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Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

I'll admit, I was wrong about these guys.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Can't remember his damn name, but the fucker from Cephalic Carnage..

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Karl Sanders DEFINITELY does some monster growls. What the fuck are you smoking to think otherwise?

Growls, yes


I suppose I never mentioned my personal criteria for a good DM vocalist though. I like at least a little bit of lyrical enunciation in my growling, hence why I like the guys I mentioned above and why I don't like "BRRUUU BRRUU BRUUUU" guys like Barnes, Fischer, etc.


As for Nile, they are so damn overrated. Beyond their Egyptian gimmick, I've not heard anything different about their actual metal, hence they fall into JADMB status for me.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Are you fuckin' bonkers? Those guitarists are so goddamn good, and the drummer is probably an alien. Not only can they shred out the death riffs, they get technical as hell. Like on, say...Smashing the Antiu, they simultaneously run this weird eastern scale, and then go back down in time with an off-kilter blast..it's whacked out. If you've heard all of In Their Darkened Shrines and still think they fall in with the death metal cannon fodder, well..I don't know what to tell you. That's your fault, not Nile's.


And if you like growls you can understand, what's your beef with DiSalvo? More recent Cryptopsy is both violent and pretty easy to pick out.

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Are you fuckin' bonkers?

That wouldn't be the first time you've called me that, I'm sure


I just go off the songs I've heard... it was a couple years ago so I don't remember which ones, but I d/led a few songs from Nile on suggestion and that's how I heard it, hence I didn't pursue spending money on a CD I may not have liked.


Same process with Cryptopsy


And that was a time when I was looking for any and all DM, because I was a younger pissed off "my g/f dun screwed me over" Slayer, so I was open to anything, really

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Well, considering Nile is a band you REALLY need to let grow on you to truly "get," I'd suggest just BUYING In Their Darkened Shrines. There's no way in hell that you can say they're JADMB when they sound like NO OTHER DEATH BAND AROUND.


Plus, if you like growlers with enunciation, then why do you hate Barnes? He's the easiest growler to understand, really. And the reason you probably can't understand Karl's vocals is because, well, half of the lyrics are in Egyptian.

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