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Guest killernerd

The Buttheads to Dominate the RAW Tag Team scene!

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Guest killernerd

“The Buttheads to Dominate the RAW tag team division!”


Hello Smart Marks,


Recently Harvard Chris has been out of action due to a serious head injury that causes him to sleep walk and do other strange things that medical doctors are unable to comprehend. Well it appears those symptoms have magically disappeared and Harvard Chris is ready for a big comeback. Harvard Chris is expected to return on the RAW brand to feud with Young Master Eugene. Harvard Chris will try to prove to the world that Eugene is very stupid by giving him a IQ test to show that Eugene has the intellect of a 6 year old. The first skit will show Eugene and Chris inside a class room. Chris will be administrating the IQ test to Eugene but Chris will attempt to hit Eugene over the head with his SAT hardcopy manual. However, Eugene will dropkick the manual into Chris's head. Chris will than believe he is Butthead from Mike Judge’s old TV show Beavis and Butthead. Chris will say “huh huh huh Tests suck!”. Chris will than rip up Eugene’s test and Chris will say “Let’s get laid Huh Huh Huh!”. Eugene and Chris than will pair up as a successfully tag team called the Buttheads.

The following week Eugene and Chris will go to a ACDC concert and Chris will throw Eugene into the mosh pit. Eugene will get thrown around by Van Hammer, J.T Southern, P.N News, The Headbangers, and PG-13. Eugene will get very upset and do his hulk-up Three Stooges act were he hits himself in the face and gets maximum strength. Eugene will give all the former wrestlers a Stone Cold Stunner, Rock Bottom, and a Airplane Spin. Eugene will say “Rock Concerts Suck!”.

The next week will see Chris and Eugene go to Chucky Cheese Pizza. Chris and Eugene will be eating Pizza and Chris will say “This sucks!”. Chris will than get a lighter out of his pocket and set the place on fire. Chris will say “Fire Rules! Fire is Cool!”. Eugene however will save the day and put the large fire out with a fire hose.

Another backstage skit will see Chris inside the men’s bathroom. Chris will put a cherry bomb inside one of the toilets. Rosey will than come inside to take a dump in the same toilet Chris put the bomb. Chris will say “Number twos rule! Huh huh huh!” Rosey will than flush the toilet after making some stinky farting sounds and he will fly through the air about 20 feet. Rosey will than wear a diaper for a few months and will even after a diaper match with Chris, which was done last time by Razor Ramon and the 123 Kid.

The final backstage skit will see Chris and Eugene enter the Diva’s locker room. Chris will say “Wanta have sex babes?”. Trish, Molly, Victoria, Gail Kim, Stacey, Lillian Garcia, and all the other diva will kick the crap out of Chris and Eugene. Chris will say “This rocks!”. Eugene will say “Their a whole lot tougher than Evolution!”. This will set up a handicap match between the Buttheads and all the WWE divas.

The Buttheads will than win the WWE tag team titles from La Resistance after using their impressive finishing move the Butthead Ram. The move is a lot like the Bushwacker’s battering ram and Shark Boy and D-Ray’s Afro Ram. The only difference is Chris will pick up Eugene in a gut wrench suplex and hit the other wrestlers with Eugene’s BUTT. Chris will turn on Eugene after getting his memory back and Evolution will win the titles from the Buttheads. Chris Jericho will have Harvard Chris on the Highlight reel and will show Chris all the embarrassing things he did while he was Butthead. This will lead Harvard Chris to announce he’s having a open challenge Quiz Bowl, which will consist of Eugene, Trish, Stacey, Bastin Booger, and Harvard Chris. Eugene will surprisingly win the Quiz bowl after it’s revealed he really has a college education from Indiana University. Eugene will get all the wrestling questions right in the Quiz bowl and will answer a lot of the regular quiz questions correctly, which will lead to his shocking victory. Ohio Valley Wrestling superstar Alexis Laree will embrace Eugene and will reveal herself as Eugene’s older sister Alexis Dismore. Alexis will say “I didn’t let Eugene watch Prime Time Wrestling unless he did all his homework correctly. He’s now a smart little boy from all that studying. He may look stupid but he’s no simpleton!”. A outraged and angry Harvard Chris will than knock Eugene out with his You Don’t Know Jack quiz game machine. Harvard Chris will than give Alexis his impressive looking Honor Roll finishing move. Finally Eugene and Harvard Chris will square off against each other at Wrestlemania 21.

I really look forward to Young Master Eugene VS Harvard Chris because I believe that match will steal the show. I believe Alexis Laree is very lucky because she’s going to get a major rub in the very near future working with WWE’s most popular wrestler Eugene. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!


yours truly,


Killer Nerd

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It's a decent idea, and could've worked if Eugene had stayed in the midcard. But he's wrestling (although not going over) Triple H at possibly the second-biggest WWE event. And I think he'll have a higher-profile match when it comes to Mania. I do like the idea but Eugene is way above Chris Harvard.

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