Robert 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2004 The WWF roster for January 1987 was as follows: The Fabulous Moolah, George "The Animal" Steel, Andre the Giant, Pedro Morales, "Adorable" Adrian Adonis, The Magnificent Muraco, The Iron Shiek, Hulk Hogan, The Junkyard Dog, Tito Santana, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Gregg "The Hammer" Valentine, Mike Rotundo, Nikolia Volkoff, "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff, Brutus Beefcake, King Kong Bundy, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Davey Boy Smith, The Dynamite Kid, Steve Lombardi, Haku, Toma, Hillbilly Jim, B. Brian Blair, "Jump'in" Jim Brunzell, Brett "Hitman" Hart, Jim "The Andvil" Neidhart, Randy "Macho Man" Savage, "Leaping" Lanny Poffo, Corporal Kirshener, Hercules Hernandez, Jauques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Golden Boy" Danny Spivey, Jimmy Jack Funk, Billy Jack Haynes, "The King" Handsome Harley Race, "The Natural Butch Reed, The Honkytonk Man, "Superstar" Billy Graham, Paul Roma, Jim Powers, Ax, Blackjack Mulligan, Kamala the Uygandan Giant, Sika the Savage Samoan, "The Birdman" Koko B. Ware, Dino Bravo, Rick Martell, Tom Zenk, "Outlaw" Ron Bass, "Dangerous" Danny Davis, Smash. Champions WWF World: Hulk Hogan WWF IC: Randy Savage WWF Tag Team Titles: The British Bulldogs Got rid off the woman's titles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert 0 Report post Posted July 16, 2004 The Main Event, January 1987 Hosts: Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon Randy Savage defeated George Steele at 6:08 when Savage nailed the Flying Elbow. Steele had him in the Flying Hammerlock and Savage was going to tap. Elizabeth distracted the ref, and Steele went towards her. Savage nailed a belly-to-back suplex and the flying elbow. Ricky Steamboat was on commentary, and confronted Savage after it. Star Rating: ** Bobby Heenan offically named Kamala the newest member of the Heenan Family. His mission: take out Hulk Hogan tonight by any means neccessary. Kamala didn't say much, Heenan was fantastic though. 78% The Dynamite Kid wrestled Bret Hart to a draw. The match went the full 20 minutes, and it was MOTN. Apparently if Hart would get the winn, Hart Foundation would get a title shot next month. If Dynamite won: The Hart Foundation would have to wait for six months to get a title shot. Hart had Dynamite in a Sharpshooter at 18:01. Dynamite got to the ropes at 18:56. Dynamite nailed the Swandive Headbutt at 19:05. Numerous pin attempts where made, and both men went to the outside at about 19:50. Dynamite nailed a belly-to- back suplex at 19:56. The ref got to four, and the match was declared a draw. Both men where given standing ovations from the crowd, and both where helped to the back. Star Rating: ***** Video hyping the debut of Demolition. They where shown at a junkyard, beating people up at times. Mr. Fuji was shown ordering them to beat up cars, and we see them. Both men are wearing face-paint, and weird outfits. 64% Andre The Giant defeated Hercules Hernandez in a 15,000 Dollar Bodyslam Contest. This match was pretty boring. The crowd wasn't into it much, and Andre looked bad. Everybody knew Hercules was going to lose. Andre picked him up and slammed him like a rag-doll. The match ended at 11:00 Star Rating: DUD The Snake Pit. We where expecting Jake Roberts to come out, right? Nope we saw Honky Tonk Man with the snakebag. He slashed Jake's tires on his SnakeMobile, and stole his bag. He had a guitar, and he was going to a death lullaby to Damian. He hit it with a guitar repeatdly, and hit him with the stake. Damian looked dead, as a man rushed down to the scene. It was none other Rowdy Piper, ushering him out. He said that cruel, and started to throw Honky around the set. 89% The Bam Bam Challenge. We say numerous managers gave us reasons on why they would be perfect manager for Bam Bam Bigelow. We even saw the return of Captain Lou Albano come back and give reasons why he would be perfect. They where in a big room, and Bam Bam Bigelow walked him. He was massive, and was going to pick. He was gonna say who, but was cut off. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff attacked him from behind. He piledrived him in the cold floor, and spat on him. 77% Leapin Lanny Paffo defeated Corporal Kirshener with a Paffosault at 4:07 Slick was at ringside watching as he raised Paffo's arm after the match. Pretty bad match that was filler for the crowd Star Rating: DUD Hulk Hogan cut a promo on Kamala. Kinda cool promo that saw Hogan talk serious about how this could be the end of Hulkamania. He got crazy in the end, and said Hulkamania will run wild all over The Ungandan Giant. 100% Kamala w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan defeated Hulk Hogan by count-out at 12:32. This was a good brawl that had Hogan work hard. He sold well, and Kamala looked pretty good. Hogan had the victory with The Legdrop, but Heenan got on the apron. Hogan focused on Heenan, and payed for it. Kamala delivered chops to the back of Hogan, that put him down. Kamala nailed a big splash, that had Hogan out of the ring. Kamala climbed to the outside after Hogan, and splashed Hogan there. He did another one, and another one. Heenan grabbed the ref, and nailed him. Kamala grabbed a steel chair, and hit Hogan in the head. This caused blood to come out of his head. With the ref still out, Hogan then got hit in the back while he was kneeling. Heenan revived the ref, and threw him back in the ring. Kamala got back in the ring, and counted Hogan out. Heenan took the belt, and handed it to Kamala. The Main Event ended with Heenan holding Kamala's hand, and Kamala holding the belt. Star Rating: **3/4 TV Rating: 5.46 Show Rating: 82% Money Made: 589045 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites