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Guest Fishyswa

Another thing no one's mentioned is what's inside the hatch. It doesn't seem to be just one dwelling, it could be an entire underground system.


And the crested jump-suit makes you wonder just who he's working for. Maybe some sort of orginization that collects people with certain telekinetic powers or something. Would explain him being there and them going after Walt.


But if he's not connected to the people who took Walt, this is just gonna get ridiculously hard to figure out.

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When Jack met Desmund it was probably a while ago. They met briefly, it was kinda dark, and Desmund looked pretty different at the end. Would Jack have recognized/remembered him so quickly, or have they probably met more than once?



also: I loved the callback to the first episode when Kate was counting to five

He probably made a big impression on Jack, since they talked about Sarah's surgery and miracles and then Sarah is fixed. There's gotta be some part of Jack that thinks Desmund had something to do with her walking again. Plus, him saying 'brother' probably jogged his memory at first, too.

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I don't totally remember, but did Jack in fact get married to Sarah? If so, have they explained why they got a divorce as of yet?


Whoever or whatever has power over the island can help and hurt people, just how Locke was allowed to walk again...then how it was almost taken from him. Maybe part of a backstory that we do not know about yet is that Sarah's ability to walk was taken from her at some point in time, leading to her and Jack's breakup. I think Desmond has something to do with that possible backstory, which would explain why Jack knew who he was so well.


I'm just waiting for Locke to revel his secret to Jack, that will be fun. Everything is going to go full circle with those two. Obviously Jack tries to explain all of this using science, and Locke explains it all using faith, thus Man of Science, Man of Faith.

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I love how they gave you the answer to "what's in the hatch", and by doing so, gave you 20 new questions to frustrate the fuck outta you.


I can't wait until Jack finds out that Locke used to be in a wheelchair. I imagine that would send him off the deep end.


Shannon could not be any more annoying than she was in that episode - ditto Charlie. Kate going straight to Lockes side right after Jack said "I need you on my side (in regards to the "Locke problem").


The quarantine thing was a bit of a mind-fuck, as was the magnetic rock and the computer.


I like how Jack was the only one to cover his hands while using the cable to get down the hatch.


I imagine there was someone else living down there before Desmond - someone who showed him the ropes and took him in after he got strated there in his quest around the world - and someone who either was killed by the others, desmond, the monster, or he killed himself.


The whispers is an interesting thing to think about - I imagine Shannon and Sayid will compare notes.


Jack not believing Hurley was bullshit!

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1) Desmond doesn't control the security system

2) NOTICE the plaster buckets. Desmond has sealed himself into his bunker. Hell, he probably broke the ladder.

3) Parkinson's disease - look at the CR label on the injection. CR is one of two drugs used to combat this degenerative nerve disease.

4) The infection is out there, he's innoculating immediately when he hears the BANG~!

5) Notice the bunk bed? Hmm, I wonder who his partner in grime was?


time for my uber-spooky point

How do you know the beginning wasn't a flashback merged with real time? Was his place not spotless and his face clean-shaven (okay back-side) and trimmed during the flashback. Why so grimy at the end.


Time does not apply on this island like you think it does.


Finally, Danielle's team went crazy after 2 months, that's what I like to call the incubation period.


By my count, they have 19 days left...


And by the way, I was elated to see the magnetic pull...glad something weird I said was indeed right

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anybody able to get a good screencap of the mural?


Also, notice that a some of the computery sounds in the room at the end sounded a LOT like the monster did in the season finale

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When Jack was talking to Ana-Lucia in Exodus Pt.1, he said he isn't married "anymore".


Speaking of Ana-Lucia, based on episode titles, do you think Ana-Lucia makes her debut on "The Other 48 Days"?

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I love how they gave you the answer to "what's in the hatch", and by doing so, gave you 20 new questions to frustrate the fuck outta you.


That's one of the things that makes this show so great! By this point, you should expect just about anything to happen from show to show. When I first started watching this show, I had no clue that we'd ever end up where we are right now, much less at the start of the second season.


anybody able to get a good screencap of the mural?


I've been trying to do screen captures of different scenes from this episode, but I don't know how. When I do "print screen", and try to work with that, the final picture always ends up just being totally blank, it's just black.

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1) Desmond doesn't control the security system

2) NOTICE the plaster buckets.  Desmond has sealed himself into his bunker.  Hell, he probably broke the ladder.

3) Parkinson's disease - look at the CR label on the injection.  CR is one of two drugs used to combat this degenerative nerve disease.

4) The infection is out there, he's innoculating immediately when he hears the BANG~!

5) Notice the bunk bed? Hmm, I wonder who his partner in grime was?


time for my uber-spooky point

How do you know the beginning wasn't a flashback merged with real time?  Was his place not spotless and his face clean-shaven (okay back-side) and trimmed during the flashback.  Why so grimy at the end. 


