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Rob E Dangerously

Rhode Island Republican probably won't vote for GW

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PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee said Monday he plans to support his party in November but may write in a candidate instead of voting for President Bush.


The Rhode Island lawmaker, known for moderate views that often run counter to the Bush administration, said he was going to vote for a member of his party even though he disagrees with the president on many issues.


``I'm a Republican,'' said Chafee, who was appointed to the Senate in November 1999 to fill the seat when his father, John, died.


Chafee also said that Democratic Sen. John Kerry's lead in Rhode Island is so commanding, according to polls, that his vote won't affect the outcome.


``Practically, I come from Rhode Island. I hear Kerry's got 70 percent or so,'' he said. Asked if that meant he thought his vote didn't count, Chafee replied, ``Yes.''


We know what this means..


if Lincoln Chafee is the only man to vote, our next President will be Buddy Cianci and his Vice President will be Edwin Edwards, and since both of them are in prison, the world won't change drastically




Vote for the crook. It's important

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I think there's about five Republicans in Rhode Island. One of them's my friend, who's running for House.


Oh, and Cianci as president would be the greatest thing ever. We'd be the only country where the president has his own marinara sauce.

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But he doesn't count, Cereb. He's actually an eeeeeevil Republican.


And besides, hundreds of local/state Democrat politicans just switch political parties -- there were a buttload in the 1990s -- one that comes to mind is Ben "Nighthorse" Campell (name may not be 100% right)...

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most of them wouldn't mention that possibility in public


I said most.


Most does not mean all.


Most moderates in either party would prefer not being shunned for their lack of support to their candidate.


There are exceptions.

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