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Tell me about The Residents

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So I listened to their Roadworms album, based on my old buddy PLAGIARISM!'s assertion right here on this board that Abraham was the most disturbing piece of music he'd heard. It's my introduction to them, aside from the song Constantinople. From what I've heard, the opinion seems to be that it's a lesser version of an album that wasn't very good by their standards in the first place. In spite of that, I love it, so they must be really good if this is somewhat of a nadir for them.

Since they've put out quite a lot of stuff, I'm after some sort of pointers as to how I might want to go about getting into them. Duck Stab is on it's way to me now, so if you were going to say that you can leave it out.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Holy shit, you pre-emptively covered my suggestion. Maybe we were each other in past lives.

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Good lad. As for your personal tastes, I think you'll like WB:RMX. It's a newly reissued remix CD of the first material they ever produced, in 1972, and sent to warner bros. They gave no names, so WB sent it back to 'The Residents' of the address they supplied. I never understood the lukewarm reaction to Roadworms, but then your average fan is a music nazi of fairly high caliber. The other most essential works are



Meet The Residents

The Commercial Album

Demons Dance Alone

The Third Reich And Roll

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