and releases his grip on Munich's hand. Before Sean can regain his full height, Munich takes hold of Davis by the neck and wrenches him around in a quick neckbreaker! Sean grabs his neck with one hand and shakes his head, both to clear the stars from his vision and get his bearings in order to find his opponent. Munich is already up, ready to charge as Davis attempts to get to his feet.




Davis rolls forward a few times from the dropkick to the back of his head! He clutches his head in agony! Munich capitalizes early by rolling Sean over and hooking a leg for the pinfall. The referee slides in for the count..






Sean easily gets a shoulder up as he jars Munich off of him. The Texan takes advantage again by getting quickly to his feet as he stomps away at Davis. Marcus advances to the apron and slaps his hands on the mat. "Come on, now, Davis! Get your head in the game!!"


"That Washington excites me so," breathes Riley.


Comet chides Bobby while making hand motions, despite the camera being focused on the ring, "Head, buttocks, out!"


Munich wraps his arms around Davis in a bearhug, but instead of just trying to squeeze the life out of Sean, Munich lifts him and begins to step forward, but Sean powers out by thrusting his arms outward! He grabs Munich by the upper arms and BAM! He hits Munich with a headbutt! Another crack to the skull quickly follows. Stunned, Munich raises a hand to his head and staggers back one step. That step is all Davis needs as he moves around behind Munich and snakes his arms around for a Full Nelson hold! Sean pulls back on Munich, lifting his feet a few inches off the ground before falling forward and dropping Munich's tailbone over his thigh!


"Full Nelson Atomic drop from Sean Davis!" comments Cyclone Comet! "Munich had the advantage early in this match, and things may look to turn around. I sure hope not."


Davis takes a few moments to hold his head in his hands. His temple throbs still from the dropkick he received earlier. Munich also nurses his newly bruised tailbone, but manages to get to his feet within a few seconds. Sean advances and meets Munich in the middle of the ring with a punch to the jaw! Munich rocks back with the blow, but comes back with a big right of his own! Punch! Punch! Punch!! Davis begins to show an advantage as he throws two consecutive punches and knocks Munich back! But Munich surges forward and throws a devastating left hook, catching Sean off guard! Davis stumbles back from the blow, turning completely away from Munich. Sean cradles his jaw in his hand as Munich advances, working his jaw as well. But as Munich reaches to spin Sean to face him, Davis whirls with a huge right hook! He connects with Munich's cheek, then reverses his momentum and comes back with a big backfist to the Texan's temple! Munich falls back with the blow, but lands into the ropes. Sean grabs Munich by the wrist and whips him across the ring. Davis steps into the center of the ring and catches Munich on the rebound, hoisting him up into a Fireman's carry! With a snarl on his face, Davis presses Munich off his shoulders and over his own head, dropping Munich gutfirst onto his knee!!


"And Sean nails Munich with a Gutbuster drop after that brain-jingling Thunderclap!!" exclaims Riley!


The ref falls to the mat to make the count as Davis rolls up Munich for a pinfall attempt..









Munich lifts a shoulder!


"Citizen Munich's not giving up so easily to your vile friend, Bobbo!"


Davis climbs to his feet and reaches down to help Munich achieve the same goal. Sean grabs a hold of Munich by the wrist and Irish whips him into the ropes. The Texan ricochets and as he approaches Davis again, Munich slows down his momentum. Davis has bent over, preparing for something, but not for a boot to the chest!






Before Davis can even recoil back from the kick, Munich again grabs him around the neck, but this time he drops to his knees, and drives Sean's chin onto his shoulder!


"Plan M!" shouts Cyclone Comet! "Citizen Munich's veteran status is shining through, tonight, Robert. Citizen Davis is throwing everything he's got, and Munich just keeps batting his offense away!"


Munich gets to his feet as Sean takes his time in doing the same. The crowd begins to cheer as Munich throws his hands up a few times, encouraging Davis to hurry to his feet. It seems as if Davis obliges, but as soon as he's on his feet, he gets a huge clothesline to the back of his head! And Davis goes down again!


"Davis is a man I'd want to keep down," Riley remarks with a nod.


Munich makes a cover..









And Davis lifts his shoulder! Munich gets to his feet as Sean scrunches up a bit, holding the back of his head. Munich heads to the closest corner and climbs the turnbuckle, much to the joy of the fans!




Marcus screams from outside the ring, "Sean!! Get up! He's gone to the top!!"


Another smirk crosses Munich's features, and as Sean stumbles to his feet, the Texan jumps from the top rope and hits a Guillotine leg drop right over Davis's upper back! Sean falls back to the mat, face first, and Munich scrambles to make a cover!















Sean throws his whole left side up, disrupting the count! Marcus paces into view, a look of relief on his face. He shakes his head and claps his hands again, encouraging Davis. He then wanders out of view. Munich nods a bit at the resilience of his opponent. He's impressed. Munich guides Sean up from the mat and winds back for a stiff punch to the head, but gets a kick square to the stomach! Those precious few seconds were all Sean needed to get a second wind! Davis explodes into action! He lands one! Two! Three heavy forearms across Munich's upper back! Sean reaches and picks up Munich. Slowly, he pushes his opponent over his head, prepping him for a Military Press Slam! But before Davis can fully extend his arms, Munich wriggles free of Sean's grasp! On his way down, Munich grabs hold of Davis around the neck and pulls him backward for a huge Reverse DDT!!




"And Citizen Munich barely escapes the Military Press by Citizen Davis!" proclaims Comet enthusiastically! "Citizen Davis looked about ready to take charge of this match, but Citizen Munich put a quick stop to that momentum!"


"The crowd seemed to like that one," says Riley. "But who cares about the fans?!" In the voiceover, a small section of fans, presumably the ones right behind the announce table can be heard chanting.


Ri-ley sucks! Ri-ley sucks!


Bobby admits, "Well, yes, but only in private."


"Bobbo!" Comet admonishes his partner.


Munich grabs up one of Sean's legs for the pin..











Sean gets a shoulder up! Munich begins to grow weary of this upstart, the look of it obvious in his face. As Munich gets to his feet, he grabs Sean by the jaw/neck area and drags him to his feet as well. A solid blow to his midsection stuns Munich, but he fights back with an elbow across Sean's neck. Munich whips Davis across the ring. Sean goes with the flow, bouncing off the ropes and only gaining momentum as he speeds toward Munich and collides with his opponent like a trainwreck! Davis slams his shoulder into Munich's chest, knocking him back and to the mat! Munich sits up, his hand on his chest as he tries to keep ahead of the rookie. But Davis is a step ahead. He's already on his knees behind Munich, and he grabs his opponent by the head, slapping on a chinlock! Munich yelps softly as not only his neck is being jarred, but a big, hard knee is also driven like a spike in the middle of his back!


"Citizen Munich has had the advantage over Citizen Davis for quite a bit of this match, Robert," Comet announces. The camera cuts to the commentator's table where Comet is seen nodding his head and Riley is eagerly attached to his monitor.


"The vigor, the youth, the tenacity will always prevail over the old, decrepit, and past-their-prime, Comet!" shouts Riley! "Munich may have been a name two years ago, but today he's only a memory, just waiting to be replaced in the annals of history by big, muscular, sexy men like Sean Davis!"


"Robert, I really wish you'd lay off the progesterone for just one show!"


The referee kneels beside Munich and waits for his signal to stop this match. Munich shakes his head the best he can in the chinlock. Sean wrenches back and Munich cries again. The ref becomes more adamant to Munich.


"NO!" he shouts! Munich raises his hand as the crowd begins to rally behind him!




Davis modifies the hold into a simple headlock as Munich shifts to one side and begins to battle to his feet! He throws an elbow into Sean's side!




And another elbow!!








The fans boo loudly as Sean counters with a knee to Munich's gut! Before Munich can even gasp to catch his breath, a large hand clamps tight around his throat. Munich's eyes go wide as those fingers lift him off his feet, at least six inches off the mat! Before slamming him hard to the canvas!! A jolt of pain travels his spine from Sean's vicious chokeslam!! Davis makes a quick lateral press..















Munich raises a shoulder!!


"A close call for Citizen Munich after that horrendous chokeslam!!" shouts Comet!


Sean growls under his breath and grabs Munich by his long hair. He pulls Munich to his feet and easily into a standing headscissors. Davis reaches down and hooks both of Munich's arms by the elbows, lifts him into the air, then shifts as he drops Munich onto the mat with a Michinoku Driver! Munich cradles his head as Davis makes his way to his feet. He glances to ringside, where Marcus appears to be pleased. "Finish him off, Davis! This one's all yours, now!" Sean can be seen barely nodding as he reaches down and collects a handful of Munich's hair. He uses Munich's locks to pull him into another standing headscissors. Davis sets up Munich for a gutwrench. Before his opponent can even think about putting up a fight, Sean lifts him up into a Canadian backbreaker. Munich lays draped over Sean's shoulder, the pain in his head and back now throbbing even worse. He can feel as Sean grabs a handful of the waistband on his pants. Davis pushes Munich higher into the air, turns him into position, then drops straight down into a Brainbuster!!


"Maelstrom! Munich has been hit!" yells Riley!


Sean floats over Munich and hooks a leg for the pin. The referee dashes to the middle of the ring, drops to all fours and slams his hand to the mat!


















The referee signals for the bell and then quickly moves to separate Sean from Munich. Davis looks down at his battered opponent, and concedes, standing and raising his arms to the booing crowd. "Headstrong" kicks up on the loudspeakers and Marcus Washington climbs into the ring.


Funyon announces to the crowd, "Your winner by pinfall, SEEAAAN DAAAVISSS!!"




The ref turns his attention to Munich as he just now begins to stir, then cradles his neck as the pain catches up to him.


"Sean Davis scoring another victory in the SWF, this time over old fogie Munich!" comments Riley. The camera focuses on the two-man crew.


Cyclone shakes his head at the camera. "The ferocity and violence displayed by some of our new talent really scares me, Robert. Citizen Munich could be seriously hurt!"


Bobby's eyes light up and he works his hands together in devilish thoughts. "You know what should really scare you, Comet?" Bobby doesn't wait for an answer, but provides, "The Main Event! Ten man tag team match! Enemies! Allies! Old and new! Now that's a scary thought!"


The camera shot returns to the ring, where Munich is now sitting up, at least. The referee is still in close, seeing where he wants to go. Sean Davis and his lawyer friend have made their way out of the ring and up the ramp. "Headstrong" continues to blare over the speakers as we..


Fade to black.

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Guest Suicide King

The image fades back into the scene of the sold out Lockdown crowd at the sold out Fleet Centre in Boston. A “Who Booked This Shit?” sign can be pointing down at a sign that pimps the huge multi man tag match for the main event. A “Sly has backstage pull” sign can been seen as well in the heart of the eve faithful Heel Section deep in the heart of the crowd. Referee Soapdish makes his way out to the ring from the side of the ramp as Funyon climbs back into the ring to announce the next match up.


Comet: Welcome back to SWF Lockdown Citizens. You’re still here with me, Cyclone Comet…


Riley: ..And me, Bobby “can someone fire him please” Riley. I suppose you’re going to go on about the show aren’t you Comet?


Comet: Of course I am. With Austin Sly and Ryan Dustin having another memorable match that’s sure not to be the last.


Riley: It was all I damn set up against Sly I tell you. Not having the Hardcore Title on the line.


Comet: As well as another very impressive showing for new comer Sean Davis.


Riley: I like this kid, he’s good the right ideas and he’s talking to the right people. He’s going to go far in this fed.


Comet: Not to mention we’ve got this huge tag match set up for the main event of the show.


Riley: Dear god, I pity the poor person set to try and keep order in that one I tell you.


Comet: But now, our next match up. A returning Dace Night will be taking on Manson, even after Manson’s knee was injured during that elimination six man tag on the last show.


Riley: Bah, you think that will stop him. Manson’s a wrestler, not so damn brawler like Dace. He’ll work around it and show you just how good he is Comet.


Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, the following one on one contest is scheduled for one fall…




Funyon: Introducing firstly, from Denver Colorado, weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds, he is… MANSON!




Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck blares out over the PA system as Manson steps out onto the ramp under the strobe lights. Striding down to the ring, his knee bandaged up and still needing support after it’s injury. Slowly climbing up the ring steps, he ducks through the ropes into the ring. Pacing around it slowly, Manson tenses his leg testing it out one last time before the match starts up.


Funyon: And his opponent, from Birmingham England, weighing in at two hundred and fifty two pounds, he is … DACE…




Funyon: NIGHT!




Hero rips into life over the arena as rounds of pyro flare up from the ramp one after the other. Standing at the top, Dace throws his arms up through the smoke and strolls down towards the ring. Tagging hands with a few ringside fans, Dace rolls under the bottom rope and scales the turnbuckles, throws the horns up to the cheering fans. Moving into the middle of the ring, Dace waits there as Soapdish quickly checks him over before checking Manson as well.


Comet: Robert, you’ve got to wonder how well Manson’s knee can hold up in match like this and if it might just give out. He’s going to have to be very careful in this match up.


Riley: I’m sure it’s not that bad. Manson’s a fighter, he’ll fight through it Comet. This is just a great chance to show the world how good he really is. Just you wait and see Comet.






The opening bell goes as Dace steps forwards and offers his hand out towards Manson in a handshake. Manson looks straight ahead for a moment before looking down at the out stretched hand infront of him. Manson swings his hand out as if to except the hand shake before just slapping Night’s hand away and glaring at him.




Comet: Well, so much for any sportsmanship from Manson tonight.


Glaring back, the White Night swings his arm through the air and drills it into Manson’s chest, producing a smack that echoes through the arena. Gritting his teeth, Manson just fires back a chop of his own which leads Dace to nail a second one. Now end up like a pair of machine guns, the two fire off chop after chop into each other’s chests.


SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!

SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!

SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!

SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!

SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!

SMACK! Wwwwwooooooooooooo!


Forcing Manson backwards under the hail of chops, Dace changes gears and hammers an elbow into the jaw of the Denver native, forcing him backwards into the turnbuckles. Hammer in another one, Night leaves Manson stun before trapping him in an air tight Front Facelock. Dragging him out of the corner, Night hauls Manson up into the air and leaves him hanging for several seconds before falling backwards with a Vertical Suplex. Rolling over and climbing back to his feet, Dace still keeps hold of the Front Facelock as he drives a knee up into Manson’s mid section. Snapping backwards to the mat, Dace takes Manson down head first with a DDT before rolling over into a quick cover.









Comet: DDT after a Vertical Suplex gets a quick one count for Dace but nothing more. Manson’s certainly not short on toughness and that’s going to help him out here.


Riley: Just you watch it, I bet you any money that Dace is going to go after that injured knee. He’s not no honour in him at all I tell you.


Comet: After Manson refused a simple handshake at the start of the match!


Shaking his head, as he stands, Dace reaches down and easily hauls the Denver native back up to his feet for another attack. A forearm explodes across his face as Manson blindly throws a blow out to give himself some breathing room. Dace staggers back a step but not far enough so Manson throws out a kick, but Night shoots his hands down at grabs the leg at the injured knee. Frantic not to get taken to the mat like this, Manson throws his arm out again, this time racking his thumb across the White Night’s eyes, blinding him for a few much needed seconds.






Latching onto Dace’s arm, Manson heaves his body weight back and twists around trying to launch Dace across the ring with an Irish Whip but Horrorcore uses his size advantage to slam on the breaks. Twisting on his heel, Dace makes a spin and sends Manson flying off into the ropes instead. Following a few moments later, Dace swings his arm out, looking to take Manson down with a Lariat. Ducking and weaving Manson can feel the Lariat as it shoots over the top of his head. With a twist, Manson wheels around and sends a chop crashing into the side of Night’s neck with a dull smack.





Comet: Chop to the neck and Manson is taking an measures to avoid really taking this match to Dace Night. What’s he doing to stoop to next?


Riley: Well Comet, would you want a mad man like Dace pounding on your leg when you’re just trying to have a wrestling match with the man?


Another two chops burry themselves into the side of Horrorcore’s neck before the Denver native swings Dace around and launches him off across the ring. Staying put, Manson chooses to keep the pressure off his knee and just lets Dace come sailing back into his open arms. Sending his body arching backwards, Manson takes Dace off the mat and drops him backwards, throat first across the top rope. His body spasming at the impact to his windpipe, Night kicks out wildly, sucking in any air he can. Smoothly rolling back to his feet, Manson just steps over to the struggling Dace and grinds his forearm across the back of his neck, pushing Horrorcore’s throat into the top rope again.




Comet: Manson is choking then White Night! That stun gun onto the ropes was one thing, but this is uncalled for!


Soapdish sets in alongside the pair and starts up the standard five count as Manson continues to choke Dace out on the ropes. Finally a four and a half, Manson steps back to another wave of jeers and boos to the fans and he simply waves them on. Leaning against the ropes, coughing and spluttering as the air is finally allowed back into his body, Dace can’t do anything as Manson drags his backwards and thuds an forearm or two into the side of his face. Taking a short step backwards, Mason gives himself room to send do a hull axe like swing of a chop right into Dace’s neck once again, the dull smack sound echoing far less that one to the chest. Almost doubling over like he’s winded, Dace throws both arms up around his neck to try and protect it as he still tries to recover from his lack of air.





Comet: Manson targeting that neck with those chops, trying to stop the White Night from recovering. It’s evil and underhand means but they seem to be working.


Riley: He’s only making this fair, what with his bad knee and all. It’s a great tactic, keep your opponent on the ropes, keep them reeling and keep nailing them.


Stepping behind Dace, Manson quickly wraps an arm around his waist and uses the other one to hook his leg. Heaving backwards, Manson drags Night up into the air, feeling a slight twinge in his knee. But it’s not enough to stop him fro dropping backwards and planting Dace back first into the back into the mat. Keeping hold of the leg, Manson rolls over into a cover with the leg hooked. Soapdish slides down to the mat and starts the count.










Swearing as he rolls off, Manson throws a few words off abuse as Soapdish and flips the middle finger the crowd as he pushes himself back up. Rolling over on the mat, Dace shakes his head, trying to stop it swimming from the impacts and lack of oxygen. Manson doesn’t give him the break as he sends his boot hammering into the back of Night’s head. Leaning over, Manson grabs Dace by his hair as uses his good leg to swing a boot straight into Dace’s face, spending his sprawling back down to the mat. Following up with a Knee Drop to the face with his good knee, Manson drops sideways and hooks Night’s leg again for another cover.












Comet: Manson being very careful to use his good leg giving out this kicks and knees so he doesn’t hurt himself anymore. If he carries on this pace, he might just pull off an upset.


Riley: Just because you don’t have any faith in him Comet. Just wait till he breaks out the big guns on poor Dace. Then you’ll see what I already know.


As the chant of the crowd tries to urge Dace to a fight back, the Denver native is already back to his feet an picking the White Night up for another attack. A quick forearm to the jaw allows Manson to wrap on a tight Front Facelock and kick backwards, dropping to the mat and spiking Dace with a DDT. Taking a page from Dace’s playbook and looking like a sinister copy cat, Manson rolls over, still holding on the Front Facelock as he lifts Dace into the air and drops him back to the mat with a Vertical Suplex. But rather that floating over into the cover, Manson knows to the take the chance as he rolls back up again. Hauling Dace vertical into the air for a second time, Manson throws him forwards onto his face as he sits out. Now Manson flips him over to try for another cover.


Comet: DDT to a vertical suplex to a sit out reverse suplex. Manson is trying to nail Dace with everything in one go just to get the job done while his knee holds out.


Riley: Unless Dace plays dirty, Manson wont have to worry about that. Besides, it’s not like it’s going to take much more of this before Dace is down and out!










The roar of the crowd just gets louder as Dace kicks out yet again. Manson just glares harder at the fans and at Dace as he rises back to his feet. Grabbing hold of Night’s wrist, Manson has no trouble whipping him off this time, sending Night crashing back first into the nearest corner. Breaking into a charge, Manson follows him in and flattens Dace against the buckles with a Lariat. Stepping backwards, a smug smile across his face, Manson watches Horrorcore slump down in the corner. Like a trained predator, Manson brings in another wave of attack, sending the sole of his boot hammering into Horrorcore’s chest and face. Forcing his way into the corner, Soapdish opens up with a five count yet again, yelling for Manson to get out of the corner. The Denver native ignores him and just slams down more boots like a mad man. Finally backward away just before Soapdish can reach five, Manson gives the referee an angry look as he throws up his arms.




Sweeping his arms around in disgust, Manson pulls his leg back and sends a huge kick lashing out towards Horrorcore’s face…




Comet: Dace caught the kick! He’s not going down that easily! Manson may be strong, but he’s not Dace Night.


Franticly try to pull away from Night’s grasp, the Denver native hops backwards on one leg but it’s no use. Still shaking his head out and feeling the ache across his face, Dace springs out of the corner and launches himself straight into Manson’s bad knee, taking him down the mat in a flash. Caught off guy by the better wrestling, Manson struggles like a fish out of water to scramble to the safety of the ropes. Shooting back to his feet, holding onto Manson’s injured leg, Dace lets out a roar as he sends his foot cracking straight into the back of the knee. Leaning back, he drills his foot home over and over again as Manson can do nothing but thrash around in pain.






