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Guest Anglesault

JBL's neck contraption thing and the Angle/Eddie

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Guest Anglesault
"He was more than happy to sit around and do nothing to a guy he now could legally rip apart?"


He got the match he wanted. Eddie obviously has patience (after all, he's willing to put going after the title off to get revenge on Kurt).

But he had never SHOWN that patience before. Hell, not just Eddie, very few people in the WWE have been portrayed as calm and collected, and at times, bored and disinterested when he gets the chance to attack a man that made his life a living hell.


Six months ago, Eddie got himself arrested and thrown out of the building while trying to attack Angle, even though he had a match with him at Wrestlemania. Don't you think Kurt has done a hell of a lot more to Eddie this time around?


A weakness in Eddie. For one- you're still seeing Eddie as a one-sided character. And you're seeing Eddie as totally vunerable...he is a veteran. Surely if he's been taken advantage of for his temper he's learned from it.


He's yet to. Unless you count this, which is being portrayed more as "Eddie doesn't really care" than Eddie can control his temper


You're rebooking the entire angle for the show. There was obviously other reasons for the segment- like making Theordore Long upset enough to book the 2/3 falls match and Orlando/Taker for the Title. In essence the angle the WWE used for tonight's show was better because the booking was tighter- it affected more than one feud.


They easily could have had Bradshaw piss Teddy off, and Long didn't exactly need to be furious to book the 2 out of 3 falls match.


didn't know there were cars feuding. Both men can be harmed physically and mentally.


Despite the fact that both are far more concerned with vandalizing property than hurting each other physically.


The feud has moved on to a personal feud and not a title feud in it's current state- otherwise they'd be going after Taker or JBL. Having The title was a catalyst for the feud- right now..."winning" the feud has nothing to do with winning the title, it's about revenge


It always *was* about revenge. Kurt's revenge for Mania and Eddie's revenge on Kurt for the GM days, including the title matches.


Now it's about Kurt's revenge on Eddie for drawing funny things on a picture of him and Eddie's revenge on kurt for pouring paint on the car (The only thing in the whole feud that has seemed to bother either guy)

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Guest Anglesault

And the sad thing with the JBL character is that they've done some real witty things with him. That interview with Orlando at the end of the show along with


"Where are we?"




"Fresno. Fresno?


"Yeah I, Know."


was great. So was "that was just mean!" And the halo and all was a great site gag the first week, and kind of funny this week (It will lose it's value each successive week)


But why do they have to do all this with the Champion? why can't they do this with a midcard character, like say, Rene Dupree who could really use a funny bit. Why was the champ be a walking joke?

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I don't see why everybody is complaining about the Eddie/Angle fued being over cars. Obviously Eddie's lowriders cost a lot of money & if I drove around in expensive looking cars like the ones Eddie has and somebody poured paint on it or trashed it in any kind of way, I'd be pissed. That's what I think is happening with Angle/Guererro. They're just pissing each other off.

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Guest Anglesault
I don't see why everybody is complaining about the Eddie/Angle fued being over cars. Obviously Eddie's lowriders cost a lot of money & if I drove around in expensive looking cars like the ones Eddie has and somebody poured paint on it or trashed it in any kind of way, I'd be pissed.

Sure. But that sents Eddie on a kind of half assed manhunt of Kurt (He got distracted by the proverbial shiny object) but costing him the belt TWICE doesn't bother him?

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Why was the champ be a walking joke?

Well, Foley says the best gimmicks are to take a wrestler's real life personality and exagerrate it slightly.

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Anglesault, the one thing they absolutely cannot do is keep running with this Bradshaw bullshit. The next time there is a PPV they need to just job him out. Yeah, it'll be to the Taker, but at least UT is a credible champion.


Bradshaw is NEVER going to get over as a main event guy, so how can jobbing the entire roster out to him to make him a dominant heel a good idea? At that point you're left with an entire roster that is considered a joke and a champ who is still not going to get over. Thus, at some point you just cut your losses.


As far as heel champs go, I actually think that people are pretty much heel championed out at this point. Think about it. For years it's just been this shit with HHH constantly holding a title, or a cowardly Angle, or a lame duck Jericho. Thus, the dominant heel isn't really working all that well, and the cowardly heel isn't either. It's time for a dominant face champion.


As far as Eddie/Angle goes, I'm not even sure I consider this a different feud. To me it's simply a continuation of the feud that was interrupted by Kurt's injury.

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Sure. But that sents Eddie on a kind of half assed manhunt of Kurt (He got distracted by the proverbial shiny object) but costing him the belt TWICE doesn't bother him?


He got used to it. ;)

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Guest Anglesault
Anglesault, the one thing they absolutely cannot do is keep running with this Bradshaw bullshit. The next time there is a PPV they need to just job him out. Yeah, it'll be to the Taker, but at least UT is a credible champion.


Bradshaw is NEVER going to get over as a main event guy, so how can jobbing the entire roster out to him to make him a dominant heel a good idea? At that point you're left with an entire roster that is considered a joke and a champ who is still not going to get over. Thus, at some point you just cut your losses.

Buty they've already started in that path. The whole roster looks stupid because a bumbling asshole is their champion and none of them can beat him. Just having him drop the title without making Bradshaw credible and giving him a legit reason to be champ for so long will make them look worse.

