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Ken Shamrock

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He was over HUGE in 1997. I just watched Summerslam and Survivor Series 1997, and the fans just love him.


The fans go nuts for him in his Lions Den match against Owen Hart at Summerslam 1998. They loved it when he won King of the Ring earlier in 1998 as well.


So why by Breakdown in September did all the fans hate him? Was it just because guys like Foley and Rock were just more entertaining?

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^ That and I heard Ken wasn't pushed beyond midcarder due to working too stiff.

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So why by Breakdown in September did all the fans hate him? Was it just because guys like Foley and Rock were just more entertaining?

That's pretty much the gist of it. Rock had been rapidly gaining popularity in the last month (maybe even longer, it's kind of cloudy), and Mick, who I *think* had not technically turned face yet, was getting sympathetic face heat over the Kane ordeal. Shamrock was technically a face, but he was so bland at that point that he became the heel by default.

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Guest MikeSC
Ken and HHH didn't get along too well, which is probably why he hasn't come back yet.

And him being basically shit in the ring won't win him any favors.


...Good lord, how fast did TNA re-turf him?

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