Riley: See, what did I tell you about playing dirty! Dace just tackled that bad knee of Manson’s and know he’s kicking it! What sort of sportsmanship is that?


Clinching both his arms around Manson’s bad leg, Horrorcore digs his heels into the mat and twists, rolling Manson over onto his back as he steps over. Leaning backwards and sitting across Manson’s lower back, Dace wrenches back on the injured knee, trying to rip it out of places. Almost ripping at the mat like a wild animal, Manson lets out a yell of pain as he can feel fire shooting out from his knee. Having to drag his own body weight and an extra two hundred and fifty pounds, Manson slowly crawls towards the ropes, reaching out and gritting his teeth against the pain. Spreading his feet apart, Night arches backwards, adding in even more pressure to the Half Crab as he tries to stop Manson’s scramble for the ropes.





Comet: What are you saying Robert? Dace is just showing off his good old wrestling with that takedown and single leg crab. Now we’re going to see if Manson’s knee can hold out.


Riley: Listen to these sickos in the crowd. They’ll LIKE it if Manson’s knee gets injured again. Come on Manson the ropes are right there, grab them!


Soapdish leans in beside the Denver native’s struggling form and asks him if he wants to tap out, but just gets told where to shove him. One last push and Manson’s fingers finally close around the bottom rope, saving him from tapping out.




The crowd deflates with an almost sigh as Dace steps away from Manson, releasing the hold at Soapdish’s orders. Shaking out the last of the cobwebs, Dace draws a finger across his throat as he looks down at Manson, who’s still clutching at his knee. Scooping the Denver wrestler up from the mat, Dace looks him in the eye with a grin on his face before leaning back and drilling his elbow into Manson’s face at full force. Manson staggers backwards, barely able to stand on one leg as Dace moves in and slams home another Elbow Smash and another.





Comet: And now Manson is feeling the full force of the White Night’s elbows. He’s got to fight with one bad leg now.


Riley: Because Dace can’t fight like a real man and not go for cheap shots. Manson hasn’t done that so far. He’s a real wrestler! What’s next from Dace, using a chair on it!


With Manson reeling from the Elbow Smashes, Dace quickly spins him around and snaps his arms shut in his deadly and vice like Rear Waistlock. Hearing the roar ripple around the crowd like a breaking explosion, Horrorcore lets out a huge yell as he leans backwards. But the roar is suddenly cut off as Manson’s foot shoots backwards and buries itself into Dace’s testicles. Referee Soapdish just looks on as Manson shoots him an innocent look before spinning around. Standing behind Horrorcore, Manson shoots his arms up into a Full Nelson and snaps backwards, drilling Dace neck first into the mat with a Dragon Suplex.






Comet: DRAGON SUPLEX! Manson makes a devilish low blow and swings around to hit a brutal Dragon Suplex on Dace.


Riley: Ha! What did I tell you Comet! Look at that skill from Manson. The man’s showing he’s got what it takes to win this one.


























Comet: That Dragon Suplex just dropped the White Night on his neck and almost took him out! If Manson’s knee can hold out to take advantage, he might just take this thing.


Riley: What do you mean might Comet? Manson’s got this one in the bag I tell you!


Flopping over onto his front, Dace clutches at his throbbing his neck, kicking his legs in and effort to shake of the bed and draw back his focus. Just a few feet away, Manson lies clutching at his aching knee, pain still racing through it after the kicks and Half Crab. Soapdish stands over both men and throws his arms into the air, starting up a ten count.


















Still clutching one hand to the back of his neck, Dace uses the ropes to haul himself up to his feet. Manson pushes himself up onto one knee, the pain fading slightly as he stands up. Soapdish calls the count off and backs away as the two wrestles advance on each other once again. Staggering towards each other, Manson and Night circle around each other slowly. Lashing a kick out towards Manson’s knee, Horrorcore tries to take the Denver native off balance to another submission. Barely twisting away from the blow, Manson swings his arm out and once again slams it home into Dace Night’s neck. Using the stun of the blow, Manson nails home a second, third, forth and fifth chop to the neck.





Comet: Manson going straight after that neck, following on from the Dragon Suplex and to set up his Consequences finisher.


Riley: Dace is about to face the consequences of taking on Manson tonight. Haha, I’m so witty. So much better than you Comet.


Grabbing the White Night by one arm, Manson wraps an arm around his throat and hooks his leg around Dace’s, setting up an STO. Franticly struggling to hold onto the match, Dace lashes out with his elbow, drilling them into the side of Manson’s head with all the force he can manage.





Stumbling backwards, Manson almost overbalances as pain flares through his injured knee once again. Looking to finish the match off right here, Dace shoots forwards, going for a Single Leg Takedown again. Wrapping both legs around Manson’s knee, Dace tries to drive him down the mat. Lashing out, Manson tries to drive his elbow into the back of Night’s neck. Just twisting out of the way of the blow, Dace snakes a hand out and grabs Manson’s wrist. Standing up, Horrorcore hauls the Denver native up across his shoulders into a Fireman’s Carry. Swinging around, Dace takes a couple of steps into the centre of the ring to plant Manson with a Reverse DVD. Shifting his weight, Mason swings his legs around and lands infront of Dace. Also yelling in pain from landing on his bad leg, Manson nails an elbow into Dace’s face.


Comet: Dace going back after that knee again! One more good submission could see him tapping out. But he just saved him skin once again.


Riley: See, look at these skills. You really shouldn’t put him down so much. Manson’s about to win this match!


Quickly spinning around, Manson leans back and wraps his arms around Night’s head, looking for his Diamond Cutter finisher. A desperate shove to the back that sends Manson flying to the ropes is the only thing that saves Dace from being dropped to the mate once again. Racing forwards, Dace follows being Manson as he bounces off the ropes. Ducking a last Lariat attempt, Horrorcore makes a one eighty twist on his heels and tackles himself into the back of Manson’s bad leg. The Denver native topples forwards and crashes face first into the mat. Falling backwards, Dace scissors his legs around Manson’s knee and drops back to the mat, locking on a Reverse Crucifix Kneebar.




Comet: Reverse Cross Kneebreaker! Manson’s got to tap out, there’s no way his knee can stand the pressure of a hold like that!


Manson throws back his head with a huge yell of pain as Soapdish shoots down beside him. He tries to reach for the ropes but they’re nowhere near and Dace just tightens hisn grip, leaning back on the hold. Feeling the fire shooting up from his knee like it’s filled with molten lead, Manson pounds on the mat to save his leg.








Funyon: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by submission … DACE NNNIIIIGGGHHHTTT!




Comet: And Manson’s knee is his undoing as Dace picks up a submission victory.


Riley: Because he was a damn low life and went after the bad leg in the first place!


Climbing back up to his feet, Dace throws up the horns to the cheering fans, a faint smile across his face as he rolls out his neck. Back on the mat, Manson rolls over and throws out a wave of curse words as he clutches at his aching knee, telling Soapdish where to shove his medical help. Ignoring Manson, Dace scales the turnbuckles and throws his arms up once again.


Riley: Bah, he’s still not going to get a World Title Match. Even if he does, he’ll get destroyed by Janus, or Flesher or even Toxxic, again! Haha!


Comet: We’ll have to see about that one Comet. But the World Title scene is interesting enough as it is. And next we’ve got this huge tag team match for tonight’s main event.


Riley: This is going to be mad isn’t it… oh dear god.


Fade Out.

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Guest Suicide King

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an EIGHT MAN TAG

scheduled for ONE fall!"


This words mark our return to Lockdown with nothing but a darkened

arena, the crowd murmuring and discussing what is to come, though their

anticipation is evident. After a few moments, Marilyn Manson's "Dope

Hat" hits the speakers, and the crowd explodes! Jamie Drazon walks

through the curtains, observing the crowd briefly, rage present in his

movements as he walks down the aisle towards the ring. Fans slap his

back, roaring out his name, but Drazon pays no attention, his focus

solely on the ring.


"Introducing first, representing the Tecnicos, weighing in at

two-hundred and forty-three pounds, he hails from Vancouver, British

Columbia, Canada, the Hardcore Maniac himself... JAAAAAAAAAAAMIE



The crowd roars, but their roars turn to boos as the familiar opening

to "Popular" by Nada Surf starts up...


"I'm head of the class... I'm popular!"


Gold pyro fountains up from the entranceway, and Kelly steps through

the curtain, jogging down to the ring and entering, grabbing the

microphone away from Funyon. She nods, and Mike Van Siclen steps out

through the curtain, his SWF Tag Team championship belt slung

confidently over his right shoulder as he leads the way for the rest of

his team. Behind him steps Martin "Big Country" Hunt, his Pi Kappa Phi

frat logo emblazoned on his tights and a broad, ass-kicking smile on

his face. "The Icon" Max King steps out next, focus obvious on his face

as finally, Todd Cortez steps through the curtain, wearing his street

clothes and his half of the SWF Tag Team gold around his waist.


In the ring, Kelly announces them. "And now, ladies and gentlemen,

you're about to be amazed and thrilled by the rest of the Tecnicos!

First, weighing in at two-hundred and twenty pounds, the fraternity

brother and upcoming new comer, he is Martin "Big Country" Hunt!

Second, it's wrestling's superman himself! This man is a god among

mortals in the ring, he is the one and only superior talent, so please

give it up for "THE ICON", MAX KING!"


The fans let loose with a small but loud "MAX KING SUCKS!" chant, but

King simply brushes it off, continuing his proud stride to the ring. JD stands in the ring, looking rather unimpressed at who his partners be tonight.


"And finally, the captain of Team Tecnico, the only member of the team

to hold any gold... for now... as he is one-half of your SWF World Tag

Team Champions! Weighing in at two-hundred and forty-one pounds, give

it up for Mike Van Siclen! Ladies and gentlemen, these are the



Van Siclen nods to Kelly, sliding into the ring as the rest of the team

follows. The four men convene in their corner of the ring, as Riley and

Comet comment on the proceedings.


"Folks, we're getting ready for our huge eight-man main event tonight,"

Riley says. "Both Toxxic and Tom Flesher are out of this match, as our

great Commissioner wants them to keep their hands off each other. Mike

Van Siclen has stepped in as team captain for the Tecnicos, and he's

brought Todd Cortez with him tonight to try and combat the four or five

managers that their opponents, the Rudos, will have tonight."


"A wise strategy by Citizen Van Siclen," Comet notes, "who is having to

deal with the two relative newcomers the Commissioner Zenon assigned to

the Tecnicos. They're going to have several hurdles to overcome, but

with Jamie Drazon and Van Siclen leading they way, they should be able

to overcome the Rudo team tonight!"


"Oh give me a break, Comet," Riley shoots back. "I may like Zenon, but

he severely handicapped the Rudos tonight, sticking them with a god

damn penguin and Edward James, who may be greener than Shrek!"


"He may be greener than Shrek, Bobbo," Comet says, "but he's coming out



The faint guitar riff that begins "Megalomaniac" by Incubus starts

playing, and the boos start coming right away, the fans not liking the

team that is about to appear!








"Megalomaniac" picks up, and from behind the curtain steps Landon

Maddix, team captain of the Rudos! He thrusts his arms out to both

sides, the lights coming up as Landon turns back to the curtains, from

which step Megan Skye, Chris Card, and Natasha! Following them is Ace

Lezaire, with his cameraman Steve focusing the camera on him, and then

Edward James and Petey the Irish Penguin, jogging merrily down the

ramp! The fearsome eightsome walk down the ramp, Landon leading the

way, jawjacking with fans on the way down the ramp as he goes.


"And their opponents! At a combined weight of NINE-hundred and

forty-seven pounds, they are tonight accompanied by Megan Skye, Chris

Cars, Natasha, and Steve the cameraman! This is Edward James, Petey the

Irish Penguin, Ace Lezaire, and the SWF Intercontinental-Television

champion, Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix... the RUUUUUUUU - DOS!"


Landon leaps to the apron, before running across the apron and leaping

up to the middle turnbuckle. Looking out at the crowd, Landon grins and

holds his arms out to the sides before leaping over the top and

entering the ring. Lezaire, James and Petey follow Maddix into the

ring, and the four men convene in the corner opposite the Tecnicos,

beginning to discuss strategy.


In the Tecnico corner, the team is trying to decide who should go out



"Look, all I'm saying is that we should put our weakest foot forward,

and that's Martin Hunt," Max King says.


"Ya know what, you li'l bastard, I already beat you and I'll..."


"Guys, guys, settle down," Van Siclen says, half-soothingly and

half-pissed. "One of us has to go out first..."


"You're the (bleep)ing 'captain'," snarls Jamie Drazon, a touch of

venomous sarcasm in his voice. "You go first."


Van Siclen takes a deep breath, and then... "Fine, I will."


The other three men go to the apron, and team captain Mike Van Siclen

steps into the middle for the Tecnicos. In the Rudo corner, a debate

that is much the same way is going on...


"No," says Ace Lezaire. "I don't care if he's my responsibility, I am

not starting this match."


Maddix sighs. "Look, Ace, when Tom and I assigned you Van Siclen..."


"Tom's not here, is he?"


"Um, I have an opinion," Edward James says, and Petey the Irish Penguin

squawks in agreement.


"You two just shut up," Maddix says. "Look, Ace, he's your man."


"He's their captain, you're our captain. Go knock 'im dead."


Maddix sighs once more. "Fine, get the hell out of the ring."


The other three members of the Rudos step out, leaving their team

captain, Landon Maddix, in the middle of the ring against Mike Van

Siclen. Referee Nick Soapdish looks to both corners to make sure no

nefarious actions are going on, and then calls for the bell!




Van Siclen and Maddix eye each other cautiously, circling in the middle

of the ring, both of the typically pussy heels not wanting to show

their hand right off the bat. Van Siclen takes a bluffing step forward,

and this causes the hopped-up Maddix to charge him! Van Siclen barely

has time to react, but he does, tying up with Maddix in

collar-and-elbow fashion. Maddix grabs the arm of Van Siclen, stepping

out and looking to twist the arm around, but Van Siclen lashes out with

a kick to Maddix's shins, causing him to lose focus! Van Siclen uses

the arm Maddix is holding to whip Landon into the ropes, and he hits

them hard, coming flying back at Van Siclen only to get laid out with a

quick clothesline!