Time does not apply on this island like you think it does.


Finally, Danielle's team went crazy after 2 months, that's what I like to call the incubation period.


By my count, they have 19 days left...


And by the way, I was elated to see the magnetic pull...glad something weird I said was indeed right

I LOVE how you know EVERYTHING about the show. And that you are the only one is right and no one else is...

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Something to shoot down the Purgatory theory, which I think I said early on during the first season:


If they're in Purgatory, then Claire's baby, Vincent, and possibly Walt wouldn't be there.

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One of the guys I was watching it with said right after the opening "How do we know this isn't happening in the past?". I agree with the plaster analysis, SJ, I wondered to myself what Desmond is/was trying to keep out.

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Guest Vitamin X
Something to shoot down the Purgatory theory, which I think I said early on during the first season:


If they're in Purgatory, then Claire's baby, Vincent, and possibly Walt wouldn't be there.


Why wouldn't they be? They were all on the plane, and thus, dead as well.


The thing about ghosts/purgatory from a number of things I've read is that (at least in some versions of purgatory) the people placed there don't know or realize they're dead until they reveal the true nature of their soul which sends them either to heaven/hell/the afterlife in general. Often times in this show we've seen occurences of people hallucinating things that aren't really there (or are they?), the first and most blatant case being Jack's father. For all we know the people on the other raft who took Walt (and only Walt) were there to put Walt's fathering (his name escapes my memory at the moment) to the test, since that would be his "unfinished business" in his mortal life, and those people don't exist.


Now, the thing is, I haven't seen discs 3-7 of the season 1 DVDs, after I catch up with those, I'm sure I'll have more ammunition for the purgatory theory. Or perhaps it's just a bit more logical than that. Hopefully, it is. I'd really hate for all this to be one of those "all of it wasn't really real!" type of things.

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The most far-out theory that I'd love to happen that I've seen brought up so far is the season basically being a psychic war between Walt and Desmond.


"Two players, two sides. One is light. The other is dark."

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The most far-out theory that I'd love to happen that I've seen brought up so far is the season basically being a psychic war between Walt and Desmond.


"Two players, two sides. One is light. The other is dark."


I thought he was talking about Walt being black

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Don't know how reliable this but damn it looks pretty.


"I recently found an interesting natuarlly occuring thoery found in our world that states everyone has a mirror image somewhere in the world. You may have heard of this. Its called Roussau's genetic mirror theory, and I must say it is very interesting. Roussau's genetic mirror theory says that everyone in the world has an exact twin somewhere, however according to the theory you never encounter this person, by laws of probablitly and other natuaral occuring phemnomen. Its the theory that was devised by a French Mathematician named Marseille Roussau in the year 1988. He used a series of numbers to explain his theory. Now I know you're not going to believe this but here goes.



4 8 15 16 23 42



Let me explain...


The 4 stands for 4 degrees of separation (not 6 or 7 as commonly stated.) Roussau believed that everyone in the world was connected by four different people. So in theory could meet yourself by using four different people connected to you. Example: Your brother's, boss's, neighbor nephew, knows your mirror. Hard to believe, I know but keep reading.


The 8 stands for the eight continent, or the only place in the world where you could meet your mirror. He calculated it to be somewhere in the south pacific. Now we know its not actually as large as the other contintents but its used figurtively because everyone in all 7 continents could meet there mirror on the 8th universal continent.


The 15 stands for the chances of you acually meeting yourself on this place, as in 15 out of 4,815,162,342. Look at the second set "815." Ring any bells? Interesting huh?


The 16 stands for the maximum amount of people that could encounter thier twin all at the same time. Think about the number of main characters.


The 23 is the number of years apart your twin and yourself are. You are not the same age as your twin. By chance and probablity it takes 23 years exactly for the same genes that made you to be connected again to form another you.


The 42 stands for the maximimum number of years your twin and yourself can be alive at the same time. However people do die at diffferent times so thats why everyone isn't dead at 75. For example my twin was born on Sept. 6 2003 b/c i was born on Spet. 6 1980. Now that doesn't mean i will die in the year 2045, I could, but its not set in stone. My twin could die when he is 16, and then the whole thing starts over again.


This is all very complicated and I don't know how well I explained it but the connections with the show are too coinidental to not be real.


Roussau and his team (wife, included) went to the 8th continent. You can figure out how they died and why by the numbers and equations. It also fits with every character. You can predict when they will die. There are others on the island who are twins of the survivors, but have been there 23 years longer.


There is a book Roussau wrote 16 years ago in 1988 when he came up with the theory. Thats where I got it from."

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Don't know how reliable this but damn it looks pretty.


Not very it seems. The guys over at DVDTalk have been tossing this around, and none of us can even find that person anywhere on the net, much less any record of that book being found. Someone suggested that this could just be some rumor someone started, maybe even someone from the show, just to get everyone talking that much more.

