Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted September 11, 2004 Senior year was definitely a good time. I was fearing it would sorta suck, given that a good chunk of my friends graduated the previous year. Early in the year, I found out I needed minor surgery on my lower back, which was SUPPOSED to be an outpatient operation. Turns out things were a little worse off than they thought, so I was out of school from the end of October until the beginning of December. I got my work sent to me, and had a few weeks of home schooling while I was out. Of course once I got back, I had to get the ball rolling to make up for lost time. I was a "science tech", even though I HATE science. Basically it's like being a teacher's aid and getting credit for it. My homeroom teacher worked in the science department and got one of the other science teachers to approve me for it. It was the easiest credits I've ever earned. -The teacher would give me blank, but SIGNED, hall passes (in case I wanted to leave a study to go help him), which of course I'd use to wander the hall, hook my friends up, etc. -Bought grinders/sandwhiches from a local deli for a few teachers every day and would start getting me lunch, so I never paid for a lunch during senior year of high school. -I'd tote my video camera around nonchalantly just for the hell of it. I had always brought it to dances and other events, but senior year I figured may as well capture some of the memories on film. I've got some funny shit on those tapes between the students and the teachers. -Classload wasn't too bad. Human bio was my least favorite class workwise because I SUCK at science, but I pulled through with a high C (my lowest grade of senior year). I took Math Analysis (which was a combination of all the different maths, basically to "refresh" us for college), English IV (at my school you needed to pass all four years of English and Phys Ed. in order to graduate, but I aced English easily), Psychology (didn't take it junior year due to a heavy workload), and Human Bio. I didn't have to take a history since I was over the requirement for it, and I didn't bother with Spanish IV since it was more or less just Spanish III all over again. -I befriended a Japanese exchange student from the junior class, and became pretty good friends with him. I got him familiar with the town, got him hanging out with a few of my friends from the junior class, and just generally tried to get him involved while he was here. Though I haven't seen him in a while, he actually wound up moving here because of how much he enjoyed his time here, so I take partial credit for that. -Continued getting my copy of Wrestling Observer Newsletter every week from my old Algebra teacher. Yes, my algebra teacher for Algebra 1 freshman year and Algebra 2 junior year was a mid-20's smark. We'd be in the middle of a lesson, and he'd start tossing out smark references for a gag. Funny shit watching all but about 4 of us wondering what the hell a "jabroni" is. I could go on and on about stuff that happened senior year, but perhaps the most notable thing I did was skipping the senior prom. I know I've mentioned it on here before so I won't drag it on too far. The basic gist was that the girl I was dating (from another school, therefore on different schedules event-wise) was going to Ohio on a family trip the weekend of my prom. We had been dating fairly exclusively for a few months, and I figured that it was my last hurrah and wasn't going to just take a random date. So I opted to skip the prom (and turned down three date offers from friends/people I had liked at one point). The kicker? They were doing an article on my school and the prom in the state newspaper, so I talked my way into meeting up with the reporter (who was a friend of our class advisor, the school nurse). Told her exactly what I just said, about wanting to be with the person I like, not a random, etc. The paper hit that weekend and to say she did me justice would be an understatement, as she totally played up what a sweet guy I was all for the fact that I liked this girl. I was getting calls from girls I hadn't talked to in months telling me that I was the sweetest guy they knew. Then of course, when the girl I was dating got back the following week (she left thinking I was going to go with my best female friend), I simply handed her the paper and told her to read it. She was in pleasant shock, as I was apparently the first guy to do something so nice for her. Seeing as how we didn't date for very long after that, people wonder if I regret not going. I can't say I do, because now I've got a story that not many people can beat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted September 11, 2004 I was a "science tech", even though I HATE science. Basically it's like being a teacher's aid and getting credit for it. Same deal, only I loved it, and I got away with anything I wanted because of it. The chem teacher was an ex-hippy who went to school with my dad, and I was the top science student in the school. I had the record for most science credits of any graduate with something like 26, which worked out to more or less over a year and a half of nothing but science courses. I was on a first name basis with the entire department, and never even got pestered despite them having to know that I was always gourded. I even taught a lower level class or two that way, and they loved it because I have a fine appreciation for controlled explosions and dramatic demonstration experiments like timing indicator reactions to the cannon fire in the 1812 overture. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted September 11, 2004 That was like me too. I wasn't an ace at science (I was happy to get a C, even though I worked my ass off and one of my teachers clearly played favorites to the kids that lived near him/sucked up to him), but the tech stuff and just being active on the other end of a science class helped me out a lot. Plus I had a stack of blank hall passes, free lunch, and my own keys to the faculty bathrooms (because I wouldn't dare use the wretched student facilities even in the most dire circumstances). All that and I got credit for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted September 12, 2004 I never took a single shit at school through my entire K-12 education. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nanks Report post Posted September 12, 2004 I'm going to get the obvious joke out of the way early. SHITBREAK!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted September 12, 2004 I also have an affinity for older women. Believe me, the similarities are there, only I'm not a fucking tool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites