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OaO 8/4/04 TNA PPV Thread

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Guest MikeSC
Let me say this:


(1) Average show is a relative term.


(2) I've always looked at it like this:

-For 8 hours of TNA, it costs $40. For 3 hours of WWE ppv, it costs $35. Now, can you pick enough stuff out of the 8 hours of TNA (which a lot of it is crap) that when combined would make a good 3 hour ppv? I think so. If you buy it every single week, I think on the whole it is a good deal. Now I know you can say "well you get 6 hours of WWE every week for free" and all that, but I'm talking ppv here.

Actually, for $35/month, you get a whopping 27 HOURS of wrestling out of the WWE (RAW, SD, Velocity, Heat, and PPV). And since SD and RAW tend to be better consistently, it's really a no-brainer.


For $40/month, you get about 12 hours of TNA wrestling (PPV and Impact --- few get Xplosion), and precious little of that is worth a damn.


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Guest The Last Free Voice

My question is why do you guys care how he spends his money?


Oh, and the Rush is in progress. I'm adding match backgrounds this week. Yay for improvements.

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