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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen


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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Attention Lucha fans!


I wish to know all:


The best shows to get!


The best current Lucha stars!


and above all...


THE GOOFIEST LUCHA SUBMISSION MOVES (preferably with pictures)!

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If you're really looking to get a basic gist of Lucha, there's NO web site better than vivalaluchalibre.net. There's a section specifically devoted to introducing new fans to Lucha's stars. Once you want to get more advanced, go to highspots.com/laarena (I think that's the URL; if that doesn't work, just type in "La Arena highspots" at yahoo.com), but not until you've read through a fair amount of vivalaluchalibre.net.

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Guest Real F'n Show

Some of my favs include: Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Shocker, and Black Warrior. Definately check them out.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
If you're really looking to get a basic gist of Lucha, there's NO web site better than vivalaluchalibre.net. There's a section specifically devoted to introducing new fans to Lucha's stars. Once you want to get more advanced, go to highspots.com/laarena (I think that's the URL; if that doesn't work, just type in "La Arena highspots" at yahoo.com), but not until you've read through a fair amount of vivalaluchalibre.net.

Where's the section for new fans? The site's tough to navigate.

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Some of my favs include: Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Shocker, and Black Warrior. Definately check them out.

Hijo de Santo


L.A. Park - is the real La Parka



Nicho de Millionario

Damian 666


Dr Wagner

Blue Panther

Black Tiger

Ricky Marvin


And remember AAA sux because they sent the wrong people to TNA. Damn you Heavy Metal and Abismo Negro.


THE GOOFIEST LUCHA SUBMISSION MOVES (preferably with pictures)!

The would have to be the Nieblina by Mr Niebla.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Ooh! Ooh!


Who is this DR. WAGNER JR. and just why is he so cool in and out of the ring?

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He is only the #1 Rudo in CMLL + he does the Tazz pose!!!!!11 I believe his brother is Silver King/Black Tiger 3.



(by Phil Schneider)


###6/19/96 - Commercial Tape

(Jason Knight and Bull Pain "wrestle" on this tape too so be afraid.)


Aquarius vs. Dr. Wagner Jr.

The gem of this tape. For some reason, Dr. Wagner Jr. stinks up the joint in Mexico but isn't afraid to rule in Japan. He had a good match with Takiawa in the Top of the Super Junior and he rocks the joint in this match. Wagner has an awsome half black, half white mask- which is a change from the all white he usually sports; Aquarius is quick as hell and hits a great tope-con- hilo and was a damn good Luchadore and I couldn't believe that Big Japan could have two guys this polished; but he takes his mask off at the end of the match and it's Tajiri so there you go.


@@@June and July 1997 Samurai TV-

A bunch of undercard matches, the best being Zumbido v. Black Warrior. Zumbido I think is Mexican and he's pretty good, with a great moonsault and Black Warrior is one of the best damn luchadores on the planet so this is pretty beautiful- although it is too short. Chicago Express inexplicably shows up and he is SUCH the 783rd best wrestler in Mexico. Why the hell would you fly him all the way to Japan when you could get a Pandillaro or something? They have a guy who's little gimmick is to take a coffee break in the middle of his matches, a guy who kind of looks like Kuroda; Jedo, Gedo and Fuyuki, plus Pogo wrestles Kojika and Kojika's in blackface with an NWO t-shirt. I guess he was pretending to be Vincent. Or something.


&*&*&*&*&*&* CONSEJO MUNDIAL de LUCHA LIBRE TV- 9/15/97


Mr Niebla vs. Dr Wagner, Jr

This is a personal breakthrough match for me (and that's what really counts). I was always under the impression that Dr Wagner was like all those WCW wrestlers I saw last night in Charlottesville- lazy, dogging it, underachieving. BUT since the Big Japan tour where he and Tajiri really went at it a couple of times and the New Japan Top of the Junior 97 series- where he took a toprope Death Vally Driver from Takaiwa like a MAN in a really credible NJ Junior match, Dr Wagner has come into his own as a rudo who can GO. Mr Niebla was always on my list of fave youngsters in EMLL with [[[sHOCKER!!]]] Black Warrior, Rey Buccanero Jr, Violencia, Astro Rey, etc. BUT he was always just another REALLY athletic spot machine with a goofy finisher and not as transcendent and overflowing with wrestling ability like his compadres- sort of like how Heavy Metal was to Rey, Juventud and Psicosis back when they were all in AAA- y'know, Good but really Smoked. BUT this big batch of tapes shows that Niebla has gotten on to the level of [[[[ SHOCKER!!!]]]] and Black Warrior in terms of Being Fuckin Cool As Crap Between Highspots. So this match Rocked Like A Hurricane. The first caida starts with basic lucha mirror matwork done fast as crap which all climaxes into the Fabulous Poses of Stalemate. Niebla gets Wagner to play to his strength and run the ropes, which allows Niebla to drop kick him out of the ring, setting up the Triple Ciclon Phat Ass Tope that Wagner takes like that Packers Assistant coach on Thanksgiving day when the Cowboy's Kevin Smith ran into him. They crawl back to the ring and go into some swank Malenko-Guerrerro roll-ups with Niebla coming out on top and scoring the first pinfall. The second caida has the basis that Niebla flies all around Wagner until Wagner can kill him with wrestling holds- which I loved. Wagner gets his kind of caida early by cornering Niebla and giving him the Famous Rudo What-For offense- smacking him around and kicking him and yelling at the crowd like a king. Niebla escapes and does all of his jumpy, flippy, running the ropes armdrags and fake-outs until Wagner finally reverses a rana attempt into a Liger bomb for a two count. Niebla bounces Wagner outside the ring, hits the handstand-bouncing-off-the-rope fake-out to set-up the SWANK Del Santo Two Inches From The Ringpost tope. Niebla throws him back in and gets Wagner to run the ropes. Wagner counters the set-up with a Crucifix Rollup to take the second caida. So the stage is set for the third caida- is it the high-flying of Niebla or the vastly improved, newly-expanded by Japanese touring ground attack of Dr Wagner Jr? The third caida goes out the frickin window as these two decide to totally go against all Lucha tradition and have a Liger-Ohtani match for the third fall- but with Niebla selling a lot better than Ohtani and Wagner having a cooler mask that Liger. Wagner grounds the young punk and starts working on his leg, getting a few lower level slams and suplexes to set up a figure-four which Niebla escapes by hitting the ropes. Wagner hits a big Dragon Screw and Niebla escapes to the floor, Wagner feeling confident enough that he's got Niebla's leg busted-up to yell at the crowd for a little bit- giving Niebla the prerequisite NJ Jr time to stop selling the leg. Niebla gets back into the ring and hits a transition by reversing a corner-whip and dropkicking Wagner out of the ring. Niebla then does the Desperate Highspot Trian on the Wily Veteran starting with a super-PHAT ASS over the top rope tope which he follows up couple of standing switches off the apron into the ring into a German suplex which he follows up with a toprope hurricanrana followed by a missile dropkick that knocks Wagner out of the ring to set up the really, really PHAT ASS Plancha ENORME! Niebla drags the corpse of Dr Wagner into the ring and Wagner Rigor Mortises out of two pinfall attempts and they both lay in the ring dead. Niebla hits a desperate La Majistral and Wagner Misawas at 2 and 867/868ths. Having lost his moment of advantage, Niebla tries four roll-ups that Wagner either reverses or escapes. Wagner fakes a transition by almost pulling off a last ditch powerbomb but Niebla is too strong and turns it into a Hurricanrana roll-up. Niebla attempts to get back in the  drivers seat by taking it back on top by trying to reverse a corner whip into Corner Sunset Flip, but Wagner catches him in mid-air and turns it into [i SWEAR] a perfect cross between a Michinoku Driver and KAORU's more dangerous Excaliber and Niebla is killed, but good. Wagner gets the pin and the best Lucha singles match I've seen in a long time comes to an end. This had EVERYTHING. Spectacular moves, rock-solid psychology, great selling at the end. Dr Wagner guided Niebla to a great match and maybe this is a sign that he is feeling the urge to attempt to reach the same plateau of greatness that his brother, SilverKing, has enjoyed for all these years. This was a good start. GET ALLL THIS.



In conclusion Dean rules and Phil sucks.

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The best shows to get!

CMLL's 2000 PPV with Atlantis/Villano III Mask vs. Mask is a really great show. The main event is off the hook awesome.


AAA's When World's Collide has an okayish mini match, an average trios match, a mostly comedy trios match--although the parts with Benoit and Blue Panter are great. We never did get a Benoit/Panther single match--, an awesome tag match (Eddie Guerrero/Art Barr vs. Santo/Octagon Double Hair vs. Double Masks), and a crappy, overbooked-to-hell main event.


Other than that, you're mostly looking at TV stuff. There's no real source for good lucha shows, though.


Of recent Galavision, Shocker/Park/Vampiro vs Guerrero/Bucanero/Crazy from a few months ago is my favorite.


The best current Lucha stars!

Dr. Wagner is great when he's not being lazy.

Black Tiger III/Silver King isn't quite as good as his brother, but he's less lazy.

El Hijo del Santo is my own personal god.

Atlantis has fallen with age, but is still great.

Same with Blue Panther. Greatest.mat.worker.ever, though.

Los Guerrero del Infierno is the most awesome team since Los Gringos Locos. Ultimo Guerrero bring the Japanese suplexes and big moves, Rey Bucanero brings the old-school luchaness, and Tarzan boy is good, too.

Black Warrior has the best tope in all of wrestling.

Mr. Niebla is great, hes moves way better than you'd think he would by looking at him.

I'm sure you know of L.A. Park.

Shocker's awesome, one of my favorites.



Just watch a Niebla match. Atlantis/Panther have been doing some neat double team submission stuff recently.

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A few years ago when Dr. Wagner Jr & Blue Panther were tag team champions I seen them with a pinfall with a double team surfboard move!


Today on Galavision I seen Virus beat Rocky Romero (Havana Brother 1) with a invert boston crab into a surfboard into a standing pendemium submission. I also seen Virus win matches with a sideways looking boston crab submission (half leg & armbar)


In some of the Semicompleto championship matches between Ultimo Guerrero and Shocker I have seen Ultimo win with a weird triangle leg submission.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I want to thank everyone who's helped so far.


Where can I buy Lucha on DVD.

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Somebody was selling DVD-Rs of the shows, I forgot the website. All you need to know is to get ever Shocker vs Ultimo Guerrero title match.

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Guest Real F'n Show
Where can I buy Lucha on DVD.

www.highspots.com has Lucha-riffic Vol. 1 and 2 which both look awesome. The only problem is, I think they might be DVD-R's, which means your player might not be able to play them.

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Guest Markingout

I bought and praise the Highspots, Luchariffic DVDs. If you have an X-Box or Playstation 2, you can watch them.


My favorite Luchadore has to be the master of the tope, El Hijo del Santo.


Check out his work with Negro Casas, it's some of the best lucha you will ever see.


You will seen Santo on CMLL TV in about 3 months because he recently returned for the Santo cup in CMLL.

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Los Guerreros Del Infierno-  Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero and Tarzan Boy combine like Voltron to form the most infamous trio in lucha libre.  Thier awesome three-man submission holds are one of the best reasons to watch Mexican wrestling.


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