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Black Lushus

The Real Cancun

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Okay, so I watched this shitwad of a movie yesterday for the first time, purely out of curiosity...man did this movie suck, I knew I shoulda listened to you guys, but being a Real World fan i thought I'd give it a crack...anyway, my first question is, this movie CAN'T be real? Right? I mean it's real but in the Blair Witch Project sense of "real", right? My wife and I were arguing over this and I tried pointing out to her that there are WAY too many Spring Break cliches going on in this movie for it to be real.


-guy and girl, both best of friends having grown up together and knowing each other their whole lives...never been intimate or even entertained the idea of being an item...they finally hook it up the last night of the vacation...yeah, whatever...


-guy gets close with girl with boyfriend back home, they don't hook up, yet she falls for him to a degree...being a guy and being as how he's been at spring break for damn near a week without pussy, he scores with some random chick the final night which pisses the other girl off so much that she doesn't even tell him bye the final day...fuck you bitch, guy's gotta get laid...


-nerdy, virgin kid who's never had a sip of alcohol his whole life suddenly becomes a raging lush party animal and a fucking pimp to boot by the time the week is over...


-token blacks hooking up, breaking apart and hooking back up again...


-cute, yet niave blonde girl falls for guy, gets fucked by him the second day in and then is blown off the very next day, i mean he literally stops talking to her the very next moring...can do nothing but watch on and cry as the guy fucks chick after chick during the course of the week...


-party animal twins, who really aren't much to look at anyway are the big hit at the club sponsored strip shows... :rolleyes:


...and my wife thinks this movie was real...


second question...speaking of cute yet niave blonde chick, i may be wrong here, but I swear she's the same gal that plays the daughter on that new ABC show "The Days"...that set off another whistle in my head that this movie is horseshit...

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