Landon gets to his feet, though, shrugging off the impact and looking

to tie up with Van Siclen once more. The two lock eyes for a few

moments, and then Van Siclen offers up his right hand, looking for a

test of strength. His energy level off the charts, Maddix steps

forward, offering up his arm as well, blatantly ignoring the shouts of

"YOU MORON!" from the Rudos corner.


Van Siclen and Maddix press their palms into the other man's, and Van

Siclen forces Maddix back a few steps. Sensing that he's losing the

advantage, Maddix quickly jerks his head to the right! Van Siclen

follows his look, as does referee Soapdish, and Maddix uses the

distraction to get away with...




... a blatant kick to the Spectacle's scrotum! Van Siclen quickly lets

go, doubling over in pain, and Maddix grabs Van Siclen's long blonde

hair, suddenly in complete control of this match.


"Maddix gaining the early advantage for the Rudos," Riley crows, "and

it appears that La Cucaracha has stepped in perfectly for Tom Flesher!"


"Both citizens are truly leading by example here," Comet says, "Citizen

Van Siclen uncharacteristically not resorting to petty cheating, while

Citizen Maddix is forced to!"


Maddix grabs Van Siclen by the hair, dragging him over to the Rudos

corner, but before he gets there Van Siclen sticks out his right arm,

balling it into a fist and letting it fall back...




... right into the man-glands of Maddix! A few giddy fans call out

"PEEEEEENDULUM!", and Maddix doubles over in pain, while Riley sneers

at Comet.


"And Van Siclen characteristically goes back to 'cheating' to win,"

Riley says smugly. "Once you go bad, there ain't no turnin' back!"


Van Siclen grabs Maddix by the medium-length blonde hair, now, dragging

him to the center of the ring. Van Siclen aims a smooth knee at the

stomach of Maddix, keeping Landon doubled over in pain, and quickly

wraps one arm around Maddix's neck, locking him into a side headlock!

Mike grabs Landon by the tights, lifting him up into the air for a

vertical suplex! He holds him there, showing off his dominance of

cruiserweights, and turning around to the Tecnico corner.


"Now THIS is how you do it!"


Van Siclen falls back, sending Landon to the mat to a decent pop! Van

Siclen stands up, his breathing a bit heavier, and grabs Landon,

putting him into a half nelson! Van Siclen forces Landon to move

forward, towards the Tecnico corner, and uses his free hand to tag in

"The Icon" Max King! King steps into the ring as Van Siclen grabs

Landon's other arm, putting it into a chickenwing and expsosing the

chest of Maddix. King sizes Maddix up, and then unleashes with a

knife-edged chop on Maddix's stomach!




Van Siclen lets go of Maddix, allowing 'the Future' to drop to one

knee, clutching his midsection in pain. King looks down at Maddix with

disdain, poking him in the temple with his toe... and then reaching

over and tagging in Martin "Big Country" Hunt! Hunt is caught

off-guard, and glares daggers at King, who steps out of the ring and



"Go get 'im, tiger!"


"Hunt and King had a nasty altercation on Storm," Riley notes, "and

apparently, King still isn't over it, as he's sending the relatively

inexperienced Hunt into the ring with the Intercontinental-Television



Hunt steps into the ring, obviously a bit angry at this development,

and grabs Maddix by the medium-length blonde hair, lifting 'La

Cucaracha' to his feet. Hunt grabs Maddix by the arm, using his weight

to whip Maddix into the ropes, and as Maddix comes back Hunt extends

his arms, looking for a clothesline... but Maddix tucks into a forward

roll, rolling underneath Hunt's extended arm! The crowd 'oooh's at the

maneuver as Hunt twirls around, looking for Maddix... and seeing him,

in the form of a stiff dropkick to the chin! Hunt falls to the mat,

grabbing his face in pain, and Maddix uses this opportunity to tag in

the first warm body...


Petey the Irish Penguin.


The crowd absolutely ROARS as Edward James helps the Penguin over the

top rope, and Petey waddles into the ring towards Hunt. Hunt gets to

his feet, looking at Petey in half-horror, half-disgust, as the Penguin

waddles closer to him. Hunt steps forward, grabbing Petey by the

flipper and whipping him hard into the ropes, and Petey waddles towards

them. He comes back waddling faster...




... and promptly gets mowed down by a HUGE boot to the face from Hunt!

The fans begin booing like crazy as the Penguin hits the mat, possibly

out cold! The Tecnicos corner is roaring, King and Van Siclen

high-fiving as Hunt drops to his knees, looking for the pin...











Into the ring comes Ace Lezaire, with a huge stomp to the back of

Hunt's head! Hunt rolls off of Petey, clutching his head, and Ace grabs

the Pimp Penguin, pulling him over to the Rudo corner. Once there, he

steps outside, only to slap Petey's leg and re-enter the ring. James

and Maddix pull Petey out of the ring under the bottom rope, letting

him lay on the floor, possibly unconscious.


"GOOD!" Riley cries. "Someone finally knocked that bitch penguin out!"


"Poor Petey," Comet says, "We barely knew ye, citizen."


Meanwhile, Hunt has crawled over to the Tecnico corner, and he reaches

for a warm hand, finding it in Jamie Drazon. He tags the former Jay

Dawg in, stepping out of the ring himself and letting Drazon take on

Ace Lezaire. Lezaire and Drazon eye each other cautiously... but Jamie Drazon is not one to use caution, and he goes flying at Lezaire, looking to level the Prodigy with a lariat... but Ace ducks it, and Drazon goes flying into the ropes! He comes back at Ace, a savage look in his eyes, but Lezaire manages to stop him in his tracks with a snap jab! Drazon stumbles back, and Lezaire follows it up with another snap jab! This one doesn't cause Drazon to stumble back, and Lezaire lets another snap jab go! He spins around, hoping to have stunned Drazon long enough to connect with a huge discus punch...


... but no dice, as the ever-quick Drazon grabs Lezaire's wrist

seemingly out of midair, twisting it around to render the punch

ineffective! He shoves Ace back, stalking forward and looking to pounce

on Lezaire... but Ace bails to the Rudo corner, reaching out and

tagging in the large-and-in-charge Edward James!


"We've seen every other wrestler in this matchup," Riley says, "let's

see how much damage Edward James can do when he's surrounded by

competent wrestlers!"


"So far these 'competent wrestlers' have been taken to school by the

Tecnicos, Bobbo," Comet says, a hint of smugness in his voice.


James steps into the ring, lumbering towards Drazon. Typically, the

sight of a 6'7", 276 pound man would strike fear into a man's heart,

but Jamie Drazon's heart has seen plenty of big, bad men, and he

stopped fearing them years ago! Drazon steps up to James, a move which is almost insulting to James, and he promptly thwacks JD across the side of the face with a bitchslap! The crowd "OOOOOH"s the questionable maneuver by James, and Drazon, furious, grabs James by the arm, whipping him hard into the ropes!


James lumbers into the ropes, coming back at Drazon, who has fallen to

the mat in hopes of scissoring James' legs with a drop toe hold... but

Edward nimbly hops over the legs of Jamie, lumbering towards the other

side! Drazon gets to his feet, trying to think of a backup plan, but



"Good GOD what a lariat!" Riley cries. "James is really showing me

something here!"


