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WWE News: HBK's Return, Eugene, RAW, More

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WWE News: HBK's Return, Eugene, RAW, More


HBK vs. Kane announced, RAW not rewritten, and more....


- WWE has announced that Shawn Michaels will wrestle Kane at their September 17th show in Bossier City, LA. The show is being billed as a "Salute to the Legends of Mid-South Wrestling." Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton is scheduled to headline the show.


- Despite not being mentioned on RAW last night, WWE has no plans to drop the Eugene character. Eugene was not included on RAW last night because WWE wanted the focus to be on the Triple H/Randy Orton angle and figured Eugene would take away from it.


- RAW was not rewritten following Summerslam due to the surprising crowd reactions at the PPV. WWE fully planned to turn Randy Orton face. WWE also had wanted the Triple H turn against Orton to be a shock, not something built up slowly.


- Many Smackdown wrestlers have already violated WWE's new dress code. The company plans to start handing out fines soon if wrestlers continue to ignore the policy.


Credit: 1wrestling.com; PWTorch.com

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- WWE recently trademarked the names "Taboo Tuesday" (which will be used for their upcoming Tuesday RAW brand PPV in October) and "Honour Society." The company also extended their trademark for "The Strip Club" which they have owned for two years. WWE has dropped the trademark for "Big Poppa Pump" as well as "Jerry Lawler."


- Many WWE workers were late to the Smackdown house show in Owen Sound, Ontario due to the place being so hard to find.


- Both Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero were said to be sore following their Summerslam match. Guerrero worked the match with a sore hamstring while Angle worked with serious neck pain.


- WWE is scheduled to release their 2005 first quarter earnings on Monday, complete with a conference call at 11AM ET.


- Although not much is known at this point, Carmella DeCesare was conspicuously absent from Sunday night's Diva Dodgeball segment, which was taped before the PPV aired. Apparently, she had another commitment that basically came up last minute, so she no-showed the event. Despite being WWE's internal choice for the winner, she has shown very little interest in wrestling and has carried an attitude backstage. Her lack of enthusiasm has even affected her "performances" each week, as she clearly shows little interest in the competition. Coach and the announcers were told not to mention her absence from Sunday's PPV.


- PWInsider also reports that Jazz tweaked her shoulder in the dodgeball game. It reportedly was not serious, but still an interesting note.


- Bret Hart was telling people at Saturday's indy card in Buffalo, NY, where he made an appearance, that he was heading to SummerSlam last night to meet with the McMahons. Hart has been in talks with the WWE recently about his proposed DVD. The McMahons would love to get Bret back into the company but so far, it hasn't happened. While Bret can not wrestle due to the after effects of his stroke, WWE would still like to have him back in their family to fill any number of roles, from spokesman to recurring TV character.


- One much talked about area of WWE creative right now is which way that the company should go with Randy Orton and HHH's characters. Originally the company had planned to turn HHH face for their eventual feud but now all signs are that they will turn Orton instead. The official reason is that they have seen the crowd getting behind Orton and they understand that the fans are already making the decision for them. It's also no secret that most people in the company feel that H is not good in the babyface role, as evidenced by the last time he played one, and they realize that he is better suited for the heel role. There are also a lot of people who see major top guy potential in Orton.


*Information from Voice Of Wrestling

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Guest Staravenger

Kurt Angle worked with neck pain....just retire! Is it really worth it to end up in a wheel chair?


Or I could be jumping the gun and it is something minor.


Also nice to see a rigged contest thats not rigged, but WWE officials hope fans choose who they probably already signed to a contract.

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- WWE recently trademarked the names "Taboo Tuesday" (which will be used for their upcoming Tuesday RAW brand PPV in October) and "Honour Society." The company also extended their trademark for "The Strip Club" which they have owned for two years. WWE has dropped the trademark for "Big Poppa Pump" as well as "Jerry Lawler."

Is there a site that mentions what WWE has trademarked and what it doesn't?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Are they going to fire Lawler?

That's a nice thought, maybe they'll get someone decent for the color position.

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QUOTE (AndrewTS @ Aug 18 2004, 03:30 AM)

Are they going to fire Lawler? 


That's a nice thought, maybe they'll get someone decent for the color position.



I doubt it, WWE probably dropped it due to their was no marketing in it. Lawler doesn't have any merchindise so their really isn't a reason to trademark it.

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- WWE recently trademarked the names "Taboo Tuesday" (which will be used for their upcoming Tuesday RAW brand PPV in October) and "Honour Society." The company also extended their trademark for "The Strip Club" which they have owned for two years. WWE has dropped the trademark for "Big Poppa Pump" as well as "Jerry Lawler."

Is there a site that mentions what WWE has trademarked and what it doesn't?



Just type in "world Wrestling Entertainment" for your search term and make the field "owner and address"

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In the case of Jerry Lawler, I would guess that WWE has released it so Jerry himself can take ownership of it, as he wrestles outside WWE quite a bit now. Don't know about Chris Jericho either, but I would guess he owned the rights to his own name...

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Guest Trivia247

Well the Crown is no longer under the Nazi Dress Code so may as well drop the who King persona he cultivated since the late 70's in Memphis.

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- One much talked about area of WWE creative right now is which way that the company should go with Randy Orton and HHH's characters. Originally the company had planned to turn HHH face for their eventual feud but now all signs are that they will turn Orton instead. The official reason is that they have seen the crowd getting behind Orton and they understand that the fans are already making the decision for them. It's also no secret that most people in the company feel that H is not good in the babyface role, as evidenced by the last time he played one, and they realize that he is better suited for the heel role. There are also a lot of people who see major top guy potential in Orton.

This is one of the first times I can remember in AGES where they're actually listening to the crowd instead of trying to manipulate them with a bunch of contrived events to force people to react the opposite way. Thank god.

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I guess someone hasn't taken the time yet to re-trademark "Chris Jericho", but that's not a big deal or anything...

It's actually the trademark for "Toy action figures and bowling balls" with the name Chris Jericho.


WWE still holds the trademark for his name as a wrestler.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

So what was the point of Triple H turning on Orton if Benoit is getting the next shot?

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