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Can we get some spoilers on the titles of episodes from here on out? I know it's just a title, but "The Other 48 Days" makes pretty obvious some major developments of the show for anyone with half a brain.

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Guest bushwickray

I've been watching this show all week. On DVD and then the season opener. Here's my theory.


Everyone on the Island has super-powers. This Island is where the government puts people with superpowers to keep them hidden from the world. They give them false memories that repsent their fears and weaknesses to keep them down. Eventully they all kill themselves off and the cycle begins again.


However someone or something is starting to link these people's memories by having Sawyer rememeber talknig to Jack's father and having Desmond meet with Jack in the stadium. It's trying to trigger something in their minds in order to get them to remember who they really are.


I know my theroy is out there but it's worth a go huh?

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Guest bushwickray

More to back up my theory:


1.No one yet that was on that plane was on that plane just because they were on vaction. Everyone was in the middle of some insane life-long quest that got interupted by the flight crashing. You could argue that Jack and Charlie wern't but they were in the middle of life-changing events anyway. Chances are if you really were stranded on an island with a bunch of strangers on a flight from Australia to Los Angels their back-stories would be "I just really wanted to see Austraila". this isn't what we have here. Plus everyone has somthing from their past that's torturing them. The only guy with a mundane backstory is Charlie and he's a rockstar and a drug addict!


2.If you read the X-Men or even JLA alot of thes people are similar to those heros.


Jack-Superman/Cyclops/Captain America/Reed Richards


Kate-Wonder Woman/Jean Grey/Catwoman


Locke-Batman possibly a bit of Wolverine


Sawyer-Gambit (he steals he's a con man) Wolverine/ Guy Gardner


Charlie-Blue Devil/Ice-man/Iron Man/Speedy/Spider-man/Plastic Man


Sayid-Beast/Green Lantern/Storm


Jin-Rocket Red/Sunfire


Hurley-Spider-man(He blames himself for everyone's bad luck, sense of humor)/Juggernaught (Nothing can stop him when he gets going)




Walt-Robin/Martian Manhunter


Shannon-White Queen/Jubilee




The only two I can't place are Michale and Sun. I guess you could compare Michale to Forge but that is a HUUUUUGE stretch. I'm guessing Michele Roriguez will be more the Elecktra/Tigra type.


That's how I see it. Of Course in 3 weeks this theroy could be shot to hell but we'll see.

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Scott, the guy who was killed by Ethan, was there because he won a two week paid vacation to Australia. Hurley read it at his service.


Bye, bye theory.


And Stephen Joseph, I think we'd all appreciate it much more and take you more seriously if you made it look like you were theorizing like the rest of us and stop talking like it's a fact. Congrats on the magnet, but you said about 100 other totally cracked out things that aren't even close to true. You're making good points, but I can't even manage to take you seriously because you act like a pretentious dick about it.

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2) Lord of the Curry, that Roussaeu thing is a total fake. It's appeared everywhere but rousseau in fact never wrote anything like that. I checked it out myself last night, couldn't find diddly except a few days ago that summary started appearing on alot of lost messageboards.


3)The painting had the number "108" on it, the sum of the numbers. As for a screencap, I can't find a good one.


I'm really leaning towards thinking that the opening scene, up until the explosion, was a flashback.

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The most far-out theory that I'd love to happen that I've seen brought up so far is the season basically being a psychic war between Walt and Desmond.


"Two players, two sides. One is light. The other is dark."


I thought he was talking about Walt being black


The game that they were playing, Othello, has only white and black pieces.

You know, I'd actually buy this in a way...

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I didn't take this capture, I still can't get it to work, but I found it on another board:




I thought these were cool, too, from the first season:







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Guest Biggles

The numbers where EVERWHERE! On the bottles, the walls, I noticed a few things like when he types (Desmond) on the computer at the beggining he's using the numbers (The loto numbers) It's weird!




Now, the injections MUST be for a virus. Possibly the virus the French woman said her fellow team mates got? See the below picture, you'll notice Desmond looks far... weaker in the Hatch than he did in the stadium, the virus possibly kicking in?


Before... (Stadium)




After (In the hatch)




Now chances are I'm looking to far into this but that's what I love about it!!! Now I also think Locke has met Desmond before. When Locke was crying over the Hatch in season 1 and the light came on! At the time Locke had a bad leg, he said it was cramp. Yet it suddenly got better once he returned back to camp? HOW? Desmond (Whom said he almost became a doctor) helped Locke with his leg. Locke possibly planned to get Jack and Kate down there? He's in on this? Jesus fucking christ!!!


Check this fucker out, a second person in the hatch? Is it Kate? Someone else? There were two beds!!! See on the right of Locke (It's where Desmond is about to put a gun to his head) who's that fucker?




MAN I LOVE THIS SHIT! Sorry for the swearing and ranting but this is such a legedary program it's scary!

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