Drazon twitches on the mat, but he gets back to his feet, his eyes

blazing as he stares daggers at James.


"And Citizen Drazon just shrugs it off!" It's Comet's turn to cry now.

"This man has Superhero-sized balls!"


James runs forward towards Drazon to break away the deadly gaze with a round of fierce punches that knock Drazon’s head back and forth

stunning him for a few seconds as if caught off guard. Jamie comes to

his senses and jerks his head back into motion with a connecting

European uppercut that sends James down to the mat quickly. As if on

instinct Drazon drops a knee to the back of James causing him to curl

up and arch his back in discomfort at the sudden weight on his back.

Drazon picks Edward up off the ground as James seems to be out of

breath. Drazon places James on his shoulder to prepare for a huge

shoulder breaker, but NO! Edward has some how slid out from the grasp

and is now behind Drazon to catch him with a forearm to the back of

head sending Drazon down with a surprise. Edward goes to the mat and

quickly begins working away at the neck of Jamie as he places him in a

rear chin lock. Drazon groans in pain as Edward pulls back with all

the strength he can muster.


“It looks like Edward is working away at the strong neck of Jamie

Drazon! How is he going to be able to escape this hold, why it would

take Superman himself to escape that chin lock hold!” states Comet.


Suddenly, Max King jumps over the top rope and kicks Edward in the head causing him to release the hold before the referee sends Max back to his corner. Slowly rising to his feet, Drazon holds his neck in discomfort as Edward goes in for another grapple which quickly leads to a strongly applied headlock onto the already hurting neck of Drazon by James. Drazon's face turns flush red as Edward readily applies more pressure to Drazon's neck. Edward keeps Drazon in the headlock as he walks him over to his own corner and tags in the freshly recovered Petey who goes into the ring and immediately lands two huge flipper forearm shots to the back of Drazon which throws him down to the mat as Edward steps out of the ring.


"Drazon desperately needs a tag here as he is just getting destroyed in the corner there by Petey's flipper flaps."


Petey grabs Drazon by the hair pulling him to his feet to slam him back down with Artic Atomic Drop that seems to really get the crowd moving as they begin chanting "PETEY PETEY PETEY" as Petey picks up Drazon again, and sets him up for another Atomic Drop that sends chills up the Tecnicos spines' as they witness Drazon hurting all over from the penguin's crowd-loving attacks. Petey stops and jigs a little Irish jig before jumping in mid-air and connecting with a big frog splash ontop of Drazon for a pin..








No, this time Hunt jumps into the ring and knocks Petey over by catching him off guard with a huge drop kick that even surprises Drazon to have someone help him. Hunt feeling the momentum runs over to the opposite corner and decks Edward James with a quick right hook sending him to the outside mat. Feeling an oncoming attack, Hunt ducks to avoid a massive clothesline from Petey that sends his own man Maddix down to the outside of the ring as well to join James. Across the ring, Van Siclen is histerically laughing at Maddix's misfortune as Drazon is finally able to make it to the corner where he attempts to get a tag. At first the Tecnicos are reluctant to make a tag but eventually Drazon connects with Max King to establish a tag. King enters the ring and looks at Hunt with respect for the first time as Martin nods his head in acknowledgement. King and Martin then both begin assaulting Petey violently with sidekicks to the ribs as Petey falls to his knees before the referee kicks Hunt back out to the corner.


"That's the first time I have seen those two work together and quite honestly they were a brutal force!" exclaims Comet as Riley is quick to join in, "It's a dream come true, two bitter villians join as a team of super villians! YES! DESTROY THAT DAMN PENGUIN!"


King continues to work away at Petey as he picks him up and slings him into the ropes like a rubberband motion, Petey comes charging back with a shoulder block that send King to the mat long enough for Petey to mount some offensive. The penguin picks up King and sets him up for a huge suspended suplex--as King is suspended vertically in the air, Petey loses his grip, due to the small size of the flippers, causing both Petey and King to ackwardly hit the mat bringing Kelly to the top of the apron to argue about Petey's inability to wrestle in a costume. The referee is caught up with Kelly's long never-ending legs as Petey goes over to kiss and hug the pretty gal. Petey waddles towards Kelly with outstrected flippers and before he can reach out and peak her with his loveable beak, Petey suddenly reaches for his family jewels and falls to his knees in pain as Max King landed an aggressive punch to the neitherlands of the South Pole. King bounces his chest pecs up and down as Kelly steps off the apron and the referee regains attention long enough to see King spring board off the ropes and connect with a side kick to the back of Petey's skull causing a loud thud and sending the penguin down hard to the mat. King flips Petey over and goes for a pin, extending his legs and using the ropes for added leverage to help gain an extra advantage and hopefully end this chaos as the crowd boos heavily for King's cheating ways.










NO! A sudden burst of unknown strength emerges from within Petey as he seemingly lifts his shoulder off the mat and then proceeds to sliding out from underneath King and then waddling away in retreat to escape any possible future attack. King stares at the penguin in disgust as he charges full speed ahead and connects with a vicious spear that seems to take the life out of the costumed penguin. King goes to his corner and tags in Mike Van Siclen as the two begin pounding away at the artic crusader before the referee intervenes and sends Max back to his corner.


"I hate that stupid penguin!"


"Petey showing some good resilience in this match right now, but he is in desperate need of a tag if his team is going to get an advantage in this match." Comet notes.


Van Siclen grabs Petey by the foot, pulling him closer to his corner, and drops his good leg onto the back of neck of Petey's neck, making sure to land his full body weight on top of Petey. Siclen doesn't go for a pin, rather, he decides to continue to punish Petey's neck with stiff forearm shots, not allowing Petey a moment to get back up to his feet. The crowd starts up a loud PETEY chant now, to which Kelly yells back at them to shut up! The chanting, however, gives Petey the edge he needs, as he hooks one of MVS's arms when he tries another forearm shot, and slings him over towards the Tenicos' corner. Van Siclen makes the tag in to Drazon, but at the same time, Petey manages to make a tag of his own to Ace Lezaire. Drazon and Lezaire are slow to get into the ring with each other, and the fans reaction is mixed on who to root for and who to root against. Drazon and Lezaire shrug at each other, and start brawling away at each other now! Drazon manages to get the edge in that department, then whips Lezaire into the ropes. Lezaire manages to use this to his advantage though, leaping up for a clothesline, taking Drazon down to the mat. Lezaire tries to go for the cover, but Drazon manages to sweep out Lezaire's legs out from under him, taking the less experienced wrestler down to the mat, then locks him by the throat with his patented version of the classic Iron Claw.


"Things are not looking good for the Rudos, as Drazon is holding the Ace down on the mat." Comet notes. "Lezaire's shoulder might fall to the mat and count out his team just from this hold."


Lezaire struggles a bit, as Drazon continues to wrench the hold on, not planning on letting up any time soon. However, that plan quickly changes when King reaches over the top rope and slaps Drazon on the shoulder, causing an unexpected tag into the match. Drazon looks upset at first, but King doesn't even pay attention, grinding his boot against the face of Lezaire. There's a huge double booing reaction now as these two heels are in the ring against each other. King picks up Lezaire now, and is about to pull him into a suplex...however Lezaire takes this opportunity to lean in and bite the forehead of King when he attempts that! The referee admonishes Lezaire for this action, but he just smirks, and with King holding his forehead he gives King an open slap across the face.


The Crowd Ooooohs a bit, as King now has an EXTREMELY angry look on his face.


"Um, Ace, I don't think that this was that great of an idea..." Riley notes. "Especially against an athlete of King's caliber."


King looks out to the crowd, shaking his hand a bit as Lezaire taunts a bit. However, the taunting quickly ends when King catches him with a HARD right hand right to the jaw, knocking Lezaire down to the mat. King grabs Ace's leg, and flips forward now, snapping the leg right to his chest. Lezaire winces a bit, as King now makes a tag to Hunt, telling him to get into the ring and do something. Hunt climbs up to the top rope while Lezaire is down on the mat, and apparently is setting up for his top rope move the Donkey Punch. However, Lezaire manages to get his knees up just in time, and Hunt lands fully onto the knees of Lezaire, coughing as the wind is taken out of him.


"Lezaire has given his team exactly what they needed...a chance to get an advantage! But he needs to make a tag if that's going to work." Comet notes.


"As long as he doesn't tag in that damn penguin, I'll be happy with that." Riley notes.


Lezaire lies on the mat as Hunt continues to pummel him.





Kids! Do not do drugs… Suddenly everything gets all fucked up and you don’t know what is what. In the end, you have to start all over. In this case… it’s the middle.





The momentum has shifted since the break, in the ring, Ace Lezaire dominantly stands over top of Max Hunt and is now chopping the shit out of his ever loving chest. Lezaire pulls Hunt from the ring and hurl him towards the ropes. On the rebound, Lezaire flies into the air and takes Hunt’s head off with a spinning heel kick. As Ace backs into the corner, he feels a slap on his shoulder. Turning around he spots that Edward James has invited himself into the ring.


Comet: “This match has gone so many places! I don’t think even the teammates can translate what is going on!”


Riley: “There’s some assembly of control here!”


Hunt rolls up to his feet and walks into the big meaty palm of Mr. James. With impressive strength, Edward hoists Hunt into the air and throws him back to his own corner with a choke toss. *SLAP* Martin Hunt’s glossy eyes look north to see he has suddenly been exchanged with Jamie Drazon. And suffice to say…



He looks very pissed off.


Comet: “Ok… I think Drazon is done with the chaos.”


Drazon steps into the ring, walking towards the center, and looks right back up into the face of Edward James. Suddenly Drazon’s eyes burst wide open, directing the beeming blue right into Mr. James, and flips him both middle fingers.




Drazon roars out to the considerably larger man. And he obliges. Edward swings with a hulking-




Drazon punches Edward right in the bicep, cutting off his haymaker. Upon countering, Drazpn fires up his right leg, Edward goes to block…




Drazon kicks James right in the face. JD glares out to the crowd before firing a palm strike. Rocking the big man backwards, Drazon opts for an elbow.




Edward stands with blood dripping from his mouth, and Drazon fires another kick-


But Edward ducks!


Drazon’s leg swings overhead as he spins around to spot the hulking Edward fire with a clothesline-


But Drazon ducks!


Drazon latches onto Edward’s waistband, sucks him inward, and hurls him over his head for a big time German suplex!


Comet: “He made the ring shake!”


Riley: “That’s about all he shakes!”


Petey the Irish Penguin runs into the match, looking to save his partner, but Drazon turns around, two thrusts forward…




Making that penguin eat the square end of a Yakuza Kick. Petey bounces off the mat upon impact, sliding a couple of feet as he does so. Drazon steps up, murder in his eyes, and he points toward Landon Maddix.


“Come on you cowardly shitbrick! We’ll see who can’t hack it!”


The crowd gets behind Drazon as he fires the diss towards Landon. However now both Edward and Petey arise to their feet, but Edward James has his leg clipped out from

Martin Hunt! As he hollers out in pain, Drazon fires a headbutt into the skull of Petey. Upon dropping the penguin, Drazon just invited the shit to hit the fan. The crowd roars out, prompting Ace, Landon, MVS and Max King to all come into the ring! Drazon heads to cut off Landon, but he is intercepted by Petey who grabs onto his leg. Drazon turns around, angered at the penguin, and fires a kick right between the legs! Petey gets to his knees, holding his crotch in pain. Ace takes the head off of Max King with a clothesline. MVS and Landon immediately go into brawling, exchanging fists where neither gets the advantage. Martin Hunt sits on top of James chest and begins pummeling him into the face.


Comet: “Ok! I’d say the ref has lost control of this match!”


Riley: “The ref’s not to blame! The people are too blame!”


In the midst of the clusterfuck, Drazon runs off the ropes, bouncing off

Petey the Penguin’s knee and drives his size 13 right into the bridge of his nose!






Petey oozes down to the mat, everyone looking down in sympathy as the penguin lies dead in the center of the ring. While the other competitors are brawling, Max King chooses to slap Ace Lezaire across the face. Ace fires back with a kick to the nuts and the ACE CRUSHER!!! King sells the stunner like he’s the Rock and flips on out of the ring. Lezaire looks over at JD, deciding they must brawl to the death… they do so.


But before either can land a punch, they are intercepted by Martin Hunt and Edward James! Drazon and Lezaire are furious, as Drazon grabs Hunt, and Ace grabs Lezaire, and deliver a stereo kick to the nuts!


Comet: “Hey! They were partners!”


Riley: “Not anymore!”


Drazon pulls Hunt into standing headscissors as Ace delivers an Ace Crusher to the massive Edward James. Drazon hurls Hunt into the air and jackhammers him into the mat with a spike piledriver! Hunt bounces off the mat a clear foot before rolling out of the way. Drazon and Lezaire look at each other and head straight to the brawling. Two punches by Drazon connect, Ace blocks the third and hits a knee in return. On the otherside, MVS is getting the brunt end of Maddix. Drazon connects with another fist as the four men are now battling in opposite corners. MVS throws a clothesline, but Maddix ducks and drapes and arm over MVS’s chest. Lezaire fires a knee into Drazon and throws him to the opposite corner. Maddix lifts MVS up for Crash Landing, spins 180 degrees…




And eats a Yakuza kick courtesy of Jamie Drazon! Ace follows Drazon up as he steps away from the downed Maddix. Lezaire leaps into the air as Drazon turns around on guard. Lezaire instead, aiming for MVS, knocks the Spectacle over the ropes with a flying forearm! The crowd goes all start eating their bananas as Drazon turns around and kicks Lezaire in the nuts.




Drazon decides to do another!




Followed by 50000 more!





The ref calls for the bell after Drazon connects with his third lowblow. Lezaire holds his bruised gems as the crowd is now relieved that the cluster of all fucks is over.


Funyon: “The ref has ruled this battle a no contest!”


Comet: “Well! That saves me from falling asleep tonight!”


Riley: “Ummm ok. Well no plots advanced… no psychology introduced… nobody receiving an extreme bludgeoning… I’d say it was a pretty good match.”





SWF Incorporated

“We’re sorry we made you watch it.”

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Guest Suicide King

Well, the show was a little disjointed but there were no double no-shows, and really, that's all I ask. Allow me the chance to read through the show entirely and then I will finish up the card!

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