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Guest SoCalTF

PWG "Kee_ The _ee Out Of Our _ool" DVD Review

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Guest SoCalTF

PWG: Kee_ The _ee Out Of Our _ool


PWG offers their latest DVD releases in Kee_ The _ee Out Of Our _ool and The Musical which features some great wrestling, Super Dragon, great comedy commentary, and no music! In my first review of the two Criticly Acclaimed shows(by that, I meen all the fans on the internet message boards) I'll be reviewing the March 27th PWG event that features such matches as Spanky vs. Frankie Kazarian, Adam Pearce defending his PWG World Title against the cookie eating, Paulina Rubio loving Bobby Quance and the infamous Guerrilla Warfare match between everyone's favorite asshole, Super Dragon against the white washed black guy Scorpio Sky.


As we start things off, we see the trio of Valentina, "Classic" Colt Cabana, and the champion himself, "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce all in the ring, dressed as gangsters with Babi Slymm's "Bling Bling" and we get a wonderful three and a half minutes of hearing the most well pronounced form of ebonics ever to come out of a white man's mouth and Colt Cabana walking around with his pants falling down telling Valentina to "Cook me an omlet bitch". Egg white yo, gotta keep the protein real! Very hilarious segment worth seeing and sets the mood for things to come on this DVD.


Disco Machine vs. Charles Murcury


We see the King of Studio 54 in Tempe, Armenia, Disco Machine taking Charles Mervury. Now for those who don't follow PWG storylines, 1st, what the fuck is wrong with you? 2nd, Charles is a part of a group that claims to have been held down by the owners of PWG which. Last time we got to see a huge 10 man tag match with all 10 men who have their differences face off in a very underrated match which pretty much set up the matches on this show. The begining of this match pretty much is all Charles Mercury trying to gain momentum but the crowd keeps getting behind Disco Machine. No matter how hard Charles tried to get the upper hand he keeps getting belittled by the crowd through out the match. Disco Machine basibly schools Charles in this "Teacher vs. Student" match so to say. On the audio track Disco Machine and Excalibur talk about Disco's "Stu Hart esque" dojo of dancing in his basement where Disco's 2 year old son and his cat are already accomplished dancers. Disco keeps trying to slow down the youngster but Charles Mercury tries to counter it but again see no sucsess. Charles Murcury works over Disco Machine on the mat. Charles finally gains momentum in the middle of the match but is not able to but Disco away as the crowd keeps trying to get Disco back into the match but Charles just stays on top of him until he mocks Disco by doing Disco's signature hip shaking but makes a huge rookie mistake as Disco gets back up and kicks him in the back of the head. Disco and Charles are neck and neck until Charles gains the upper hand again. He goes for a high risk move which backfires as Disco crotchs him on the top rope and Disco hitting a top rope belly to belly which only gets a two count. Charles gets back up and Disco hits a Chokeslam into a backbreaker for the win.


Ricky Reyes vs. Puma


Now we have two products of the L.A. Inoki Dojo as Ricky Reyes, One half of the Havana Pitbulls takes on the masked man, who's outfit resembles one of a bug so to say, Puma. Both men start out trying to land some kicks but they keep dodging it until Reyes gets the upper hand causing Puma to fall. Both men try to "jock for position" as Excalibur makes a joke about Willie Shoemaker on the audio commentary track. Puma gains momentum as he lands a spinning kick and gains an arm lock while Reyes reverses it into an ankle lock but Puma counters into another ankle lock but Reyes gets him into a knee bar submission. Reyes starts to get the upper hand while Puma keeps trying to make a come back but Reyes keeps gaining the upper hand on Puma. Puma tries to use his high risk offense to get the upper hand which works until he goes for a full nelson type hold which Reyes counters and gets him into a Boston Crab of sort. Reyes at this point goes for the mask of Puma which gets the fans on his back. On his third attempt, Reyes finally gets the mask off Puma to reviel the young, TJ PERKINS aka PINOI BOY! Excalibur mentions that he's been getting about 3 paychecks on PWG and Disco says their book keeper says PWG will be getting audited this year because of this. Now without his mask Puma goes some high risk offense by doing an AJ Styles type DDT off the ring apron and a hurincurana through the middle and bottom rope to the outside. Puma, or Pinoi Boy or whoever he is using his high risk offense to get the better of Reyes. He keeps trying to finish him off but Reyes wont go down. Puma, TJ, whatever goes for the Tombstone Piledriver but Reyes keeps reversing it to the point Puma goes to the apron and hits a 720 Tornado DDT, shades of Jody Fliesch but is still not able to put away Reyes. Puma has the upper hand till Reyes hits a neckbreaker and a fisherman's buster but Puma, Pinoi Boy, Tj whatever the fuck his name is keeps kicking out. Reyes hits another Fisherman's buster and another but still isn't able to but away his opponent who is using the power of three men to kick out of the pinfall. Puma hits a german suplex, gets back up, but Reyes grabs onto the ropes but Puma pulls him off and hits a Tiger suplex and gets the pinfall.


American Dragon and Samoa Joe vs. The Ballard Brothers


Joe has a history with the Ballards seeing as he knocked out Shannon Ballard at PWG's Tango And Cash. They faced off at Taste The Radness and Shannon gained the victory by getting a DQ by pretending that Joe knocked him out with a chair while the referee wasn't looking. And now we have Joe teaming up with American Dragon to take on these two brothers. Samoa Joe wanted in the match first but American Dragon convinced him that he should go first. Dragon and Shannon Ballard lock up to start off and Dragon works over Shannon's left knee and his lower back until Shane comes in to make the save for his brother. Both men are at even strength up until American Dragon hits a monkey flip from the Grecko Romen lock up onto a submission move that works over the shoulder (Don't ask me what the name is because I have no clue) and now we see the beloved Fish Out Of Water nearfall sequence but Shannon Ballard hits a head scissors sending Dragon down. Dragon tags in Joe and Shannon tags in his brother Shane because it's quiet obvious that Shannon wants no part of the 270 punds hulla dancing Samoan mad man. Shane just gets into Joe's face slapping him but Joe doesn't take his shit and slaps him back and goes to work on him but Shane gains the upper hand with a cross body block,a couple arm drags, and a dropkick but Joe gets up and elbows him in the face. Shane finally tags in Shannon but quickly tags out to Shane again who walks into a chop by Joe. At this point when Joe tags in Dragon, Excalibur talks about if Al Quieda took Joe's chops, they could of done more damage on 9/11 and Excalibur recalls his 9/11 memory as Disco calls him and wakes him up and as he turns on the news while Disco says the world is ending Excalibur recalled saying "Holy Fucking Shit" as Shane Ballard's world is coming to an end as Joe works over the left arm. Shane backs up American Dragon into the corner and tags in his brother who now has the upper hand on Dragon. At this point my mailman knocks on my door asking me who's pitching in the Dodgers game tonight and I was all "I don't know" and he was all "Oh, ok. Well here's your phone bill" and we both went our ways. Very strange moment. Back to the match as the Ballards still have the advantage on American Dragon. As Shane has Dragon in a Camel Clutch,(or was it Shannon?) Joe comes in to break it up and the other Ballard comes in and locks Dragon in the Boston Crab but Joe breaks that up too and the Ballards use a double team submission while Joe is being escorted to the corner. American Dragon makes the hot tag and Joe goes to work hitting Shannon Ballard with a few slaps and the Powebomb into the STF. Tag in to Dragon and the Ballards regain the advantage and hit a double team face buster. As Shannon pinned Dragon Joe tried to break it up Shannon moves and Joe knees Dragon in the face. Dragon looks very takes out both Ballards and send Shane to the outside and asks Joe what the fuck is wrong with him. Dragon hits a Superplex onto Shannon but Shannon kicks out and Dragon has Shannon in an octopus hold and Joe grabs the hand of Dragon and the referee sees him and DQs Joe and Dragon. After the match both the Ballards attack Joe as American Dragon watches from the outside.


"Classic" Colt Cabana vs. Babi Slymm


Now we have, the high priest, of Hachie Patachie, the Classic one, Colt Cabana taking on the King Of Bling Bling, "Big" Babi Slymm going one on one. We see that Colt still has Slymm's gold chains in the corner of Cabana while Pearce and Valentina hold onto the the chains. Slymm goes for chains early but Cabana catches him and starts choping away but Slymm uses his size to control Cabana. When Cabana goes for the Grecko Romen Knuckle Lock, Cabana just slaps him in the face, runs to the ropes and tries to shoulder tackle him but to no luch as Slymm gains the advantege on Cabana after a few clotheslines. Cabana heads outside to catch his breath but Slymm chases after him but Adam Pearce attacks Slymm from behind until referee Rick Knox tells Pearce to leave the ringside area. At this point Excalibur(who is not doing PBP and had been replaced by TARO) sends Disco Machine an AIM message saying that if he is a betting man, which he is, he would put his money on Slymm, no offense to Cabana, but in a fight you always have to for the black guy unless he is Russian or Ukranian and at this point in the match he shows his wise logic works as Slymm is controlling Cabana who is at the mercy of Slymm as they brawl through the crowd and at one point a pizza box that was brought by a fan is given to Slymma nd he uses it on Cabana. Slymm gets Cabana back into the ring and Cabana pleads for Slymm to stop but Slymm stays on top of Cabana and is still controlling Cabana at this point. Slymm reverses a lot of Cabana's offense in this. Colt finally gains controll as he pulls Slymm into the middle turnbuckle and Valentina starts to interjects herself into the match as she chokes Slymm, much like how I want to interject myself into Valentina, if you know what I meen. Thanks to the help of Valentina, Colt has control of Slymm and keeps him on the mat and keeps going for the pinfall but Slymm keeps kicking out of what Colt gives him. A few exchanges by both men until Slymm gets Colt into a Straightjacket Sleeperhold. Slymm keeps working over Cabana with a few knife edge chops and whips him into the ropes but when he goes for an arm drag Colt reverses it into a side Russian Leg Sweep then turns him over into an inverted arm bar but Slymm works his way to his feet and reverses it into a whip but Cabana comes back with a neckbreaker. The crowd is all over the case of Valentina and Cabana stars to show boat while Slymm is in the corner but Slymm sends him into the corner via a belly to belly suplex and again has the advantage and uses a clothesline to send Cabana to the outside. Cabana goes to the top rope but Slymm catches him going up but Cabana breaks free and goes for a high risk move until Slymm uses a side kick to Cabana's mid section. Colt gets back to his feet as Slymm waits for him to get back up and catches Cabana in a cobra clutch and Slymm starts singing "Slow Jams" by Kanye West featuring Twista and now Adam Pearce comes back to ringside and sits front row right next to some fans and we see Cabana in the ring with a chain and he falls to the floor pretending to be hit by Slymm as Valentina tries to convince Rick Knox Slymm hit Cabana but when Slymm turns around Adam Pearce gets in the ring and nails Slymm with his own gold chains and Cabana goes for the cover and gets the win.


PWG World Heavyweight Title Match: "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce© vs. Bobby Quance


