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Ted the Poster

Is my monitor dying?

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Recently my screen started to vibrate at a high frequency, and at first I thought it had been on too long, and discovered that turning it off for a bit would usually fix the problem. It got more and more frequent over a few weeks, and today when I turned it on the screen had a greenish hue. The colors, after a few seconds, appeared to be going back to normal, but got brighter than they're supposed to be. I checked and saw that the brightness and contrast controls were on the normal setting. Then the screen blinked off and on once, and a few seconds later completely shut itself off for a few seconds before coming back on by itself. Perplexed, I turned it off manually for a few minutes. When I turned it back on, the screen had a magenta-like hue. I left for a minute and came back to a purplish screen, which upon typing this has gone to a bluish purple.



So... what type of monitor should I get to replace this one? I don't have enough money for a flatscreen, though I don't really want one anyway. My dad ssuggested getting a ViewSonic.

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Guest Coffey

Check to make sure that all your cables are connected properly as well. I thought my monitor was going out once, but it turns out that one of the cords was just loose.

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For some reason, I read the topic name as "Is my mother dying?"



"Her life support seems to be off. Is this okay?"


Anyways, my monitor was doing the same thing. It turns out something was wrong with the wires, and voila, it was fixed. That may not be your problem, but it's good to check.

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I haven't unplugged or messed with any type of cord or wire on the computer since getting it, except of course for connecting various things to the USB port(internet, flashcard, calculator, etc).

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mine was doing something similar. It would black out, then come back on. After doing this a few times, it would make a weird noise and turn a weird colour. As it turns out, it was dying/dead. It sounds like yours is doing the same thing. If it starts smelling like burning, that's a good sign that you need a new one.

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