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Dave started by talking about the reactions of the Toronto fans and the atmosphere at Summerslam. Dave

said JBL as champ is not working because it's not the right buy. Bryan said if you go with JBL, you need

to push him as a top guy, and at least try to portray him as legit. Bryan said he laughs at him with his

neck brace on and the hat on top, but he's laughing at the world champion. Bryan said you would never

see HHH wearing something like that, and that's one of the reasons people take RAW more seriously than

Smackdown. Bryan said Smackdown is like WCW Thunder, some weeks are miserable and some are funny, but

you don't know the purpose of the show when it's over. Bryan said JBL is a mid-card clown, and Dave said

he's a good mid-card comedy figure. Bryan said he does laugh when JBL's on TV, but you're not supposed

to laugh at the world champion.

From tonight's WrestlingObserver live...

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Guest Anglesault
Dave started by talking about the reactions of the Toronto fans and the atmosphere at Summerslam. Dave

said JBL as champ is not working because it's not the right buy. Bryan said if you go with JBL, you need

to push him as a top guy, and at least try to portray him as legit. Bryan said he laughs at him with his

neck brace on and the hat on top, but he's laughing at the world champion. Bryan said you would never

see HHH wearing something like that, and that's one of the reasons people take RAW more seriously than

Smackdown. Bryan said Smackdown is like WCW Thunder, some weeks are miserable and some are funny, but

you don't know the purpose of the show when it's over. Bryan said JBL is a mid-card clown, and Dave said

he's a good mid-card comedy figure. Bryan said he does laugh when JBL's on TV, but you're not supposed

to laugh at the world champion.

From tonight's WrestlingObserver live...



I dunno if it has been brought up in this thread or not, BUT, and angle that has Eddie moving next door to Kurt would be fucking AWESOME.


UPN just cancelled "The Parkers". I don't think they need a new EDGIER~! version.

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Come now,


Eddie would be blasting that damned Salsa music all night long which has Kurt staying up and not getting any sleep. THUS, making him too tired to wrestle. Eddie borrows powertools and never gives them back. He never mows his lawn (contrary to popular belief), which has weeds overflowing on Angles lawn. Eddie asks to borrow some sugar, and Kurt thinks he's asking for cocaine, so he calls the cops and sets up a sting on Guerrero which ultimately ends up with Kurt busting down the door to Eddies room and finding Karen Angle in bed with him.


It works on so many levels.

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This feud would be redeemed if Eddie ran Kurt over with the lowrider. But not like the Austin thing, Kurt has to actually go UNDER the car. Then we see Kurt, dead, next to the car.


Cole: HAHAHA. Eddie Guerrero just likes to have fun.

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That's quite the amusing idea, with Eddie moving in next door. Has anything like that happened in wrestling before?


In regards to Bradshaw, they really haven't gone down that much of a road yet. Sure, they put the title on him but for the most part they haven't jobbed many people out to him (hence he cuts his ads, squashes jobbers, etc.). Aside from Eddie there really hasn't been much of anyone jobbed out to Bradshaw. Since he's a complete joke, job him out and cut your losses. Which is worse...jobbing out Bradshaw now, or him holding the belt another 6 months?

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This feud would be redeemed if Eddie ran Kurt over with the lowrider. But not like the Austin thing, Kurt has to actually go UNDER the car. Then we see Kurt, dead, next to the car.


Cole: HAHAHA. Eddie Guerrero just likes to have fun.



The next door thing is a pretty good idea. It would be something out of the ordinary.

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Guest Anglesault
Eddie asks to borrow some sugar, and Kurt thinks he's asking for cocaine, so he calls the cops and sets up a sting on Guerrero which ultimately ends up with Kurt busting down the door to Eddies room and finding Karen Angle in bed with him.


It works on so many levels.

The better ending would be a WHACKY turn of events that causes the police to arrest Kurt.

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Guest godofdeadlydeath
After watching this weeks Smackdown, I have two points and/or questions.


With Undertaker ripping that brace off Bradshaw, what are the chance's we've seen the last of it? I'd say it's about 50/50, but they REALLY need to get rid of it. Yes, he's a bumbling goof loser idiot moron fool and we should all laugh at him as this walking joke trips his way through a Honky Tonk reign, but have the writers actually taken the time to think about the last time they ran the "World Champ is a bumbling goof loser idiot moron fool" with both Angle and Jericho doing nothing positive for the company and ending up worse than when their reigns started, sticking them back into the midcard? Do they think Bradshaw can break that string? Do they even care? Did they always intend for this guy to go straight to midcard purgatory after his title reign? If so, why the hell even bother what looks like it can be close to a six month ME push? If they had no plans for him on top, why waste everyone's time? or do they really think this will do any good for JBL?


And my second question


Really, what in the hell is going on with Kurt and Eddie? Why the hell has a personal feud full of hate turned into two guys taking turns trashing each other's property like bickering neighbors or something? Why doesn't either guy seem to actually hate each other? Kurt seems annoyed by Eddie and Eddie seemed amused by the whole thing, up until the point when Kurt really pissed him off...not by costing him the title, oh no, by ruining his car. So a furious Eddie's answer? Pound Kurt to a pulp? No. Try and ruin his car.


What happened?

You write this as if the people writing for the WWE have any grasp on continuity or WWE characters in general, which is pretty much a myth. I've come to the realization that you have to take wrestling for what it is at any given moment, and any recollection of history is simply a bonus. It is FAR from required.

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