We start things off by seeing Valentina taking off the PWG Championship off the wait of The Scrap Daddy as Quance looks on while Valentina gives Pearce a good luck kiss. And for some reason Adam looked pretty nervous before he kissed her. Kinda makes me wonder about him what with his gay tights and looking nervous before kissing a girl. Pearce, as always, exchanges words with the crowd and stalls while the crowd gets behind the challenger Bobby Quance as Pearce goes to the outside and stalls and threatens to slap ring announcer Jon Ian and would send him back to the slave ships. Bobby just stands and looks on as Pearce talks about not caring for Quance while the fans start a boring chant. Pearce tells Quance that he's in the ring with a professional and tells him he is a "mother fucking legend". He FINALLY gives back the mic to Ian and the fans chant "Let's Go Navy" mainly because of Quance wanting to join the Navy. They finally lock up and Pearce gets him in a side headlock but Bobby fights off and tries to get the advantage which doesn't work when Pearce shoulder tackles him but Quance takes controll when he hits a dropkick and pulls out the beloved ARMDRAG into an arm bar. Quance works on the arm of Pearce and tries to over power him but Pearce is too big to be taken down by Quance but Bobby uses his quick offense and hits another dropkick and gets Pearce back into the arm bar. Now on the audio commentary track Excalibur IMs Disco Machine again and says "Adam Pearce is a great champion if you like your champion bald and beer drinking and not named Steve Austin. Bobby Quance however doesn't need the PWG championship when has Keibler Elves offical cookie eating championship" Now once again we see Valentina get involved by grabbing the foot of Quance as Pearce whipped him into the ropes. Quance gets distracted and Pearce hits a spinebuster on Quance and starts to dominate again in the match. Pearce throws Quance to the outside where they start to brawl at the ringside area and Pearce uses Valentina as a shield for Pearce. Pearce gets Quance back in the ring and is still in controll hitting a double underhook suplex on Quance. Pearce goes for the pin but gets a two count only and again Valentina interferes choking Quance on the bottom rope. Pearce gets Quance in the figure four leg lock trying to take away most of Quance's offense and Valentina again gets involved by giving Pearce more leverage by grabbing his arms. Quance gets to the ropes and Pearce continues to work the leg and knee of Bobby Quance making sure Quance isn't able to use his dropkick or shooting star in the match up. Quance again tries to regain control but Pearce hits a lariat and goes to the middle rope and hits the fist drop ala Jerry Lawler and goes for the cover again but only gets a two count. Quance tries to fight out of a front face lock but continues to sell the leg after he hits Pearce but Pearce throws down Quance and goes to the top rope and goes for a Cannonball Senton but Bobby Quance is able to move out of the way and Pearce lands directly on his back. Bobby gets a few punches and chops and gets a nearfalls as he went for a couple of backslides and schoolboys. Pearce gets back to his feet and Bobby goes for the jumping hurrincurana pin but gets a two. Quance staying on top of Pearce comes off the ropes as Pearce gets back to his feet and Quance goes over him and hits a reverse DDT into a Diamond Cutter but is still not able to put Pearce down. Quance goes to the ropes again and is caught with a spinning heel kick from Pearce. Pearce tries to use his strenght but Quance continues to use his speed to get the advantage. Quance now goes for the Shooting Star Press and connects but Valentina gets on the apron and distracts the referee from making the three count and Pearce gets up, turns Quance around and hits the Piledriver for the win. Now Babi Slymm comes out and attacks Pearce from behind but Colt Cabana comes in to make the save and Pearce and Cabana have the upper hand until Frankie Kazarian runs in attacking Pearce and ties him up between teh middle and top rope and grabs a chair and goes to hit Pearce with it but Valentina jumps in front of Pearce pleading for Frankie not to hit him with it. Kazarian grabs her and is about to hit her but Cabana comes back in attacking Frankie and now Pearce is untied and hits Frankie Kazarian in the back of the head with a steel chair and we see serveral referees come in to help and Pearce attacks commishiner Paul T and now we have serveral wrestlers attempt to break up the fight but they continue to brawl while Paul T is laid out and at this point everything is out of hand and Frankie Kazarian chases after Adam Pearce who runs to the back.


