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In hindsight...

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I think it's funny sometimes to see commentary from back in the day when certain events actually took place. For example, this was written by Rick Scaia after the WWF Mind Games PPV in 1996 where Sandman spit beer in the face of Savio Vega in the first match:


"Inconveniently enough, they spill out to the exact side of the ring where the ECW

guests are seated. Savio regains the advantage outside, but stumbles just within range of the Sandman; and Sandman takes the opportunity to spit a mouthful of beer in Savio's face. Savio is surprised by this, and Sandman decides he wants to rumble, afterall. Savio figures he'd better just let it be, and hauls Bradshaw back into the ring while Paul E. and Dreamer try to contain Sandman, and are eventually hauled out of the building themselves. Throughout the ordeal, McMahon says only, "Well, there is the local wrestling company we told you about earlier... and some of their wrestlers are in attendence here tonight, trying to make a name for themselves at the expense of the WWF. This is an unfortunate incident, and our cameras will not shoot this footage." The cameras did indeed stay wide, and we only saw bits and piece of the trio being escorted away. Work or real sabotage attempt? My gut says this is the beginning of a promotion vs. promotion angle that will make WCW's contrived "NWO" look downright lame."


The internet wrestling community says a lot...what are some things looking back, that you or others said that is kind of funny now to look back on?

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