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Video Game Ninja Tournament!! Round 1!

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Well, in addition to nominations, I racked my brain for as many as I could think of, and ended up with a nice round number of 40 ninjas (or sorta-ninjas). Don't complain that X isn't in here, since I gave plenty of nomination time. Also, the definition of "ninja" was kind of liberal for this one.


I also went alphabetically, so I wouldn't end up with repeats and it produced some interesting match ups and possible future match ups.


TSM Video Game Ninja Tournament (Round 1)


Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF)

Ayame (Tenchu)


Black Bomber (Bomber Man)

Cyber Ninja (Metal Gear Solid)


Donatello (TMNT)

Dou Lon (KoF)


Eiji Kisaragi (Fatal Fury/KOF)

Galford (Samurai Shodown)


Goemon (Mystical Ninja/Goemon)

Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter)


Hakotumaru (Mark of the Garou)

Hanzo (Samurai Shodown)


Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge)

Hibana (Nightshade)


Hotsuma (PS2 Shinobi)

Ibuki (SF3)



Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi)


Joe Osugi (Ninja Cop/Ninja Five O)

Kagemaru (Virtua Fighter)


Leonardo (TMNT)

Mai Shiranui (KoF, Fatal Fury)


Michaelangelo (TMNT)

Ninja (Ninja Warriors)


Psylocke (X-Men)

Raikoh (Otogi)


Raphael (TMNT)

Rikkimaru (Tenchu)


Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)

Scorpion (MK series)


Snake Eyes (GI Joe)

Sub-Zero (MK series)


Storm Shadow (GI Joe)

Strider Hiryu


Tessai (Shinobi Legions)

Takashi (Shadow Dancer)


Vega (SFII)

Venom (Guilty Gear)


Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)


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Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF)


Black Bomber (Bomber Man)


Dou Lon (KoF)-


Eiji Kisaragi (Fatal Fury/KOF)


Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter)


Hanzo (Samurai Shodown)


Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge)


Ibuki (SF3)


Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi)


Kagemaru (Virtua Fighter)


Mai Shiranui (KoF, Fatal Fury)


Ninja (Ninja Warriors)


Raikoh (Otogi)


Rikkimaru (Tenchu)


Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)


Sub-Zero (MK series)


Strider Hiryu


Takashi (Shadow Dancer)


Venom (Guilty Gear)


Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)

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And my votes--come on,vote damnit!


Ayame (Tenchu)


Cyber Ninja (Metal Gear Solid)


Dou Lon (KoF)


Eiji Kisaragi (Fatal Fury/KOF)


Goemon (Mystical Ninja/Goemon)


Hanzo (Samurai Shodown)


Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge)


Ibuki (SF3)


Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi)


Joe Osugi (Ninja Cop/Ninja Five O)


Leonardo (TMNT)


Ninja (Ninja Warriors)


Psylocke (X-Men)


Raphael (TMNT)


Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)


Snake Eyes (GI Joe)


Strider Hiryu


Tessai (Shinobi Legions)


Vega (SFII)


Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)

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Ayame (Tenchu)


Cyber Ninja (Metal Gear Solid)


Donatello (TMNT)


Galford (Samurai Shodown)


Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter)


Hakotumaru (Mark of the Garou)


Hibana (Nightshade)


Ibuki (SF3)




Joe Osugi (Ninja Cop/Ninja Five O)


Mai Shiranui (KoF, Fatal Fury)


Michaelangelo (TMNT)


Psylocke (X-Men)


Raphael (TMNT)


Scorpion (MK series)


Sub-Zero (MK series)


Strider Hiryu


Tessai (Shinobi Legions)


Venom (Guilty Gear)


Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)

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Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF)

Cyber Ninja (Metal Gear Solid)

Donatello (TMNT)

Galford (Samurai Shodown)

Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter)

Hanzo (Samurai Shodown)

Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge)

Ibuki (SF3)

Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi)

Kagemaru (Virtua Fighter)

Leonardo (TMNT)

Michaelangelo (TMNT)

Psylocke (X-Men)

Raphael (TMNT)

Scorpion (MK series)

Sub-Zero (MK series)

Strider Hiryu

Takashi (Shadow Dancer)

Vega (SFII)

Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)



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Guest Joshua A. Norton

Andy Bogard (Fatal Fury, KOF)

Cyber Ninja (Metal Gear Solid)

Donatello (TMNT)

Galford (Samurai Shodown)

Guy (Final Fight, Street Fighter)

Hanzo (Samurai Shodown)

Han Zo Mon (WCW/nWo Revenge)

Ibuki (SF3)

Joe Musashi (The CLASSIC Shinobi)

Joe Osugi (Ninja Cop/Ninja Five O)

Leonardo (TMNT)

Michaelangelo (TMNT)

Psylocke (X-Men)

Raphael (TMNT)

Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)

Snake Eyes (GI Joe)

Strider Hiryu

Tessai (Shinobi Legions)

Venom (Guilty Gear)

Yagyu Ranzou (Double Dragon III)

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