Steviekick 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2004 Just wondering, were the results of the WWE folder survey ever revealed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted July 15, 2004 That was Loss' project, but sadly he's no longer a mod. I'll talk to him about it and get back to you. Or he'll get back to you. Or maybe neither. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steviekick 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2004 Thanks. I was just wondering. Personally, I was just curious to see what the results would have been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2004 What was the survey about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dazed Report post Posted July 15, 2004 Age: Sex: Location: Level of Education: 1. Do you watch WWE programming? 2. Which WWE television shows do you watch? 3. Do you prefer RAW or Smackdown? 4. How many WWE pay-per-views have you watched live in the past 12 months? 5. How many live WWE events have you attended in the past 12 months? 6. Who are your three favorite wrestlers currently active in WWE? 7. Who are your three least favorite wrestlers currently active in WWE? 8. Which of the following sentences best describes you? (A) I watch WWE TV occasionally to catch up on what's going on, but it is not something I feel the need to watch every week. (B) I watch WWE TV every week, but I don't talk or think about it when it is not on television. © I watch WWE TV every week and will order the big pay-per-views. I like to discuss wrestling sometimes, but it is not something I take very seriously. (D) I watch WWE TV every week and order every pay-per-view. I love wrestling and love talking about it, and it's something I take very seriously. 9. In what year did you start watching WWE? 10. Put all the years in order from 1963-2004, from the time you thought the product was bad to the time you thought the product was at its best. Do not include years you did not watch. (Example: 2000, 1997, 2001, 1994, 1986, etc.) 11. How would you best describe your feelings on the current WWE product? (A) I love it! It's the best it's ever been! (B) I like it. I'm cautiously optimistic. © It's okay, but I've seen better. (D) It is no better or worse than it ever has been. (E) It's bad. Things aren't looking up lately. (F) It's awful. It's at an all-time low. 12. Is WWE better or worse than it was in April 2003? 13. Is WWE better or worse than it was in April 1999? 14. Is WWE better or worse than it was in April 1994? 15. Have you ever followed promotions besides WWE? 16. If yes, which promotions and did you like them better or worse than WWE? If no, why have you not? 17. Which is your favorite style of wrestling? (A) Traditional heavyweight style (B) Junior heavyweight/cruiserweight style © Shoot style (D) Lucha libre (E) Joshi Puroresu (F) Garbage style (brawling) 18. Is WWE your favorite promotion? If not, what promotion is? 19. Describe your standards as a fan. (A) Very high - I will only watch the best! (B) Above average - I expect a strong product, but I forgive mistakes easily. © Average - I will watch if I like it and turn it off if I hate it. (D) Below average - I will watch and not complain no matter how bad the product gets. (E) Very low - I will watch and love whatever is going on. 20. Is the WWE folder at TSM your favorite place to discuss wrestling? 21. Do you think the posters in the WWE folder are too positive, too negative or well-balanced? 22. Is the WWE folder at TSM better or worse than it was a year ago? 23. In which year did you register with TSM/The Smarks EZBoard forum/Rantsylvania Delphi forum? (Only provide one answer. Use the oldest year.) 24. In which folder have you made most of your posts? 25. How much time do you spend here on an average day? (A) 30 minutes or less (B) 1 hour © 2 hours (D) More than 2 hours 26. Which wrestling websites do you visit regularly? 27. How many years were you a fan before you learned of the Internet or the dirtsheets? 28. Which folder is your favorite at TSM? 29. Which folder is your least favorite at TSM? 30. Check all forums at which you have posted or post now. (A) Other Arena (B) Spidertwist message board © Death Valley Driver (D) 411 (E) A1 Wrestling (F) SNKT (G) WDI (H) Smarkschoice (I) Wrestling Classics (J) Kayfabe Memories (K) Torch VIP Forums 31. On a scale of 1-10, how has Canadian Chick been as a mod? 32. On a scale of 1-10, how has Goodear been as a mod? 33. On a scale of 1-10, how has Loss been as a mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mole 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2004 Oh okay, thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted July 15, 2004 I remember adding up all the ages of the people whom answered the age question and dividing it by the number of people whom answered the age question. The average age of TSM's posters was 19. So the survey wasn't a complete loss. We did get some info. out of it. ...found out a lot of people don't like negativity too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Loss Report post Posted July 15, 2004 I peeled through everything, but never got a chance to put it all together. Maybe someday ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites