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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I think it's hilarious that Loss edited out my reaction to being suspended. I guess he just couldn't take it.

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"You know, I was thinking the other day..."


*Crowd pops*



JR: Orton loves to think. That's why he's the youngest World Champion in the history of this fine industry.


"And if this war between Randy Orton and Evolution is going to continue-on, then it cannot go on as 3 vs. 1. That's just not..."


King: He's gonna say it JR!

JR: Of course he is King, Randy Orton knows the score...




*Crowd feels dejected*


King: Oh fooey, I thought he was going to say...

JR: He just might King, just give him a chance.


"So I decided to bring in some of my own help!"


*crowd is silent*


"... Cheap, Efficient, Reliable help!"


*Crowd goes BONKERS*


"First, I want to bring out someone with great courage, thoughtfulness, and who is sen..."


*crowd is about to become unglued*


King: Here it comes!

JR: I toldya King!




King: Drat!

JR: Well, maybe he's keeping it for later.


"He's a guy who turned down a WWE contract because it paid him well below his value and he felt that he would be misused anyways - which was the right decision - but I have convinced him to help me out anyways.... AJ STYLES~!"



You know somethin Randy Orton, I admired the way you use your keen option-weighing skills so much that I had to come help you out here in the WWE!



"And I thank you for it, brother. Your speed and unconventional wrestling styles is sure to confuse and confound the rather large Batista. You just have to be Ssss..."


*crowd stands*


"Ssssmart, and you'll get along just find."


King: I don't think he'll ever say it JR.

JR: He will. He has to King! Look at the crowd. They were once rebellious, rambunctious, foul-mouthed, and most importantly wreckless, and now thanks to Randy Orton they have become much more Sens...

King: Don't say it JR!

JR: Gosh yer Right King, I dunno what came over me.

King: It wasn't very sensi-oh, I almost did it too!

JR: This is dangerous territory King - Let's shut up now so Randy can say his piece...


"So now that Batista has been taken care of, and I -of course- will defeat HHH, now all that there is left is on Ric Flair. Now Ric, you've been wrestling for almost 30 years now, so it's hard to find someone who can match up with that kind of experience. However, I found just that someone, or should I say something to help bring you down. So for you, I'd like to introduce your greatest nemesis..."









*mixed crowd reaction of "Whooo!"s and "turn-buck-le, turn-buck-le"*


*Randy has this big grin on his face and AJ is shocked at the brilliance of such a coup*


"See Naitch, you have this nasty habit of doing this one spot over and over and over again and it NEVER works out for you. It -quite frankly- isn't very ssss..."


*Crowd leans in*


"ssstrategic of you do to"


*Crowd falls back*


King: This ain't right JR!




"So here we are... Randy Orton, AJ Styles, and Turnbuckle. Evolution isn't the Solution any more, because we are the Solution now... we are the... SENSIBLE solution..."







*Orton and AJ stand on the turnbuckle and raise their hands as they end the show*

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Oh man. That was so very good. Rudo, I was looking back on the old threads from better, nikless times, and it was amazing how people were calling for us to recap Raw and all the other such love for John Cena Christmas Carol, WWE Unscripted, Tomko & Fertig. Now I can't read my own work under this account. Times change.

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The Saviors of the WWE Folder strike again!


This has always been one of my favorite WWE-related threads. Trish as a 50-year-old black woman is ingenious, and some of the ideas in that thread were just awesome! Even though it did get a little off-topic at the end with that oh-so-thrilling "serious discussion"....


If it weren't for the brilliant contributions of RRR, Czech, Zsasz, FrigidSoul (R.I.P.) and myself....I shudder to think what the WWE Folder would be like today.

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Guest Cover of Darkness

I know I'm SUPPOSED to be in Whiny Bitches, but with so much going on it didn't seem... sensible.

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Walton's pretty sensible, y'know. He could be Randy's mentor.

1) Have you HEARD the man call a Lakers game? Imaginary fouls everywhere. Not sensible.


2) In the Sensible Orton Saga, Bill Walton is really an ogre who tricks Randy into smoking dope so that he'll lose his sensibility, leaving Sarah free to mate with his son Luke.

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Guest T®ITEC

Fine. He's the anti-Sensibility, which makes him utterly sensible in my crazy mixed-up world. Just call him the devil already.

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