Spanky vs. Frankie Kazarian


Here we have the long awaited return of former WWE Smackdown wrestler Spanky taking on former PWG World Champion and NWA TNA star Frankie Kazarian as they lock things up to being but Spanky gets away and goes to the outside. He walks over to the merch table, grabs a towel and tells referee Rick Knox to whipe the greese off Kazarian. Spanky continues to stall and they tie up again and Spanky reminds Rick Knox about closed fists as he gets away from Kazarian. Both men lock up again and are back into the corner as Spanky assends the top rope and Kazarian throws him off. Now Frankie has the advantage and whips Spanky into the ropes and does a hop toss and connects with a headlock takeover and has him down in a side headlock. Both men go back and forth again but Kazarian gets the upperhand again as Spanky went for backslide pin attempt and countered it with another hiptoss and now has Spanky in a headlock. Spanky works his way up to his feet and traps Kazarian in the corner and hits Kazarian with a shoulder to the ribs but Kazarian fights back again sending Spanky across the to the otehr side of the ring and Spanky flips over and runs to the other corner and goes up to the top but Kazarian goes for a rocket launcher on Spanky but Spanky drops him down throught first on the top rope and Spanky goes back to the outside and grabs a Diet Coke and proceeds to drink it and gets back in the ring. Spanky works over the back of Kazarian but Kazarian makes his way back to his feet and spins over and kicks Spanky in the face much to the delight of the crowd. Spanky elbows Kazarian in the face and now is starting to show off and acts cocky but Kazarian gets up and tries to regain the upperhand but Spanky continues to dominate Kazarian and is now working over the leg of Kazarian. Spanky lets go of the hold and keeps kicking the leg of Kazarian. Kazarian gets control over Spanky and hits a few punches and goes for his springboard leg drop but is not able get the pin as he favors the knee and when he does get the pin Spanky kicks out. Both men back to their feet and Spanky calls for the Sliced Bread #2. He goes for it but Kazarian reverses it and gets a backslide in. Kazarian has Spanky in an Electric Chair position and Spanky goes for a victory roll pin attempt back Kazarian kicks out of it. Kazarian gets whipped into the corner but goes over Spanky as he runs into the corner and both men bump into eachother and fall to the mat. They exchange some punches and Frankie hits an atomic drop but Spanky coutners it with a jumping leg lariat to the face of Kazarian. Spanky goes for the Sliced Bread #2 again but Kazarian is able to avoid it and hits the Wave Of The Future and pins Spanky and gets the victory. Now we see both men standing in the middle of the ring and shake hands but Spanky hits the Sliced Bread #2 to the delight of the crowd and leaves to the back.


PWG Tag Team Championship Match: The X Foundation(Scott Lost and Joey Ryan)© vs. Quicksilver and Chris Bosh


And now we have another match in the fued of the owners of PWG against the wrestlers who feel they aren't getting a fair chance in PWG and are trying to take over and so far things have not worked out for them as Disco Machien defeated one of their own earlier in the evening. Start of the match and Silver and Bosh attack the X Foundation from behind and Bosh tries to finsih things off early by hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb into a Backbreaker onto Scott Lost who still has his Superman shirt on. Quicksilver goes for a spinebuster but isn't able to put away Scott Lost. Bosh and Silver who have Charles Murcury at their corner double team Scott Lost until Joey Ryan is comes in for the save. Joey whips Quicksilver into the ropes and connects with a dropkick and knocks Bosh off the ring apron. Joey sets up Silver and runs to the ropes but Bosh runs in and hits a Clothesline into a backbreaker and now the challengers have control over Joey as they double team him while Scott Lost is nowhere to be found as Joey went for the tag. Quicksilver works over the back of Joey Ryan and as Scott gets back onto the ring apron Quicksilver knocks him off and Joey goes for the tag again but his partner is M.I.A. again. Joey runs toward the ropes but Bosh pulls down the top rope sending Joey to the outside and picks him up and rams his back into the ring post as Quicksilver mocks Scott Lost. Charles Murcury throws Joey back into the ring as Bosh and Silver continue to have control over him as Scott Lost looks on awaiting the tag. The team of Bosh and Silver keep making quick tags and try to pin Joey but Scott is always there to break up the count but isn't there to get the tag in. Things turn around as Joey hits Quicksilver with a vicious looking side kick to the face of Quicksilver. Joey finally gets the tag into Scott and has the upper hand by working over both the challengers. Scott Lost goes for a Superkick on Bosh but Bosh catches the leg and low blows him and now has him in a a single leg crab as Joey makes his way to his feet and breaks it up with a german suplex but Quicksilver makes saves Bosh. Quicksilver hits a backbreaker and holds onto Joey as Bosh hits a top rope fist drop. Quicksilver goes for the pin but Scott Lost hits a top rope elbow drop to break up the count, and hits Bosh with a spear into a pin attempt. Scott seems to have control over Bosh but when he goes for the Superman Splash he misses. Bosh moves out of the way and tries to whip him into the other corner but Scott reverses it and Bosh goes into Joey Ryan who's just standing there. Scott goes for the Superkick again on Bosh but Bosh moves and hits Joey Ryan on accident and pushed out of the ring and Bosh pins Joey Ryan for the win and we have new tag team champions. After the match Scott tries to check up on Joey but Joey refuses and leaves as Scott Lost leaves as the fans chant "asshole" at him.


