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Lamest hero.

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Aquaman is diffinently NOT the lamest hero. I actually like him alot its just unfortunate for him that hes got the sterotype that all he can do is swim, talk to fish and interact in a seemingly gay way with Aqualad (Also not the lamest hero.) In my opinion its alot like what happened to Batman after Adam West. (Personally though I love that crap and hope to see the entire series on DVD one day, who wouldnt like to hear a Adam West commentary???) Batman took years to get his credability back after that show not being able to acomplish it until the 1989 movie, and shortly after that the animated show, and now the 1960s show is but a footnote, allbeit a big one that took 20 years to overcome. I see Aquaman in the same way. Aquaman wont be looked at just as the guy to talks to fish if DC gets on the boat with Marvel and licences all of there propertys for movies. If Aquaman gets a movie it will likely end the sterotype. I think that the new Justice League show as helped with letting people know he does more then talk to fish, but still the show isnt as popular as Superfriends was...which boggles my mind, still hes no Namor.


I also dont think that Moon Knight is the lamest hero. I think Id have to agree with Wizard and say if handled right with a new direction he could be the Batman of Marvel.


Superman isnt really lame when you consider hes supposed to be like the ultimate boy scout. The Electric Blue Superman though well that was insanely lame. Well for Superman at least if it was a different super hero altoghter that no one ever heard of it would be just fine, but for Superman...yeah lame, lame, lame....


Daredevil was nothing but lame until Frank Miller saved it all those years ago.


Luke Cage always came across as lame until the Marvel Max mini-series.


As for who I think the lamest is, well Dazzler was quite lame, she did after all have that Disco crap going, but thankfully the characther has developed and is only probally a closet disco fan, but at first she was as lame as could be, she obvioulsy a product of her time.


I always thought that Storm was very lame, I just cant connect with her characther at all no matter how much I try and Halle Berry hasnt helped in the movies if anything she made it worse.


The distint honor of lamest heros though, have to go to Rocket Racer and of corse the one and only (Which there are STILL to many) NFL Super Pro ugh.

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