slabinskia 0 Report post Posted July 22, 2004 I would like some feedback on these matches so I know what to watch.ignore the matches that are not puro.thanks. 1.funks vs brody/snuka rwtl81 2.tsuruta/tenru vs hansen/brody rwtl83 3.hansen/dibiase vs tsuruta/tenru rwtl86 4.hansen/gordy vs tenru/kawada rwtl88 5.misawa/kawada vs tsuruta/taue 9/7/91 misawa comp vol3 6.kawada vs steve williams 4/16/94 champions carnival 7.misawa/akiyama vs kawada/taue rwtl96 8.misawa/kobashi vs kawada/taue 12/9/95 rwtl95 9.misawa/akiyama vs williams/ace 6/7/96 ajpw tv 10.pegasus/ohtani vs sasuke/black tiger sg tag league 94 njpw 11.liger/benoit vs hase/muta sg tag league 93 12.bosj95 benoit vs black tiger 13.njpw tv wpw 6/11/96 benoit vs black tiger 14.bosj94 benoit vs black tiger 15.liger vs sasuke battle formation 96 16.bosj96 liger vs black tiger 17.jcrown96 dragon vs ohtani 18.gilbert vs funk best of rspw#2 19.gilbert vs cactus 3/2/91 winter challenge 2 20.gilbert vs cactus 8/3/91 summer sizzler 2 21.thrillseakers vs heavenly bodies 22.jericho vs storm ladder match 23.flair vs tenru 2/3 falls 9/15/92 24.10/15/89 furnas/kroffat vs kobashi/malenko 25.hansen vs williams 9/16/90 26.kobashi/ace vs fantastics 9/23/90 27.williams/gordy vs tsuruta/taue 9/23/90 28.tsuruta/taue vs misawa/kobashi 8/25/91 29.misawa/kobashi vs gordy/williams 10/6/91 30.hansen/spivey vs furnas/kroffat 10/20/91 31.hansen/spivey vs malenkos 10/27/91 32.hansen vs misawa 3/8/92 33.gordy/williams vs tsuruta/taue 3/8/92 years giant series 97 misawa vs kobashi years giant series 97 williams/ace vs kawada/taue 36.rwtl97 kawada/taue vs misawa/akiyama 37.kobashi/misawa vs williams/akiyama ajpwtv 11/21/93 38.furnas/kroffat vs taue/kawada 11/21/93 39.misawa/kobashi vs kawada/taue 12/19/93 40.hansen/dibiase vs kawada/taue 9/19/93 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Contentious C Report post Posted July 22, 2004 1.funks vs brody/snuka rwtl81 Historically important angle. Worth getting just for that. Would be even more worth it with the 2/4/82 Baba/Hansen tacked on afterwards. 2.tsuruta/tenru vs hansen/brody rwtl83 3.hansen/dibiase vs tsuruta/tenru rwtl86 Who's Tenru? Anyway, don't waste your time on the 86 match -- the Hansen/DiBiase vs. Jumbo/Tenryu tags were all disappointing. Some have liked the 83 match, but no one I'd really put my faith in. 4.hansen/gordy vs tenru/kawada rwtl88 Excellent match, generally overrated by the world at large, but important. 5.misawa/kawada vs tsuruta/taue 9/7/91 Excellent match, but it would help to have some of the previous encounters and 6-mans and matches vs. Doc/Gordy along with this. 90-91 is when everything in the AJ main event starts making sense as a whole. 6.kawada vs steve williams 4/16/94 Great match, but certainly not in my top 10 for 90s AJ, or even top 5-10 for 90s singles matches. But worth it. 7.misawa/akiyama vs kawada/taue rwtl96 Assuming this is the final (they had 3 matches in the tournament), I would say don't get it. Yeah, it's a Super Classico, but the thrust of it is lost without these matches before it: 12/16/88 Kawada/Tenryu vs. Hansen/Gordy (which you have above) 12/3/93 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 6/9/95 Misawa/Kobashi vs. Kawada/Taue 7/24/95 Misawa vs. Kawada 9/10/95 Misawa vs. Taue 3/2/96 Kobashi/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue 5/23/96, 7/9/96, RWTL League Matches: Misawa/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue 5/24/96 Misawa vs. Taue 6/7/96 Misawa/Akiyama vs. Kawada/Taue They're all interconnected and seeing them in order makes everything fall into place for the RWTL Final. 8.misawa/kobashi vs kawada/taue 12/9/95 rwtl95 They had several better matches, but if you're looking to grab one to see what they can do without spoiling the best, this isn't a bad pick. 9.misawa/akiyama vs williams/ace 6/7/96 ajpw tv See above. 10.pegasus/ohtani vs sasuke/black tiger sg tag league 94 njpw Don't bother with this unless you get the league match and the final together. 13.njpw tv wpw 6/11/96 benoit vs black tiger Get the full version or don't bother. 15.liger vs sasuke battle formation 96 Both of their '94 matches are a good sight better than this. 16.bosj96 liger vs black tiger 17.jcrown96 dragon vs ohtani Good choices. 23.flair vs tenru 2/3 falls 9/15/92 This is '82 (or maybe some other year, but definitely 80s). Highly unlikely it's from WAR, and SWS was closed by then. Haven't seen any Flair/Tenryu matches to know how it'd be, though. years giant series 97 misawa vs kobashi years giant series 97 williams/ace vs kawada/taue Both of these are excellent. And I hope you mean "comps," rather than "comp," because this is several tapes' worth of footage. And do you even like this stuff? If you're getting Misawa/Kobashi and the 96 RWTL final, it sounds like you haven't seen much, so why get so much of it all at once? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dynamite Kido Report post Posted July 22, 2004 I would agree with Tom on this one. Lots of great matches, but if you haven't seen the stuff that Tom mentions then you WOULD be missing out. Take you time and get matches like this bit by'll understand the stuff better in the long run. Some of it might go over your head otherwise....... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slabinskia 0 Report post Posted July 22, 2004 Well,I do like the puro that I have seen.I haven't seen a ton of it but here is some of the stuff I like misawa-tsuruta-both 1990 matches misawa-kawada 6/94 hansen-kobashi 7/93 williams-kobashi-9/94 misawa/kobashi-kawada/taue 6/9/95 (best tag match ever imo) hansen-kawada 2/93 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites