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spiny norman

Best Movie Tournament Semi-Finals

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As we were nearing the conclusion of this tournament by the time Man of 1004 Modes was banned, I figured we may as well finish it and see what gets to be runner up to The Godfather.


Quarter Final Results:


Fight Club (9)

Reservoir Dogs (15)


Scarface (5)

The Godfather (19)


Taxi Driver (11)

Citizen Kane (13)


The Shawshank Redemption (8)

The Godfather Part II (16)


So, the final four brackets are as follows:


Reservoir Dogs

The Godfather


Citizen Kane

The Godfather Part II


Go vote so this bloody thing can get some closure!

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The Godfather


The Godfather Part II



Another QT movie making it this far!?


I like Reservoir Dogs and all, but the whole thing about that movie is it's one of those immature things where excessive violence and cool one liners make it a fun movie. It was one of those movies as kids we just had to see because it was so badass and violent. It's not what I'd consider the greatest movie ever.

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Godfather pt 2


The winners of all these tournaments are no surpirise to anyone.

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Guest Coffey

Well, I think the Godfather is better than Reservoir Dogs, but I don't want a Godfather Vs. Godfater finals. Besides, I liked part 2 better and I'm a fan of Tarrintino's.


Reservoir Dogs

The Godfather Part 2


I HATED Citizen Kane!


I like Reservoir Dogs and all, but the whole thing about that movie is it's one of those immature things where excessive violence and cool one liners make it a fun movie. It was one of those movies as kids we just had to see because it was so badass and violent. It's not what I'd consider the greatest movie ever.


Well, it's better than Fight Club. People on-line will argue that though.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

Reservoir Dogs

The Godfather

God this is hard...I love both so much...um...*flips coin*

Reservoir Dogs


Citizen Kane

This one was easy

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Reservoir Dogs

The Godfather


Citizen Kane

The Godfather Part II


All of you who voted for Reservoir Dogs should be ashamed of yourselves. There's no way it should be in the top 4. It's a great movie, but it's a fucking travesty that it has made it this far. Pulp Fiction was better.

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