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Guest Eugene`

Bischoff and Long segment from Summerslam.

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Guest Eugene`

When Long said that he would make Eugene or anyone else a star if they got tired of Bischoff's antics, it got me wondering if this is a storyline brewing, or if it was just filler at Summerslam. What do you guys think?

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I thought it was interesting to see Cena and Orton cross paths. Maybe they are slow burning these two like they did with Lesnar/Goldberg for something. If there was any merit to Trips/Lesnar champ vs. champ scenario maybe the wwe will pit Cena as wwe champ against Orton World champ. I doubt it very much though.

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I thought it was interesting to see Cena and Orton cross paths. Maybe they are slow burning these two like they did with Lesnar/Goldberg for something. If there was any merit to Trips/Lesnar champ vs. champ scenario maybe the wwe will pit Cena as wwe champ against Orton World champ. I doubt it very much though.

HHHa :lol:

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I thought it was interesting to see Cena and Orton cross paths. Maybe they are slow burning these two like they did with Lesnar/Goldberg for something. If there was any merit to Trips/Lesnar champ vs. champ scenario maybe the wwe will pit Cena as wwe champ against Orton World champ. I doubt it very much though.

This should have gotten more attention. I would actually love to see a match between these two, or them as captains of a Raw versus Smackdown team elimination match at Survivor Series.

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Guest Breakdancingbatista

I realize theyre both big stars now but give if WWE can keep it's cool and let their populairy expand even more, John cena vs Randy Orton could be a serious draw.

There is so many simalrities between the two, they both came in around the same time, both were ultra bland until they turned heel, both won over the crowds as heels, if they Lesnar/Goldberg the feud, Cena vs Orton could very well be the biggest program of 2005.

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I realize theyre both big stars now but give if WWE can keep it's cool and let their populairy expand even more, John cena vs Randy Orton could be a serious draw.

There is so many simalrities between the two, they both came in around the same time, both were ultra bland until they turned heel, both won over the crowds as heels, if they Lesnar/Goldberg the feud, Cena vs Orton could very well be the biggest program of 2005.

Any of those points you listed are not drawing points.


When it comes right down to it, Triple H could beat them all on any given day and thats (and there are more than just HHH, Taker, Rock etc) why it wont be the biggest fued of the year.


Of course, if Orton could go over HHH clean, and Cena could go over Taker or Angle clean, them maybe people would care.


And with all that, i'm one of the people who like both Orton and Cena.

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With WWE you can never be sure.


The smart thing would be to play on the segment and build up to a Raw vs. Smackdown! match at Survivor Series.


I also think that building on the Orton/Cena deal could be cool too. Tie it in with the other angle and have them captain the teams at Survivor Series.

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When Long said that he would make Eugene or anyone else a star if they got tired of Bischoff's antics, it got me wondering if this is a storyline brewing, or if it was just filler at Summerslam. What do you guys think?

It was filler pure and simple to continue the illusion that is the brand split. Plus wasn't this the first time since Mania that the two shows have interacted together?

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Guest Bitterness the Star

It does look like a brand cross-over situation for the Survivor Series, both in Teddy Long threatening to sign Raw talent and Eric Bischoff's reference to the GM position and joint-brand PPVs. Cena/Orton may have just been getting a little further into things.


I really would like to see how they'd work that though, seeing as both brands aren't forcefully meeting again until Survivor Series.

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Bischoff had a point, he's been way more effective as GM than any of the Smackdown ones. I realized the other day he's had his job for two plus years, but the Smackdown GM has been switched up four times.

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