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Dark Age

Tagged Classics

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I didn't really know where to put this, but whatever.


Anyway, to UK fans. Are the 'Tagged Classics' DVDs uncut? I was looking at the times on silvervision. One lasted as long as 380 minutes, while one was as short as 4 hours. So, what, if anything, is cut from these shows?

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Guest Staravenger

If those are the WWE DVD's release lately of the first WM's, Rumbles, KOTR's etc., they are the Coliseum Video versions transfered to DVD.


Pretty lazy if I may say so.

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Guest Staravenger
That MAY be because they can't use Jesse Ventura's commentary . . . I really don't know, I'm from the US of A.

That's odd....the Ventura situation is only in effect when WWE releases something with his voice that was never released on tape before, such as the WCW matches from 1993 between the Hollywood Blondes vs. Flair & Anderson on the Stone Cold Truth, and Cactus Jack vs. Vader on Mick Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses.

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nothing is cut, all Jesse's commentary is there and all mentions of "WWF" are included. Unfortunately all just copies of the original Coliseum videos so a lot of stuff is cut out. But in Europe we got the full VHS version of SummerSlam 88, and also the pre-PPV countdown shows for the mid 90s PPVs

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