Main Event: Guerrilla Warfare Match: Super Dragon vs. Scorpio Sky


At the last PWG event entitled "88 Miles Per Hour" in the main event in the huge 10 Man Tag, Scorpio Sky hit Dragon with a PWG Tag Title belt and got himself DQ'ed so Super Dragon could get eliminated from the match. Scorpio Sky added insult to the injury by using Dragon's own move against him by hitting the Psycho Driver. Scorpio Sky wanted more, as the ring was being taken down he brought a PWG cameraman into the ring as it was being taken down and laid down the challenge to Super Dragon to a Guerrilla Warfare match. He got his wish. Super Dragonhas been in a Guerrilla Warfare match before against Joey Ryan in which people say was the most brutal match in PWG's history and one of the best hardcore matches ever to take place in independent wrestling today. Dragon and Sky have faced off many times before in various tag matches and have gone one on one once in Revolution Pro for the Rev Pro Junior Heavyweight Title in August of 2003 with Scorpio Sky coming out on top in that match but not without some help from TARO. Scorpio Sky might seem to have the advantage, but he has shown that he was not able to defeat Super Dragon on his own.


Match starts off and the crowd is fully behind Super Dragon. Scorpio Sky tries to attack early with a chair but Dragon catches him with an elbow to the face and backs him into the corner for a Violence Party. Sky again tries to get the chair but Dragon prevents him from doing so and has the clear advantage in the begining by countering all of Sky's moves. Sky keeps attempting to get the chair but Dragon always cuts him off. Dragon has Sky in the corner again and does the Violence Party but Sky turns the tables and nails Dragon with a Violence Party of his own. Sky goes after the chair again and gets it but Dragon spears him sending Sky to the floor again. Dragon is setting up for a Curbstomp onto the chair but pushes it away and turns Dragon over and has him in an ankle lock and Dragon barely gets to the rope. Sky tries to go for a triangle choke but Dragon coutnerss him again and gets on top of him and delivers some elbows to the face of Sky and turn him over on his stomach and hits the Curb Stomp on Sky. Sky again keeps trying to go for the chair but Dragon doesn't let that happen. Dragon whips Sky into the turnbuckle and goes for a running elbow but Dragon is caught with a chair to the elbow and as he lies on the ground Sky delivers a chair to the back and to the head of Dragon but it is not abel to put away Super Dragon. Sky keeps going to work on Dragon by using the chair to his advantage and even uses one of Dragon's own submissions on him. Sky starts to work the back of Dragon by using a backbreaker and a camel clutch and uses the chair again to the back of Dragon and starts to mock the crowd but the crowd gets on Dragon's side and now the two men are exchanging elbows while on the mat. Dragon is starting to favor the back and now Sky is going to work on the knee by kicking it a few times and has a figure four leg lock on Dragon but Dragon slaps him in the face showing that he wants to win this but Sky hits a double stomp to the knee once he lets go of the Figure Four leg lock. Sky goes to the outside and goes under the ring and brings out a ladder and sets it up in the corner but Dragon tries go for a Tiger Suplex but Sky fights out of it and the ladder falls and lands on teh head of Super Dragon. Sky sets up the ladder again in the other side of the ring and goes to whip Dragon but Dragon counters and Sky barely avoids going into the ladder and hits Dragon with a drop toe hold sending SD face first into the ladder. Sky now catapults Dragon into the ladder and sets it up ontop of him and goes to the top rope and and connects with a double stomp sandwhiching Dragon inbetween the ladder and Dragon. Sky continues to work on the back of Dragon by using a crossface as the crowd continues to get behind Dragon. Sky keeps using his high risk offense and Dragon goes outside. Sky then goes for a running twisting senton and connects onto Super Dragon and brings him back into the ring. Dragon tries to make a comeback but Sky keeps fighting and goes to the ropes but Dragon catches him with a lariat and now Super Dragon is going for a table. Dragon sets the table on the outside and places Sky on it and goes to the top but Sky rolls off making Dragon get back down from the top and having to set up the table and place Sky on it again. Dragon goes to the top but Sky rolls off and crotches him on the top rope. Sky goes for a hurrincurana but Dragon pushes him off and reverses it into an STF. Dragon now has the chair and nails Sky in the back with it. Dragon sets up the ladder in the corner and again hits Sky in the back with a chair. Dragon picks up Sky and suplexs him right into the ladder and he picks him up again and hits a reverse suplex onto the ladder. Dragon goes for the pin but Sky kicks out. Dragon sets up for a Psycho Driver but Sky reverses it with a reverse hurrincurana. Sky drags over Dragon on top of a chair and steals another one of Dragon's moves and curbstomps him into the chair. Sky unfolds the chair and goes for the Argle Bargle right onto the chair but Dragon still wont go down. Sky drags Dragon to the outside and places him on the table and asends the top rope and hits a HUGE Cannon Ball Senton to the outside onto Dragon sending him through the table. Sky pins him and has the win but he picks Dragon up and goes for a Phoenix Splash and misses. He could of had the match won but insted went for the high risk and came up with nothing. Dragonn works his way to his feet and goes up top for his own Phoenix Splash but Sky hits him with a Diamond Cutter. Sky has Dragon in a Dragon Sleeper but Dragon gets up and hits the Psycho Driver. Sky rolls to the outside and Dragon goes to the outside and gets another chair and drags Sky into the ring. Dragon goes for the pin but Sky kicks out. He drags Sky into the corner and hits the Violence Party again and tops it off with a lariat. Now Dragon has the chair set up and places Sky's head on it and goes for the Top Rope Double stomp and he connects and goes for the pin and wins the match.


Overall, a great show from PWG. Reyes and Puma put up a strong showing in their match, we get some great comedy in the opening segment and through out the show with the optional audio commentary track, and a great promo from the former manager of Adam Pearce, Mr. Vanderpyle. The best match of this show has to go to Dragon/Sky because both men put up a hell of a fight. The ending to this match had to be one of the sickest things I have ever seen in wrestling and this had to be one of the best hardcore matches in indy wrestling. One of the main things that made it great for me was the fact it wasn't just a bunch of pointless brawling and hitting your opponent with various weapons. The story of this match made it really good as it establishes Dragon as the guy who can't be stopped no matter how hard you try to put him down and as Sky as a wrestler who is willing to take everything his opponent would dish out only to keep fighting till he can not fight anymore. The show, as said earlier, was real strong with a great set up for the American Dragon/Samoa Joe fued, the continuation of the PWG owners against the so called "renagade" faction between the 5 younger wrestlers trying to get a bigger spot in PWG, and the huge build up for the Adam Pearce/Frankie Kazarian World Title fued which has been the center of almost all the shows up to this point in PWG's history plus the interjection of various other wrestlers trying to give their ally the upper hand. I highly recomend this show to any wrestling fan and you can buy it at www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com and www.highspots.com and my review of PWG's "The Musical" will be posted soon.

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Great stuff, I might have to pick this show up!


I heard that the Musical only has one camera and is REALLY hard to watch. The matches were supposed to be great, but I'm interested to see your take on it.


Looking forward to your next review!

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Guest SoCalTF

There are two cameras. One on the ring apron and one floor cam. It's not as bad as people say. The matches are really good and the only "bad camera work" on it is when nothing interesting is going on. The only down side to the Musical is the Lit/Deranged vs. Hardkore Kidd match but the commentary and the Teddy Hart promo make up for it. Plus Adam Pearce in Las Vegas is a must see skit. I'll get the review of that DVD hopefully by Tuesday.

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