Promoter 0 Report post Posted August 6, 2004 I have always been curious how Vince Mcmahon could have done things different when he took over the company in 1982. I've always had it outlined anyways. I got some free time here, so here it goes. I would have moved up the first WrestleMania and put it on FREE television or at least pay tv MTV. I would have used WM instead of the Brawl to Settle it all. The reason I would put this on free tv would be for impact and show the world that there is a new pro wrestling arriving on the scene called sports entertainment. This would also play off the heat of Hogan coming from the AWA and being in Rocky III with Mr. T. March 1984 WrestleMania Madison Square Garden WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Special referee: Muhammad Ali The Iron Sheik vs. "The Incredible" Hulk Hogan with Mr. T Winner: same match as the January 23, 1984 one WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship Title Match "Magnificent" Don Muraco vs. Tito Santana winner: new champion Tito Santana (same kind of match that happened at BG) WWF World Tag Team Title Match The American Express vs. The Destroyers Winner: The Destroyers WWF World Woman's Title Match "Fabulous" Moolah vs. Wendi Richter Winner: Wendi Richter ends the multi-year reign of Moolah "Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka Special referee: Lou Thesz winner: Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka Retirement Match Bruno Sammartino vs. Bob Backlund Winner: Bruno Sammartino $15,000 Bodyslam Match Andre "The Giant" Rousimoff vs. Big John Studd winner: Andre The Giant "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine Winner: Paul Orndorff Junkyard Dog vs. The Executioner Winner: JYD to start up the show --------------------- March 1985 WrestleMania II Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Hulk Hogan vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper winner: Hulk Hogan WWF Intercontinental Title Match Tito Santana vs. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine Winner: new champion Greg Valentine WWF World Tag Team Title Match American Express vs. Shiek/Volkoff winner: new tag champion Sheik/Volkoff Andre "The Giant" vs. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka Heel turn to give Snuka something worthwhile in 1985 Who wouldn't want to the see the superfly done on Andre? Winner: Andre The Giant after kicking out of the superfly Father vs. Son match Bruno Sammartino vs. David Sammartino winner: David becomes the new "living legend" destroying his father "Magnificent" Muraco vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat Winner: Steamboat by dq King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd vs. S.D. Jones/Executioner Winner: squash match with Bundy/Studd "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff vs. "Cowboy" Bob Orton Winner: Bob Orton with interference from Piper WWF Woman's Title Match Wendi Richter vs. Lelani Kai Same as went down ------------------------ April 1986 WrestleMania III Chicago Rosemount Horizon WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Hulk Hogan vs. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff winner: Hulk Hogan (the match that happened at Big Event) WWF Intercontinental Title Match Tito Santana vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage winner: new champion Savage(BG match) WWF World Tag Team Title Match The Dream Team vs. The British Bulldogs winner: New champs (same as what happened) WWF Woman's Title Match Fabolous Moolah vs. Velvet McIntyre same as happened Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat winner: Steamboat by DQ (the match where he got ddt'ed on concrete) I would still do NFL/WWF battle royal and added Mr. T winner: Andre The Giant "Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Junkyard Dog Winner: Roddy Piper The Islanders vs. Hoss and Terry Funk Hercules vs. George "The Animal" Steele --------------------------- WrestleMania IV March 1987 Pontiac Michigan WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant as is WWF Intercontinental Title Match as is WWF Tag Team Title Match 2 out of 3 falls British Bulldogs vs. The Hart Foundation same as SNME match Hair vs. Hair match Piper vs. Adrian Adonis Detroit street fight Tito Santana vs. "Dangerous" Danny Davis winner: Tito Santana in a squash Billy Jack Haynes vs. Hercules as is Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. King Kong Bundy as the snme match from Joe Louis Arena Can-Am Connection vs. Orton/Muraco as is The HTM/midgets vs. midgets/Hillbilly Jim comedy match since that was HTM's character ---------------------------------- I would cut down on the actual tournament to prevent boredom that's for sure. WrestleMania V March 1988 WWF World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Quarter Finals Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant Hogan wins Ted Dibase vs. Muraco as is Bam Bam vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude winner: Rick Rude Savage vs. Steamboat Savage avenges loss from prior year Semi-Finals Hogan vs. Dibase winner: Dibase Savage vs. Rude winner: Savage Finals Savage vs. Dibase as is WWF Intercontinental Title Match The HTM vs. Ultimate Warrior as SS match went down WWF World Tag Team Title Match Fatal Fourway Demolition vs. The British Bulldogs vs. The Hart Foundation vs. The Islanders winner: Demolition ------------------------------------------ WrestleMania VI April 1989 Toronto SkyDome Yes, I move the event to SkyDome this year WWF World Heavyweight Title Match "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan as is WWF Intercontinental Title Match "Ravishing" Rick Rude vs. Ultimate Warrior as is, then again the slam match was much better Piper returns as a surprise WWF World Tag Team Title Match Demolition vs. The BrainBusters winner: BrainBusters as from snme match Strike Force vs. The Powers of Pain winner: POP with storyline from Busters match Mr. Perfect vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts winner: Perfect Million Dollar Belt Owen Hart vs. Ted Dibase winner: Dibase The Rockers vs. The Rogeaus winner: Rockers Ko Ko B. Ware vs. Red Rooster winner: Rooster in the battle of the birdmen Brutus Beefcake vs. Haku winner: not too fond of this match, but they were over ---------------------------- WrestleMania 7 April 1990 Los Angeles, California 100,000 fans make a record as I believe this is the only match that could have done it. Champion vs. Champion/Title for Title Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior winner: as is WWF World Tag Team Title Triple Threat Hart Foundation vs. Demolition vs. The Rockers winner: Rockers win, but Demo regain titles to lead to match-up with LOD at SummerSlam Retirement Match Andre "The Giant" vs. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper winner: Andre The Giant I would turn Piper heel and make him go up against Warrior post Mania 6 for the title "Ravishing" Rick Rude vs. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka winner: Rick Rude Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. Ted Dibase winner: as is Tito Santana vs. Bad News Brown winner: Bad News Brown to gear him up to contend against Warrior as well I believe the wwe did not build up strong contenders for Warrior as champ which caused him not to draw as well as Hogan as champion. "The Model" Rick Martel vs. Brutus Beefcake battle of the beefcakes Beefcake was over back then. Mr. Perfect vs. Hercules winner: Mr. Perfect The Orient Express vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Dino Bravo just something to fill out 9 match card and have Bravo/Duggan as a Can-Am Connection ------------------------------ WrestleMania 8 March/April 1991 HoosierDome WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Ultimate Warrior vs. "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan yes, I would turn Hogan heel with something similar to his heel turn in wcw. This way Vince prevents the eventual big turn in 1996 although it's impossible for him to forsee that. Anyways, Hogan turning heel would have been montrous back then. winner: Hogan regains the championship and walks out the first heel to win title at Mania. This would rejuvenate Warrior's popularity and have Hogan fresh. WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight hampionship Title Match Mr. Perfect vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart winner: as slam match later in the year WWF World Tag Team Title Match Demolition vs. Legion Of Doom winner: LOD win straps and later in the year turn heel with the appearance of Ric Flair and Kerry Von Erich in the wwf version of the Four Horsemen in a NWA type invasion. "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. The Undertaker winner: take a guess The British Bulldog vs. Sgt. Slaughter winner: British Bulldog play Britain vs. heel turn American Slaughter The Rockers vs. Haku/Barbarian winner: as is Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. "The Model" Rick Martel without the gimmick The Nasty Boys vs. Power and Glory Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich vs. Ted Dibase ------------------------------------- WrestleMania 9 March 1992 The DREAM MATCH "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan Flair enters the wwf in 1991 and runs rampant with an Invasion from the NWA. Hogan who was heel turns back face to save the wwf from the attack of the NWA's greatest champion in Ric Flair. winner: Hulk Hogan defeats Ric Flair and becomes champ for fourth time Ric Flair being the dirtiest player in the game injures Hulk Hogan during the posedown celebration and the championship is held up for grabs for television. This way you keep fans still interested and try to cut the spiral of interest that happened in 1992. This is where Ultimate Warrior does his surprise run-in. WWF Intercontinental Title Match as is WWF Tag Team Title Match LOD vs. Money Inc. as is Slam match "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage storyline would be the same as the one they did for Savage/Flair. winner: Macho Man, but same post match theatrics as Savage/Flair Sid Justice vs. The Undertaker winner: Taker of course it's Mania Tito Santana vs. Papa Shango winner: Papa Shango Owen Hart vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts winner: Owen Hart Tatanka vs. Model Rick Martel winner: Tatanka Natural Disasters vs. Beverly Bros. just stretching now to fill the card winner: who cares? --------------------- WrestleMania X April 1993 Madison Square Garden Best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be match for title Hulk Hogan vs. Bret Hart I know the chances of this were, but damn it this was the match we wanted. winner: Bret Hart wins by SUBMISSION! to end Hulk Hogan era for now. WWF Intercontinental Title Match Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker winner: UT by disqualification WWF World Tag Team Title Match The Steiners vs. Money Inc. winner: Stieners as is Macho Man vs. Razor Ramone storyline would be both men thinking they ooze machismo winner: Macho Man Mr. Perfect vs. Bob Backlund storyline would be Perfect thinking he was the superior athlete or something winner: Perfect Yokozuna vs. Lex Luger winner: Yokozuna Doink The good Clown vs. Doink The evil Clown winner: take your pick Crush vs. Repo Man take your winner Kamala vs. Tito Santana take your winner ------------------ The second decade of WrestleMania will soon be put up. Notice this direction has Bret and Shawn on top as the respective singles champion surpassing somehow Taker and Hogan at the tenth anniversary show. I believe this was a major problem the two had. They did not go over the respective men who made WM in the first decade. Bret and Shawn are the obvious future by this point. However, Bret still had one man to go over and that was Macho. ---------------------------------- WrestleMania 11 March 1994 Birth of the New Generation WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage winner: Bret Hart and Savage's last hurrah at Mania Ladder match as is The same final four gimmick Bret vs. Owen Hart Macho Man vs. Lex Luger WWF World Tag Team Title Match The Quebecors vs. The Doinks For all the talk about this Mania being so great I can't even remember the participants or half the damn card. ---------------------------------------- WrestleMania 12 March 1995 WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels winner: Shawn Michaels WWF Intercontinental Title Match Razor Ramone vs. Owen Hart WWF Tag Team Title Match Allied Forces vs. Smoking Gunns Diesel/LT vs. Bam Bam Bigelow/123 Kid It gets much harder as the years go by to remember and fill the latter cards This is the main matches I would choose ------------------------------------------ WrestleMania 13 March 1996 Montreal Ironman Rematch Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels This sounds crazy, but what would have been if the Montreal screwjob happened at this event or a work of it? Bret did disappear for the summer and some of the fall. It is the most controversial championship match ever. Imagine Vince pulling that stunt with Bret after a 60 minute match? Woo hooo would it by funny as he would tear up Vince on live tv for sure. WWF I-C Title Match Ahmed Johnson vs. GoldDust winner: Ahmed Interim President Roddy Piper vs. Steve Austin suppose the anti-hero stuff started here? winner: Steve Austin sending Piper packing and then setting his eyes on another wwf legend Jake The Snake. Undertaker vs. Diesel as is Undertaker vs. Triple H same as because it's funny as hell Vader vs. British Bulldog winner: Vader -------------------------------------- WrestleMania 14 March 1997 WWF World Heavyweight Championship Title Match Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin as is Bret had returned to the wwf and his stock had risen from the Montreal screwjob type finish. WWF World Tag Team Title Match Undertaker/Sid vs. LOD Again, the rest of the card and players are pretty weak here. These two matches should help the drawing power though. --------------------------------------------- WM 14 March 1998 pretty much as is ----------------------------- WM 15 March 1999 WWF World Heavyweight Championship The Rock vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin WWF Intercontinental Title Match Triple H vs. Mankind WWF World Tag Team Title Match Jarrett/Owen vs. Hardys The Undertaker vs. Big Show winner: UT Again, I can't even remember the undercard really. ---------------------------------------- WM 16 March 2000 WWF World Heavyweight Championship Actual Backlash main event Actually the whole Backlash card should have been WM 2000 --------------------------------------- WM 17 as is ------------------------------------ Already went through the last few Manias in other threads Share this post Link to post Share on other sites